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Good things cannot be kept a secret forever... |
CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): Scene 1: NA (after Manitou Island, prior to Return To Manitou Island); scene 2: NA (after Return To Manitou Island, prior to Escape From Manitou Island) PAIRING: X'aaru/Khiieta (M/F) EXPLANATION: Poor childlike demon X'aaru. I felt he would never be lucky in love, as he's so timid and naive! What to do for the poor guy?--set him up with another timid, naive demon! WOOHOO! You go X'aaru! ^_^ The second scene, "Stealing Away," was written for an erotica contest, but the contest was deleted or something before winners could be announced...story of my life. I really did want to know if it was good enough to win or not. *sigh* :( (Please take note that these characters are in fact half-siblings--they share the same father. That's just the way of Ocryxes, as there are so few of them.) DISCLAIMERS: None that I can think of. * * * * * New Mates The two Ocryxes hunched in the green meadow besides the woods, the female arching and the male mounting her, their buttocks contracting as they swayed. Khiieta put her head back and whined softly and X'aaru licked at her muzzle, panting heavily. Pleasure surged through his body. He'd never mated before, and this fact alone had surprised her when she'd found out; he had put her off for a long time, retreating from her advances although they had excited him. Today, however, it had simply felt right. Following his desire to know her better she had allowed him just that, and they had spent much time wandering the Island together, the caves, the streams, and he had even shown her inside a rainbow. This she had liked most of all, and they'd spent the greater part of the day gamboling down the rolling hills of her dreams. He enjoyed being with her; he'd never known another female of his kind this well. Still, whenever she had presented herself, crouching upon the ground and moving her tail aside to bare her hindquarters for him, he had shied away reluctantly; when she learned he had never taken a mate she was surprised. She granted his request that they know each other better first...and this day as they spent time inside one of his rainbows which he had created just for her, after tussling about in the grass and chasing and nipping playfully at each other, they had collapsed beside each other in the meadow, panting to catch their breath. They had watched the clouds and listened to the wind. She had licked at his muzzle, and he had licked at hers, as they had a few tentative times before. He liked the feeling of her velvety tongue against his fur; he even liked when she lightly touched his breast with her hand. She had then lowered her head a bit to nuzzle at his sheath, and he wasn't so sure if he liked that. He whimpered to let her know. She returned to his face then, and kissed him. He opened his jaws just barely to taste her and she allowed him. The feeling sent shivers through him; what a strange feeling this was, rising within. He felt strange urges rise along with it--urges to lick her, to touch her, to press her down--yet resisted them. His sheath stirred nonetheless. His whimper grew louder, whether in protest or pleasure he wasn't certain. Khiieta had nuzzled him gently and pulled away, nipping at his shoulder as he pushed himself up. Her tail swished playfully and she ducked, then nipped at him again. Now the feeling that surged through him was definitely pleasure; he loved playing with her. They bit lightly at each other a few times before Khiieta bowed to the ground again, parting her legs and lifting her tail. Her buttocks spread and X'aaru's throat tightened on looking at her, his breath coming faster. She smiled and wiggled her hindquarters, and he knew she had no hesitations for him. So why did he always hesitate? She was female, he was male. They were both Ocryx. The strange feeling returned in its greatest force, almost overpowering, and he finally knew what it was. It was desire--lust and desire--physical need. As he thought of her his sheath swelled and distended and he fought down a whimper, still somehow hoping to control it. With this she gave him an odd look, cocking her head as if asking what was wrong. Was she not attractive? He couldn't answer. She turned back to him and peered at him closely before her gaze traveled down his body. She moved forward and nuzzled between his legs, earning a hard yelp. X'aaru's head fell back and he arched, body quivering. He panted quickly on feeling Khiieta's tongue run along the tight skin, coaxing out the hardness that dwelled within it. Her velvety smoothness caressed the sleek heat between his legs and his breath came in fast spurts. Primitive needs arose inside him. He had every instinct to press her down, mount her, mate her, make her his. Get her with pups, continue his line. Relieve the need inside him. Khiieta seemed to understand. She offered herself to him again. He could see the slick cream between her legs and knew that she was excited also. For some reason this fueled him