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Juel has been kidnapped by an obsessive stalker while hanging the clothes on the line... |
Chapter One Reaching up, I hurriedly grasped another dry pair of pants, took them off the line and then put them in the laundry basket. It was a cold day, dark and gloomy with the kind of sky you just know is waiting to pour down on you, which is why my mother had asked me to race out and grab the clothes off -she being too busy to do it herself-before they got wet. A big raindrop plopped coldly onto my cheekbone. I started pulling clothes off without unpegging them, which I was not supposed to do but I did not fancy getting cold and wet. Suddenly, without even taking the time to spit first, it started pouring. My long hair became plastered to my back and my clothes clung wetly to my skin. I frantically raced around, pulling the clothes off, hearing them make funny pop noises as the pegs went flying into the air. I was already soaked so I saw no need to really hurry anymore.After a few minutes, it became enjoyable and even funnier, so I slowed down but kept pulling them off. The clothes and I were already soaked, anyway. By the time I gave up my game and came inside, I was shaking and shivering but in good spirits. I chucked the wet-but-clean clothes onto the landing and went into the dining room. In the kitchen, whilst I made myself a hot Milo, I noticed voices coming from the wall, which divided the kitchen and the formal lounge. Curious, I snuck around the corner and saw my mother talking to a tall, elegantly dressed man. His back was to me and my mother was entertaining, so of course neither of them noticed that I was party to their conversation. "I'm sure that's perfectly fine, Mrs Liberté," the man said. My mother issued a charmingly delighted giggle. "There are not many men in this world as prosperous as you are, Mr Oscuro. How did you manage to thrive in business at such a young age?" My mother shower a true interest. The topic of work bored me and I had no desire to hang around to listen to it. I spun on my heel and was trying to discreetly sneak away, but my already wet feet slipped on a puddle I had made and my legs went right up in the air. I slid into the room and skidded to a stop at the feet of my mother and her guest. Their eyes widened and they stared down. I noticed that the man, 'Mr Oscuro', was actually quite young, about ten, eleven years advanced to my fifteen, and quite attractive.As he stared down,I stared up, and wondered what he saw. My hair, long and dark, plastered to my face and back, my big dark blue eyes looking out from a pale, wet face. His eyes moved down and I selfconsciously pulled my clothes from my body when I realized they clung tightly. My mother stepped forward to pull me to me feet, but the man quickly said, "Allow me," and grasped my hand firmly in his before my mother could object and pulled me up. "Uh...thank you," I said, nervously. I looked at my scraped elbow. "Why, thank you for that," Mrs Liberté put in hastily, then excused us 'for a moment', although I knew I probably would not be back. She drew me aside, then whispered furiously under her breath. "Where have you been! I asked you to do the clothes an hour ago! Have you been fooling around all this time? Do you realize you have just embarrassed yourself in front of the most powerful man in the state? Answer me!" Oh boy, she was very angry. I shuffled uncomfortably, aware that Mr Oscuro could hear all of my mother's embarrassing reprimands. "I'm sorry, mum," I said. I kept my eyes down. I could feel Mr Oscuro looking at me. Mrs Liberté pointed towards my bedroom."Off you go." I sighed and started walking. "Wait!" Mr Oscuro said sharply."Don't I get an introduction?" My mother looked a bit flustered, as if she had not even considered it. "Why...Of course. Dominic Oscuro, please meet my daughter, Juel." she said. I stepped forward and held out my hand, as was perfunctory. "Pleased to meet you, Mr Oscuro," I said politely. He held my hand. His touch was warm and smooth. "Please, call me Dominic," he replied, his eyes on mine. I saw in them something strange, his gaze enveloping as he stared at my face. I nodded. He kept holding my hand, and was even reluctant to let go when my mother cleared her throat. "Well, I must be going. Thank you for a lovely cup of tea, Mrs Liberté." He said. She smiled and said your welcomes. "See you," I said. His eyes looked into mine with that strange intensity again. I noticed that they were a good shade of green. "Yes, indeed," he