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Amber finally gets to meet justin. what will happen in their relationshp? |
From This Moment On It was a hot and sunny day in Orlando, Fl. Amber was laying on her bed staring at the posters on her wall daydreaming about NSYNC, especially Justin Timberlake. Amber was absolutely in love with Justin. The way he walked, the way he talked, even the little tooshy shake he did in their music video, "It's Gonna Be Me" What she would give for Justin to date her or even look her way. Little did Amber know her dream was going to come true. Just then the silence broke by the sound of the phone. Amber kinda jumped then rolled over in bed and picked up the phone. "Hello" she said. It was her friend, Doris who was just as big of an NSYNC fan as Amber was. "Oh my God!" Doris started, "There's gonna be a big charity basketball event tonight NSYNC against the BSB! We gotta go!" "Hell yeah we gotta go!" exclaimed Amber "I'll come pick you up in fifteen minutes." She hung up the phone up the phone with Doris and started rushing around her room trying to get ready. Then she rushed out to her car and started on her way to pick up Doris. She got to Doris' house in fifteen minutes flat. Doris got in the car and away they went. Amber popped in her "No Strings Attached" cd and they both started singing along to it. Finally they got to the Citrus Bowl. They hurried inside and rushed to get seats in the front. They sat there waiting and then finally they started to introduce the two teams. When NSYNC finally came out someone in the crowd stood up booing them and cheering for the BSB. Well this got Amber really mad. So without thinking, Amber stood up and started yelling, "You think BSB is so good. Well let’s talk about the poor dying little girl that BSB refused to see? And who did go see her? NSYNC!" Just as she finished, it started pouring down rain and everyone started to scatter. Everything was happening so suddenly that Amber didn't think to run for cover. They ended up postponing the game and by the time they announced that, both teams had left. Or had they? As Amber looked down onto the field again, she noticed Chris Kirkpatrick was down there looking around to see where the rest of his band was. Chris noticed Amber up in the stands and smiled and ran over to them and said, "You were the one who stuck up for us, weren’t you?" Amber shyly said, "Yes" "Well thanks" Chris started, "Hey, it seems as though I have been stranded, is there anyway you can get me back to our hotel? I'll let you meet the rest of the guys if you do" The chance to meet Justin. This was the moment she had always dreamed about. There was no way she could turn it down. "Sure" Amber replied, "My car is right over here" They all went and got in the car and it seemed like in no time they were at their hotel which was down by Universal Studios. As they got out of the car, Amber realized they didn't have a camera with them. What was supposed to be one of the most exciting days of her and Doris' life was not going to be believed by anyone if they didn't have pictures. "Doris, we don’t have a camera! What are we gonna do?" Amber said. Before Doris could answer, Chris spoke up and said, "Don't worry about it. They have a gift shop here. I'll buy you a bunch of disposable cameras. And if we need more, then we'll just come back down and I'll buy you more" "Okay, great thanks Chris", said Amber. They went into the gift shop and bought 10 disposable cameras. Chris paid for the cameras and they left to go get the elevator. They found the elevator and rode up to the 7th floor. The elevator stopped and they got off and walked down the hallway until Chris stopped and started fumbling with his keys. Amber stood there nervously, realizing that her dream was about to come true. Finally Chris found the key. As Chris started pushing the door open both Amber and Doris took in a deep breath because they knew who was on the other side of that door. As they walked through the door they saw the rest of NSYNC sitting at a table with a bunch of business executives. Joey looked up and smiled and said, "Oh hi Chris! Long time no see! It's about time you got here" Chris snapped back, "Well, if it wasn't for you leaving me, I would have been here the whole time!" Then Joey said, "So who are your friends?" Chris replied, "Oh this is Amber and Doris. They were the ones who stuck up for us today. And I wouldn't be standing here right now if it weren't for them." Everyone in the group said hi then Chris led them to another room. "Sit in here" he said "We should be done with our meeting in a few minutes and then I'll come and get you" "Okay" replied both Amber and Doris. Then Chris left the room. Amber and Doris sat there and whispered to each other. "I can't believe we're actually in the same hotel room as NSYNC" said Amber. "I know. Did you see how hot Lance looked?" asked Doris. "Yeah and did you see how hot Justin looked? Man if this is a dream I don't ever want to wake up" said Amber. "Agreed" replied Doris. About 10 minutes later, Chris came back in the room and said that the meeting was over and that we could come out now. So Amber and Doris followed Chris out to the living room area of the hotel suite. Chris took them up to JC. Amber and Doris got the normal routine of a hug, a kiss on the cheek, an autograph and picture. They got the same from Joey and Chris. Then Chris took them up to Lance. Amber got an autograph and a picture with him and then stepped out of the way so her friend could be near her fave. Lance gave Doris a hug and kiss on the cheek and he signed her shirt and got a picture but instead of that being it, Lance and Doris sat down on the couch and started talking. Amber had other concerns on her mind. She kept looking around the room for Justin but he was nowhere to be seen. So instead Amber and Chris sat down and started talking. Chris asked about her hobbies, favorite NSYNC songs and of course favorite NSYNC member. Well, Amber answered the last question very quickly. "So, Justin is your favorite?" Chris asked. "Yeah" Amber said. Chris started studying Amber's shirt and realized Justin's autograph was missing. "So you haven't met Justin yet?" asked Chris. "No, sure haven't" replied Amber glumly. "Well, we'll just have to change that now wont we?" replied Chris obviously noticing she was kinda depressed. Chris said, "Hang on here a sec, I'll go see where he is and then I'll come and get you alright?" "Sure", Amber said. Chris got up to go look for Justin. She glanced over towards Lance and Doris who seemed to be having the time of their lives. Amber felt pretty jealous because here they were hitting it off and she had yet to even meet Justin. Chris entered the room again smiling and said, "Justin's out on the porch and can't wait to meet you" Amber slowly got up realizing her dream was about to come true. They finally made their way to the sliding glass door that led to the porch. Amber saw Justin sitting there on one of the lounge chairs. He was so hot she thought. Amber shyly hid behind Chris as he opened the door to go out. As soon as Chris opened the door, Justin looked up and their eyes met and he gave her one of his million dollar smiles. Chris said, "This is Amber" Justin stood up still smiling and said "Hi". Somehow Amber managed to say hi back. He then walked over to her and gave her a nice warm hug and kiss on the cheek. Amber didn't ever want it to end. Then Justin signed her shirt and Chris took a picture of the two of them. Then with a smile, Chris said, "I'll leave you two alone now" and he went back inside. Justin pulled one of the chairs out from under the table and offered her to sit down. And then he sat down right beside her. "So", Justin started, "What other music groups do like other than NSYNC?" Amber was still feeling pretty shy but she didn't want to blow it so she spoke up nice and clear and said, "Well, I really love you guys and that's what I mostly listen to but I also like Jessica Simpson, 98 degrees, Joey McIntyre and Britney Spears" "Well, that's cool" said Justin smiling at her again. He was so cute, she thought. "So, what are your hobbies?", Justin asked. "Well, I really like singing, acting, shopping, and just basically hanging out and having fun" said Amber. "So, you like singing?" Justin started "Maybe we should get you up on stage with us". As much as Amber liked what Justin had just said, there was one thing she had to know. "Do you mind if I ask you a question Justin?" asked Amber. "No not at all" said Justin. "Ok, so are you really dating Britney Spears?" asked Amber. "Yes I am" said Justin. Amber's heart absolutely sank. She had to do everything in her power not to cry. Now she would never get a chance with him. Why would Justin ever leave Britney for someone like her? "But" Justin continued "It was fun at first with her but now with our tour schedules, we never get to see each other. I just want to find a girl that isn't famous and can just pick up and go when she pleases or if I want to see her". Maybe Amber did stand a chance. She wasn't as depressed now but she was just a little since she wasn't the one dating him. All of a sudden the door opened and Chris came out. "Hey, how are you guys doing?" asked Chris. "We're doing great" said Justin. "Well, I hate to break this up but we have a sound check and a concert to get to" said Chris. Amber didn't want it to be over. But then Justin looked at her and said, "How would you like to come with us?" Amber said,"sure could my friend come to?" "Sure" said Justin. So they all got up and came inside. "Guess what Doris?" Amber exclaimed, "were going with them to their sound check" "Oh cool" said Doris. They all left the hotel room and before they even reached the lobby in the elevator, they could hear tons of fans chanting their names. "This could get pretty messy" started Justin "so you might want to take my hand through here". So Justin reached back and took Amber's hand. Lance did the same with Doris. Amber just about wanted to die right there. Justin’s hand was so warm and soft. And she smiled to herself because she knew she was going to be seen in front of all these fans holding Justin's hand. They turned the corner to start heading outside and she the hundreds of fans that were outside. Justin squeezed Amber’s hand a little more to make sure he wouldn’t lose her in the crowd. Justin turned around and smiled at Amber and said, "Are you ready for this?" Amber shook her head yes and let Justin lead the way. The doors opened and all the girls started screaming and carrying on. They made their way through the mob of fans and onto the bus. As soon as they were all on the bus, they gave a sigh of relief. Justin was still holding Ambers hand and she was just glowing inside. About 2 minutes later, Justin let go of her hand and said, "Man, am I thirsty after going through that mob. I'm getting something to drink. Anyone else want something?" Nobody else did so Justin went over and grabbed himself a bottled water and then came back over and sat down next to Amber. Then Chris got all excited and said, "Hey I’ve got to give you a tour of the bus! It's the bomb". Even though Amber wanted to sit next to Justin and Doris next to Lance, they still wanted to see where their men spent their time. Amber and Doris got up and followed Chris. He showed them their kitchen, bathroom, their individual bunks and their TV area. As they walked back into where the rest of the guys were and Justin said, "So, did he show you my bunk?". "Well", started Amber "he showed mw the bunks but I don’t know which one is yours" "Well, I’ll show you" said Justin. Amber followed Justin to his bunk. He stopped and opened one of the curtains. "Here it is". Amber looked in and noticed that it had to be what looked to be a nice fluffy pillow and 2 stuffed animals. A stuffed bear and a stuffed cat. "I got those stuffed animals when I was a baby" Justin explained "I've always slept with them" he said smiling. That’s so cute, Amber thought as she smiled back at him but all she could picture in her mind was Justin sleeping all curled up with his stuffed animals. "We're here" Chris yelled to Amber and Justin. "Allright, we're coming" said Justin. "You ready?" Justin asked.smiling. "Sure, lets go" said Amber. They walked to the front of the bus and followed the other guys off. They went inside the arena and Justin said, "Here you get two front row seats for our sound check" Justin turned around to go up on the stage and Amber and Doris sat down to watch their men perform. It was really funny. They kept messing up the song or the dance moves or someone voice would crack. Amber and Doris sat down in the front laughing. Finally they got everything right and they were done. Justin jumped down off the stage and Lance joined him and they walked up to amber and Doris and Justin laughed and said, "Were normally not that bad" Lance and Doris went over to some of the chairs to talk so Amber was left alone with Justin once again. "So" Justin started, "do you have tickets to our show tonight?" "No" replied Amber glumly. "Well now you do" said Justin. "I'll even throw in some backstage passes" added Justin "Allright that would be cool" said Amber. "But" started Justin "there’s one condition to getting these" "What’s that?" asked Amber. "Well, everytime I look down into the audience I better see you singing and dancing along. Okay?" said Justin smiling at her. "No problem" said Amber smiling back at him. "Hey" yelled Chris "we gotta get read for the show" "Okay" yelled everyone. "Well, I don’t want to go but I have to" said Justin getting back up on stage"but remember what I said you better be singing and dancing" "I will be, Justin, I promise" said Amber. "All right see ya later" said Justin. Then he got up on the stage and headed backstage. Amber ran over to Doris. "Can you believe all this?" exclaimed Amber. "No I cant! I don’t ever want this to end" said Doris. "Neither do I" said Amber who was thinking about Justin. Finally people started coming into the arena and taking their seats. About 45minutes later the lights went down and NSYNC hit the stage. Amber's heart started beating very loud and fast when she saw Justin. He looked so good. Amber remembered her promise to Justin and was definitely going to keep it. She couldn’t let Justin down. Justin came over to their area of the stage. Justin looked down at her and smiled and pointed to her. Justin apparently figured that it drove Amber crazy so he started laughing. Then during the song, "For the Girl Who Has Everything" they did something that Amber and Doris totally didn’t expect. Lance came over and took Doris on stage then Justin came over and took amber on stage and the other guys came out with girls also. When Justin started singing he came over to where amber was sitting in stage and held out his hand to her and then he led her out to center stage and began singing to her. All Amber could do was stand there and look into his eyes and smile and know she was the envy of all the girls there. After the song was over Justin led Amber back to where her seat was, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "I'll see you after the show". Amber and Doris got back down in to the audience and watched the rest of the show. Then as soon as the show was over, Amber and Doris moved quickly to the backstage area. They finally got backstage and waited along with the rest of the girls that were lucky enough to meet NSYNC. Finally they cam through the doors and they still looked hot even though they were all sweaty. The guys went around to all the girls saving the two best for last. Finally they had met everyone so all the guys walked up to Amber and Doris. "So what did you think of our show?" asked Chris. "We loved it" answered Amber and Doris at the same time. "Hey" started Chris "they’re NSYNC with each other". Everyone laughed at that comment. "Well, we'd better get back to the hotel" said Justin. Amber and Doris didn’t want it to be over but then Justin shocked them> "Your coming aren’t you?" Justin asked Amber and Doris. "Well, if you'd like us to" Amber said trying not to sound to eager. "Of course we want you to come" they all said at once. Then everyone shot a look at Chris. Chris looked at everyone and said, "Hey I wasn’t gonna say anything about us being NSYNC with each other" "Well lets go" said Justin as he put his arm around Amber. Then Lance put his arm around Doris and they all walked out to the tour bus. As soon as they got on the bus, Justin’s cell phone rang. Justin answered it and the only thing Amber heard was "Hi Brit".Then Justin walked back to the back of the bus so he could talk. Chris could sense the depression on Ambers face so he came over and sat next to her and said, "Don’t worry it will never last. Besides I think he’s interested in someone else" "Oh that makes me feel alot better Chris" Amber said sarcastically. "No, no, no you don’t understand"Chris started" the person I think Justin is interested in is you" "Yeah right Chris what makes you say that?" asked Amber. "Well for starters your all Justin talked about backstage while we were getting ready for the show AND Justin picked you to come on stage and he’s been talking to you most of the night" said Chris. "But Chris, he just met me" said Amber. "Yeah I know, but maybe in the short time he’s known you, he’s started liking you" said Chris. "Well we'll see" said Amber. She didn’t know whether to believe Chris and she certainly didn’t want to get her hopes up but Chris had no reason to lie to her so she had no reason not to trust him. She decided she would take his word for it. Just then Justin came from the back of the bus looking very happy. Amber wondered if she should go back on her choice of trusting Chris. Before she had a chance to decide they were at the hotel. They got off the bus and they all went up to their hotel room. They all went in and sat down. Jc, Joey, and Chris stayed for awhile and then they went to bed. Justin looked over at Amber and said, "Hey you wanna go to my room and hang out?" Amber glanced over at Doris and Lance who were deep in discussion then looked back at Justin and said, "sure". They got up and went into Justin’s room and sat down on the bed. They hung out listening to music and going through pictures of Justin’s family and the guys on tour. They were having so much fun talking and laughing that they didn’t even realize it was 4 in the morning. Then Justin got all serious and said, "you know I haven’t had this much fun in a long time" "Neither have I" said Amber. Justin looked at Amber and said, "I know I’ve only known you for a short time but I really like you. And I would really like to get to know you more but I don’t want to do it as friends, I'd like to get to know you more as my girlfriend. So um would you be my girl?" Amber looked at Justin and even though as much as she wanted to say yes she had to now something first. "Well what would Britney think?" asked Amber. "Oh Britney" Justin started, "I broke up with her earlier when she called when we were on the bus. And before you say anything, you will not be a rebound relationship. mine and Britney's relationship has been dead for awhile it’s just none really got around to breaking up. But I really like you so I don’t care what Britney thinks". Amber thought for a second and then said, "well in that case, sure ill be your girlfriend". Justin smiled at her and said, Great! Well in that case there’s been something ive been dying to do all night" "Whats that?"asked Amber smiling hoping it was the same thing she had been dying to do all night. "This" Justin replied as he leaned in and started kissing her. It was a long, passionate kiss and Amber felt chills going through her body every second of it. Finally after what seemed like an eternity Justin pulled away and smiled and said, "Well we'd better get to bed" "yeah" Amber said still wishing she was in his arms with him kissing her. "Well your staying here, right?" asked Justin. "If you like me too" answered Amber. "Id like that very much" said Justin smiling at her. Then Justin said, "Here you can wear one of my shirts and boxers" "Okay" said Amber. Amber got up and went in the bathroom to change and along the way she ran into Chris. Chris looked at her and said, "I take it your staying the night" Amber said "Yeah and your going to be seeing alot more of me" "Why is that?" asked Chris. "because Justin asked me out" Amber replied smiling still trying to believe it for herself. "I told you"he started"I knew he liked you. So im taking it he broke up with Britney?" "Yes he did and yes you were right" Amber said giving Chris a hug and a kiss. "well, im glad I think you guys will do great together" said Chris. They said goodnight and Amber went into the bathroom and changed. She couldn’t believe all this was happening to her. She got dressed and then went back into Justin’s bedroom. When she walked in there Justin was laying on his bed with a tank top and boxers on. Justin smiled at her when she came in and said, "So, do you want me to sleep on the floor or on the bed with you?"As much as she wanted to blurt out for him to sleep with her she just said< "Wherever you want is fine with me" "Well" started Justin"I'd kinda like to sleep on the bed, the floor is to uncomfortable" "That’s fine with me" Amber said. Amber crawled into bed with Justin. He rolled over to face her and said, "We’d better get to sleep" "Yeah" said Amber. Justin leaned over and kissed her again and said, "Im really glad you wanted to be my girl" "Im glad you asked me" said Amber smiling. Justin kissed her again and said good night and rolled over and fell asleep instantly. Amber laid there thinking for a bit thinking about everything. her dream had finally come true. She looked over at Justin sleeping peacefully and thought to herself "Im the luckiest girl around" She glanced up at the clock and it was 530 am and she decided she had better get to sleep so she moved over closer to Justin and laid her head on his shoulder and thought "he’s all mine now" and then closed her eyes and went to sleep. Justin woke up the next morning before Amber did. he got up and ate a bowl of Capn Crunch, took a shower and then ordered a room service breakfast for Amber. Once the food got there, Justin carried the tray into Amber. He set the tray on the dresser and went over to wake up Amber. He sat down beside her and softly started shaking her to wake her up. "Baby, time to get up"Justin said. Amber slowly started to wake up, she rolled over and opened her eyes and when she looked up there was Justin smiling at her. It wasn’t a dream she thought to herself. "Hey there beautiful, I got some breakfast for you" Justin said getting up. He walked over to the dresser and got the tray of food and set it down in font of her. "Eat up! We have got a busy day today"said Justin.Amber took he lid off the food and looked at Justin and said, "Why? What are we doing today?" Justin smiled and said, "Well we are all going to Disney world" Amber smiled and said, "Well that should be fun" Amber ate while Justin changed his clothes. Then Amber got up and said, "Well im gonna go take a shower and get ready" "Okay" said Justin. Amber got up to fetch her clothes. "Oh man" said Amber. "What’s wrong?" asked Justin. "My shirt is still soaking wet from yesterday, but my pants are dry" "No problem" said Justin heading to the closet "wear one of mine" He got a shirt out of the closet and handed it to Amber. "Thanks" said Amber"I'll be back soon" "Okay" said Justin. Amber went in the bathroom got undressed and took a shower, brushed her teeth and got dressed. Justin’s scent was all over the shirt. She felt so comfortable in it. Amber came out of the bathroom and saw Doris. "Hi" said Amber happily. "Hi" said Doris just as happy. "I have got some big news for you"Amber said. "Well so do I" said Doris but then she said, "you go first" . Amber got a big grin on her face and said, "Well Justin and I are going out! And we slept in the same bed together ad he kissed me!" Doris said, "Oh that is so cool! All that happened with me and Lance last night too" Amber said, "oh that’s cool looks like our dreams have finally come true" "They sure did" said Doris smiling. Amber and Doris headed back out to the living room area and all the guys were sitting out there. "Were ready" said Amber. "Great lets go then" said Justin. Justin came over and smiled and took Ambers hand and they all left the hotel room. They took the elevator down and went out through the lobby and through the doors to the limo that was waiting for them. They got in the limo and Justin sat next to Amber and Lance next to Doris and the rest of the guys scattered in the limo. Justin held Ambers hand the whole way there. Finally they got to Disney. They got out of the limo and to the front gates. They got into the Magic Kingdom and went straight to tomorrwland. They all went on Space Mountain, the People Mover, and Alien Encounter. Then they went to Fantasyland and went on Peter Pan, Dumbo, the teacups, and Small World. Then they went on Jungle Cruise and Splash Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain and the Haunted Mansion. They had so much fun. Everyone was laughing the whole time. Then everyone decided to go to EPCOT to watch the fireworks. They got on the monorail and headed over to EPCOT and went to get their spot for the fireworks. Then the fireworks show started. Justin held Amber close. Then he looked at her and said, "You really look beautiful tonight. I’ve had such a great day with you". Then he smiled and slowly leaned in and started kissing Amber soft and long. It felt like hey were the only ones there. Justin pulled back slowly and smiled at her and held her close as the firework show came to an end. They all walked back to the limo and got in. Justin sat next to amber and placed his hand on her leg rubbing it softly. He looked at her and smiled and said, "so would you like to come back to the hotel with us?" amber smiled and said, "sure Justin". They finally got back to the hotel and went up to the rooms. All the guys were tired and lance and Doris wanted to be alone so they all went to their rooms. Justin smiled and looked at her and said,"well it looks like its just the two of us huh?" amber smiled and said."And the downside of that would be..?" Justin laughed and pulled her into his arms placing a kiss upon her lips. He then pulled back and said, "So you wanna go to my room?" amber kissed Justin and smiled. Justin laughed and said, "I uh take that as a yes" Justin took her hand and led her to his room. They laid in his bed watching jay leno and before they knew it they both fell asleep in each other’s arms. Amber woke up before Justin the next morning and watched him as he slept peacefully. She decided she was gonna make him breakfast. she got up and got dressed and went out to the kitchen to find Chris sitting at the table. Amber smiled and said,"hey Chris". Chris looked up from reading the newspaper and smiled and said, "Oh hey how was your night with Justin?" amber smiled and said, "Oh it was great. He’s still sleeping so I figured I would come out here and make him some breakfast" Chris laughed and said, "man girl your gonna make him fall in love with you. Well your in luck his breakfast is easy all he'll eat for breakfast is cereal" amber smiled, "well that’s easy enough". She found the cereal and poured him a bowl and went into his room once again to wake him. She sat next to him in the bed looking at him sleeping so peacefully, then she reached over and softly nudged him. "Justin baby time to wake up" Justin rolled over half awake to see amber sitting there smiling at him. He smiled and said, "wow I see an angel before me" amber laughed and said, "boy you are so smooth with those words of yours better watch out you might make me fall in love with you" she got up and got his cereal off the dresser. Justin smiled and said, "aw falling in love with me cant be to terribly bad I mean just look how cute I am" amber set his cereal down in front of him and laughed and said, "don’t flatter yourself to much Justin" Justin pouted and held his head down. Amber laughed and ran her fingers through his hair and said, "aw poor baby" Justin smiled and began eating his cereal. "im going to take a shower baby ill think about you while im gone" amber laughed and said, "just don’t think about me too much while your in there Justin" Justin laughed and left the room. Amber laid back in the bed and thought about what had happened to her within the last few days and how she had never been happier. About 20minutes later Justin came back in the room wearing nothing but a towel and still dripping wet from the shower. Amber looked up at Justin and was amazed by how nice and well defined his body was. Justin noticed her staring and laughed and said, "why don’t you take a picture it’ll last longer" amber blushed and said, "I uh wasn’t looking at you I was uh looking at uh uh uh....."laugh"god I cant even lie good". Justin laughed and went to his closet and got out his clothes he was going to wear for the day. He left the room again to change and came back a few minutes later. Justin sat down next to her on the bed and said, "so what would you like to do today?" amber shrugged her shoulders and said, "as long as im with you I don’t care" Justin smiled and said, "you are just to cute. well we can go to the mall I need to get some new sneakers and im sure the other guys would love to come too" amber laughed and said, "boy don’t you have enough shoes?" Justin laughed and said, "nope I still have to buy quite a few more" amber smiled and said, "well that sounds great Justin" Justin smiled and said, "good I was hoping you’d say that because the guys already talked me into going" he stood up and reached out for her hand. Amber took his hand and walked out to the living room with him. Joey looked up and said, "well are ya guys ready to go?" Justin smiled and said, "yep we sure are". they all made their way down the elevator and out the door and into the limo. They rode to the mall and got out and all the guys put on a baseball cap and glasses to avoid being recognized. Amber laughed and looked at Justin and said, "god you look so sexy like that" Justin laughed and said, "yeah ive been told that before" amber took his hand and they all walked into the mall. They walked around and went into the Abercrombie and Fitch store, which was Justin’s and Chris’s favorite. Justin looked around the store as amber went up to Doris. Amber smiled, "hey long time no see" Doris laughed,"yeah I know were all in the same hotel suite and we never see each other" amber smiled and said, "yeah but its worth it so how are you and lance doing?" Doris smiled and said, "oh were doing great I never knew I could feel this way about someone before. I don’t even have to ask about you and Justin. I can tell by looking at you how much in love you guys are" amber smiled and said, "god he’s the best. He’s so sweet and I feel like I can tell him anything." Doris smiled and said,"well its about time you find a good guy you and me both" amber smiled and said, "tell me about it"just as she said that she felt hands go over her eyes. "Guess who?" amber laughed and said, "Um is it that sexy guy I have woken up next to the past 2 mornings?" Justin laughed and said, "you bet it is and count on quite a few more mornings too" amber turned around to face him and she kissed him. "Did ya find everything you needed?" "Sure did" said Justin holding up his full bag. Amber smiled and took his free hand as they walked out of the store. Their next stop was the music store. Amber walked in and out of habit she walked straight up to the nsync cds. Justin walked u behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "oh you like this group?" amber laughed and said, "well they’re ok but this guy"points at Chris" is pretty hot" laughs. Justin pouted and said, "oh fine then I guess you don’t want what I bought you then" amber turned around quickly and said, "What did you buy me?" Justin acted as if he was walking away and said, "no no you like Chris not me" amber ran after him and wrapped her arms around his waist and said, "aw baby you know I was just kidding" Justin turned around and faced her, "I know" amber smiled and said, "now what did you get me huh?" Justin laughed and said, "oh nothing I just wanted to see if you would come after me" laughs. Amber playfully hit Justin and said, "Timberlake you are so mean" Justin laughed and pulled her close and said, "aw you know your my baby" amber smiled at the sound of that and said, "yeah I know" Justin ended up buying some cds and then they all left to go to the food court to get something to eat. Amber sat down at the table sitting in between Justin and Chris. Justin went up to get their food. When he came back and the rest of the guys came back all the conversation stopped at the table as they ate. The silence broke by the sound of some girls screaming. "Oh my god looks its nsync" they ran over to the table. Amber thought to herself"well I gotta get used to this if I wanna date him so this is my first big test" amber ate as the guys signed autographs and took pictures. Finally the girls were happy and left. Justin came back to the table, "sorry about that it happens from time to time" wondering to himself now I can see how amber handles girls screaming over me and see if she is the one for me. Amber smiled and said, "oh that’s ok Justin your famous its normal" Justin smiled hearing what she said and right then he fell for her even more than he already had. He reached across the table and took her hand. Amber smiled at him. They all finished their food and Justin stood up and said, "well I have some shopping to do so ill find ya guys later" and with a smiled directed at amber he wandered off. Amber watched him walk away confused but then turned her attention back to the rest of the group who was getting u to go check out more of the mall. Amber followed the rest of the group slowly as they walked through the mall. She felt so lost without Justin. He was the missing piece that she always needed in her life. Chris noticed her moping around so he fell back in the group and walked with her. "Hey whatcha doing back here walking? Joey had tacos for lunch and it could be dangerous to your health to walk back here" amber laughed and said, "yeah that’s true hwy didn’t you warn me earlier huh?" Chris laughed and said, "Oh I don’t know I just figured you wanted to be alone. Everything ok between you and Justin?" amber knew she could trust Chris. She looked at him and said, "Yeah as far as I know everything is great. I just know how hard im falling for him and im not sure if Justin is falling for me the same way" Chris nodded his head and said, "oh I see. Well if it makes you feel any better I have never seen him act like this around any girl not even britney" amber smiled warmly and said, "thanks Chris that really did help alot" Chris smiled and said, "anytime girl now get up here before Joey kills you from the tacos he had earlier" amber laughed and joined the rest of the group with Chris. They walked through the mall and finally they spotted Justin who was coming out of a book store. Amber caught the glimpse of Justin coming out of the store and even though she had been with him for the past few days her heart still skipped a beat when she saw him. Justin noticed everyone else and came over and joined them. He squeezed his way in between Joey and amber so he could be next to her. Justin smiled and said, "miss me?" amber smiled and said, "you know I did" Justin smiled and put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. They finally decided to call it a day at the mall so they went back out to the parking lot and got in the limo and went back to the hotel. Justin went into his room and placed the many bags he had from the mall on his bed. Amber walked into the room and laughed at the big pile of bags on the bed. Justin smiled when he saw her and said, "what’s so funny huh?" amber laughed and said, "oh im just thinking about how 90% of that is probably shoes" Justin laughed and said, "well alot of it is but not all of it" Justin started taking the stuff he bought out of the bag and putting it away. Amber sat on his bed and watched him. "Hey baby I was thinking about going out tonight you know just you and I. I mean were leaving tomorrow so I just figured we should spend some time together alone before we go" amber smiled and said, "sounds good Justin but I really need to go back to my house and pick up some more clothes and stuff if your expecting me to go out tonight and stay the night with you again" "sure no problem baby. I tell ya what how about you and Chris go back to your house get some stuff and ill be here getting ready and well go once you get here so get ready at your house ok?" amber smiles and says, "ok sounds good to me" Justin walked over and kissed her softly and said, "ill see ya in a bit ok" amber smiled and said, "ok" she left the room and saw Chris sitting on the couch watching cartoons and laughing at them as if he were still a little kid. She couldn’t help but to laugh at the sight of it which broke Chris out of his concentration of the TV. He looked up and smiled and said, "oh hey amber what’s up?" amber said, 'well um im going back to my house to pick up some more stuff for the night and I have to get something nice because Justin wants to take me out tonight. Would you like to come with me?" Chris smiled "sure lets go" they walked down to the elevator and got in and went down into the limo. The limo drove them to ambers house. Amber got out of the car and opened the door and Chris followed her in. "this is a nice house" amber smiled and said, "oh thanks Chris" she went into her bedroom and started throwing some stuff into a bag. Chris slowly came into her room and sat on her bed and noticed the poster of Justin hanging up in her room and laughed. Amber looked up and said, "what’s so funny?' Chris pointed up at the poster and amber blushed and laughed and said, "oh that well uh told ya I liked him." Chris laughed and said, 'well that’s obvious enough just watching you around him and I see the same thing from him" amber smiled and went into her closet to find something for tonight and said, "I sure hope so Chris ive never felt this way about anyone in my life before" amber sighed looking at all her outfits not knowing which one to choose. Chris got up and came over to her closet, "something wrong?" amber looked at Chris and said, 'well I just don’t know what to pick" Chris smiled and said, "oh no problem ill help you" he looked through the clothes and finally chose a nice lowcut front velour front. "This is the one"he said as he took it out of the closet"justin will love you in this" amber smiled and said, 'ok then that’s the one it will be" amber went in the bathroom and got dressed and then opened the door so Chris could keep her company while she put on her makeup. Finally amber was done. She turned around to face Chris and said, "Well how do I look?" Chris smiled and said, "you look great Justin’s gonna love it" amber smiled "thanks Chris well im ready then lets go" "ok"chris got up and they left the house and got in the limo and went on their way back to the hotel. Amber all of a sudden got nervous and her leg started shaking. Chris noticed her leg and said, "whoa girl calm down with the leg or your gonna make a hole in the floor" amber looked at Chris and said, "I don’t know what’s wrong with me I just spent a couple days with Justin and I did just fine but now im nervous as hell" Chris smiled and said, "girl you’ll do just fine trust me he’s gonna love how you look and you’ll have a great time" amber smiled, "thanks Chris you always know how to calm me down" "hey like I said earlier anytime and I mean that" amber leaned over and hugged Chris and kissed him on the cheek and thanked him/ the limo pulled up to the hotel and they got out. As soon as she got out and looked up Justin was standing in front of her wearing a pair of nice black dress pants and a white sweater. He smiled as their eyes met. He pulled his arm from behind his back and in his hand he had a dozen red roses. Amber smiled when she saw them. "Some beautiful roses for a beautiful girl" amber blushed and said, "aw thanks Justin" and took the roses.. Chris came up behind her and said, "here let me take those ill put them up in the hotel room in some water now you guys go and have a great time" he looked one last time at amber with a reassuring look and took the flowers and headed inside. Justin held out his arm "shall we?" amber smiled and took his arm. They got in the limo and they pulled into a nice Italian restaurant and got out. Justin got out and took ambers hand as he helped her out of the limo. They walked in and got a nice booth in the back of the restaurant. Justin sat next to her in the booth and placed his hand on her leg as he looked in the menu. Amber was still a little nervous but she tried to relax herself before her nervousness became obvious. They ordered their food and then Justin put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him "im having a great time with you tonight. too bad I have to leave tomorrow" amber snuggled her head in the crook of his arm and said, 'yeah I know im gonna miss you" Justin smiled and said, "im gonna miss you too baby I tell ya what?'He took his ring off his finger and placed it on her finger"when ever you get sad or miss me just look at this ring and know im missing ya more and well be together soon ok" amber smiled and looked up at Justin and leaned in and kissed him. When they finished kissing their food arrived. They ate their food silently and every few minutes amber gazed down at the ring that Justin had given her and smiled. They finished eating and Justin suggested they go for a walk on the beach. Amber smiled and loved the idea. They got up and made there way back out to the limo and held each other in their arms as they rode to the beach in silence except for the occasional kiss. They got to the beach and got out of the limo and went down and started walking hand and hand along the beach slowly both never wanting this moment to ever end. They spread out a blanket and sat under the stars holding each other not having to say a word because the looks in both of their eyes could describe the love they felt for each other. They sat at the beach for hours and they felt a slight breeze which was just enough to give amber chills. Justin looked at her and said, "maybe we should get going back to the hotel we don’t want you getting sick amber nodded and got up and Justin grabbed the blanket and they walked hand in hand back to the limo. They gazed into each other’s eyes and shared an occasional kiss all the way back to the hotel. They got out when they got there and went to the room. The hotel was dark when they went in. "well I guess all the guys went to bed huh" "I guess so" said amber. "Well lets go to the room then" "ok" amber followed him into his room. They both got undressed into their nighttime clothes and crawled into bed and held each other tightly. Justin smiled and said, "I had the best time with you tonight" "so did I Justin" Justin kissed her passionately and held her tightly. Justin pulled back from the kiss slowly and said, "I hope im not moving to fast for you but I just cant hold back my feelings any longer but I love you amber" amber smiled and felt her body get warm as he said that to her and she replied back, "I love you too" Justin smiled and leaned in and kissed her again deeply. Amber eagerly returned the kiss getting chills throughout her body. Justin laid back in the bed and yawned. Amber smiled and said, "lets go to sleep baby" Justin smiled and kissed her one last time before he laid down and held her tightly in his arms and they both nodded off to sleep. The next morning amber and Justin woke up at the same time and rolled over at the same time and smiled at each other. Justin smiled and said, "good morning beautiful" amber smiled and said, "morning baby” Justin sat up and said, "well im gonna go get my cereal" amber sat up and said, "ok ill go get dressed" they both walked out of the room and amber went in the bathroom and Justin went into the kitchen and sat down at the table making his bowl of cereal thinking about amber. Amber was in the bathroom getting dressed and she brushed her hair looking in the mirror she saw the ring on her finger that Justin had placed there so gently that night and she touched it softly thinking about their night last night. She finished getting dressed and came out of the bathroom only to find Chris standing at the door waiting for her to come out. Amber got startled when she saw Chris and said, "oh god Chris you scared me" Chris smiled and said, "sorry but I was just wondering what you did to Justin" amber looked at him confused and said, "well um what do you mean?" Chris laughed and said, "man you had to have done something last night because he is in his own little world in there. Just sitting there smiling and gazing off at nothing. He definitely has it for you bad" amber smiled and said, "yeah well he’s not the only who has it bad" Chris laughed and said, "oh man lovebirds god" laughed and walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Amber went out to find Justin in the kitchen and she sat down and poured herself a bowl of cereal. Justin smiled and said, "ah my kind of woman a cereal eater. Now you’ve really stolen my heart" amber laughs and begins eating the cereal. Justin finished his bowl and said, "well I guess I better start packing huh?" they hadn’t discussed much about him leaving except for the fact knowing that they would stay together and see each other when they can and the thought of not seeing Justin for awhile depressed her. So amber just nodded her head and Justin went into his room and started packing. Amber finished her bowl of cereal and went into Justin’s room and sat down "so um when do you guys have to leave?" Justin glanced at his watch and it was noon "well we have to leave the hotel by 2 so that’s gives us a couple more hours to be together" amber nodded slowly trying not to show her depression but apparently Justin sensed it and sat down next to her and said, "aw baby well be together soon you’ll see" amber smiled slightly and said, "yeah I know" Justin held her tightly against him and rubbed her back softly "im gonna miss you so much amber I swear the next time I have a few days off well see each other one way or another" amber shook her head slowly and then Justin got up and continued packing "will you come see us off at the airport amber?" "Yeah ill go Justin" Justin smiled and finished packing he looked at his watch "wow its time to go already. Well id better get this stuff out to the living room" he picked up his bags and amber slowly followed him out of the room. He set down his bag and the bellhop came up to get everyone’s bags. "Well I guess wed better get down to the limo now huh" asked Justin. Amber nodded softly. Justin came over and took her hand and they walked down in silence to the limo. Not long after they got in the rest of the guys showed up along with Doris who was just as quiet as amber. The ride to the airport seemed alot shorter than it ever had before. Someone from the airport came over and checked the guy’s bags and everyone started walking into the airport. Justin held ambers hand tightly as they walked through the airport. They finally reached the gate where they had to catch their plane. They heard the flight attendant starts calling rows for their plane to starts boarding. Justin took amber into his arms and hugged her tightly "god im gonna miss you so much I swear ill call you amber every day" "ok Justin ill be waiting for your call" Justin looked at her and kissed her passionately one last time and then looked deep into her eyes and said, "I love you" amber smiled and said, "I love you too Justin" then Justin and the rest of the guys turned and got on the plane. Amber let a few tears fall as she watched Justin leave. ~One week later~ amber was getting ready to go to work when the phone rang it was Justin. "Hi baby its me" "hey Justin where are you guys now?" "Oh were in Los Angeles now but guess what?" "What Justin?" "Were gonna have a few days off in about 3 weeks" "oh really Justin that’s great" "will you be able to get off from work to come visit me?" "Of course I will Justin I work today so ill tell them now" "ok when it gets closer to time ill call you then with the details ok" "ok baby" "I miss you and I love you and I cant wait to see you again" amber smiled as she heard him say that "I love you and miss you too Justin and ill see you in 3 weeks" "ok baby I gotta get to sound check now ok" "ok sweetie talk to you later" amber hangs up the phone and lays on her bed thinking about Justin and how shell be able to hold him in her arms and kiss him in 3 weeks. Just then the phone rang again and it was Doris. "Hey girl guess who just called me?" "Um lance maybe" "hey how did you know?" "Lucky guess so anyways what did he want?" "Well they have a few days off in a couple weeks and he asked me to go out and see him" "that’s great ill see you there Justin just called me and asked me the same thing" "oh really well then we should fly out together" "ok sounds good well look I have got to go to work now so well talk more about this later ok" "ok have fun at work" amber hung up the phone again and she drove to her job at McDonalds more happily than she had been in awhile. She tried telling her friends at work that she was dating Justin Timberlake but of course nobody would believe her. Oh well she thought to herself she knew the truth. She got to work and it seemed to go by slower than normal. Finally her night was over at work she left and came home and got into bed hoping to dream about Justin. ~3 weeks later~ amber hopped up out of bed and she was particularly happy today because today was the day she was and Doris were flying out to see the guys. Amber was so excited about the trip that she had packed almost 2 weeks earlier. Justin had arranged for a limo to come pick up amber at her house and Doris at hers. Amber looked out the window to see the limo sitting in her driveway. She got her stuff and hurried outside and into the limo. They got to Doris’s house and Doris came out smiling and hopped in the limo "hey how are ya?" "Im great I just cant wait to see Justin" "oh me too I cant wait to see lance. Did Justin call you every day like he promised?" "Well not every day but almost every day but at least ive gotten to talk to him" "yeah well in a couple hours well get to hold them and kiss them" "oh god I know I cant wait Doris I really cant". The limo arrived at the airport and they checked their bags and went to their gate. Amber sat down waiting for them to announce boarding for their plane and as she waited she looked around thinking back to 3 weeks ago when she had said her sad goodbye to Justin thinking she may never see him again but here she was waiting to go board a plane to go see him. Amber was so deep in thought that she didn’t hear the boarding call. Doris waved her hand in front of ambers face "hey girl you ok come on we got a plane to board your never gonna see him just sitting here" amber laughed and stood up and went and boarded the plane. She looked out the window as Orlando became a blur to her and then sat back in her chair anticipating the arrival to New York where once again she would be with Justin. Finally the plane landed and they got off the plane. Since New York was such a heavily congested area the guys themselves couldn’t come to pick them up at the airport so they had a limo there waiting to take them to the hotel They were staying at. They got into the limo and watched out the window at the sites around them. Finally the limo pulled up in front of the hotel. Amber and Doris got out of the limo and smiled knowing that in just a matter of minutes they would be in their men's arms again. They got their bags out of the limo. "Ok, Doris, Justin gave me the room number so lets just go up and surprise them ok?" "Ok" they walked into the hotel and got in the elevator and rode up to the 5th floor and got off and walked down to the hotel suite all the guys were sharing. Amber got to the door and for some reason she was feeling kinda nervous again about seeing Justin but she knew she had to see him more than anything. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door and Chris opened the door. Amber saw Chris and smiled and immediately ran into his arms hugging him and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Oh god Chris ive missed you so much" Chris hugged her back "god girl ive missed you too. We were all wondering when you 2 would get here" they walked in and put their bags on the floor. "So where’s Justin?" "Oh, he’s in his room. Man I tell you he’s been so depressed since you guys have been apart" "oh man Chris he’s not the only one but ive missed all of you" "well the feelings mutual I know that for sure. Doris lance is in his room too" "oh ok" said Doris who headed to his room and knocked. As soon as lance opened the door they both smiled and grabbed each other and hugged not planning to let go of each other any time soon. "Well I guess id better go see Justin huh?" "Yeah he’s dying to see you" said Chris. Amber walked over to Justin’s room and knocked. Justin yelled, "come in" not knowing it was her. She opened the door and Justin was laying on his bed not facing her. She smiled just seeing him and walked over to the bed and sat down and said, "hi baby" Justin rolled over quickly and smiled and jumped up and hugged her very tightly. "Oh god amber im so glad your here I missed you so much" he smiled at her and kissed her softly. "Amber hugged him back and said, "oh Justin ive missed you so much too" Justin smiled at her and leaned in and kissed her passionately, something they had both been longing to do for 3 weeks now.justin pulled back smiling at her and said, im so glad your here baby ive got so much stuff planned for us today. Amber smiles"oh really and what might that be huh?" "Well I figured you and I and all the guys and Doris would go out and see the sights of ny today and then tonight we can spend some quality time together just you and I" Justin smiled at her cutely. Amber kinda blushed and said, "Ok Justin sounds good to me. Well lets get started" "ok" Justin got up taking ambers hand and they left the room "ok guys lets go" Chris smiled and said, "oh hey Justin we thought you were gonna be in there all day getting busy" laughs Justin laughed and said, "nah not right now we have other things to do" they all went and got on the elevator and rode it down and got in the limo waiting for them. They went to the statue of liberty and got some good pictures there. Then they all decided to go to fao swartz. Being in there with those 5 guys was like watching 5 little kids. Chris ran through the store with a gun shooting everyone while Joey dressed up in western clothes pretending to ride a horse through the store and jc played with the blocks they had while lance and Doris played with the stuffed animals and amber and Justin played with the nsync marionettes making them talk to each other. They had the best time in there. After quite awhile of being there they left and decided to go on a boat ride. Chris spent most of the time acting like he was falling overboard. Jc finally walked up to him and said, "Chris man you keep that up and you are gonna be overboard" amber and Justin sat on the back of the boat alone together gazing into each other’s eyes. "im so glad your here now amber. I didn’t think I was gonna last these 3 weeks" amber sighed "I know the feeling Justin these 3 weeks went by so slow. I even packed all my stuff 2 weeks earlier hoping it would make it go by quicker" Justin laughed "I um guess it didn’t work huh?" "Nope"laughs"sure didn’t but im here now and I cant think of anywhere I would rather be" Justin smiled leaning in"neither can I" and with that he kissed her passionately. They both got such intense feelings that is until Chris ran around the corner with a squirt gun and started squirting them with it. Amber pulled back laughing "god Chris you sure know how to spoil a moment" Chris laughed and said"well for as hot as you guys were getting into it I had to put out the fire before it started" amber laughes"you are just to much Chris" the boat arrived