on. He moved closer to her and lifted his leg, placing it over her hips so he straddled her from behind. He bent to gently bite her nape and his hands slid beneath her, searching for her teats. He wished he could suckle them. He sensed her thoughts, telling him he could, if he wished to continue. She offered him her whole body, and X'aaru finally accepted. Her tail rested against his hip. His hands slid up her thighs to hold her apart and against him. Their legs twined and he bowed himself over her, their chests rising and falling rapidly with their gathering heat. She arched her back and her pudenda, swollen and pink, spread open, sleek and wet for his entry; the demon grasped her thighs and eased himself forward, the smooth creamy warmth which surrounded him driving him absolutely mad inside. His head dropped back and he panted as he felt her first blood upon him. Their tongues lolled and their bodies locked temporarily, the only movement the slight tremor of their passion. After they had finished savoring the glory of losing their innocence to one another, Khiieta had bowed herself deeply once again, keeping the sharp arch of her back, and with a silent agreement had allowed her new lover to begin mating. He gently grasped her nape in his teeth, planted his feet firmly against the ground, and began to thrust. And so the two Ocryxes now crouched at the side of the meadow, rocking easily yet quickly, muscles bunching as they made love for the first sweet time. Khiieta whimpered. X'aaru knew he did not hurt her, that the feeling was a good one. She left her thoughts open for him to read, and he did the same. When she arched her neck for him his pleasure grew. He liked that he satisfied her; in all his dreams of finally finding his first mate, he had never considered how the act itself would truly feel. He'd never even been able to guess! He growled and felt her tremble against him, sensed her thoughts--My dear mate, come inside me, quickly, deeper--and complied with everything she asked. X'aaru grunted softly now as they moved and his wings flared. He clutched her hips tightly and longed for more. Khiieta arched and offered herself for him to plunge deeply, filling her to the hilt, his testicles pressing against her backside. She yelped at the air and he barked at the sensation. They struggled briefly to sate themselves before her orgasm brought on his own, and he cried out and pulled from her to spray his seed upon the ground. He panted heavily and they leaned against each other for a while. When she turned herself to take his hands, and let him lie down with her, he shivered with delight. They licked each other's muzzle and nipped gently and clicked their teeth, mouthing each other's body as their claws lightly raked. Khiieta took his hand and guided it to her breast, and he felt her teats beneath her fur. This excited him again; even much better was when she guided his head down until his lips met her nipple, and he instinctively began to suck it, as if trying to coax milk from her body. X'aaru sighed contentedly and thought of his mother, shutting his eyes. He curled up on his side, and his mate cradled him close as he suckled at her breast. Her tail encircled him and this time they both sighed. He had never been so happy before. After he had thoroughly rested and satisfied himself at her teat, Khiieta smiled shyly and again busily licked over his sheath and testicles, hearing his incessant whimperings as she did so, her mouth closing around the head of his emerging shaft. For the next ten minutes or so X'aaru lay upon his back, writhing and moaning while his mate suckled at his penis as he had suckled at her breast. He'd never even heard of this before, yet it felt very good. When she had coaxed his seed up into him, making him hard and firm, she had offered herself once more and he'd eagerly accepted. This time she stood herself against a tree, and X'aaru embraced her closely, his hips rolling hard into hers, tongue lolling as he enjoyed her body, her offering to him. They both whimpered in unison, rocking gently upon their feet. Khiieta clung herself to the tree and arched. X'aaru, will you be my mate--? My one, my lover, my companion? You are the only one I have ever found, who I should want to spend my life with, to bear my pups to. X'aaru started out of his haze of lust and blinked over her shoulder at her likewise glazed eyes. Your...your mate--? Your--your pups--? Yes, beloved one...should I ever bear any. I wish them to be yours. Will you be mine? Let me be your mate also? My body, my heart, these already belong to you. But...why me--? We are the only two of us alike, here; and I grow so fond of you now, I should hate being apart from you for long... You wish to be my mate? To...to give me...to give me pups someday--? If this is your wish, yes, and to give you my heart to keep, and my body to take whenever you should feel your need within you as I feel mine. She trembled and whined loudly. He could feel her tightening, could feel himself pulsing strong and hot and close. He bared his teeth. Will you be my mate, X'aaru? Will...will you be my mate, Khiieta? Yes, beloved X'aaru, always; I will always be your mate. Then...then I will be yours...as well, sweet Khiieta. Sweet mate Khiieta... It sounded strange, when he thought it; yet the sharp arch of her body and her sharp cry of impending climax made it feel just right. X'aaru grasped her arms and pushed upwards onto his toes with a loud grunt. The two of them howled as the shattering joy of their shared orgasm consumed them in its heated embrace. As it slowly passed over them, leaving them spent and sweating and shaking, they sank slowly to the ground and their bodies parted, yet their hearts remained one. Khiieta cuddled close to her new mate, and X'aaru welcomed her into his embrace with a soft wolf murmur of love. Their muzzles touched and she smiled shyly once more, their tails twining. X'aaru slowly, shyly smiled back. The two new mates held one another upon the ground within the meadow, panting softly from their passionate act of love, dreaming of when they would do it again. Stealing Away Khiieta paced about the cave, whining, her ears folded low. Her tail swished impatiently from side to side. She could hear her mother and father in the adjoining cave, grunting and whimpering softly as they coupled; the slight scent they gave off just fueled her own agitation, and she paced back and forth. She forced herself to wait until they were done, and asleep; but sometimes they grew so caught up in each other that her wait was long. She stopped every few moments to listen to them, to try to determine how far along they were; after about a half hour of this, she heard their noises grow a bit faster, and told herself to be patient. They would be done soon, if she could just wait. It had been a while now, but she still had not told them of where she went at night while they slept. She finally heard her father's low rumble of satisfaction, her mother's return whimper, and froze, ears flicking. For a moment there was nothing but soft panting, slowing as they recovered from their activities; then a bit of murmuring as they spoke. She couldn't make out what they said, but she didn't care. She pressed her legs together and suppressed her own whimper. Would they never fall asleep? After some more time had passed, the ringing silence that ensued finally faded into quiet snoring, and she knew that at least her father slept. She let out her breath, her ears pricking with excitement. She turned and hurried to the exit, making her way up through a tunnel so as not to get wet in the lake above. She had spent over an hour preening the burs and grass from her fur earlier that day, so as to look her best; with a quick step she made her way to the surface, her heart rising. Once she had exited the cave into the woods surrounding the lake, she lifted her head and sniffed at the air hopefully. Her ears pricked again when she picked up the scent she was looking for, and nearby, at that. He was here! Tongue lolling, she hurried to meet him. After a moment she could make out his silhouette in the woods before her, and craned her neck. He saw her as well, and came forward just as eagerly. They met and touched muzzles, panting and grinning at each other and circling, nipping playfully. She bounded off into the woods, and he followed close on her heels. One would have thought they were mere pups at play, but it was excitement and joy that fueled their actions. They met again beside an old fallen tree and nuzzled, nipped at each other's ears, jumped and ran in circles and barked. Khiieta crouched with her forequarters low to the ground, wagging her hind end; when he approached she pounced on him and they rolled about, still nipping and pawing. They landed in a heap and busily licked at each other's face, grinning with pleasure. Khiieta so loved the time she spent with X'aaru. They had been timid of each other at first, but now they were the closest companions to be found among the Ocryxes. They didn't even bother to beware of each other's horns as they played about, as if their sheer joy at being with one another would counteract the deadly poison within. Every night that she could, hoping not to arouse the suspicion of her parents, Khiieta sneaked away from home to meet with him; and whenever she could during the day, they spent their time together as well. She showed her happiness by licking his muzzle, relishing the rough feel of his own tongue against her cheek, then rising to place her hands upon the fallen tree, lifting her tail and exposing herself. She grinned back at him with her tongue lolling, and he eagerly came forward, placing his hands upon her shoulders and mounting her. It was only a brief moment before his hardness rose from his sheath, and he pressed himself deeply inside, the two of them sighing and whimpering in unison at the sweet tang of pleasure that coursed through them. Khiieta rested her head against the tree and let her eyes drift shut, rocking as X'aaru quickly mated her, his thick breath making her shiver in delight. They crouched beside the tree and coupled for as long as their heated desires