Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/577414-The-saddest-day
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Emotional · #577414
A peaceful, happy day turns out to be life changing
I was reading the paper the other day, and I read this story which really stuck in my mind. It made me hurt inside for the family who had to clean up the mess, after this……… tragedy. It was a tragic story- not of hundreds dying in an earthquake, not of a plane crash or a mass murder in America. A simple local story, which tugged on my heart strings and forced a tear from where I thought I’d never have to go back to again.

The perfect summer afternoon was at it’s peak as the two friends travelled down the quiet country road. It was not unusual for Rachel to be here, listening to the singing birds hiding in the tree tops as she sat on the back of her dear horse, Calypso. Today was slightly different though, as her best friend was jogging along side her trying desperately to keep up, and wishing that horses weren’t so fast. They didn’t say much, as they enjoyed the rare peace that surrounded them. The warmth of the afternoon wrapped itself around them like a blanket, making them feel relaxed and at ease. The soft pink wild flowers which grew on the banks felt the same, as they lifted their heads to the great blue sky above them.

They hadn’t met another person since they started their journey nearly a mile ago, and weren’t planning to meet anymore. It was possible that they could come across the odd tractor, but Rachel knew that this road was hardly ever used, so it was a safe place to be.

Rachel struck up a conversation about a friend’s party they were going to that evening. They were part of a tight knit group and were all very close. Tonight was special as the eldest of them all was finally turning 16 and a special surprise had been planned.

“She’ll just die when she sees it” Rachel’s friend said excitedly. Rachel nodded and smiled in agreement as she pricked up her ears, as did the horse. In the distance the quiet hum of an engine being started could be heard. A few warm drops of rain fell from the sky, and a slight breeze blew across them, giving the friend a shiver down her spine, but then disappeared as quickly as it had arrived.

The grumbling noise got louder and sounded angry, as the driver got in a panic and started slamming his foot down. Rachel frowned and started to move Calypso to the edge of the road where a ditch lay beneath a tangle of thorns and nettles.

As if out of nowhere, a dark car screamed down the dusty track towards them. Dust billowed around it and the loose stones flew in all directions. Instead of slowing down, the monster seemed to be gaining speed. The growl of the engine was becoming deafening now, and filled the horses head with fear. As the dark creature rocketed past them, the horse threw it’s head back and kicked it’s front legs in the air. Panic had taken over its thoughts and he kicked and shrieked. Vision became a blur for the animal and nothing made sense. The piercing scream and the thud pulled the horse back into reality and began to calm down.

Rachel had desperately tried to control the horse she loved so much, but failed, and had fallen from his back and had landed with a sickening crack on her head. Her friend knelt beside her in hope that she was OK. Rachel looked up to the enormous sky which was now covered in menacing black clouds. They filled the sky and seemed to be pressing down on top of her. The pain in her head began to take hold of her and a tear ran down her pale cheek. Her friend was helpless, no one was around for miles, no one could help them. She gazed down and tried to smile at Rachel, trying to tell her that everything was going to be alright.

Rachel gasped, and tried to swallow back the pain that flooded over her. She focused on her beloved horse and best friend, then slowly closed her eyes. A small white butterfly carefully landed on her heart and seemed to bow it’s head. Rachel searched for precious oxygen, her grip on life loosening. As she took her final breath, the clouds above her split open and cold rain fell down, mixed with tears from the helpless friend. The remaining air escaped from her lungs, and the butterfly flew away- taking her life with it.

I was reading the paper the other day, and I read this story which really stuck in my mind. It made me hurt inside for the family who had to clean up the mess, after this……… tragedy. It was a tragic story- not of hundreds dying in an earthquake, not of a plane crash or a mass murder in America. A simple local story, which tugged on my heart strings and forced a tear from where I thought I’d never have to go back to again.

I remember that day well.
She was my best friend.
© Copyright 2002 Gorfette85 (emmahudson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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