Posted by:: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time posted:: 04-26-08 @ 8:56am Post body:: I never post in In&Outs where the most recent post is at the top instead of the bottom.
Posted by:: Simplicity-In-A-Jar  
Time posted:: 04-25-08 @ 5:50pm Post body:: The fact that I'm the only person in my school that likes Classic Rock....
Posted by:: wildcat  
Time posted:: 04-25-08 @ 10:02am Post body:: My children can drive me crazy at times! So I play games with them. one is , if we are in the car and they are loud. I said "lets pretend mama has no kids!"
This works well. I have many many more FUN things I do with them.
Posted by:: Theday  
Time posted:: 03-25-05 @ 4:16am Post body:: I'm the owner of a story where gaining wieght is a good thing. And I'm 10 pounds underwieght with a 6 pack.
Posted by:: andrew  
Time posted:: 11-20-04 @ 11:43pm Post body:: I live in a house made completly of pudding, it's pretty sweet, but the alarm system keeps getting eaten.
Posted by:: pen&paper  
Time posted:: 11-20-04 @ 1:27pm Post body:: I'm paranoid whenever I look in the mirror. I'm scared that my reflection will do something.
Posted by:: Natsplatt thanks RAOK!!  
Time posted:: 10-27-04 @ 4:27am Post body:: I love to buy stationery, like too much! I go crazy for the stuff and have way too many notepads, pens etc than anyone could ever possibly hope to use in a lifetime!
Posted by:: Aradne  
Time posted:: 10-20-04 @ 8:21pm Post body:: I adore socks. Any type. Old, new, print, plain, toesox, ankle socks, kneehighs, footies....
Posted by:: Aradne  
Time posted:: 10-20-04 @ 8:20pm Post body:: The dent in my fingernail on my left hand.
Posted by:: checkmate!  
Time posted:: 08-07-04 @ 8:43pm Post body:: I like algebra and I cry when I'm mad.
Posted by:: Aurora Excelsior  
Time posted:: 03-06-04 @ 7:36pm Post body:: Probably 90% of the time, I walk upstairs on tiptoe. I have no clue why, except that I have taken ballet for years and am also a dance teacher.
Posted by:: Aurora Excelsior  
Time posted:: 03-06-04 @ 7:35pm Post body:: I love to travel, even in places that people might not find interesting. For instance, I absolutely loved driving through southern Wyoming and northeast Arizona on past vacations, neither of which are exactly tourist attractions.
Posted by:: Uniqueey  
Time posted:: 03-05-04 @ 11:09pm Post body:: I'm a Vikings football fan. Since they've never won the Super Bowl yet, many find that very odd indeed.
Posted by:: supermassive BLACK HOLE!  
Time posted:: 03-04-04 @ 5:02pm Post body:: I hate soccer. I don't like hit music. I just stopped biting my nails. I love math and science! I'm fascinated by vamps.
Posted by:: Lori M  
Time posted:: 09-05-03 @ 1:51pm Post body:: The last person I was in a serious relationship with has now decided to run for president, seriously. I'm still in shock :) (my life is wierd!)
Posted by:: Lori M  
Time posted:: 08-31-03 @ 9:55pm Post body:: I just justified having 16 pairs of high heels by saying I was short and it helped me reach the top shelves in stores, LOL! Psst, that's not why I have them :)
Posted by:: Theday  
Time posted:: 08-15-03 @ 8:56pm Post body:: I collect forchant cookie sayings
Posted by:: Theday  
Time posted:: 08-14-03 @ 2:21am Post body:: being the youngest, tallest, and most handsome guy at work. Clifton, you can have "cutiest".
Posted by:: Lori M  
Time posted:: 08-13-03 @ 12:47am Post body:: My towels have to be folded and put away a certain way or I will redo it, can't stand for them to be in the cabinet not right, LOL. Same with clothes in the closet and I fold and put my unmentionable away neatly too.
Posted by:: Theday  
Time posted:: 07-15-03 @ 6:09pm Post body:: I'm really tall, Have THE review sig, I have the hair girls would kill for, and my ability to review items as soon as thier made..
Posted by:: Lori M  
Time posted:: 07-14-03 @ 4:54am Post body:: I tend to find someone famous or infamous to compare people to, for example, every time I hear one of my clients talk all that I can think of is Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, LOL, he sounds just like him. I do it with voices and looks!
Posted by:: Verm  
Time posted:: 09-30-02 @ 2:21pm Post body:: I tend to be slightly anal about correct grammar...
Posted by:: Aurora Excelsior  
Time posted:: 09-28-02 @ 1:06pm Post body:: I like to eat baby food. Especially mashed bananas. I know that's disgusting, but really, it tastes good!
Total Displayed: 23 |