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Even in uncertain times, between uncertain allies, love can be found... |
CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): The Rebel Prince (unwritten) (see "Coming Home" for the PG-13 version of this story) PAIRING: Anubis/Bastet (M/F) EXPLANATION: Potential spoilers here. In the unwritten out-of-continuity novel The Rebel Prince, the kingdom of Kemet is thrown into disarray when God Ra's plans for the throne backfire. King Horus is not the possessor of the divine fire in this storyline (see "Divine Fire"), so his wife Hathor does not become pregnant. Ra sends Set to take the demigoddess Kebehut away from her father, Anubis (Horus's half-brother and thus the prince), so he can get her with child and set her up as the new queen of Kemet, thus continuing the royal line. However, Set ends up kidnapping Kebehut and brainwashing her into serving as his puppet queen; Horus is gravely wounded, Thoth goes into suspended animation in order to keep him alive, Hathor flees to the north with her court, and an embittered Anubis exiles himself and his own followers into the desert from where they continually attack Set's forces. After losing his daughter, half-brother, and trusted tutor to this giant mess, Anubis is rightfully pissed off at Ra. So when Ra's daughter Bastet arrives to plead for his help, he's understandably irritated to see her. Bastet's own stubborn nature starts to win him over, however...as you can see in this scene. (As this is out of continuity, this scene does NOT take place in the actual Kemet storyline.) DISCLAIMERS: Maybe a few loose ends, but nothing major. * * * * * Things Fall Apart She moved close to him and carefully, slowly placed her arms around him, resting her head to his breast. His muscles were tensed and tight. She sensed his reluctance, pondered the depths of his pain. Long ago, he had lost his father, and then his wife-to-be. Now he had lost his brother, his mentor, his daughter; she knew he kept his distance from everyone, afraid of losing something again. It was as if his pain became hers; she ached inside. She trailed her hands up his back, pressed her face to him. Her tongue lightly licked his chest, and up; his breath picked up slightly, but he didn't push her away. Their bodies molded together. She reached his neck, still licking, and then his ear; she gently nibbled at it, and felt a slight tremor pass through him. His hand tentatively touched her. She touched her forehead to his; his breath came slow and even, between his teeth; his eyes were pained, and yet glazed with desire. She put her lips to his, tongue flicking; his breath was warm. His fingers just barely touched the side of her face. If she hadn't known of his daughter, she would have believed this were the first time... She felt his hand, warm against her cheek now; his touch was gentle, barely more than the feel of a feather against her skin. His chest rose and fell. She nibbled on his ear again and heard a slight, soft whimper escape him. His other hand touched her waist. Their mouths met a second time and he tasted her, hungry and yet hesitating; she gently pushed him, and they lay back down over his bed, their legs tangling. He was panting softly now, eyes shut. She licked his other ear and his neck again. Her fingers lightly raked over his skin. When she kissed him he murmured and she could sense his need. He told her nothing, but somehow, at least briefly, his mind was open to her--she caught a mental glimpse of Khebit, the mother of his child, and could feel the pain he had felt ever since losing her, all those years ago. Almost as soon as she'd sensed this it was gone; it was as if he'd let her see, and then blocked himself off from her again. Why would he let her see, if he never meant her to know? Her fingers locked with his. Their balled fist ran down her side and to her back; he clutched her to him, and his other hand ran through her hair. She did the same with him, and nipped at his ear so he gasped. He was lying upon his back with her pressed to him; she pulled away from him to sit up, and as he panted and watched she reached for the straps of her dress and slowly pulled them down. His face was in shadows, so she couldn't be certain how he reacted; her breasts came free of the material, and she was thankful for the dimness, hiding the blush that rose in her cheeks. She'd never allowed a man to see her naked before, at least not knowingly. She didn't know if she were pleasing or not. He didn't say anything, merely stared up at her offering. She sensed confusion, and as he hadn't spoken, she opened her own mind, speaking to him through her thoughts--I want to make love to you, Lord. He started and his eyes met hers. She could tell he hadn't expected her to communicate in that way. The dimness wasn't quite enough to hide the flush that rose in his own face, and she felt her own cheeks grow hotter. Her arms, straight and rigid at her sides with her hands balled behind her back, pushed her breasts out in an almost exaggerated manner and she suddenly hoped he didn't think she was showing off. She wondered now if this had been a mistake. Something tentatively touched upon her thoughts, and she opened her mind again, allowing him in. It was the most intimate they could be, without coupling with each other. As soon as he sensed her openness he looked up at her. You've...never done this before, Goddess. I know...but I want to now. Why here? Why with me? She sensed bitterness seep its way into him. Your father is my enemy now. He's the one who started all of this. He's why I lost Kebehut. I know. She tried to keep the desperation out of her thoughts. I know all this...this is why I came. I wanted to set things right somehow. I know he made a mistake. I wish that I could change things back to the way they were, give you Kebehut again. But you can't do that. His eyes were dark. She shrank in on herself a little. No...I can't. And so you think a bit of fooling around will make things better. He pushed himself up and she had to reach out for the bed to avoid falling over. "It won't matter," he said aloud, causing her to gasp with surprise. "Go back to Iunu. You don't have any purpose here." He pulled himself out from underneath her, swinging his legs off the bed. "No! Wait!" She hurried across the bed toward him, taking his arm. "Please...no. This isn't why I came. I swear by Maat." "She is simply one of you as well. All of you are the same. Maat doesn't exist in this land anymore." "Please, Lord, wait!" When he didn't reply she grabbed onto his hand. "Anubis!" He paused and looked back at her over his shoulder, though his eyes hadn't changed. They bore the same hateful, hurting look she knew he must have had on first finding out who he was within his family. She pulled his hand close to her, touched it to her chest. "Please, Anubis. Please don't go. I came here all the way from Iunu to speak with you." "Then you'll have a long journey back. You wasted your time." "No, please, listen. I came here to talk. Father...Father has changed. He knows that what he did was wrong. He saw his mistake." "How could he have missed it?" Anubis snorted and gestured. "Take a look, Goddess. Set rules with my daughter as his puppet and half the people of Kemet wander around in the desert. And now the pure daughter of the great Ra begs to bed the Bastard Prince. What do you suppose he overlooked?" "Please, Anubis! This isn't why I came!" "Then why did you?" He waved his hand at her viciously and she realized she was still half naked, her breasts bared to him. She flushed and held her arms up to cover herself. "I...I came only to talk with you, Anubis, I swear this. But..." "But what?" "...But I..." She trailed off, unable to answer. Why had she done this? She couldn't find the reply she looked for. He continued to stare at her and, helpless, she opened her mind again. I don't know why! It simply happened. I'm not ashamed it did. I'm only ashamed you believe it was my only reason for coming! She sensed surprise, just briefly, before he blocked his mind from her and turned away with a scowl. She thought he was ready to stomp out the door and leave her there, but instead he only went over to the small cot at the other side of the room and sat down, staring in the opposite direction. His fists balled between his knees and he hunched over, not looking at her. She waited a moment, then got up and timidly approached, still covering herself. She sat down beside him and he didn't move, but his look grew darker. She tried to take his hand, and was surprised when he didn't pull it away. But his fingers didn't curl around hers. It was as if she held the hand of a dead person, and she shuddered. You have no place here. She flinched and let go of him. A brief bit of anger and frustration surged up in her. Anubis, please--I left my home, left my father, to come here and see you. You are not the only one! Ever since my father drew in on himself I've been so alone. Him, my sisters, my family, it's as if they've all been taken away from me. So now you know how it feels, he replied, bitterly. But at least he had replied. Yes. I do know. And this is the point I make. You are not the only one to have felt this pain. I've felt it too. And I can't bear to be alone with it anymore. You become used to it in time. I have. Have you? She looked up at him reproachfully, but he didn't meet her eyes. You sit and you sulk. Day in and day out, just as you always have. If you had gotten used to it, you would no longer see the need. Now he did turn to look at her, eyes wide. They then flashed blue, the sign of anger within the House of Iunu. She flinched away before regaining herself--she knew he would not hurt her--and drew herself up so she was on a level with him. "You've learned it yourself," she said softly. "When you push everyone else away you stand alone, and you fall alone. You can never get back the throne on your own." "I never said I would. Set can keep it for all I care." "But yet you stay out here in the desert and you keep fighting. If you were used to just giving up you would have done that. You continue fighting for someone." "I'm fighting for me." His eyes narrowed. "I don't believe you. You were never that selfish." "Things have changed since we last met." "Not that much. I know you better than you think. You fight for Kebehut, or Horus, or Antakh, or whoever, but you're fighting for someone." He bared his teeth. "Go back to Iunu with the rest of your spoiled handmaids! I don't have the patience for this!" He started up violently, but she took his hand again and pulled him back down. She didn't need to pull as hard as she'd thought, as he didn't fight back--strange. If he was so angry, why didn't he fight? She opened her mouth to ask him, only to see that he still stared ahead, only his chest hitched a little, and his eyes were wet. She gaped at him. He acted like some sulky little boy denying responsibility. He had been forced to grow up early, she knew. He hadn't had the carefree childhood she'd had. She realized she'd been going about this in the wrong way. He didn't want her sympathy, and he only acted as if he didn't want her help. He had inherited some of his uncle's pride, and she could tell it had been badly wounded, many times. His mind was still closed to her, but not his emotions. She could feel them warring and tearing each other apart inside him, and inside her. Doubt and frustration and guilt squeezed and shredded her heart into a million pieces and she felt ready to burst into tears, for him. He hardly cried or spoke. If he kept it to himself all this time, then of course he would rely upon no one else to help him. Nobody could help him, unless he reached out to them first. She touched his face, turning his head toward her. He looked surprised again. She kissed him, and placing her hand upon his shoulder, gently pressed him back down onto the cot before he could protest. He murmured something into her mouth, startled, and put up his hand to push her away; when she took it, twining her fingers with his, he fell still, and she felt his muscles relax, his body going lax beneath her. His mouth opened and she prodded, feeling him do the same. His breath picked up. She moved forward to press her breasts against his bare skin; he broke from her mouth, putting back his head with a low moan. She rubbed against him, once, and twice, their skin growing warm. Her hands roamed down his body. He still wore his kilt; she slipped her hands in underneath it, feeling upward, upward, before reaching a heat and stopping. He jerked at the slight touch. Bastet hesitated again; he took her hand, and she squeezed, taking strength from him. With his other hand he reached for the top of her dress, hanging below her chest; he pulled upon it and helped her free herself of it. The light still burned dim but as soon as the cloth had been tossed away she cowered again, drawing her knees up and crossing her arms to herself. He took her hands and gently pulled them away. Her ears burned and she avoided his stare. A moment later she gave a soft gasp. His fingers trailed over her right breast, underneath it and over the other, massaging over the nipples--which grew hard even as he touched her. She trembled. His hand trailed down her belly, to her legs; she gasped and moaned again when his fingers worked beneath her and between them, lightly fingering her. She felt herself vibrating, excited and sick both at once. I've seen you. Do you want to see me? She opened her eyes and looked down at him. His own eyes stared back at her, clear and unmistakable. This time she hadn't expected him to speak. She lowered her head, ears and whiskers flattening. I...I'm not sure... You're embarrassed... He pulled his hand away from her. No one's...no one's ever seen you like this. I can feel what you're feeling. I don't want you to be ashamed. She could feel the same emotion in him, the shame and guilt beneath the surface, that he was somehow betraying Khebit by being with her. She hid this from him though, as she sensed it was too sensitive. She blushed harder although she wasn't sure why. I'm not ashamed...of being with you. I'm just...not quite certain... You can look at me, if you won't feel as uncomfortable. She glanced up at him. This time he averted his eyes. Khebit...Khebit and I never...never really looked at each other...when we were together. I love her, loved her, yes...but I was still uncomfortable...and she was skittish...and so we were always in the dark, with each other. Bastet just stared at him, uncertain what she was hearing. Then you mean...no one has seen you...seen you naked? Not Khebit? Not that I know of. His eyes, embarrassed, met hers, and she suddenly understood. Relief washed over her; though he wasn't untouched, as she was, he was still very inexperienced, and awkward. She still felt that her cheeks were red, but offered a tiny, shy smile, and saw him tentatively smile back. She lifted her leg slightly and moved it aside, stroking his thigh. When he didn't protest she ran her hand up to his groin again, feeling the slightest tremor pass through him. She loosened his belt and let the cloth fall from around him. Then, seeing him for the first time, she gave a tiny gasp and averted her eyes, blushing furiously. "Wait," he said, with a gentle laugh. She peered up at him and he took her hand. "I thought this was supposed to be both of us." "It is, I'm..." "Still nervous. It's all right. I am too. But please don't be afraid of me." His expression changed and he touched her face. "Please, Bastet." "I'm not!" She blushed again, at how abruptly she'd replied. "I'm...I'm not," she said again, quieter this time; and as if to prove she meant it, she steeled herself and looked down at him again. His narrow hips merged into long thighs, his build almost feminine. His stomach, flat, rose and fell. She tried not to blink too much when her gaze came to rest upon his member, still lying soft and pale between his legs. She'd never seen a real one before, and it seemed so much different when not from a picture. It was smooth, it and the area around it, smooth and hairless. It was about as long as her hand, and unthinking she reached down to touch it. The tremor passed through him again when she touched the smooth warm surface. The heat rose in her face and her heart beat harder, but she didn't turn away. Her fingers trailed over the soft sac lying beneath it, then over it, and down to the tip. His breath picked up; she lifted her fingers, finding them wet, and noticed a pearly substance beading at the tip. She stroked him and he whined and shivered. The flaccid member slowly started to rise, so that she sat back with a startled gasp. He caught her hand and held her close. He sat up to face her, and his mouth met the hollow of her neck. She closed her eyes with a rapturous sigh. She didn't know how he'd known that was just the right spot, or if he had discovered it on accident...but it set a fire blazing inside her. She purred deep in her throat at the feel of his tongue, and their mouths met again, canine and feline, their hands caressing. He dipped his head and she gasped and arched sharply to feel him nibbling at her breasts. Her nipples grew hard and tight again and she started to shake. It felt warm between her legs. His fingers carefully touched her again. They slipped under her moist hood and gently pinched and she cried out, body stiffening at the jolting sensation. She could now feel her wetness upon him, and hoped he didn't find her disgusting. A breathy voice came at her ear--"Are you ready?" She nodded, eyes still shut. She reached for him and clasped his member again, finding it hard and erect. Her breath caught in her throat. He took her arms and lay back upon the cot, bringing her over him. She pressed herself to his chest and licked at his skin, lightly raking his arms. Her hips rubbed against his own. She felt him touch her in behind and almost instinctively, as she was new to all of this, her back arched and her buttocks parted. Fingers, smooth and gentle, tested her readiness. She moaned softly at the feeling, and knew the actual thing would be a hundred times better. What she had missed all these years while her sisters were getting married and having children. He nuzzled at her cheek and his whisper sent tingles through her. "I'm coming into you..." She nodded, just barely. His hands brought her down to meet him, while his hips lifted up. Bastet flinched to feel the slick head of his penis begin to push into her, but then the pressure increased uncomfortably so she couldn't help but to squirm, making faces. A dull whimper finally alerted her to what was happening, when he broke through, and the sudden flow of her blood brought tears to her eyes and another cry to her throat. As soon as he was within her he was holding her tightly, murmuring soft words of encouragement. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "It will get better...I promise..." She believed him. She bit back the pain and welcomed his gentle touch upon her hips, how he now squeezed her to him as he moved up, into her. She gasped and tensed but already the pain was not as great. He continued to move, so she clasped his arms and moved along with him, pushing herself on her knees, crouching over him. She had to admit, she was a little surprised. Hathor had once tormented her with stories of intercourse when she was little, describing all the horrible details of how she would have to lie upon her back, or even worse, her stomach, and let her husband do to her as he wished. Instead, it was Anubis who lay beneath her, and as she picked up his motion it was he who tipped his head back against the pillows with a whimper, his hips rising into hers instinctively. For some reason it felt right. She took the lead and he didn't protest; it seemed to pleasure him even more. She pumped herself faster, nails sinking into his skin, their bodies rubbing and slickening with sweat. He held her arms tightly and drew his legs up so she rocked against his thighs. His muscles bunched with each push, relaxed with each pull back. Bastet whipped her head back, hair flying, baring her teeth and growling at the air. Her lover yelped like a jackal and bucked beneath her. Waves of pleasure coursed through her body. The pain had died almost completely away already, replaced by an overriding heat. Oh, gods. She couldn't believe this feeling. Nothing like what Hathor had described, and the words of no other had ever succeeded in capturing it. It was glorious. "My...Prince..." she whispered, in tempo with their motions. His breath increased. He stared up at her now through glazing eyes and her breasts bounced before his face. "...Prince...Anubis..." His fingers clawed her and he jerked upwards with a sharp cry. Bastet gasped and arched when he slammed into her, the abrupt gush of his fluid searing her inside and setting her aflame. She stopped moving and allowed his seed to fill her, though she couldn't keep her thighs from quivering at the strange yet exciting feeling. She moaned loudly and heard him sob, "Bastet..." The goddess let out her breath and sank down over him, their hips still meeting, their legs tangled. Anubis panted softly, looking exhausted, but he reached up to touch her face and she recognized the desire there. She pressed her cheek to his questing hand and purred, licking his fingers. He scratched her ears, and then ran his other hand down her abdomen and up again, causing her to shiver. I never got to ask Khebit... She opened her eyes and looked down at him with some lazy curiosity. At first he didn't meet her eyes, but then as if working up some courage, he did. I want to ask you now...if you approve...will you be mine? My wife? Would you take me as your husband? She stared down at his pleading eyes with more surprise. He managed to hold her stare without wavering, which she knew was incredibly difficult for him. Realizing she wasn't replying, she leaned down to him again to lick his neck and ears. Her fingers fluttered lightly over his chest. I would be honored to be the princess of Lord Anubis, to stay by your side day and night from this day forward. On hearing this, he gave a murmured sound, almost like a small sob, and crushed her to him. She didn't resist; instead she held him to her as well, nestling her head to his breast and purring softly. He silently wept and she licked the tears from his eyes before they could strike the ground. They thus passed the night locked in an embrace of love and hope, even while the world fell apart around them. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |