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An encounter in the marketplace leads Ameni into strange trouble... |
DISCLAIMER: Nonconsensual scene(s). Underage character(s) involved. Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 18 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts! GAY STREAMERS OF every available color fluttered from posts stuck in the ground at intervals. The great market square had been cleared of its customary booths, then refilled with the tents and stages of all the traders dealing their Moru. Every Moru trader of the Great Red Tribe was on hand in the same location, and even some traders from the neighboring tribes had arrived, to do business in good will with their brothers. And the marketplace was busier than it had been even as the new wall was being erected. The day of the grand auction of Moru had arrived. Ameni had never been to a Moru auction in his entire time among first the Red Tribe and then the Great Red Tribe. Captain Nehekhi had never had the human accompany him outside the household, and he had never asked to go, thinking such a thing forbidden. Yet rules were occasionally broken, and today was one such day. Lieutenant Djuta walked in the lead, Ameni and Thi'usa following. As soon as Ameni had stated to the other Moru his intentions of attending the market along with Djuta, Thi'usa had demanded to accompany them. "You will need another along with you!" he'd insisted, when Ameni had reacted with perplexity. "Moru markets are not pleasant places to be, Ameni-mate, and you'd best not be on your own." "But I will be with Lord Djuta..." "He is a Kana. You will need another Moru." This explanation made little sense, but he thought better than to argue. As such the three of them now wandered down the street and into the great marketplace, which even at the blazing height of midafternoon was as active as ever. Ameni stared with wide eyes at the numerous platforms which had been erected for public auctions of more popular Moru, and at the large tents which housed bigger selections of slaves, loud-speaking, wildly gesticulating Kana standing before the former, oily-mannered, silk-tongued Kana standing before the latter. Ameni stared at them all and almost felt like turning and running back home. He felt Thi'usa squeeze his hand. "You will grow used to it," he whispered in Ameni's ear. "Though it is never pleasant, especially at first..." He started when he remembered that Thi'usa himself had faced the auction block, years ago, and glanced at the Moru, ready to ask him a question before Djuta turned to them. "Well, Ameni-friend," he had to nearly yell over the cacophony, "we are here. You are certain you do not wish to head back?" Ameni blinked and then drew himself free of Thi'usa's grasp. "We are here because of you!" he retorted. "You promised me you would find yourself a suitable Moru. We are practically surrounded by them now. Do not tell me you will not be able to find one!" "Ameni-mate!" Thi'usa exclaimed in horror. Djuta's mouth just twitched, and he turned, gesturing at them. "Come along then. Perhaps I will let you do the haggling." They started on their way through the bustling market. Ameni paused to listen to one portly trader as he exclaimed over the numerous virtues of a tall female standing upon one of the platforms, before Thi'usa doubled back to grab hold of him and pull him along. "Do not stop for too long!" he hissed. "If you do, they will think you are interested!" "I am just a Moru," Ameni exclaimed. "Even Moru may bid on Moru, if their masters allow it! And even if not, these bats will STILL try to inveigle anyone into buying! Trust me, Ameni-mate, keep your eyes on the street, and do not speak to anyone." He glanced over his shoulder and his hackles prickled. "This place is full of vipers!" Ameni furrowed his brow. "You are certain you wish to be here...?" he started, when a halloo from a way back caught their attention. "Hai! Lord Djuta! You come here today, too? So you are finally ready to settle down like a real Kana?" Djuta paused and turned to look over his shoulder. Ameni felt his muscles tense in anger at the insult, yet the lieutenant didn't seem to take it as such. He turned as well to see two shapes approaching them through the crowd, one tall and the other short. Captain K'tasai held up his hand in greeting, Lieutenant Ki'ukha barely keeping pace just behind him. Djuta turned fully around and waited as they came up to join the small group. "I had thought you would never see the wisdom of seeking out a mate," K'tasai said. "And the very day I decide to stop by, I see you have made the same decision. Perhaps your house will not die with you after all." "Lord K'tasai," Djuta greeted, and then nodded at Ki'ukha, who blushed and bobbed his head in return. "Brother. You thought to seek out a new Moru, as well?" K'tasai's expression immediately changed to one of boredom. "Only because they are all that is available in the market today, it seems, and I had nothing better to do with my time. My bed has grown dull anyway; perhaps a nice fresh Moru would do it well." "I have need of a pair of strong males to work about my household," Ki'ukha quickly said. Djuta frowned. "But you are living beneath Lord Mahakhi's roof." Ki'ukha turned bright red. "Reasons are trifling," K'tasai interrupted, yawning. "So where may one find the choicest Moru? I hope these other Kana brought some interesting ones along, the selection was growing stale. Not a single one with wings." Thi'usa gave Ameni a meaningful look. "Why do you waste your money out here anyway, Lord Djuta?" Ki'ukha inquired as they started walking again. "You are in such good standing that Lord Mahakhi surely has one he can lend you..." Djuta made a face. "It would be most rude of me to ask for such a thing, Brother. Besides, I made a promise to Ameni-Moru here that I would purchase one, just to make him stop nagging me. Even he has been badgering me to father some pups of my own." K'tasai smirked. "Wisdom from a human, of all things. These are strange days we live in." Ki'ukha simply looked at Ameni and Thi'usa as if he had not noticed them before. Ameni frowned a bit at the way the plump Kana's eyes roamed up and down his body, and then up and down Thi'usa's, with more than passing interest; then, to Ameni's surprise, he did the same thing with Djuta, and then with K'tasai, who walked ahead of him. He even licked his lips surreptitiously while staring at the captain's flicking tail, and it was only when he at last noticed the odd looks the Moru were giving him that he coughed and flushed, lifting his head to look off into the market instead. Thi'usa gave Ameni a more meaningful look. Djuta and K'tasai, in the lead, had to elbow their way through the crowd now just to get through, and the tents pressed in on both sides of the clogged street. Ameni grimaced at the screechy voices of the traders, and jerked away more than once when a few attempted to grab onto his arms. Thi'usa, for his part, cringed ever closer to him until he was clinging to Ameni's arm, and once Ameni saw how several of the traders eyed the Moru, he could understand the reaction. One trader from one of the neighboring tribes even broke away from his tent and bobbed his head at the two Kana in the lead, clasping his hands together and giving an ingratiating smile. "Lords! Brothers! I could not help but notice this lovely specimen you lead along with you...a very lovely Moru! I know for certain he would fetch many gold rings, with a face and a build as fine as that! What would it take to convince you good Kana to part with him...?" Djuta answered his question by punching him square in the nose. The trader let out a tiny grunt and dropped to the ground like a sack of stones, and the group continued on their way around him, all but Djuta glancing down at him as they went. K'tasai's mouth twitched again. "Perhaps it is best you follow the Moru's advice, Brother. If you do not get laid soon you are likely to start killing people." "This is why I hate Moru markets," Djuta said in response. "Everyone is for sale." Ki'ukha slowed his step, staring off to the side into one of the tents. He tapped at K'tasai's wing and then waved. "Excuse me, Lords...I believe I see a decent selection of what I am looking for over there...I will meet up with you again soon." The two other Kana briefly glanced toward the tent yet saw nothing interesting, and continued walking. "Good luck," Djuta said, and Ki'ukha pushed his way off through the crowd, toward a trader selling several males. Ameni and Thi'usa watched him depart as well, then Ameni turned to face forward again, letting out a sigh. The heat was oppressive, and the market stank of Apsiu musk, stale beer, and urine. Djuta glanced at him over his shoulder. "Well? You have seen anything suitable for me yet, Ameni-friend?" "I do not know," Ameni said, a bit more crossly than he meant to. "You said you are picky. What sort of female are you interested in?" "I have my own particular preference..." "Brother." K'tasai nudged Djuta's arm, nodding at a plump Moru trader standing off to the other side of the street. "This trader I know. He promised me he would have some good females the next time I saw him. Let us look to him first off, to save us some trouble." "All right," Djuta said. "Though I do not hold out much hope; I have heard this promise before." Ameni followed the two Kana to the other side of the market. The trader stood waiting, watching them as they approached. He rubbed his hands together and held out his arms with an oily smile which Ameni immediately disliked. "Welcome, welcome, Lords! Lord K'tasai! Welcome! Did I not tell you I would be here this time around?" K'tasai made a face. "Actually, Ukuti, you told me you would have some choice females among your Moru. If you do not, then you are a fraud and a liar." Ukuti flushed. "Erm, ha! I do not lie! They are here exactly as I promised you! Come, follow me, I keep them nearer the back! Just so you and your friends would have first choice! Come! We will see what I have!" "Lord Ukuti," Djuta murmured to Ameni as they followed him inside. "He who can never speak in anything but an exclamation." They followed Ukuti beneath the tent flap, past a selection of male Moru and into a separate section in the back of the tent. Ukuti spread his arms again with a wide smile. "Come, see, what did I tell you? The choicest females within many tribes! Fully a dozen and more of the best mates one could ask for. Please see for yourself, and choose wisely, for there are no returns allowed!" Djuta and K'tasai glanced over the small group of females housed here, who stared back. Ameni felt sorry for them. He wished they could all be purchased by Lord Mahakhi, or else Lord Nehekhi. He knew Nehekhi did not have the means to support all of them, however, and Mahakhi already had a large collection of Moru; what would he possibly need with any more? Djuta glanced around the group of them for a moment or two before letting out a light snorting noise; Ameni assumed he did not see anything he liked. He was ready to ask to leave the tent, as he found it oppressive to be within; yet before he could, Djuta stepped away from them and toward a willowy Moru standing near the front. Every one of those watching blinked in surprise when he gently nudged her out of the way, to stop before a plump, broad-hipped, full-bosomed Moru, who looked back up at him curiously. Ameni frowned with puzzlement. She wouldn't have been his first choice. Looking at Thi'usa proved the former Kana thought the same thing. This female wasn't very attractive compared to many he'd seen. Still, Djuta walked around her, poking her arm, lifting her chin, even pinching her backside. She let out a hoarse little squeak and jumped when he did so. He bent down to examine her chubby legs, lifting her tail. Her face went pink but she kept her place. Ukuti frowned. "Hmmm...this is the one you would choose?" he asked, sounding as puzzled as Ameni felt. Djuta made a noncommittal noise. "How old is she?" "Old--? Eh...let me see." Ukuti perused a tattered piece of papyrus he withdrew from his belt. "Hmmm...ah, here she is. Rithukh'het. She is in her twenty-seventh year. A bit older than desirable, but still very strong stock, good for childbearing." "Has she borne any children yet?" "Hahmm, I am not so certain of this. I do know her last master did not treat her the best, though this was certainly not through any fault of her own, for I do not accept inferior stock! If you like, I may ask her..." "Have you borne any Kana sons?" Djuta asked the female, in Higher Apsi; Ameni waited for him to ask her in her own tongue. To his surprise, Rithukh'het shyly raised one hand, two fingers extended. The men all gaped at her. Djuta turned to Ukuti. "She understands our tongue?" "Er, why, it appears she does! Quite interesting! You do realize that this will increase her value..." Djuta looked her over once more, pinching her thigh. Rithukh'het's face went red again, though she still didn't complain. "Hm. Well, she appears strong enough; very well, I will take this one. Name your price." "She would be worth five gold rings, but for you, I will drop it to three gold rings and one silver ring." "Very well." Ameni turned to see that K'tasai was no longer near them; he noticed the other Kana had made his way toward the back of the group of Moru, from where he was now returning with a young female--she looked to be barely into her teens--in tow. Ameni blinked at what he saw when the female came fully into view; Djuta guffawed. "Lord K'tasai! What is it with you and wings!" "You think I would leave such a high-quality female here to languish?" K'tasai said mildly, nudging the female in front of him. Shapely wings rose from her back. "Moru of her sort are so difficult to find nowadays. I simply will not leave her here to wallow in this pit." "I say, Lord!" Ukuti blustered. "There is nothing wrong with this tent!" "Fah, leave your excuses for someone else, and tell me how much she costs." "Well, you must understand that a Moru of this kind is quite rare. I cannot let her go so easily; in fact, I had considered keeping her for myself..." Ameni bit his tongue. The girl looked younger even than Ki'amit; she peered around at all of them with large eyes. Thi'usa leaned toward him and whispered, muzzle twitching. "I swear to the gods his mates get younger every damned year!" "I said name your price, fool," K'tasai was saying. "I will gladly pay what she is worth." The trader pursed his lips. "Well...for this little one, eleven gold rings. This is her price." Djuta whistled. Thi'usa's and Rithukh'het's jaws dropped. K'tasai lifted his nose. "Again I say you are a fraud. No matter what her quality, she does not cost this much." Ukuti began blustering again. "I say! This is a fair price, Lord!" "This is the going price for a strong husky laborer," Djuta said. "A male laborer, perhaps with wings. There is no way you can charge such an exorbitant fee for a female!" Thi'usa now made a face and gave a soft whine, slowly edging back behind Ameni. Ameni could now tell he must dislike the haggling process, due to what he had gone through himself; perhaps his coming along had been a misplaced attempt to shield Ameni from such a thing. He took the Moru's hand and squeezed it. "But she has wings!" Ukuti continued desperately. "Surely you understand how this increases the cost!" "There is no way that it increases the cost so much. You are a fool, Ukuti. Seven rings is what I will pay you for her." Ukuti's face went so red that Ameni was certain he would collapse dead, and he started waving his arms violently "S-seven? Outrage! I will not let you steal her for so little! Off with you!" K'tasai's ear flicked. "Eight rings," he said in an unconcerned voice. "This is as high as I will go. If you do not accept this, then I will tell the other Kana how you attempt to defraud one of your own for a paltry female, and such a little one at that." Ukuti sputtered again, flushing, but relented. "Very...very well, then! Eight rings it is. You drive a hard bargain, Lord." The captain waved at him and pulled open one of his pouches. "Yes, yes, enough of the prattle. Here is your payment..." Ameni lost interest in their bargaining now and turned to Thi'usa. He frowned slightly when he saw that the Moru's attention was distracted, so he stared in the opposite direction, back toward the male Moru in the other half of the tent; curious, he turned to look as well. Several of the males stared back at them, but Ameni saw nothing particularly interesting. Once Thi'usa noticed his attention he nudged his arm and whispered in his ear. "Look, Ameni-mate, toward the back...the big one. I swear that he has been staring at us ever since we came back here!" Ameni's frown grew. His eyes eventually made out the Moru Thi'usa spoke of. A great hulking brute, he crouched near the tent wall, his eyes focused on the human in a way that made Ameni feel uncomfortable, and yet...intrigued, somehow, as well. Thi'usa let out a small gasp and clutched Ameni's wrist. "Kana! He has wings as I do!" "What--?" Ameni squinted and saw that Thi'usa was right. Behind the Moru's back he could see the dark mass of his wings, maimed and tattered. Thi'usa whimpered and squeezed his wrist harder. Ameni abruptly turned to Djuta and tugged on his kilt. "Ameni-mate--!" Thi'usa hissed. "What are you doing--?" "Hm--?" The lieutenant glanced at him over his shoulder. "You see a female you like, Ameni-friend?" Ameni flushed, suddenly feeling stupid. "No, Lord...though...I do see a Moru, over there..." "Hm?" The three Kana all looked toward the front of the tent. K'tasai raised an eyebrow. Djuta gave him an odd look. "You are interested in purchasing a male?" he asked, puzzled. "Well...I'm not certain, though..." "I have many high-quality males, as well, Lords!" Ukuti proclaimed, waddling toward them and waving his arms. "Very good prices! For you, even lower! You cannot find a better bargain anywhere!" "Eh," K'tasai yawned again. "I have already made my purchase. And I have no use for a male whatsoever. Lord Djuta--you said that we are all to meet at Lord Mahakhi's residence tonight?" "Yes, this is so. There are still some issues to be resolved concerning city posts." "Well, I shall take my Moru there and set up in a room. Perhaps I may find something to do until tonight. Good luck with your purchases." He turned, leading the young female by the hand, and left the tent. "Good luck with your Moru." Djuta stared after him a moment before adding in a murmur, "As if you will need to find something to do..." He turned back to Ameni, furrowing his brow. "And so, you wished for a male? I had not thought you the type to be interested. What is your reason, in particular?" Ameni's face felt as if it could not possibly grow any redder. "Oh--I--I have no reason. I was merely curious about...about that one over there." He pointed. Djuta peered closer, and Ameni saw the barest trace of puzzlement flicker across his face as he stared at the Moru, who glared back in a malevolent way. Djuta then blinked and shook his head. "Oh...hm. Lord Ukuti. Please explain the story behind that winged Moru, near the side. Ameni-Moru is curious to know." Ukuti craned his neck to see who they spoke of. "Him--? Oh! The winged one...yes...well, from the looks of it he was once Kana as we are...though of course no more. I do not know the specifics. Why? You are interested in him?" He hurried to the Moru and took hold of his collar, pulling him to his feet and making him come forward. When the Moru reached them Thi'usa backed behind Ameni a little; Ameni merely stared. Though not quite as tall, this one looked almost fit to rival Lord Mahakhi himself; Ameni had never seen a Moru of such size. Surely he had started out as a Kana, and had somehow been reduced to slave status since then. The Moru glared at them with pale brown eyes. It looked as if he should have been scowling as well, though if anything, he seemed to be...observing them? Ukuti droned on and on. "...very good specimen--for you, ten gold rings, please do not ask me to lower the price, surely you can see how worthy he is of the cost. A bit sulky, yes, but truly worth the price! You are interested?" Djuta's muzzle twitched and he looked the Moru up and down. He opened his mouth. "N--" "Yes!" Ameni shouted, abruptly. Thi'usa and Djuta both gaped at him and he went red, lowering his head meekly. "Er..." Ukuti's ear flicked, uncertainly, then he turned to Djuta and clasped his hands together with an ingratiating smile. "The Moru...does he speak for you, Lord?" "Hum? Oh...well..." Djuta paused a moment before sighing and shrugging, reaching into his pouch. "Yes, of course...I suppose...perhaps Lord Mahakhi could use a big male around the house...for a few minor tasks here and there..." He fished about, giving Ameni an unpleasant look, before pulling out eight gold rings and a silver. "Here, this is what I will pay you. No more, and no less." Ukuti made a show of heaving a great sigh, but removed the Moru's collar and nudged him forward. "Very well, very well, I suppose! If you must! A great deal for you. Here, he is yours now!" "Yes, yes, thanks...we must be on our way." Djuta secured his pouch and waved at the two with him. "Thi'usa, Ameni-Moru. Let us go, before someone catches Thi'usa's eye next!" They departed from the tent, meeting outside with a newly returned Ki'ukha, who stood off to the side with two sturdy male Moru. He saw the big Moru following Djuta and the others and his eyes grew, and he licked his lips. "Where did you find that one?" he asked with great interest. Djuta rubbed his eyes. "In the care of Ukuti, the slithering old snake. Ameni-Moru is taken with him for some reason. Come, we have a bit more shopping around to do before returning to Mahakhi's place...this way." They banded together again and carefully made their way through the noisy crowd. Thi'usa and Djuta, and eventually even Ki'ukha, lost all interest in the big Moru following behind as they chattered obliviously, yet Ameni couldn't stop himself from casting him furtive glances. For a while he was afraid the Moru would take notice of his attention, yet he saw that, strangely enough, the Moru's stare seemed to be focused on Djuta alone. And while he seemed to be trying to keep his face as neutral as possible, his eyes were the most hateful Ameni had ever seen. It is almost as if he knows him, somehow...no, that can hardly be, else Lord Djuta would have mentioned something. But still...it is as if he hates him...why would you hate one you have never even seen before...? Thi'usa abruptly tugged on his arm. "Come on, Ameni-mate! I just asked you a question, and now you are making me look foolish!" "Huh--?" Ameni shook his head to snap out of it, seeing how the Moru finally glanced at him just briefly, pale eyes glittering in amusement. "I'm sorry, Thi'usa...what were you saying?" Thi'usa glanced back at the Moru himself and made a face. He stuck his tongue out at the slave before turning back to Ameni. "Stop staring at him! We make much better company anyway." Ameni dropped his voice to barely a murmur, forcing Thi'usa to lean toward him to hear. "I was just wondering why he looks so angry, is all..." Thi'usa waved and made a scoffing sound. "That is because he is Moru! I've told you already how it feels to be Kana and then to be sold in the Moru markets as somebody's plaything. The plaything of a human, no less! So I imagine he has plenty of reason to look so cranky." He tugged Ameni's arm again. "Come on now, forget about him and talk with us. These two are making me bored already." Ameni reluctantly obeyed, and turned his back on the Moru once more. Though by the time they were headed back to Mahakhi's household an hour or so later, he did sneak one last furtive glance back, and the slave's malevolent look had not changed. Nor had it strayed from its target, as Djuta led the group of them out of the market. * * * * * "The one named Ameni-Moru. Is he here?" The question was a thoroughly unexpected one, from a thoroughly unexpected source. When Ameni heard his name called, he was sitting near Thi'usa, who in turn was sitting upon the floor with Ki'amit and Tai'ihet, smiling and tickling his pups while the females cooed; when he turned to look at the door, he saw that every single Moru's stare had focused on him, and immediately felt humiliated. The Kana at the door noticed him and gestured, so he scrabbled to his feet and hurried forward, bowing. "Have you any knowledge of city planning and organization?" Lieutenant Resikh asked, out of the blue. Ameni lifted his head again and blinked. "...Lord?" he inquired, puzzled by the strange question. "Any knowledge of the proper organization and governance of cities. Djuta said that you had some experience with those in power back where you lived." Ameni felt his face go red. He could tell by the question that Djuta had not told his entire story, which made the situation even more awkward. When he met Resikh's eyes the Kana let out a small sigh. "They are meeting in Lord Mahakhi's main hall," he explained. "They are interested in structuring part of the city governance after that of the Kemeti. There have been some complaints, in addition, of how the city has been laid out, and they have been sharing words over the efficiency of Kemeti settlements. Naturally, they wondered if you might know." "Oh." Ameni let out his breath and fiddled his fingers. "Well...I know only little of governance, though I suppose I know how towns are laid out, and who is in charge of what, and such..." "This is all they wished to know. I was sent to fetch you to come along, if you might be open to talking with them, plus there are a few no-shows I have to round up along the way." He gave Ameni a pointed look. "Do you know if any of the Kana went into the Moru market today, by any chance...?" "Yes, Lord; I was in the company of Lords Djuta and K'tasai and Ki'ukha, and..." Resikh sighed again, more loudly this time. "I see...so that is why K'tasai and Ki'ukha have not shown up yet. I had thought they might have something to distract their attention." He waved again. "If you'll accompany me, we will just have to drag them out kicking and screaming..." He trailed off and turned to look out the door as another Kana appeared and whispered something in his ear. Resikh's face screwed up and then he turned to Ameni again. "You purchased a Moru yourself--?" Ameni blinked. He had completely forgotten! But now that he thought of it, the strange Moru had been separated from them by some of the guards at the entrance, who insisted on having him checked by the physician before being let into the Moru quarters. He had no way of knowing whether this was typical procedure or not, as he had not seen the fate of either K'tasai's or Ki'ukha's Moru before having to leave; yet that had been the last he'd seen of him. He flushed and ducked his head, the look on Resikh's face making him feel very foolish over his brash decision. "Er...apologies, Lord...yet it is a purchase I did not think through completely. Actually it was Lord Djuta who paid, although..." "Djuta?" Resikh rolled his eyes. "When I see him I will tan his tail! In any case, it seems your friend has been causing some trouble with the guards. They need another hand to keep him under control; I guess that will have to be me. I do not know exactly what to do about the others, though..." "Lord!" Thi'usa jumped to his feet and made his way quickly over to them, bobbing his head. "I might accompany Ameni-Moru about the household! I know where K'tasai-Kana and Ki'ukha-Kana are housed, and when we have rounded them up, I may show Ameni through to the main hall; and then I can find my way back on my own. Mahakhi-Kana and Nehekhi-Master trust me enough to let me do so; and you may then deal with the Moru." Resikh chewed his lip a bit, then nodded. "Very well...you two can take care of this on your own, then?" When Thi'usa nodded he did so again as well, then gestured down the hall. "On your way, then; and whatever those two happen to be busy at, do not hesitate to drag them out by their tails if need be. They were told when this meeting would take place." Thi'usa bowed as the lieutenant left in the company of the other guard. "Of course, Lord. Best of luck!" Ameni watched them go, then gasped when Thi'usa grasped his wrist and started pulling him down the hall. "Come! It's best not to keep Lord Mahakhi waiting." "But I hardly understand," Ameni complained as they went. "I am merely a Moru, as are you--why entrust such a task to mere Moru?" "We are reliable Moru, Ameni-sweet. Why else?" Ameni sighed. "Well...I dislike it anyway. I do not think I know enough of anything useful to contribute..." "Oh, stop whining about it and come along. It has been ages since I've been out of that stable, aside from today! And we deserve this little walk by now, do we not? I believe Lord Ki'ukha is somewhere down this hallway here..." Ameni kept quiet about the other reason he didn't wish to perform this task. K'tasai, Ki'ukha, and Djuta had all purchased Moru of their own, plus there were numerous other Kana living within this household, and it was just the right time of day to expect certain activities to occur. Indeed, more than once he and Thi'usa passed rooms from which numerous odd sounds emanated, and they did not even bother checking. It was none of their business. Only Lord Resikh had made it their business, temporarily, so Ameni sighed again. They reached Ki'ukha's rooms and Thi'usa stopped, Ameni halting also. He turned to the Moru. "Well...we may as well not both barge in on him. Lord Resikh began to ask this of me first off. You can wait here." Thi'usa stuck out his lip. "Just like you to deny me any fun!" He nudged Ameni's arm when he hesitated. "I only joke, Ameni-friend. Go on ahead if it will make you feel useful! But keep in mind Ki'ukha's..." he paused, ear flicking, seeming to think of what to say "...habits." No one has even told me clearly what these "habits" are! Ameni thought, yet pushed open the door and peered inside anyway. He could hear a soft noise, but couldn't see where it was coming from. Perhaps Ki'ukha was napping...? Perhaps his odd habit was not ever having nesakh'ai at all. It was a stupid thought, but at least it convinced him to move. He stepped inside the room and walked toward the Kana's bed at the other side, noticing that Thi'usa peered in behind him yet stayed outside. As he neared the bed the noises grew louder, and he could recognize the hurried panting and shifting of sex. His heart shriveled in on itself. This was so embarrassing. To make it worse he could hear someone begin speaking as he approached, panting in a low, husky whisper. "Yes...yes...yes Master...I am a good Moru...please...I serve only you...yes Master...oh...please...yes...oh...please...impale me...I am a good Moru...ride me, Master, yes, yes, like that...seize me firmly...mount me...oh I love your feel, Master...you are so large...yes...oh yes...oh yes...Master...uh...oh...oh gods, yes...please...oh, Master...!" By now he could see the canopied bed shaking slightly with their motions, and the shadows moving behind the gauzy curtain; one shape knelt upon the bed, another kneeling upright with its hips pulsing rapidly at the first one's behind. Even as he watched, a third shape--third shape?