would allow, before he spurted and whimpered softly, their bodies trembling in shared release. Even afterwards they stayed as they were for a moment or two, panting quietly, before slipping to the ground to nestle in the hollow left by the tree's roots. They curled up in each other's embrace, looking every bit ready to drift into sleep, though Khiieta knew from pleasant experience that they could spend all the night making love, if they so wished. At the moment, she wanted nothing more than to nuzzle against her mate and listen to the sound of his breathing, feel his body against hers as they rested. She tucked her hind foot between his legs, and he enfolded her in his wings, drawing her close so she rested her head upon his breast. She let out a long sigh. He gently stroked her face with his claws. I was a bit quick tonight, he said, as if in embarrassed apology, and they both smiled at each other. She nuzzled at him to show that she didn't mind. We can make up for it later, yes? Of course! Whatever you wish! Khiieta's smile grew soft and she placed her hand upon his shoulder, sighing again. She took in a breath and let his scent linger in her lungs for as long as she could. X'aaru, I am going to bear your pup. She felt his muscles tense, opened her eyes to see him draw his head back with a surprised look. He blinked a few times as if uncertain whether he'd heard her correctly. My...my pup...? Khiieta nodded. So soon? How...how can you be sure...? She nodded again, and took his hand to place it upon her belly. He blinked a second time, then paused. She could tell that he, too, sensed the spirit within her, just a tiny one, but growing. His eyes were wide as he stared at her in disbelief. They had not been mates very long, but already one of his seed had taken root. She tilted her head a bit. You are displeased? Again he blinked, seeming bewildered, not sure what to say; then his voice came, startled and offguard. N-no! I'm--I'm not displeased... He trailed off, looking down at her belly as if to see the life there, and his ears flicked a few times. Then the glow slowly rose in his eyes, and now she could sense his growing excitement. He lifted his head to look at her and she smiled at the wide grin that spread across his face. "I'm--I'm very pleased! A pup! We'll have a pup!" She knew that he would have started jumping around had he been able, but instead he resorted to licking her face zealously. She murmured with laughter and licked him back, and they both yelped their joy at the air. Khiieta pushed herself up, wagging her long tail and nipping at him playfully; she knew what would come next, and so did he. He nuzzled against her cheek and they clicked their teeth together, lightly biting and nibbling. Khiieta crouched low to the ground and allowed X'aaru to mount her again, and he took her first quickly, to sate their excitement, and once he had recovered himself he bent down over her to gently take her nape in his teeth, and she whined softly and arched when he grasped her and eased himself inside, pushing slowly and tenderly. Her muscles went lax and she lay limp, panting heavily; their slow, easy coupling was somehow much more sensuous than the quick and frenzied, and she enjoyed it much more this day. She arched her buttocks higher, shivered and sighed when he growled softly and pressed himself deep. She knew they had a long night ahead of them now, but she didn't mind. The energy she used as they slowly made love, she would make up for in their joined sleep. And so she gave herself over to him, allowing her mate to set the pace and to carry her along with him, his hands running up and down her body making her tense all over. He clawed lightly at her teats and traced his fingers over her thighs, earning a whimper. He licked at her ear to show her that he understood; once this was over, and he was done pleasuring his own body, he would pleasure her even more with his mouth, just as he knew she liked. She shivered again and smiled in rapture. The two of them fell silent now but for their panting and the quiet rustle of the leaves they lay upon as they moved, and for a while X'aaru took away all of Khiieta's fears of returning home. * * * * * It was the hour before dawn before Khiieta finally made her way back home, her step considerably slower than it had been before. As she slowly trod the path back down into the caves beneath the lake, her whole body ached, but it was a good feeling. She yawned and stretched and stopped a few times to lick herself over until her fur was smooth and shiny again, and she swished her tail contentedly as she entered the main cave. Her parents would not mind if she slept the morning away, which she very much felt like doing, though she would have preferred spending it curled up next to her mate. Perhaps someday. As she slipped into the second cave, her own place of sleep, she saw her mother already awake, in her human shape, silently moving about and straightening the spare furnishings. Immediately Khiieta's spirits drooped. She paused in the entrance and her ears twitched uncertainly. She hadn't expected either of them to be awake; certainly they knew by now that she left often at night, but she'd never returned home to confront one of them. An explanation would likely be due, and she wasn't certain how to give it. Hanging her head low and folding back her ears, she slipped into the cave anyway. Of her parents, Shadow Water would likely be the more understanding. It was her father she was nervous about. Her mother lifted her head to look at her curiously as she approached, her tail sliding along the sandy floor. She frowned a bit at the look on Khiieta's face, and touched her cheek when she reached her. "Khiieta? What's wrong?" I...I have something to say, Mother. Khiieta communicated via her mind, so her father risked no chance of overhearing. She stared at the floor and her ears swiveled and folded. I...I think I'm in heat. Shadow Water blinked, then her eyes softened. "Why do you say this?" she said, though Khiieta could tell that she already suspected. Still she answered. Well...there is someone... "When you leave at night...you go to see him? This someone?" Khiieta nodded. "Who is he?" X'aaru. Shadow Water looked surprised, but Khiieta didn't give her the chance to react. She lifted her head and her eyes beamed. I love to be with him, Mother! He treats me so well. We are alike! Everything that I wish for is everything he wishes for! I told him just tonight that I-- She cut herself off abruptly, flushing, not sure if she should continue. But her mother smiled kindly and touched her face again. "What did you tell him, sweet one?" I... Khiieta's ears felt as if they were burning. I told him that...I am going to bear his pup. Shadow Water's eyes grew and Khiieta whined. Please don't be angry with me, Mother... "Oh...sweet one." Shadow Water wrapped her arms about Khiieta's furry neck. "I'm not. This is wonderful to hear. He is happy?" Khiieta nodded. Yes! Very happy! We will raise it together--I know he will help me! He offered to find us a place of our own, to raise a family! I know he would make a good father! She paused, and her ear flicked. Mother, I...I'm sorry that I never told you sooner. I only... "I know, sweet one. I already assumed, anyway." Khiieta blinked at her and she laughed softly. "Trust me, you leaving every night, after your father falls asleep...I knew you must be meeting someone. I just wasn't certain who. I can picture you two. You belong together." Khiieta beamed again. Her tail swished along the floor and her wings rose, but then she lowered her head again, wilting a bit. Shadow Water frowned and met her eyes. "Sweet one? What is it now?" Well...I have yet to tell Father. I...I'm worried of what he will think. I know he does not like the other Ocryxes...that he thinks X'aaru could kill me. I know he would never! Not ever! But...I also know how Father thinks...I don't want to upset him... Shadow Water paused, then smiled again and ruffled her fur. "Don't worry about him...just go in and let him know. He may act up a bit, but you are still his little one." Khiieta lifted her eyes a bit, still uncertain. You are sure...? Her mother nodded. "Go on...he's awakened already. Just tell him what you've told me. Oh. Except for one thing." Khiieta paused and turned around, as she'd started to walk toward her father's room before Shadow Water stopped her. Her mother smiled at her again, lending her courage. "You were wrong about one thing, sweet one. You said you thought you were in heat. This isn't the truth at all. You are not in heat, you are in love." Khiieta's ears pricked. She stared at her mother for a long moment, before a smile came to her face. She turned away again and ambled into her father's cave, disappearing from view. Shadow Water waited a moment for the two to speak with each other, standing in the silence before taking a step or two forward to peer within. Ocryx, Khiieta's father, stood upright with his ears and wings flared, and she could tell that he'd been told the news already. Khiieta stood before him but kept her head and wings low. For several moments he didn't speak, and it was impossible to tell if he was displeased or merely lost in thought. After a time Khiieta crept forward and stretched her neck to press her muzzle lightly against her father's; at first he snorted and jerked his head as if to pull away in contempt, but then he relented and let his daughter nuzzle against him. After another moment or two, he returned the gesture, and Khiieta's tail again swished from side to side. Shadow Water smiled. The demon gave his silent approval, and Khiieta gave him a quick lick before bounding from the room, tongue lolling and mouth grinning. She nuzzled briefly at her mother before scurrying from the room, and Shadow Water could tell where it was that she must be going. Sleep could wait, for now. She had someone else to talk to this morning. With a soft sigh, Shadow Water turned away from the cave exit, and returned to the demon's quarters, to the room from which she'd come. Khiieta would be back on her own, in her own good time. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |