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the story of fitzroy the clown featuring
Verucca the 'weird wart woman' |
The story of Fitzroy the clown begins on a dark and stormy night. The H.M.S Rusbucket is gallantly striding through the waves on her way to the International Congress of Soil Scientists. Unfortunately, the captain has had one too many glasses of port at dinner, and is fast asleep at the wheel, muttering and drooling over the controls. He fails to notice a small desert island directly ahead. The H.M.S Rustbucket smashes into the rocks, leaving all 28 passengers including 3- month-old Fitzroy and his parents Janine and Maurice stranded with nothing but a cardboard box full of jandals and a ball of twine. Being the loving, caring type, Janine and Maurice did what any decent parent in their situation would have done; they put on the jandals, packed Fitzroy into the box, and floated him out to sea. Tragically, soon after, Janine and Maurice were eaten by the other passengers who in their hunger turned cannibal. Surprisingly, Fitzroy survived the traumatic journey, and was found on the coast of Helsinki by a poorly fisherman with seven children and a pregnant wife. He took one look at the sodden carboard box which still said 'JANDALS' on the top, and thought "I must send this boy to the circus ('jandals' means circus in Finnish), so the poorly fisherman and his family scraped the last of their money together, sold their youngest child, and bought a stamp for 'Albert's Amazing Circus'. Albert (from Albert's Amazing Circus) was a small, potbellied man with no hair and a suit with buttons. A crafty businessman who doubled as a ringmaster and a used car salesman, he didnt mind compromising the lives of other people if it meant he could save money. Nobody particulary liked Albert, mainly because of his pathetically lame jokes which he insisted on telling over and over again, especially if he thought you didnt get it. He was one of those people you tried to avoid. Nobody really liked him, but nobody really hated him, not like Fitzroy. Fitzroy had a permanently deformed neck that stuck out to the side after the unicycle he was riding turned out to be a cheap Japanese import with faulty steering that made him crash into the lion's cage and get his head stuck between the bars. Luckily for Fitzroy, the lions were another area Albert had obviously cut shortcuts; they turned out to be stuffed toys from the Warehouse, the sort that squek when you squeeze their paws. Fitzroy formed a grudge and an eye-twitch. Eileen the Irish Pony Prancer (rides ponies like you've never seen before!) wore a glittery sequined costume and feathers in her hair, and had deep and mysterious relationships with her ponies - Gallop, Canter, Trot and Charles. Through his hate for Albert, Fitzroy became friendly with Verucca, also known as 'The Weird Wart Woman - every inch of her body is covered in warts!' , the freak of the circus, who had been cruelly rejected by Albert, the love of her life. As Verucca's life had pretty much been a long line of rejection due to shallow males shunning her for her grotesque appearance, Verucca wasn't suprised, but she was very, very angry, so angry that the tips of her warts turned white. Together Fitzroy and Verucca formed a plan- a plan so ingenius and astounding they shocked themselves and felt faint, and had to sit down with smelling salts whenever they thought about it. Madame Minsk's caravan was in the corner of a field of cows, next to another field of cows. Farmer Hank, who owned the field, wasn't particulary happy about her living there, but there was nothing he could do, every time he approached her she chanted some ancient curse and danced around her fire, and he was beginning to fear her, the last time he had visited her he had come out in a nasty rash. Fitzroy crept as slyly as he could through the field, which wasn't very slyly as his overly large clown shoes kept getting caught on bits of cowpat. He was slightly alarmed by the sight of Madame Minsk and her turban, but she was the answer to all their problems, and after all, he was wearing bright red shoes and a wig. She gave him the bottle and cackled shrilly revealing the remains of a half-eaten fly in her large, green teeth. Verucca took the cork out of the bottle and peered in. A foul smelling odour wound its way up their nostrils. They planned to replace Albert's scalp oil with this dastardly potion that caused the scalp to go dry and flake off, and everyone knoes no one trusts a flaky scalped businessman. Albert would be ruined. They paused to snigger and then lie down a the thought of their own brilliance. Verucca waited behind a tree until Albert emerged from his tent carrying a sack and a black spandex jumpsuit before she slid inside, poured the contents of the bottle labelled 'scalp oil' into her boot, and Madame Minsk's potion into the scalp oil bottle. Then, her boot sloshing slightly, she skipped away back to her owns tent to her beloved tube of wart cream. It happened the next morning, while they were in the main tent. They heard him before they saw him, shrieking and raging like a bull in tight pants, with bits of froth flying out the sides of his mouth and bits of skin flying everwhere like it was snowing. Albert galloped into the circus arena, and was promptly and tragically and most unfortunately run over by Eileen and Charles, practising line-dancing for the 7 o'clock show. He was trampled to death. But what happened to Eileen and Verucca and the rest of them? Fitzroy collected up Albert's dried scalp bits and marketed them as Instant Potato Flakes - just add water. He made just enough money to pay for neck surgery and a russian mail- order bride. Verucca discovered Albert had been a cat burglar, and naturally took of with his stash of money and started up a convent. Eileen's horse Charles turned out to have a bit of a murderous streak in him, and went on a rampage. Eileen was sent to jail. And Madame Minsk stayed in her caravan, brewing and chanting an eating dead flies. |