Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/524907-Spike-and-Drusilla-kill-Sunnydale
by Dru
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Comedy · #524907
a short fic. Yes more Buffy dieing!
Short fic writen cuz I'm bored

(A/N SPOILERS for season 6 up to Normal Again)

It was a dark and stormy night (A/N you just have to love story that start like this huh?)

Spike was lurking outside Buffy's house. Buffy happend to look out the window and see him standing there just looking at her so she gos out to see what he's doing out there.

"Spike! What are you doing here? I told you I'm not going to have sex with you anymore!"

"Oh thats not why I'm here Slayer. You see something happend I was out buying smokes and I bumped into some guy. Well you know I expeted to feel the chip go off. You know blinding pain. But it didn't so I shoved him while thinking some very nasty thoughts. And Still nothing. So I eat him. And still no Pain! You see Slayer the chip doesn't work. The Big Bad is BACK!"

Buffy stares at Spike in horror as as he laughs is glee at being chip less once more.

"Oh and I have another surprise for you, Pet. Dru. Luv come on out!"

Drusilla steps out from behind the tree grining. "My Spike has come back to me! We' will make the streets run with blood!"

Spike wraps his arms around Drusilla grining. "Ooh yeah! Thats my Dark Goddess!"

Spike punches Buffy and grins as she starts to fight back.

The fight doesn't last long and soon Spike and Drusilla are drinking Buffy's blood. They drop her body to the ground and kiss drunk on slayer blood they then proceed to kill everyone in Sunnydale.

The End
© Copyright 2002 Dru (drusilla18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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