Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/512220-The-Black-Binder
Rated: XGC · Folder · Erotica · #512220
Miscellaneous erotica based on my fiction. M/F, M/M, and others.
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TITLE: Various

GENRES: Various, mainly adult/erotica/GLBT.


SUMMARY: Welcome to the Black Binder! These are stories that a little over a year ago I vowed I would never, EVER publish anywhere online under my regular username. Well, here they are. O_o

I write erotica (obviously), but I don't consider myself an erotica writer. Simply because these were almost all written solely for myself, and were not intended for others to view. Some of these are also much older than most of my posted writing and thus contain errors in continuity (especially where plotlines have changed), characterization (there are some VERY out-of-character scenes included here, written before I fully understood my own characters), details (see continuity), and even in style and technical details (prepare yourself for HORRENDOUS point-of-view switches...ugh). Meaning, in short, these "stories" were NOT ever meant to be literature...they were just meant to be...erotic. That's all. Nothing more.

However, I've always tried to imbue my adult writing with more than just smut so you're not likely to find "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" in here...almost every scene has some dialogue, plot details, characterization, etc. included. I just feel that a sex scene without any of these things is...boring. Who wants to read about some random cardboard characters having sex? I don't. Not that I read much erotica anyway, but I'm sure not going to write cardboard characters having sex, either. o_o

You'll also notice I mostly refrain from using the more vulgar language often found in erotica...it just does nothing for me. When I read that stuff, frankly, it either makes me laugh (fuckstick?--*LMAO*) or turns me off ("asscrack"?--uh-huh, sounds romantic). The only real times it appears is when spoken by a character who really does talk like that...for the most part it's kept out of the narration.

And finally, yes, I know, some of these scenes look a LOT alike. The same themes and scenarios tend to recur in this writing--for example the violent scenes in the non-erotic "Apophis/Maftet" and "Silver Rat/Unnamed" are virtually identical in many respects; "yaoi" (male/male) scenes; the accidental voyeur; shapeshifters taking the forms of animals; etc. You can chalk it up to lack of imagination, obsessive tendencies, or whatever you want...I just write what I see in my head.

As I'm most ambivalent and unsure about this side of my writing, comments are especially appreciated. In particular I would like to know if you enjoyed the writing and if the extra details helped the scene any. Suggestions for improvement are always welcome as well. Most of the average and poor ratings in here came with no comments attached, so I have no clue what those people would have had me do to improve anything. :/

Once more, please keep in mind that most of these are merely SCENES, and not actual stories, taken from existing storylines and as such are not fully developed with beginnings and ends--they're just meant to be enjoyed as erotica. Each piece will include some additional commentary. Some items include more than one scene; I will only ever include up to five scenes with the same characters in one item, and so if there are more than five scenes with them involved, you will find scenes six through whatever in another, following item. Any other disclaimers will be included in the main text of the items themselves.

If you do not thoroughly understand all the plot points or something to a scene, feel free to ask me for explanatory details; I realize my writing comes across as imposing, as it all takes place in existing storylines of great length and most people do not have the time to sift through all of that.


D: Scenes from the D Is For Damien storyline, or storylines set in the same continuity (True Believers, Vets, etc.) (multiple semi-realistic genres including drama and occult, set in modern-day America)

H: Scenes from the Horus/Kemet storyline (mainly fantasy set in ancient Egypt--MAY INCLUDE SCENES OF UNDERAGE RELATIONS)

M: Scenes from the Manitou Island and related stories storyline (fantasy set in approx. 1600's-1800's Michigan--MAY INCLUDE SCENES OF UNDERAGE RELATIONS)

T: Scenes from the Trench Rats/Tunnel Rats storylines (furry/anthro set in WWII Europe and 1960's Vietnam)

Finally there is the "Ameni Chronicles" storyline, set in the Kemet continuity, which has taken on such a life of its own that it deserves its own space. (See related folder.)

NONCONSENSUAL items will be marked "NC." Stories with UNDERAGED characters will be marked "Minor." Please note I DO NOT and WILL NOT write scenes of underage relations set in modern times (when such relations are illegal). Any such scenes with those themes would be considered nonconsensual scenes, and would not be treated as erotic. I do NOT condone underage relations, but remember that they were the norm in ancient and pioneer times, when the average lifespan was much shorter and women did not possess the same rights they do today.



