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The Hot-pockets return for revenge against our heroes
"Hey T-dawg, pass the chocolate syrup man," I said. "Sure man. You know you are my number one guy," he responded. "That’s where you are wrong. He is my number one guy," Heather said." We have been going out for a little over four years," she added. "That is true," G-mac said as he took a bite out of his sundae. It was a hot August day and nothing felt better than the taste of a chocolate sundae. The quiet moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. " I'll get it," T-dawg said as he jumped up from the table and headed for the door. He opened the door to find his brother Shane in the doorway. "What in the blue feces do you want?" he asked. " Turn on the television, there’s something on the news that might interest you," he answered. We all got up from the table and walked into the living room. T-dawg reached over and flipped on the television. Just as Shane had said there was an urgent bulletin on every channel. "I caught the end of the last broadcast as Johnny and I were leaving Bob's electronics," Shane added. "Shut up so we can here," I said to him. A news woman in a blue suit was sitting at a desk. " As I am talking to you now our sources say that NASA has reported unidentified flying saucers over the following towns; Recklenburg, Rock Hill, and Howardsville. Citizens are advised to stay indoors until more information is available on what these creatures are and what they want," she finished. "You don't think it is them do you," I said as I looked at T-dawg. " Nah, can't be, we destroyed all them didn't we?" He asked. "I hope so," G-mac said. T-dawg reached to flip the television off when another special bulletin. "What now," Heather asked. "Our camera crew has captured the ships landing outside Rock Hill. Let’s go live to the scene," she said. "That's about five minutes from here," T-dawg said. The camera switched to show a large metallic disk-like ship. Slowly a side of the ship folded down making a ramp that led to the ground. Two silver looking creatures emerged from the ship. They walked down the ramp and placed a small square shaped container on the ground. Then they hurried back into the ship and took off at an amazing speed. Then the box opened and two blobs fell out. "We are going to see if we can get a better look," said the man with the camera. The man walked up to the blobs who had now taken shape. "As crazy as this might sound folks, they appear to be Hot-pockets," said the reporter that was with the camera man. All of a sudden they grew with surprising speed. In the time it took the camera to get adjusted on them they were easily eight feet tall. The creatures turned and open the top of there head which revealed a row of sharp teeth. “Wow folks this is something you don't see everyday. They don't appear to have eyes, ears, or a nose but, have teeth," the reporter said. Before he could say anything else the hot-pockets struck with amazing speed. In the wink of an eye they lunged at the news crew and swallowed them whole. The camera fell to the ground just in time to see the man’s feet disappear into their mouth. Then from what we could see the Hot-pockets split in half and now there were four of them. "Tell me I didn't just see two men get eaten by Hot-pockets," Shane said. "I hate to say it but, you did. It appears they have come back," I answered. G-mac, T-dawg, Heather, and I all looked at each other and said," Let's get the guns." We walked upstairs into T-dawgs room and he pushed the hidden button under his baseball trophy and his dresser flipped into the wall revealing the gun rack. "Here Jay," he said as he tossed me the M-16. "G-mac can have the AK-47, Heather have the combat shotgun, and Shane, you can have the trusty magnum," he said as he handed out the guns. "Of course I will take my old favorite, the Ak-47," T-dawg said. “We need to go get Johnny. I dropped him off at his house about ten minutes from here," Shane said. " Sounds like a plan," I said as I reached for the extra AK-47." He will need a gun to," I reasoned. We ran downstairs and out the back door into the garage. T-dawg pressed the button for the garage door as we climbed into Shane’s car. The car sped out of the drive way and we took a sharp right down a dirt road. " This is a short cut," Shane said. We emerged from the road into Shane’s neighborhood. We pulled into Johnny’s drive way and saw a horrible sight. Two Hot-pockets were chewing their way through the front door and we could hear Johnny screaming from inside. T-dawg was the first to get out and he opened fire on the first Hot-pocket who had noticed our presence and stopped chewing at the door. The shots slammed into its torso but, it kept coming. By this time I was out of the car and I opened fire on the nearest Hot-pocket. Our combined shots made it stumble back but, the other one had noticed us too and started toward the car. Heather got out and fired two shots at the other one but, it kept coming. Finally, Shane gets out of the car and helps her with the Hot-pocket. " This isn't getting us anywhere," I said. " Hey Shane! Go get Johnny, we will give you cover fire," T-dawg screamed. We stopped firing long enough for Shane to dodge the nearest Hot-pocket and crawl through the shattered door. Finally after about 15 shots from both of us the Hot-pocket collapsed against a stack of garden supplies. Pizza sauce leaked out from it and onto the floor of the garage. The other one was closing in on Heather but, she seemed to have a plan. The Hot-pocket opened its mouth revealing rows of sharp teeth. This was what she was waiting for and she pulled the trigger. The Hot-pocket took a mouthful of buck shot and fell against a bicycle. It was stunned but, I could tell it wasn't dead. About that time Shane came running out with Johnny. "Get in the front seat and let’s go," I screamed. T-dawg, Heather, G-mac, and I all crammed into the back seat as Shane sped out of the garage and onto the road. " I think this is going to be harder than I thought," I said. "They seem smarter and stronger than ever before," Heather added. "Those stupid things caught me off guard. I was cooking something to eat when I heard them in the garage,” Johnny said. “Luckily I looked out the window instead of opening the door and saw them coming toward me," Johnny explained. "Here I brought you a gun," I said as I toss it to him. "Thanks man," he said in response. We took a sharp turn and headed into town. "Where are we going," Heather asked. "We forgot about Hanna. We need to got get her to," Shane said. We took another turn and headed down a road that led through a neighborhood. To are horror we saw two Hot-pockets standing in one of the lawns. They didn't seem to notice us at first but as we drew close they looked up and saw the car. They immediately started toward the car. "Lucky for us they are slow," Shane said Just as he finished saying that one of the Hot-pockets shot a flaming meatball out of it's mouth. Shane veered sharply to the left to avoid the meatball. "Holy feces, since when do they spit out flaming meatballs?" I asked. "Good question," G-mac answered. The second one fired a meatball but, this time we weren’t so lucky. The meatball slammed into the left rear tire. It instantly melted and we skid into a ditch and flipped over. The last conscious thing I remember was Heather lying against me and the hot-pockets moving ever closer. I woke up to a horrible sound and blood oozing into my eyes. I shook T-dawg to wake him up but, he was out cold. Shane was hunched over the steering wheel and Johnny was lying on the dashboard. The noise was really starting to get to me so I looked around trying to found out where it was coming from. It sounded like metal being grinded in a blender. I looked up and to my horror I realized the floor boards were being ripped apart. I frantically looked for my gun but, I couldn't find it. Then I saw it lying outside the shattered window. I reached for it but, the chunks of glass were keeping me from getting it. By now Heather had woke up and she began to scream. I put my hand over her mouth and said," That’s not going to help us now," "What are we going to do," she asked. "I have no idea," I said. time the hot-pockets had chewed through the floor boards. The two monsters looked down and opened their mouth ready to eat us whole. I closed my eyes and pulled Heather close to me and prepared for the worst. All of a sudden I heard a sound and the hot-pocket closest to us exploded into a shower of pizza sauce. “What in the heck just happened," I said out loud. The other hot-pocket turned and looked behind it and let out a scream. Then I heard a voice say, “hurry up and get out of the car." I grabbed Heather and hoisted her out of the opening in the floorboards. " Hey T-dawg wake up," I yelled. He stirred and then opened his eyes. " Where are we?" he asked. " We are going to be lunch if we don't get out," I told him. " Hold on and let me get Shane and Johnny," he said. I reached up and pulled myself out of the overturned car. Heather had crawled out but, stopped and was standing beside the car. “What are you waiting on," I asked. She seemed to be staring in the direction of the hot-pocket was moving. I looked over in the direction and noticed what she was staring at. There was a green man with a rather large, silver gun. He stood about 5,8 not including his orange hair he had spiked up which added at least another six inches to his height. He had a long, narrow witch nose that had a large nose ring hanging from it. Both his small ears were pierced just like his nose. His gun appeared to be jammed or something because he was trying to fire it but, all that happened was a strange sound. He looked up and noticed how close the hot-pocket was to him. He threw the gun at it which made it stumble back. He then reached behind him and upholstered two small silver pistols. He opened fire with both of them. Blue orbs shot out and slammed into the hot-pocket. After about six shots from each gun the hot-pocket feel to the ground in a smoldering pile of dough. He stuck the guns back in their holsters and then he turned to us. " Are you all the famous bounty hunter Jay and T-dawg," he asked. His voice was deep and very intimidating. By this time T-dawg had dragged Shane and Johnny and put them on the ground. " Yes that would be us," I said. “How do you know of us," I asked. " Are you kidding? The whole universe is in an up roar. There has not been many people who have single handedly fought off two Hot-pocket invasions. You are ranked as some of the best bounty hunter in the universe," he finished. " Wow didn't know we were celebrities," I said. " Names Kraven Fasten. One of the most feared Bounty hunter in the universe. My species was almost totally irradicatedby A Hot-pocket invasion in the year 1717. My parents were better than I am but, were killed in the invasion. I have devoted my life to wiping these vile things out of this universe," Kraven said. " How did you know they were here," G-mac asked. " I have a device on my ship called a necolizer. It tracks the energy given off by the hot-pockets. I picked up a faint signal and have been following it for a week," Kraven said. " Where do they come from?" Heather asked. " They are created by a species of alien called kiptriks. They use them to conquer planets that have resources they need," Kraven answered. " That must have been those silver aliens that were on the news." Shane said. " We need to get a move on. My sensors indicate that there is still at least one hot-pocket left," Kraven said. " Hold on, let us get our guns," G-mac said. I walked over to the wreck and grabbed my gun off the ground. Shane found his and T-dawg's was lying on the roof. Finally we all had found our guns and it was time to move out. " How are we going to get to the hot-pocket? My car is totaled," Shane asked. Kraven reached down and pressed a button on his belt. A greenish colored ship suddenly appeared on the side of the road. " This is my ship. I had the cloaking device on just in case I ran into some nosy humans. The only rule about my ship is that you can not touch anything," Kraven said. He then pressed another button and a door appeared on the side of it. |