--emerged in front of the one on all fours, kneeling upright as well, and he could barely make out the long hard shape protruding from between its legs. It reached out to grasp the mane of the Apsiu kneeling upon the bed, and Ameni heard a whimpered, "Yes--yes, Master--hakh'tua--whatever you wish--I am a good Moru--please, be kind to me--I am a good Moru--yes--ahhh...mmmhhh..." The third shadow pressed its penis into the kneeling shadow's mouth and the three of them began rocking together, hips thrusting. The shadow pushing at the kneeling figure's anus tossed back its head with a murmur and the kneeling shape whimpered around its mouthful. The third shape clutched the middle one's head and rotated its hips with a loud pant. Their buttocks bunched and relaxed, bunched and relaxed. Ameni sighed and stopped before the bed, clearing his throat. The three did not respond, only moved faster, the kneeling figure moaning loudly and arching. They didn't appear to hear him. He thought of how he had first encountered Nehekhi mating with Thi'usa--how embarrassing that had been, yet how it had been best to simply get it out in the open--and with that thought in mind he sighed again and reached out, yanking the curtain aside. Ameni's eyes goggled. The kneeling figure on the bed shrieked and abruptly sprayed his seed, jumping back away from the other two, who stared at Ameni with surprise, not bothering to cover themselves. Ameni gaped. Moru--? He couldn't believe what he'd just seen. The Kana, Ki'ukha, kneeling bound upon his bed while his two Moru coupled with him forcefully, one in his anus and one in his throat. He even wore drab lappets in place of his blue ones, while the Moru both wore red--the lappets of a captain! Ameni stammered while Ki'ukha quailed and rolled off the opposite edge of the bed, ducking behind it with a humiliated look upon his face. The two Moru made no effort to conceal their naked state; they seemed too surprised for that, and their large throbbing members still stood out, glistening and erect. Ameni finally found his voice and bowed his head vaguely. "L...Lord Ki'ukha--?" "I--I needed to test them!!" Ki'ukha cried, panicked. "To see--to see how strong they are! How enduring of hard labor! This--these were the only means available by which to do so! It means nothing more than that!" Ameni heard a snuffling noise and turned to see Thi'usa backing into the hallway, covering his mouth. Ki'ukha saw him and his mouth flew open. He clambered heavily to his feet, getting one tangled in the drapes; his hands were still tied behind his back, his wings hobbled, and he flushed bright red, shooting Ameni a desperate look. "Tell your friend I was only testing them!!" "Of--of course, Lord." Ameni ducked his head hastily, feeling his own face go red. "Of course. They--ah--they look to be very durable Moru, very sturdy. Good laborers." The Kana's panicked expression faded a little and he let out a tiny breath. "Yes, well..." He stood straighter, apparently forgetting he was still naked, his sheath still slightly swollen beneath the plump softness of his belly. "They are. Quite sturdy. Nice and strong. They will make good workers." He flushed again. "As my servants, that is! Not within my bed!" Ameni held up his hands. "Of course, Lord! This was the only way to test them. I understand. I...er..." He coughed into his hand, the two Moru in the bed now questing around for their kilts, apparently unable to find them. "I came merely to tell you that you are expected at the meeting in Lord Mahakhi's main hall, and the other Kana are growing impatient. I did not mean to interrupt your--testing." He noticed that the lieutenant's attention had been mildly distracted again by the two Moru. He stared at them as they looked around his bed, one bending over the other side so his backside stuck in the air, the other lying on his belly to peer under the drapes, his lean body flexing. When Ameni's eyes drifted downward he could see the pink tip of Ki'ukha's small penis already peeping from its sheath, and the Kana's breath had picked up. Ameni blushed and coughed and Ki'ukha jerked and glanced at him again, nodding quickly and pressing his thighs together. "Yes--well--very well!" he blurted out, his cheeks flushing. "We, I mean, I, will be there within the next few moments. I need only, er, clean myself up first, and will be on my way." "Yes, Lord." Ameni bowed and started to turn, before stopping and peering back at him. "Um...Lord...do you require any assistance...?" Ki'ukha was already turning back to his bed. "What--?" He saw the look on Ameni's face and glanced back at his bound hands and wings. "Oh! N-no, not at all--just a--just another part of the test--to see if they could break the bonds--I need very strong Moru, you see--need to test them to make certain I am not being dealt a poor bargain...please, go on your way, I will be there very shortly!" Ameni nodded and bowed once more, turning and leaving. He pressed a hand to his forehead and ground his teeth as he reached the door and exited. How humiliating! Thi'usa still waited out in the hallway, covering his mouth and snickering with amusement. Ameni covered his eyes as he joined him, letting the door swing shut after him. "Foolish Ki'ukha," Thi'usa chuckled. "I had heard he liked to play at being Moru with his slaves, yet I had not known it was true until now. What a sight!" He nudged open the door before it could close completely and peered in; Ameni caught a brief glimpse of Ki'ukha whimpering something to one of the Moru, and then ponderously leaning over his bed, spreading his plump thighs; the two slaves shrugged at each other before one grasped hold of the Kana's waist and plunged within him, the lieutenant letting out a girlish squeal as Thi'usa let the door swing shut again. "Oh gods, my master...!" Thi'usa guffawed. Ameni winced as they turned away and continued up the hall. "Please, Thi'usa, this is humiliating." Thi'usa gave him a curious look. "Ha--? Why? If you are embarrassed, imagine him! I remember meeting him briefly when I was still Kana and our armies were aligned. He was reviling those who are sen'akha and claimed that those who allow themselves to be impaled are pathetic Moru. Now take a look at who is impaling whom!" He started laughing with great amusement. Ameni reached out to cover his mouth. "Please! Someone may hear!" Thi'usa brushed his hand away. "So? They all know this, I know it now as well. The irony. This is what he gets for judging so hastily. How amusing! He even cried it out to the air that he is a Moru. And a very good one at that!" "Please, keep it down! We have to find Lord K'tasai...gods hope he isn't in such as situation as that..." "Lord K'tasai? No, this I doubt very much; he never had much interest in the males. Nor for playing the part of a female!" And he laughed again. Ameni sighed. "Thank the gods for that one little fact..." They turned into another hallway, and here it was much quieter, as most of those expected at the meeting must have gone already. They halted before a door and Ameni held up a hand to tell Thi'usa to wait, although by now he wished he'd follow him inside. The Moru obeyed, however, and Ameni had to go in alone. This time he stopped just inside the doorway, wringing his hands anxiously. The room was dim. "L...Lord K'tasai? I must speak with you," he called, praying that perhaps the captain had already left. Yet a voice called out in reply from the other side of the room. "H...here...over here," K'tasai called. Ameni sighed and followed the sound. He found himself walking in the direction of K'tasai's bed, and groaned inside. Was everyone in this building coupling but him? The lighting was such that he couldn't tell how busy the Kana was, or how he enjoyed whoever he might be with; so he stopped again and coughed loudly. "Ah...Lord?" "Behind...behind the drapes, Moru. Come and tell me...tell me what you came to say." The Kana's voice was thick and breathless. Ameni ground his teeth again and pulled the drapes just slightly aside, peering at the bed within. K'tasai lay upon his back, propped up against a mound of pillows. His legs stretched out before him and upon his lap sat the young Moru girl he'd purchased, her wings flaring. He held onto her hips and shifted his own quickly beneath her; her legs, parted wide, squeezed his own tightly and her hands pressed upon his stomach, her tiny breasts heaving. Her eyes were shut and she quivered and breathed quickly. She whimpered as K'tasai moved, his strong grip holding her small hips in place against him; for his part, K'tasai's eyes were glazed and slitted, his tongue lolling slightly as he let out a thick pant. Ameni spotted blood upon the girl where their hips moved together, but could not tell whether she enjoyed the act or whether he was witnessing her rape. He bit the inside of his mouth to avoid speaking out, knowing it would be wrong. The little Moru was, after all, K'tasai's slave. "Yes, Moru?" K'tasai panted, looking up at him even as he still moved. "Lord," Ameni forced himself to say after a moment of gathering himself. "Lord Resikh requests that you appear in Lord Mahakhi's main hall to attend the meeting now taking place. I thought I should inform you." K'tasai grunted. "I was not aware it was so late." He shut his eyes and rested his head back against the pillows, squeezing the girl's hips. "Very well then...thank you, Moru. I will be...be there shortly...as soon as Tiths'hit and myself are finished here. I will be not long..." "Yes, Lord." Ameni turned from him and toward the door. As he went he heard the girl give a high-pitched cry as the Kana gave a harsh groan, and a glimpse back showed him pushing his hips up into her deeply, arching his neck and baring his teeth. "Ohhhhhhh, yes, my little Tiths'hit, good little Moru, just like that...mmmmhh..." He met Thi'usa at the door again and they continued down the hall, the sound of the girl's soft whimpering and her master's muted grunts fading behind them. He didn't say a word to his friend, who peered at him as they walked. After a while the Moru squeezed Ameni's hand. "Do not feel sorry for her, Ameni-friend. I could tell, she was not being forced." Ameni's face turned hard. "How can you know this, for certain? She was so young. She is a slave, and may feel she has no choice but to submit." Thi'usa shrugged. "Well...Ameni-sweet, that is only because this is true, we are slaves, and we must submit." He paused, noticing Ameni's growing scowl, and touched his arm. "But do not worry for her. I know Lord K'tasai. He is...aggressive, sometimes, and eager, yet he is not the brutish sort. In fact I feel little Tiths'hit will be very lucky with him as a master; he seems to much prefer winged females, and has his own collection." "What is this you all keep saying of a collection--?" "Just as it sounds, Ameni-mate; about six or seven of them, that I can recall. Perhaps more by now. He admires them most among Moru females, for some reason. They are so very rare, females with lovely wings. Surely he would have gotten hold of Simit if Lord Mahakhi had not gained her first. Tiths'hit will join them. Surely he will treat her very well." The human bit his lip. "Still, she is so very young..." The Moru smiled and looped his arm about his. "Ameni-sweet, I first gave myself to a female who must have been even younger, when I was fresh a sergeant in Lord Mahakhi's army. She bore my first child in fact when she was barely that girl's age, and I cherished her always as she cherished me." "Well, this is simply not the way among my people..." "This I understand, Ameni-sweet, yet you must not let it bother you...if it lays your fears to rest, I will keep my eye upon her, and have Nehef or 'Hikh ask after her sometime, to see how she is faring. Does this sound good?" "Well...all right...I suppose." "Good. Now stop your worrying. Do we have anyone else we may barge in on?" And he started laughing again. "Lords Ki'ukha and K'tasai are all Lord Resikh mentioned! I should think we are quite done, for now!" Thi'usa rolled his eyes. "Oh, very well...you have grown dreadfully dull! I am going to go see who else is busy in the first hall, since it sounded far too occupied given that meeting going on. Surely there are more no-shows Lord Mahakhi must know about!" "But you are to return to the Moru quarters," Ameni protested. "Ah, you may go do your job, but I am still quite bored! Do not worry, I will return shortly. You will not get in trouble because of me!" Ameni scowled. "You vowed not to cause trouble. If any of this comes back to Lord Resikh, or Djuta--" "Oh, Djuta, Djuta, Djuta! With the way you prattle about him one would think you have an insane crush on the Kana!" Before he could see the gawk on Ameni's face he turned and paced away in the opposite direction. "I am going to check the rest of the rooms about this place! It is only my duty! If you are so worried then you may return to the Moru quarters and let them know I will be back in my own time. I swear that if any get their hides tanned it will be only me!" Ameni bit the inside of his mouth in irritation but decided it was best not to argue any further; Thi'usa might have been Moru, but he could be as stubborn as a donkey when he wished. He turned and started on his way toward the Moru quarters, walking slowly as he thought. He truly hoped Thi'usa's actions wouldn't mean difficulty for Resikh or Djuta in the future, as neither Kana deserved that trouble, especially not Djuta. He wasn't sure what it was...but there was something he admired in the Kana. Djuta was not big, like Mahakhi or his master Nehekhi; rather he was lean like Thi'usa, yet conveyed a silent air of superiority, without seeming vain. Ameni had first met the lieutenant not long after their rescue from the robber Kana, and he had been remarkably softspoken and kind to him then, even offering him fresh clothes and food, as well as an ear to listen to, and a chance at vengeance...yet it was this second occurrence that made Ameni's face flinch. He could hardly bear to think about it, now. Djuta and Resikh and the other East Tribe Kana, even while being on Ameni's side, had been most brutal in their revenge, and this fact he had found difficult to reconcile with their general natures. Yet he found he liked the lieutenant anyway. Djuta's fur was darker, like Mahakhi's, only not quite so dark; rather it was a medium gray tinged with gold, his amused eyes bearing a lustrous bronze sheen. Ameni suddenly wondered what he looked like unclothed, and the thought brought an abrupt flush to his skin. What sort of thought was that! He wasn't even attracted to him. Thi'usa's own words from mere moments ago flickered again in his head. One would think you have an insane crush on the Kana! Yet that wasn't true; he merely liked talking with him, he wasn't in love with him. He blinked a few times as he walked. Am I...? He abruptly shook his head to snap out of it. Enough; he wasn't going to walk around fantasizing like this. He would be a good Moru, and report Thi'usa's reason for being absent; then speak with the Kana in the main hall; and then return once more to the Moru quarters, and perhaps take a nice long nap, just to clear his thoughts. This idea calmed him, and he picked up his pace which had been stalling. He reached the Moru quarters and was let in without hesitation by the guard now stationed there; when he explained why Thi'usa was not with him, the guard merely shrugged and waved it off, murmuring, "He is spoiled." Once safely inside Ameni suddenly gave a wide yawn. Most of the Moru were dozing; he thought he spied only one pair busy making love in the far corner, and the relative silence of the place calmed him even more. He looked about for Thi'usa's two females, thinking it best to let them know why their mate would not be back just yet, and then saw Tai'ihet and Ki'amit both curled against the wall beside each other, their pups in their arms and their eyes closed; Akhahit dozed nearby, and the sight of the three females brought a slight smile to his face. His shoulders drooped a little, and he had to rub at his eyes. What could I truly tell them at that meeting, anyway? How to build a street? They have already laid this city out...I have little advice to offer. At the very least, I could grab a quick nap, and the guard could always wake me up if Lord Resikh came back along... It was a very stupid thing to do--especially right after he had chastised Thi'usa for possibly getting the lieutenant in trouble--yet his head felt foggy and drowsy already. He and Thi'usa had been too busy the night before to get much sleep, and it was finally catching up with him. He glanced at Ki'amit and Tai'ihet once more, then decided not to wake them just yet. Twenty minutes, a half hour...he doubted the Kana meeting would run any shorter than several hours more. If they missed him, there would be plenty of time to show up...after all, K'tasai and Ki'ukha had even been given a second chance... He looked about for a comfortable place to sleep, a bit away from the rest so he could be by himself. Most Moru quarters had a sort of partition blocking off one part of the room from the rest, and for some reason the Moru didn't usually sleep on the other side. He sought out the partition, and made his way for it, stifling another yawn. Once Thi'usa gets back, I will tan his tail myself. And I should have a word with Lord Resikh, too, for sending me on this ridiculous mission! A human to speak before Kana! And to barge in on them while they are in the midst of nesakh'ai! Perhaps I can get Lord Djuta to wring his tail for me... He stepped around the partition, opening his mouth to yawn a third time. As soon as he did he felt an arm wrap around his neck and he was violently dragged back behind the wall. Ameni gasped and choked for breath, clawing at the arm that restrained him yet unable even to make it loosen its grip. Whoever had grabbed him halted, and he sensed them putting their face next to his. Hot breath snorted against his cheek, making him grimace. A low, guttural voice snarled in his ear. "Moru. You demanded my freedom from that Kana." Ameni blinked, then felt the arm loosen its neckhold just slightly. He peered to the side and recognized the eyes that met his, pale brown and hateful. The large Moru Djuta had bought for him in the marketplace. He had been brought here--? Ameni stared at him, unable to speak. The Apsiu bared his teeth, long tusks glinting; he tightened his grip, making Ameni choke. "I demand to know why!" Ameni scrabbled at his arm, but he loosened his hold again--just barely. The human sucked in a breath. If he had still had any doubts about this one once being a Kana, they were all gone now; he could tell merely from the way he spoke and acted that he had once been a soldier. He'd never expected such a reaction from the creature, however. Usually those made into Moru acted as Moru did. Despite the slashing of this one's wings, he still somehow held onto his Kana side. A squeeze from the arm around his neck made him stiffen. "Explain!" the Moru hissed. "I--I--don't--know--" Ameni stammered, wheezing. The Apsiu growled and narrowed his eyes. "Then he who bought me will know. The name of the Kana with you! Tell me!" "L-Lord Dj-Djuta." The big Moru's nostrils flared and a strange look flitted across his face. "He is here? In this building?" Ameni tried to nod. "Y-yes--" The Moru loosened his grip again, and Ameni gasped for breath, lungs burning. The Apsiu still held him close, however, peering about the room. Ameni turned his blurred eyes to the side to see that he held a crude dagger, fashioned from whatever scrap materials he'd found lying about; he had no idea how long he'd had it, or where he'd made it. He decided to keep very still; the Moru seemed as if he could be dangerous, should he choose. "What is your name?" he asked, hoping to defuse the situation. The Moru glared at him, eyes livid, and Ameni tried to make his voice as nonthreatening as possible. "You speak as if you are Kana--if I knew your name, perhaps I--" The Moru bared his teeth and tightened his grip, choking off Ameni's words. "That is because I am, stupid Moru! I am Sergeant Bakh'asu. Of the Kana!" Ameni nodded hastily, to show he understood. However delusional the Moru might be, it was best to play along with him, at least until he could get the guard's attention, or that of one of the other Moru... Bakh'asu noticed Ameni's reaction, and bared his teeth again in what might have been a grin or a snarl. He then leaned forward and abruptly pressed his muzzle to Ameni's neck, taking a deep snorting breath. Ameni jerked and stiffened, his eyes going wide. He thought he suddenly smelled the strong odor of musk, and the scent filled him with panic and confusion. What is he doing--? Bakh'asu let his breath out and whispered hoarsely in Ameni's ear. "That fool Kana...'Ukuti.' Kept me a long time. Sick of being a filthy slave!" Ameni nodded again, keeping mute. The big Moru snuffled at his neck again and he tensed; Bakh'asu's voice came out thick and distracted, and though his hold around Ameni's neck wasn't as tight as it was before, the sharp scent of his musk grew even stronger. "Always keeps his males and females separate," he muttered under his breath, his wet muzzle rooting upward behind Ameni's ear. "Never got near a one! I have not been with a female in years because of that mutt!" He abruptly grasped Ameni's hand and brought it down. Ameni gasped when his fingers pressed against something hard and hot. He knew what it was, as well as what was probably going to happen next. Memories of the horrid attack from the robber Kana came flooding back to him. The Moru--Kana--merely pressed his nose to Ameni's nape and breathed in again, his tongue darting out to lick his skin, a growl rising in his throat. Ameni struggled to decide what to do. He wanted to fight. Yet at the same time he didn't want to, and knew it would be pointless anyway, if he couldn't even have fought off the Kana who had first raped Thi'usa and himself. That one had been half this one's size. I do not stand a chance against him. Even if I yell--even if I seek help--he will kill me in an instant. I can let him kill me, but then-- Ki'amit's and Tai'ihet's faces flashed in his mind. After the big Moru was done with him--who was to say he would not go after them, next? Or Akhahit, who would be even less likely to fight back, just to spare her unborn pup? The thought of the three females dozing on the other side of the room decided him, and he let his muscles go limp. "Go ahead," he whispered. "Do it then." Bakh'asu lifted his head and snorted, seemingly surprised. He stared at Ameni for a brief moment before narrowing his eyes, mouth twitching. "Not much of a fighter, are you? Used to giving in?" "Go ahead," Ameni murmured again. "If you want it then I will hardly fight you." Another snort. An ugly grin spread across Bakh'asu's face. "You are smarter than most Moru, at least--for I could snap your neck if I wished!" Ameni jerked when he felt a hand roughly fondling his buttocks through his kilt, then slipping up underneath it, fingers poking between, testing him. He tightened in revulsion at the feeling, but then forced himself to go loose again. Still keeping an arm around his neck, Bakh'asu steered him toward the wall and pushed him against it; he pulled Ameni's kilt up in back, and Ameni could feel him pulling up his own in the front, pushing his hips forward at him. His furry sheath brushed against Ameni's backside before the Moru pulled back slightly to position himself better, and Ameni felt the hot tip of his fat shaft pressing at his buttocks. He spread his legs obediently and waited for it to be over. He clenched his teeth and shut his eyes, preparing himself for the pain. Only--none came. Bakh'asu grunted and started bumping his hips against him quickly, nudging him against the wall with each thrust, but Ameni felt nothing. He opened his eyes with confusion and dared to peer over his shoulder. Bakh'asu's eyes were shut, his tongue hanging out and his breath coming in hoarse panting gasps; his free hand squeezed Ameni's hip, holding him in place as he pushed. Yet Ameni had never felt him enter. Even more bewildered, he glanced down at his own front, his kilt partly tugged up due to Bakh'asu's