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Letters from Jessica to her imaginary friend Richard...updated 1-08-05 |
Ladies and Gentlemen before we begin let me just say that i've missed writing on wdc so i'm sorry for my long absence. Let me also say that Richard is an imaginary friend of mine that I made up one day when I was bored...I know sixteen is a little old to have an imaginary friend. But it's something to do when i'm bored and it's even really more than that but I can't explain it. I am going to tell you a story from letters. All made up in my own head. Fictional. Based in the modern day world, only in this story I'm a farmgirl that doesn't have that many friends and so I invented an imaginary friend, Richard, who goes to Harvard law school and I write him letters. I even fold them up and put them in an envelope, putting his name on them. I had done research on Harvard and that's how I found a real life address. So I put that on the envelopes as well. Just to make them seem realistic. The letters never leave my room of course. I keep them in a little wooden box....until one day when I go on vacation and my neighbor, who was supposed to keep house for us while we were gone, goes into my room, sees one of the letters out, and mails it...... *************************************************************************** Dear Richard, I woke up this morning before anyone else in my family was up. It was just barely dawn outside, it was quiet and peaceful. And so I decided to go for a walk outside. Things have been differant since the start of my junior year of highschool. Differant even before. I cannot even put a finger on it. But outside this morning, I was overcome by the beauty of creation, and suddennlly it was like I was flying and I didn't even care about the changes I couldn't name. As you know, you are my only friend, and since you went away to Harvard it's been rather lonely. Mom does her best and Daddy's awesome, but it's not the same as having my own friend who I can talk to and tell everything. I wish you would hurry up and write me. How is law school going? I still can't believe that you finally made it into Harvard. You had better be taking lots of documents. Pictures, videos, journal entries, I want everything. Yesterday we had a cookout and I thought of you, because i know how much you love home-fixed hamburgers. How is your roomate David? Has he ever recovered from that blow to the head he got when I mistook him for a mugger? Please tell him again how sorry I am, and that Theatre Major or no, he shouldn't go about in public wearing all black, and a goofy mask upon his face. It just isn't healthy. Well I must go gather the eggs and feed the chickens and all that other stuff that a farmgirl does. Farewell, Jessica Dear Jessica, Rest assured that David is quite well. I think you actually did him a service! Before he couldn't remember any of his lines for the play, now he can recite the whole play and sing the songs and do the voices...in fact that's all he does anymore! It's rather annoying. Jessica, have you tried smiling? You really do have a beautiful smile but you rarely smile when you're among people. It's amazing the many barriers you can cross just by smiling at someone. I suggest you smile more at school. You'll make several friends in a matter of a few class periods! I have been taking lots of pictures, the closest thing to a journal I have are the letters I write to you. Not a lot has happened since I moved here. I'm getting to know a few people, David of course, whom you have already met. Who else? There's Thomas York who's on the debate team. He's a charming fellow, with a slight ego problem. Not too big though, you'd like him. Amy Valentine who I know only because she works at Starbucks on campus. I believe she is a Political Science Major. Ryan Goodwin lives in my hall. He's a bit of a nerd but a scholarly nerd. He is a History major. Very intelligent! My proffessors have been hard to socialize with thusfar, but I think they're getting used to me. ![]() Nothing exciting has happened thusfar..but rest assured if anything does happen you will be the first to know about it. God Bless Richard Dear Richard, We had an assembly at school today and a student from Harvard came to speak! I didn't catch his name I was daydreaming, but when I heard the word "Harvard" my ears perked up and I began to pay attention. Apparently this dude had graduated with honors from Maplewood High last year. Weird. You'd think I would have paid attention to something like that. But the weirdest thing of all was he RECOGNIZED ME!! After the assembly I was getting some books out of my locker and he came up and said hi to me. I was so shocked I dropped my books. My ears must have been scarlet. Anyway, as he helped me pick up my books he explained that Mrs. Thompson, (you remember, the lady I work as a companion for?) is his Grandmother on his mother's side and she speaks very highly of me. I smiled, without even thinking about it. "Thank-you." I said quietly. "I mean..congratulations." I felt like SUCH an idiot. But he just smiled and thanked ME for being so kind to his grandmother. I felt guilty that I do the job for pay. Anyway, that's my event for the day. I wish I had payed attention when his name was announced. I wonder if you know him? If only I could ask Mrs. Thompson in a roundabout way.... well, good-bye for now, Your Friend, Jessica Dear Jessica, I wish I could give you more information on the guy. However you don't give one much to work with...if you ever learn his name let me know and I'll find out about him. I hope this happening has made you think more of yourself in the respect that other people may want to get to know you! This dude obviously thought you worth while enough to remember! Think of all the friends you could make if you'd just come out of your shell! And you know Jess, that I am meaning all of this in the kindest, most loving way. I'm glad you smiled. You have such a pretty smile, and people need to see it more often! I'll bet you anything that this guy remembered you because of your radiant white smile! Dave says to tell you hello. He's working on his monologue for Hamlet. The ever famous "To Be, or not to Be"....personally I'm getting sick of it. He asks you to consider whether he should wear black or grey for the audition and to write your answer in the next letter. The audition is in exactly one month. Well, I must leave for debate club. Farewell, God Bless! Richard Dear Richard, You are too generous and too flattering with your compliments. But I thank-you for them anyway. Tell Dave I think he should wear a black t-shirt, tucked into some black slacks, with a black belt...but he should have SOME bit of grey on him...hmm..if he has a grey button-up shirt, like a hawaiian shirt only grey, he should wear that over the black. If not, let him borrow yours. The one with the clouds on it. I haven't been able to talk to Mrs. Thomson about her grandson yet. Three days after he left I caught bronchitus and I've been forbidden to leave the house even for a moment this entire week. Ugh! It's so BORING. Thanksgiving break is coming up soon! Are you coming down? sorry this letter is so weird. I'll write you a better one next time! Your Friend, Jessica Dear Richard, There's an Armenian guy and I could SWEAR he's following me! He hasn't done anything to give me REASON to feel nervous about him except for always being around. It's going to be the Garrett scenario again! I wish you were here to help me! MAKE HIM GO AWAY! WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER MY LETTERS!?!?! |