said, and was then gone. ** ** ** ** A few weeks later, everyone had forgotten about my embarrassing spectacle in front of Mr Oscuro and things were back to normal. My sixteenth birthday had passed with a flourish. The phone rang. I lay on my stomach on my bed, doing hated and dreaded homework, when the phone rang. "Juel! It's for you!" Mum yelled from the kitchen. I jumped off my bed and ran out to get the portable from its cradle. "Hello!" I sang. There was a silence. "Hello? Is there anyone there? Hellohellohello!" I said, and then after a silence, gathered I was talking to myself. "Juel! Are you still on?" My mum called, always the gossiping busybody. "Yes!" I yelled, figuring I could just talk to myself and pretend someone was there, like I did when I was little. Anything do put off that homework. "Oh, yes, I did. Thanks! What? Really? Oh my God! Thats so funny!" I carried on. I continued the imaginary conversation, drawing off the dialogue in a call from a classmate I was going to a concert with. Then I said goodbyes and hung up. "I'm off!" I yelled to mum. I flopped back on my bed and stared at the celing, thinking hard. When I had answered, there was someone on the line. But they didn't reply when I said hello so i talked to myself, but there was no click to indicate they had ever hung up, which meant someone had listened to me talking completely to myself for a whole half hour! Geeze, how embarrassing. Hopefully it was no one I knew! "Juel, love, would you get the clothes off the line for me? I think we are due for a storm and your school clothes are on there." I said yeah and went to get the basket off the landing, then headed outside. ** ** ** ** I stuck my headphones over my ears, my discman in my pocket and started down the back to our clothesline. It had been put there a few years ago by a 'friend' of my mother's, and had suffered heaps from me swinging off it all the time, every chance I got. Therefore it was extremely lopsided, considering I still swung off it when the mood struck me (which was pretty often). I turned up the volume on my discman and nodded my head to the techno beat. I waltzed up to the clothesline and began removing clothes and sticking them in the basket. Shaking my butt and being silly. Suddenly, the hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I swung around. Was someone watching me? I peered into the bushes. Our property backed onto a native animal reserve, so I assumed it might be an animal or bird taking a look around. But I turned my music down, anyways, just in case. And sure enough, this time I actually heard something! The crack of a stick or something of the like. I spun around again. "Hey!" I yelled, spotting a dark head popping out over the bushes. The figure rose slowly. It was...Mr Oscuro! I gaped at him, shocked. "Mister...Mister Oscuro?" I said, worried. Maybe he was in trouble, and wanted my mother to help! "Do you want my mother? Are you all right? I'll go get her." I turned and started to hurry towards the house. It looked very far away. "No!" He cried, and leaped out to grab my shoulder, "I don't need your mother. I need you." I stared up at him. Me? What did he need me for? "Me, sir? Are you sure? You look funny.If you're sick or something, my mum can deal with it better... I'm getting her. Stay here, I will be right back." I said. He shook his head. "You aren't understanding me. I'm in no trouble, and I don't want your mother. I want you. All I can think about is you!" He emphasized this by squeezing my arms which he still had in his grasp. I was shocked. "What? Are you CRAZY? You don't even know me! You met me a few weeks ago for Christ's sake!" I shook my head and backed away. "Anyway, you're OLD!" He WAS crazy. And I was alone with him, all the way down the back yard! "I have to go now. I have to finish the clothes. Bye!" I said and turned to run, but he grabbed me again. "Hey! LET ME GO! What are you doing?" I yelled as he swung me up over his shoulder and started to walk into the bush. "I'm taking you home." He said it calmly. "My house is the other way!" "I'm taking you to MY home." He replied, as if this was the most natural thing in the world. "No! Put me down! I'll scream! Help! SOMEBODY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Go ahead. No one will hear you." He said, still striding confidently forward. It continued this way for about twenty more minutes. He never got tired, never stopped to rest or put me down. Every time I thought I heard something near us or imagined a voice, I would scream my lungs out. "This is ridiculous!" I said."What the heck do you want me for? You're old and rich, why don't you go and....I dunno,'hire' someone if you're so lonely and desperate?" He said nothing but I could see a small smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "Boy, are you going to feel SO stupid when you come back to Earth!" I said."What a big mistake this all is. I promise I won't laugh at you when you decide to put me down, so you may as well do it now so I don't have to walk back so far," I added. He said nothing, so I decided he was ignoring me. And so it continued, I on his shoulder and he walking through the bush, sometimes casually whistling some tune. Its not much fun just hanging on someone's shoulder, and certainly not very comfortable. I became bored and decided to sing. "This old man, he played one, he played knick-knack on my drum!" and so on until I went through the whole song. Eventually, we reached a part of the bush that had been thinned out some, and I realized this was because we were nearing a road. That would be great! There was a fence around the whole property, and there was no way he could make it over with me on his shoulder, so he would have to put me down at some stage. Then, when he had one leg on each side, I would give him a mighty shove and run down the fence, in the opposite direction, and then jump over and go to the road when I heard a car approach. Perfect! But as we neared the fence, my heart sank. It was only a utility road, closed off to the public, and it being a Sunday there would not be any staff from the animal center coming out this way to pick me up. And worse, he had a driver waiting! Though I knew it was useless, I bucked and started screaming when he tried to hand me over to the driver, a huge, bald man who would look better in a weightlifting championship than a chauffeurs uniform. I kicked and wiggled and tried to get free. So Mr Oscuro held me tighter and pulled my body close to his. "Shhh," he whispered to me, "I'm not going to hurt you, calm down, it's all ok, everything is fine..." He whispered in soothing tones. Nice try! I'd learned all about strangers in school. So I screamed and kicked harder. And he resorted to pressing a cloth covered in something fumic over my face. I stiffened and started to breathe heavily, my eyes dropping. He was putting me to sleep! My eyes closed. And I woke up in a huge marble bedroom that was definitely not my own. On inspection of the room, I decided it was definitely not from my area of town. The ceilings were high and smooth, the floors polished oak- this room obviously belonged to a fancy mansion in a wealthy suburb. The bedroom was decorated entirely medival style- huge four poster bed, chandeliers hung from the ceiling,very, very old and beautiful furniture- which happened to be the style that I adore...it was as though it had been decorated entirely for me! I got out of bed and wandered over to a largely panelled door.I reached out and grabbed the handle, and when I found it was locked I threw a fit and banged, pulled and yanked on it.It didn't budge, so I glared at it for a while before wandering over to the only other door that didn't appear to be a closet or dressing room. I stood before it awkwardly, wondering where it led to, and if there was anyone on the other side. I decided, and pulling the door open, found myself in a room that seemed to be..a million dollar bathroon! Gold fixtures glittered everywhere. At the far end of the room (which was bigger than my room at home),stood a huge antique tub that had been converted into a spa. Thick, fluffy towels were stacked on top of a cabinet to my right. And to my left stood a huge dresser carved from a beautiful ebony wood, so smooth it looked like silk. I was awed. I went up to it and reached out to touch it, running my fingers along the wood. Behind me, a voice said, "Ah, I see you have found your bathroom?" I spun around and saw Dominic leaning in the bathroon doorway. I scowled at him. "Don't talk to me. You kidnapped me and knocked me out with a smelly cloth. I hate you. Piss off!" A typical angered teenager's response. I tried to sweep past him, but he blocked my way, a lazy smile on his lips, so I turned around and marched up to the dresser. Pulling a drawer open, I found it stacked full of beautiful, fashionable and very expensive looking clothes. And, they were my size! "Hey! These look like they would fit me!" I turned a suspicious look to him. He put his hands in the air, a submissive gesture. "Ok, ok, I confess. They were bought for you. While I'm at it, I may as well tell you that I have been planning to kidnap you from the moment I saw you, and that the room you now live in was decorated entirely for you." He watched my face for the reaction. I knew he wanted a response so I tried to keep my face blank. "Did you really. Well it's a pity, because I won't be staying here long enough to enjoy it, or even know what the rest of the house looks like, because you are going to take me home this instant!" I said, grinding my teeth. How dare he? "Don't be silly. Of course you will be able to enjoy it, since I'm not letting you leave. This is now your home, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now why don't you relax and have a nice spa bath?" He said patronisingly. Damn, how I hated him then! "Sure, I'll have a bath. Would you mind getting out, please?" I said with a sweet look. He looked at me suspiciously with eyebrows raised, but turned and left anyway. "Don't lock the door. I will be waiting in your sitting room if you need me. If-" was as far as he got, before i leapt out and slammed the door shut, twisting the key in the lock. I leaned against it and slid to the floor, letting out a sigh. But my relief was short lived. Immediately he started pounding on the door. " Juel! Unlock this door! Why do you want to lock me out? JUEL! OPEN THE DOOR!!" The pounding was scary, but I was not worried as the wood was thick and strong. But I should have been! I had just started to get undressed and was in my undies and bra and singlet when he managed to finally break through the door, which was a huge shock. How strong was he? He burst in and stared wildly around, searching for me. When his eyes stopped on me, hiding in the far corner behind a large potted plant, he showed relief and anger. "Why the hell did you lock the door? I told you not to!" he turned and looked at the ruined door. "Now I need to get a new door. They aren't cheap, you know." "Get out! Are you crazy! Get out!" He turned to look at me. I just stared at him, and he finally seemed to notice my state of undress, because he blinked and stared possessively at me. When he made a move toward me I shrieked and tried to race to the door leading to my cupboard. He grabbed me, confused. "What's the matter? Why are you yelling like that?" he asked, and I shook my head at him and backed away. He must have seen the fear in my eyes because he stopped, and laid his arms at his sides. "You're afraid of me, aren't you?" He said softly. I looked up at him. "Shouldn't I be? After all you have done, do you expect me to shake your hand and say 'thanks'?" I asked in a shaky voice. I laughed hysterically. I could not take it anymore. I turned and bolted for the cupboard again, but the room was spinning and I felt a bit sick. "Wait! Juel, I'm sorry. Shit, I shouldn't have used the drugs. Please, Juel!" He begged.I tipped over, looking almost drunk, and the room spun hazily. My stomach heaved. I scrambled over to the sink and was sick. I heard him speak, as if coming from far away."Oh Jesus are you all right? I'm so sorry, so sorry," and heard him approach. I reached around and my hand closed over a heavy glass bottle. I turned around and swung wildly at him. "Get away! Get away from me!" I wispered, my throat sore. He stopped and put his hands up in surrender. I held the bottle out as though it were a sword. "Let me leave or I'll bash your head in," I said bravely. He sorrowfully shook his head. I felt another lurch in my stomach and doubled over. He began to come at me. I shut my eyes and heaved the bottle at him. It missed by ages but I knew i frightened him off a bit. As he ducked and swore i raced into the cupboard. "You better not try to get in!" I yelled when he started banging. The banging stopped. "I will hang myself," I announced clearly. He scoffed. "Ha. I purposely took out anything you could hurt yourself with when I prepared these rooms, and I really doubt I left some rope in there for an opportunity like this." I evilly chuckled back at his scoffing."Guess you forgot the coathangers, huh?" I said sweetly. There was silence. I went over and got one, then dragged it over the door so he could hear the sound it made. I heard him walk away and breathed a sigh of relief. OK, i could guilt him out about kidnapping and suicide. That would probably come in handy! I sat down against the door for about another ten minutes before i heard footsteps approach. "Hey! Are you out there?" Suddenly I heard a funny little pop, and then something touched the floor. I jumped up with a cry when smoky stuff began filtering into the room. It was sleeping gas, that much i knew from my classes in science. "Sleeping gas? Where the hell did you get sleeping gas?" I yelled, trying to fan the smog away. "Oh, I have my sources," replied Dominic, "Its for your own good. Just unlock the door and it will stop." I staggered towards the door, a hand over my mouth. It didn't stop the foul stuff from filling my mouth and nose. "Please," I gagged. My fingers frantically twisted the lock open and i fell against the door,and into Dominic's waiting arms, finally unconcious. I barely heard him murmer tenderly, "Oh, Juel, do you have to make it so hard for yourself? You will never get away from me." And again I awoke in the huge bed in the marble bedroom. I went around the suite again, and discovered that during my little nap he had taken off all the locks in the room and reversed the one on the door leading out into what had to be the hallway- therefore he could lock me into my room but I could not keep him out, nor could I hide in the bathroom or cupboard again. Peeking in the closet i discovered that all coathangers were gone. So I made a descision. I would annoy the hell out of him until he decided I wasn't worth the pain and let me go. I wouldn't change my clothes, shower or make my bed, in fact I planned to mess up the room as much as possible. I would move the furniture around if I could, counting on that it wasn't too heavy. It was pretty old. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door."Juel? Are you awake?" called Dominic. I jumped into bed, ruffled the covers to make them look messy, rubbed my hair so it tangled and then buried myself halfway down the bed. He may not even see me in all the puffed doonas, I thought. There was the rattle of a key in the lock and then the door swung open. I lay still and shut my eyes, trying not to breathe. He approached the bed. "Juel? Are you in there?" he said. He slowly pulled back the covers, exposing my face. I lay as if I were dead. When he reached out and touched my face I bit down on my tongue to stop myself yelling. But when he pulled back the doona to expose my shoulders and chest and reached out yet again, I could not help but shriek "Don't touch me, you pervert!" He jumped back, startled. I leaped put of bed and ran towards the door, pounding on it. "Juel! Stop!" he called out. "Get away from me, you pig!" I yelled back. I spun and saw him just a few feet from me. I froze and stepped back against the door.He stepped forward. "Stop it," I said. He smiled and shook his head. "I will give you more freedom but you have to promise not to hide or run away anymore." He looked at me to see what I would do. "I'll run away if I have to. You were about to sexually harrass me!" I said. He flushed, embarrassed, and said, "So what. I usually get what I want and damn, do I want you." "Oh!" I spat,disgusted,"You are really full of yourself. I wouldn't touch you for a million bucks, let alone lay back and take it cos you have a liking for me!" He frowned at this. "Why do you have to be so vulgar? I love you. I want us to be together." I looked at him. "Are you thick! I'm only sixteen anyway! And i met you like two weeks ago. Besides, you're much too old for me, almost enough to be my dad." I said. I knew he really couldn't be more than twenty-six at the most, but it was really funny to see his face when i said how old i thought he was. "Your dad? Jesus. But, it does not matter. When we are married you will learn to love me, you'll see." "You're crazy!"I yelled,"I'm not marrying you! And you can't make me!" "Oh, Juel, you are still so like a child. You are marrying me, I can make you, and yes, I probably am a little crazy. The wedding is tonight, after dinner, amd I want you to be good for me." His arm flashed out and snaked about me before I could react. "Let me go! Hey! Stop it! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I screamed as he drew a wrapped hypodermic needle from his pocket. "Shhh, there's nothing to be scared of, it's just a little something to help you relax...and obey." He whispered in my ear. He held me tight against his chest with one arm and with the other, drew back my sleeve. He patted something cold against my skin, a sterilizer or something, and then I felt a stinging pain as the needle went in, then a strange coldness as the fluid flowed into my veins. Suddenly, I felt extremely weak and sleepy. I slumped onto Dominic's chest and he held me up. My head fell back against his arm and I found myself staring up at him, my eyes wide and fearful. That worked fast! "See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He cooed. I dreamily shook my head, still gazing at him. He swung me up so that I was held in his arms like a baby. I felt relief when he pushed open my door and carried me out into the corridor, and then panic when he brought me into a bedroom that could only be his. "No," I whispered weakly. I clenched my hands around his collar and clenched my teeth. "Please, no, no." He held onto me a bit tighter and I tried to struggle. I straightened my back and clung to him wildly as he inevitably walked towards the large, four poster bed. To my relief, he merely dumped me unceremoniously on the quilt. I dozed off as he stared down at me. It must have been about half an hour later when my eyes popped open. Fearfully I glanced around. Dominic wasn't here. But someone else was! I felt my hopes raise as I stared at the middle-aged woman bustling around, setting up a table at the end of the bed. A lacy white table cloth adorned the table which was set with silver candlesticks and pretty china. It was obviously meant to be a romantic dinner for two. I opened my mouth to speak, to cry for help, but all that came out was a rusty croak. I tried again. "Help me," I whispered. The woman glanced worriedly at me, then picked up a glass of water which she pressed to my lips. I sipped eagerly, then looked up at her. "Please, you have to help me. I'm a prisoner here. That man is holding me against my will!" She looked down at me, her face creasing into a kind smile. "There now dear, you'll feel better soon! The Master is a good man, you'll love him as we all do." I stared up at her, shocked. She knew her 'Master' was a kidnapper and she was proud of it! "You're as crazy as he is," I whispered dully. My head was full of fog. I felt dreamy, almost happy. And very weak. She trilled out a laugh. "There, there, don't be upset! Its a special day for you!" she looked around. "Time for dinner, nearly. Come on, sit at the table," She reached for my hands to lift me up. I tried to weakly flop them out of her way. "Now, now, don't be silly! It's inevitable," and she grabbed for them again. "Let her be, Mags, I'll take care of her," a voice said. I swiveled my head and saw Dominic striding into the room. Mags hurried out. Dominic easily caught my flailing hands and picked me out of the bed. I hung in his grasp like a big rag doll. He put me in a large, comfortable chair in front of the table. It had arms so I wouldn't fall out. He dragged his chair over closer to mine. "Now, I don't know exactly what kind of foods you like, so I brought a selection." He opened up platters and I smelt a few different varieties of food. I glared at him, trying to move my legs sensibly. "I'm not hunry," I said, somewhat slurred. Immediately my stomach let out a growl. He raised his eyebrows and held a bowl of soup out to me. I couldn't take it anyway. He got a spoon and dipped in into the soup. When he held it in front of my lips I shut them firmly. He sighed. "Are you going to starve yourself?" I nodded. "Can't you at least speak to me then, if I am only going to be in your presence until you die of starvation?" I shook my head. He clenched his fists and looked at the table. I wiggled my hand over and my fingers grasped a butter knife. Better than nothing, I suppose. He stared at me, chewing slowly, slowly. I stared back, my eyes distant. He gestured to the table. "Have some wine? Please? I had it brought up just for us tonight." My eyes felt grainy and dull. Was he stupid? I didn't drink wine! I had two years to go til I could drink it legally, and all I drank with my friends was nice stuff like Baileys and Cruisers. He sighed again. I realised he was speaking. "...good, and even more relaxed...although I don't know if you should be any more relaxed than you are already. But really. Be serious. The celebrant will be here any minute now. I want you to promise you won't make a scene.... alright?" He was leaning in closer, feeling my forehead and hands. I felt so dreamy...and so warm... "Juel! Snap out of it!" Dominic's voice suddenly came loud and sharp. I forced my eyes open. My face felt so hot, like it was burning. It began to hurt. Frantically I scanned the table. There! A jug of water, just in front of me. I reached out and grabbed it. It felt so heavy. I used both hands and dragged it across to me. Then I slowly tipped it and water spilled into my palms. I splashed it all over my face. It felt shockingly cold, and I