grip, and stifled a startled gasp. A great thick penis, fat purple head throbbing and dripping with pearly fluids, protruded from between his legs. Then it was gone. And then--back again. He could feel it now, slippery and hot, rubbing against him as the Moru's testicles pressed against his backside. Bakh'asu hadn't even entered him. Instead he pumped his hips hard, member rubbing harmlessly between Ameni's legs. He stared at it as Bakh'asu's motions grew faster, and then he gave a heavy grunt, and a thick stream of white squirted from between Ameni's legs to spatter against the wall. His penis shriveled and he withdrew, pulling his hips away with a satisfied sigh. Ameni let out his breath, beyond confused by the odd behavior yet not wishing to question it; at least he had not been hurt, yet. Bakh'asu noticed the gesture and glared at him, then pulled him away from the wall to grasp Ameni to him, his arm still around his neck. Ameni bit his lip but didn't resist. Bakh'asu snorted. "Confused, dumb Moru?" he jeered. "Thought I'd fill you up with pain? I am saving that for some other lucky one. With luck, you will help me find him!" Ameni said nothing. Bakh'asu pushed down his kilt and then steered him toward the partition, glancing about the room with eyes narrowed and crude knife drawn. He stopped to look at the other Moru. As before, most of them slept; two young males rolled about slowly at the side of the room, legs tangling and lips locked around throbbing shafts, and in the far corner another young male thrust atop an aging female, saliva trailing from her mouth and her sagging breasts flopping as they rutted, her elderly husband snoring nearby. He shuddered and came out of her, pushing her over onto her back before pressing into her mouth and groaning softly. She moaned and her husband snorted obliviously in his sleep. Bakh'asu snorted. "Looks like some of them have the right idea." Ameni felt pressure on his neck and the Moru growled in his ear. "Come." They moved toward the exit. Ameni's fear began to come back. For some reason, Bakh'asu had refrained from raping him, though his mood could always change again. He didn't like the tone of the Moru's voice, nor the thought of what he might be up to; he couldn't keep himself from twisting his head to look back at the drowsing females, biting his tongue with dread at the thought of them being ravaged again. Bakh'asu yanked on him so he gasped. "What are you wasting your time on, Moru--?" he hissed, then, apparently following Ameni's gaze, he snorted yet again. "Rest easy! I am hardly interested in those little scraps!" Ameni forced himself to untense and Bakh'asu leaned his head forward to hiss in his ear. "The rooms of Lord Djuta! Tell me where they are!" A bit of defiance at last surged up in Ameni's breast and he bared his teeth. "As if I should tell you anything, brutish mutt!" he snapped. "You do not even know your place!" Bakh'asu's mouth twisted up in amusement at his futile insults. "Ah, so you have a spine after all? How easily will that spine snap as soon as I change my mind--" he forced Ameni's stare back toward the sleeping females "--and decide I'd like to acquaint myself with one of those pretties, after all--? That little one looks quite sweet, or maybe even that plump one..." Ameni sucked in a panicked breath and dug his fingers into Bakh'asu's arm. "You will not dare touch them--!" he cried out, hoarsely; a few of the Moru began to fidget in their sleep, still oblivious to the confrontation going on. The big Moru simply grinned again, his eyes hard and cold. "Easily arranged. If you tell me where Lord Djuta's quarters are!" He squeezed, and Ameni felt his head swim. "One or the other, dumb mutt. Either I seek him out or I stay and play about with these ones! Think over which one may more ably fight back!" "He is in the north hall," Ameni cried. "Near the end! There is a Kana meeting though--he will not be there! You will be slaughtered before you can touch him!" Bakh'asu barked with laughter. "I heard the guards speak of what you yourself were busy doing! Seeking the dawdlers who were busy with their Moru! Resikh and Djuta are old friends--Resikh would never interrupt his comrade when he is busy with other things. I saw that plump little thing he bought at the market. Mutt though he is, he still has a cock between his legs--and he has not been near a female in ages, either!" And with that the pressure around Ameni's neck vanished and he fell forward, choking, hitting the floor with his knees. He grabbed at his throat, gasping for air. The young male thrusting into the old Moru's mouth glanced up with surprise, freezing in his motions long enough for the woman to push him off and roll away. Bakh'asu pressed his foot down on Ameni's back, knocking Ameni to the floor; he winced when the big Moru dug his heel into him, letting out an amused snort. "You stay. I go find Lord Djuta!" Bakh'asu pulled his foot away and stormed toward the door, pushing it open and stepping outside. It shut before Ameni could even get to his feet. He remembered the guard, only to hear a sharp cracking noise and a grunt followed by a loud thud, and footsteps walking away. Panic soared up inside him when he thought again of the sounds he had heard outside Nehekhi's Moru quarters, right before the robber Kana had grabbed them-- This is not they! This is just one! And he is not after us--the women, the pups, they are safe, for now-- Dread surged up inside him again. Lord Djuta--! He scrambled to his feet and stumbled toward the door. He tried to open it, only to find it blocked. He whirled to the startled male in the corner. "You! Help me here!" The boy only gaped at him, but fortunately the other two youths from the side of the room hadn't been so startled. They appeared behind him and pressed their shoulders to the door along with him, pushing as hard as they could. A moment later another Moru joined them, and together they managed to force the door open. Ameni stumbled out into the hall, tripping over something in his path. The other Moru stayed behind in their quarters, staring. He glanced down at the floor and his fear threatened to consume him. The guard lay there in a crumpled heap, blood oozing from a cut to the back of his head. Ameni leaned down quickly to press his fingers to his neck, feeling for his life-pulse. He let out a shuddery sigh when he felt it still beating; the guard wasn't dead. He stood again and looked around, but Bakh'asu was nowhere in sight. He turned back to the room and shouted. "Akhahit--? Simit! Simit!" The Moru lying about on the floor all started murmuring and sitting up, glancing around themselves in puzzlement. After a moment or so a female came forward, yawning and scratching herself, blinking the sleep from her eyes. "Simit," Ameni said, in such a voice that she blinked awake almost immediately; she saw the unconscious guard and gasped, wings flaring. "Go find Lord Mahakhi," Ameni ordered. "I don't care where he is. Tell him it's of the utmost importance, and that I sent you. Go now!" The female obeyed, turning and trotting off down the hall, casting a wide-eyed look back at them before vanishing around a corner. Several more Moru began crowding into the doorway, starting to chatter excitedly. Ameni gestured them toward the guard. "See to him! Keep an eye on him--and if any ask you where I've gone to--" Bakh'asu wished to know who purchased him. I told him. He is on his way there--because of me-- I have put him in danger--! The fear rose up in him anew, threatening to consume him. Without another word, Ameni turned and started off down the hallway at a dead run, his destination, Djuta's quarters. Continue: "Part 19: Lull" ![]() Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought. This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why. If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here. If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask. I do hope you enjoy! :) |