LENGTH: Various.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Graphic sexual scenes, adult situations, adult language, graphic violence; also please see individual items.

COPYRIGHT: These stories and all characters, unless otherwise stated in the Disclaimers, are copyright © tehuti_88 and may not be used or distributed without permission. The reader is free to print out or download a copy of these stories for offline reading as long as the author's copyright information remains upon them. Please do not distribute; if you wish to share these stories, send a link to this page.

DISCLAIMERS: These stories are not intended for readers under the legal age for viewing written adult material. Ocryx and his "species" are © the Haunted Theatre of Mackinac Island. Certain characters are from mythology. Although aspects of some of these stories are loosely based on Ojibwa or Egyptian mythology and culture, and some may make use of actual names and locations, artistic license has been taken as these are FICTIONAL stories. Please take note that some of these stories were written long ago and that my writing style and understanding of the mythology I created have changed vastly in the meantime.


RELATED STORIES: "Fiction (the stories on which these scenes are based), "The Ameni Chronicles (serial--ADULT CONTENT), "Related Tales (short stories--ADULT CONTENT)

REVIEW REQUEST: The author greatly appreciates any reviews and comments, as these let me know that people are actually reading. Please do not assume that I must get lots of comments and don't need any more, or that you as a reader have nothing worth saying, as this is not so. Be aware that I am NOT seeking publication for these stories, and am not seeking literary criticism to improve my writing style, but am interested primarily in entertaining readers, so comments on plot, characterization, what the reader finds interesting or confusing, etc., are most appreciated. If you have any questions about anything in the writing feel free to ask.

CONTENTS: "The Black Binder TOC || "Milk Cartons || "Strayed || "The Arrangement || "Blood Hunger || "Lucky Lorenzo || "Straightforward || "Office Hours || "Odd Preferences || "Ritual || "Misplaced Loyalty || "The God's Visit || "The Lure || "Wide Awake || "Apophis's Day || "Front Seat || "Things Fall Apart || "Beautiful To Me || "The Good Morning || "Last Warning || "New Mates || "As Forward As You Want || "Wandering Thoughts || "Wedding Night || "Love & Hate || "The Witness || "Chosen || "Come Away || "Bad Ending || "Majesty || "Father's Daughter || "Much To Offer || "Role Reversal || "Consummation || "Unreal || "Good Enough For You || "Keeping In Line || "Jekyll & Hyde || "Keep Your Enemies Close || "Brotherly Love || "Sleeping With The Enemy || "The Bribe || "Under The Influence || "Waterlilies || "The Bargain || "Yes, Sir || "Green-Eyed Monster || "No Room For Weakness || "Messed Up With Me || "Windup Toy || "What You Want || "Let It Go || "Power Play || "Stream Of Consciousness || "No Odds About It || "Something About The Water || "Some Kind Of Sign || "Getting To Know You || "What's Good For The Goose... || "Sex Change || "Two Of A Kind || "Unsatisfied || "Something Different || "Brief Respite || "Hole In The Wall || "Divine Fire || "Ghosts || "Everybody's Here || "Welcome Nightmare || "Not Yet || "Bad Trick || "Used || "Self-Restraint || "Passing The Night || "Wildcat || "New To This || "By The Riverside || "The Demon Comes || "Substitute || "Shapeshifter || "Honored || "Insurance || "Great Royal Wife || "Little Sister || "Feeling It || "Dear Silver || "Kind Of Rough || "After The Storm || "When The Cat's Away || "Flashbacks || "Payment || "Someone Else's Trysts || "Back Room Bonuses || "After Dinner || "Wife Watching || "May & December || "Family Affair || "Let Me || "Good Girl || "Broken Ghost || "The Wolf & The Oriole || "First Ride || "First Night || "We Don't Have To Talk || "Thank You || "Kid Gloves || More to come

Portfolio -> Shywriter -> Fiction -> The Black Binder
Printed from https://writing.com/main/portfolio/item_id/512220-The-Black-Binder