felt-temporarily- very awake. Dominic was looking at me. I lowered my eyelids, tried to look dreamy again. He relaxed. In a soothing voice he said "Come over here, Juel. Sit on my lap." I felt a flutter of panic in my chest but fought it back down as I held the butterknife. Moving slowly, as if I were in a dream, I went to stand in front of him. He smiled gently, reached up, and held my arm, tugging softly. I sat on his lap. "That's better, isn't it?" he said, running his fingers along my cheek, down my arm. He opened his arms so I was sitting with my back against his chest, my head falling back on his shoulder. Tentatively, as though afraid, he put his large, long fingered hand on the base of my throat. I didn't move. Bravely, he pushed my head back, my neck exposed to him, while he put his other hand flat against my stomach. It felt very hot through my thin pajamas. He paused, then moved the hand on my stomach in a slow, circular motion. It felt nice. Suddenly my heart started to pound as his hand slid upward, towards my breasts. But it stopped just under them, going back and forth across my ribs, gentle as you please. He must have been able to feel my heart pounding, but he said nothing. He put a finger under my chin and tured my face towards his. I couldn't believe how gentle he was...it was hard to think of him as the same person who had kidnapped and drugged me. Before I could do anything, he was kissing me. Just gently, his lips pressed softly to mine, his hand stroking my cheek, his other one still rubbing my belly. I was so surprised at first that I did nothing. And then when I realized what he was doing, I didn't feel like telling him to stop. It felt even nicer than his hand on my belly. "Thats it...ah...just relax..." he breathed into my neck. His kiss was so good, that I found myself wondering. If only, if only... if... I remembered. We were at his house because he kidnapped me. I was drowsy because he drugged me. This man was a deranged criminal, and I was letting him touch me- and worse, I liked it! I felt a huge bubble of anger and panic and something else- regret, I think- burst up into my chest. I tried to pull my mouth away. His hand on my throat tightened, and I felt him rubbing my pulse. I started to sit up. He took his mouth away. "Let me go. Let me go!" I cried. I tried to turn around to face him in the chair. He had a hold on my wrist. "Relax. Just relax," he soothed. His fingers rubbed a pattern on my skin. Oh crud. I started feeling sleepy again. I needed more water! But it felt so nice to not care. "There you go," he said as I leaned back again. I felt like I could fall asleep and rest forever. I sighed. My eyes shut. Dominic was saying something.... but what? I didn't care. His hand was on my tummy again, going round and round and round. We were standing. My clothes were different. Instead of my pajamas I was wearing something long and very soft. A dress. There was a man right in front of me. Dominic? No. This man was a lot older, balding. He was wearing funny clothes. It reminded me of something... a priest? Yeah, that's it. I realised I wasn't standing alone. I wasn't standing at all. Strong arms were around my waist, clasping my hands. I was leaning backwards against a strong. nice smelling person. Was that where Dominic had got to! The priest guy was talking. Wedding vows! I struggled to focus my eyes. Yup. He had a book thing that he was reading out of, too. Hey! We were at a wedding! I looked around. Just near me was that old lady, Mags, and some other guy. Maybe they were getting married. How nice. I yawned and snuggled backwards. The arms tightened and I felt a kiss on my cheek, softly. I shut my eyes again. Half asleep, I was aware of my hand being touched, and something cool sliding on my finger. I wondered what it was, then decided thinking was too hard. I woke slowly, stretching my limbs out in the big soft bed. Turning onto my back, I arched backwards and felt my bones creak. Sunlight spilled happily into the bed. Shutting my eyes again I rolled to my right. There was something big and soft right next to me. Assuming it was Big Ted I put my arms around him and snuggled down deep. I almost screamed when Big Ted hugged me back. Shoving at Dominic I turned and sat up. What had happened last night? My head ached something awful. Dominic put his hand on my shoulder. Groaning I pressed my hands into my face and flinched when something smooth, cold and hard smacked against my closed eye. Startled, I pulled my hands away. My eyes bulged. On my ring finger was a ring! A delicate gold band encircled my finger. Fighting back the urge to empty my stomach I said hoarsely “Why the hell is there a ring on my finger!” I jumped out of the bed and looked at Dominic. He was resting on his elbows, the doona covers pooling around his bare middle. I stared at his naked torso. God is he hot! I thought. As if he knew what I was thinking, he smiled lazily. I gritted my teeth. Looking at my finger again, I tugged at the pretty ring. It wouldn’t budge. I realised what it signified. I started breathing heavily. “What have you done?” Dominic slipped over to my side and shoved back the covers. I started to step back and his hand shot out and grabbed my wrist. With a gentle tug I sprawled face first onto the bed. Quickly Dominic flipped me over then slipped his body over mine. He held my hands over my head. “Listen,” he said. “I have something to tell you. I know for a fact that you aren’t going to like it…but please be sensible.” I was pretty sure that I knew what was coming. “Last night, you and I…got married.” He stared expectantly into my face. I tried very hard to keep my face straight. “I see. I hate to tell you something upsetting on your honeymoon, but I want a divorce.” Dominic smiled sympathetically. Without warning he kissed me. I was so shocked I did nothing, and then I twisted my head to the side. He looked down at me, his eyes deeply green. “Don’t,” he whispered. “Why do you want to fight me?” I thought to myself for a moment. Then I got an idea. “Lets strike a bargain,” I said, “I won’t…fight you anymore, or run away, if you let me call my mum. Deal?” Dominic half smiled then shook his head. “You may find this disappointing, but you know, you have been here four days. On the first day I rang your mother myself. She knows you are here with me, and she approves.” My mouth dropped open incredulously. “How could she do this to me? My own mother!” Dominic seemed ashamed. “I must admit, I wasn’t entirely truthful with her. She believes you are here of your own free will, that we are pursuing a relationship. Before I…brought you here, I proposed to her the idea of me courting you.” I was shaking my head. “I don’t believe it. This can’t be happening. This is not real!” Dominic was smiling again. “I’m your husband now, believe it or not. And there’s another little detail you may dislike…” I glared up at him. “Tell me.” He blew out a breath and said, “I had you sign a contract… pretty much saying that you have a history of mental problems and that you want me to become your guardian. Nothing you want to do can be set in motion without my approval.” My mouth fell open. I really was his prisoner! I had had enough. Thoughts of slavery and pain filled my head. A slave. No way was I going to let him get away with this! My hand snaked out and I slapped him in the face. I caught his look of shock before I jumped from the bed. I ran over to the large chestnut dresser and picked up a small lamp. I heaved it at the wall. It shattered into a million tinkling pieces. From behind me I heard him shout my name. I ignored it and stared into the mirror. Picking up a silver hairbrush, I calmly smashed the mirror with it. Glass rained everywhere. Slowly I picked up a long, sharp shard of glass. I held it before my eyes. Looking into it, I saw fractions of my face. Was I going insane? I didn’t care. Dominic was sneaking up behind me. I whipped around and tried to slash at him with the glass. He easily avoided it and caught one of my waving hands. He tried to catch my other arm, the one with the glass, and I succeeded in cutting him with it. He showed no sign of pain. I wrenched free and backed into the corner, holding the glass out in front of me, tears flowing down my face. “Stay away from me.” I whispered. His eyes bored into mine. Before he realized what I was doing, I lifted the glass into the air and attempted to plunge it into myself. I had made a few small wounds before he could get the glass away from my hands. He stooped and picked me up from where I had fallen. Gently he laid me on the bed. Then he took off my shirt and looked at the cuts. I lay back silently, passively staring at the ceiling. I didn’t care anymore. No. No. No more caring, no more pain. I lay in the exact same position when a doctor was brought in. Dominic peered anxiously into my face while the doctor examined me. I still didn’t move when the quack bandaged me up. For two more days I lay blankly on the bed. I watched Dominic’s face go from worried to severely anxious, then angry. On the third day he broke down. |