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Rated: E · Image · Photograph · Animal · #512440
This is Koyote...our little house "dog".
This is Koyote. We call her our little house dog because she is always with you..in the house.

Koyote had a serious stomach operation a few years ago and will be on medication for the rest of her life.

When she was only one year old..she started throwing up. It seemed no matter what food or what you tried, nothing worked. With the help of my vet..the decision was made to operate and open Koyote to see what the problem was.

Well, the opening leaving her stomach was only the size of the lead in a pencil. The opening was being squeezed shut by a cluster of white cells. The problem was the white cells were also attached to her pancreas. The cluster could not be removed because it might damage the pancreas.

My vet knowing that I would not be satisfied with just sewing her back up went the extra step. Thank God. He took a piece of her intestine and made a new opening from her stomach..then went below the cluster and reattached it to the lower intestine. What should have been a 15 minute surgery...turned into 3 hours.

I hope I explained this the correct way but you get the idea here. Well, after one week of being at the animal hospital...Koyote got to come home.

For the first time Koyote heard her stomach growl. She actually looked down at her belly. It was so funny in one way but on the other side of it...it almost made you cry.

Koyote is doing very well now. She does have to be on medicine the rest of her life...but she's alive.
This is Koyote...our little house "dog".
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