back at the dock and they all got off the boat and got in the limo and decided to go to hard rock cafe for dinner, jc's request of course. They all went in and had a great dinner. Justin smiled and said, "ive been saving the best thing for last" amber smiled and said, "oh really and what’s that huh?" "Well I got us all tickets to a Broadway musical because I know how much you are into those" amber smiled and wrapped her arms around Justin’s neck "oh Justin thank you so much sweetie your the best what are we going to see?" Justin smiled and said, 'well I remembered on one of our phone conversations that you said you loved the musical cats so I got us all tickets to that one" amber smiled "oh god Justin I love you so much" Justin smiled and said, "hey nothings too good for my baby and I love you too" they finished their dinner and they all went back to the hotel to get ready for the musical. They al got ready and went down to the limo. They rode to Broadway to the theater that was playing cats and got out and went in and took their seats. Justin and Chris sat on either side of each other and lance and Doris sat next to each other and jc and Joey say next to each other. Justin held ambers hand throughout the musical. After the musical ended they got up and got back in the limo. Justin smiled "you know I had always wanted to go see that musical but I never got the chance but im glad I did now it was great" amber smiled "I know ive seen it like 7 times and I could see it a hundred more" they got back to the hotel and amber went in the room to get undressed. Justin caught everyone else alone in the living room "ok guy I will pay you money if you go out for awhile" Chris laughed and said, "Justin’s gonna get lucky" Justin gave him the evil eye and said, "yeah so what? But she’s not gonna want to do anything if you guys are here so please go out for awhile" all the guys said it was no problem and they left. Doris went with them. Justin smiled as soon as the guys left and went into the bedroom where amber was still getting undressed. She was bent over trying to get her dress off. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back. Amber got chills up her spine "oh Justin what are you doing?" Justin didn’t say a word he made her stand up straight and start kissing her and eventually he pushed her back onto the bed still kissing her. Both of their hands wandered all over their bodies. They felt so much passion between each other. Justin kissed her neck and whispered into her ear "I want to make love to you" amber smiled and nodded. Justin started kissing her again. Justin made sweet love to her for hours. They held each other tightly the only noises in the room was the heavy breathing from the both of them and the occasional moan. Once they finished Justin kissed her long and passionate and said, "god I love you amber" amber smiled and said, "I love you too" they laid there for hours in each others arms not saying a word but just knowing that they were in each others arms and this is the way it would always be and it wouldn’t feel right otherwise. They both eventually drifted off to sleep. Amber and Justin woke up at the same time in the morning by the sound of a knock on the door. "Hey guy time to get up we have lots to do today too" Chris yelled. Both amber and Justin groaned "oh god ok well be out soon" they both got up and got dressed occasionally glancing over at each other smiling both thinking about the amazing night they had just shared. They both now felt closer than ever. They both got ready and went out to the living room where all the other guys and Doris were already dressed and waiting. By the looks on all the guys’ faces they knew amber and Justin had done something last night. Amber and Justin could both fell the stares from everyone in the room. They both looked at everyone and said at the same time "what are you looking at?" all the guys started cracking up laughing. Amber and Justin just ignored them. They decided to go to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. Then after breakfast they were headed to the limo to take a tour of the city. Once they finished breakfast they all piled into the limo and started on their tour of the city. Justin and amber missed most of the tour gazing into each other’s eyes. Once the tour was over the limo pulled up at the hotel. Chris laughed, "um guy the tour is over you can get out of the limo now" amber looked up and said, 'already but we just got here" Chris laughed and said, "um no Hun we’ve been in the limo for 3 hours now but you and Justin were to busy on the sights of each other" amber kinda blushed and got out the limo along with Justin. They went up to the room. 'so Justin what are we doing tonight?' Justin smiled and said, "well I figured wed all go clubbing we haven’t done that in awhile" amber smiled "great that sounds fun guess I better start getting ready huh?" Justin smiled "yeah im gonna get ready too" they both started getting undressed and got their clothes they were gonna wear to the club and got dressed. They went out to the living room where once again everyone else was waiting on Justin and amber. Jc laughed and said, "you know Justin we’ve been having to wait on you alot lately its usually me whos late it feels kinda good to have it the other way around." Justin laughed and playfully slapped jc on the shoulder and said, "aw be quiet you know once amber goes back home you’ll be the one late again". They all left the hotel and got in the limo and it took them to the club. They all went and started dancing. Amber and Justin were dancing and Chris came up and asked to cut in 'you don’t mind do you justy?" "No not at all I needed something to drink anyways" amber smiled as Justin walked away and danced with Chris. Chris smiled and said,'you know I haven’t seen Justin like this over a girl ever" amber smiled"im glad because I just cant picture myself without him" Chris smiled "im glad because I think you guys are great together" amber and Chris danced to a few more songs before Justin came back over "mind if I have my woman back now?" Chris smiled and said,"sure Justin. Amber it was a pleasure dancing with you" amber smiled and said "likewise" and turned to face Justin and they started dancing again. They finally decided to call it a night and they got back in the limo and went back to the hotel. They were all so exhausted they all went to their room and went straight to bed. The next morning everyone got up at the same time and they all walked groggily out to the kitchen and got themselves some breakfast and then they all sat in the living room eating. Everyone was particularly quiet because they knew this was the day amber and Doris had to go home and none of them wanted them to go. They had all had such a great time together and they al became extremely close within the past few days. Once everyone finished eating their breakfast they all got up and went in their rooms to get dressed. in amber and Justin’s room amber was packing her bags so she wouldn’t have to do it later. "So what time is your flight out amber?" "um well our plane leaves at 4 so we have to leave her by 3 I guess" "well that gives us a few hours at least so lets spend it together just you and me" amber smiled and said, 'allright" she finished packing and got on the bed where Justin was sitting and they instantly started kissing and making out. They eventually just lay in bed holding each other tight both knowing they wouldn’t be able to see each other for quite awhile again and the thought of that depressed both of them. Amber glanced over at the clock and it was almost 3. She sighed. "What’s wrong baby?" amber pointed to the clock "oh well I guess we should get going huh?" amber got up slowly off the bed and sighed and said, "yeah I guess" "well don’t worry well go to the airport with you this time and see you guys off ok" "well wont you guys get recognized if you do that?" "Nah well just all go in disguise" "well ok then Justin". They got her bags and went back out the living room where everyone else was getting ready to leave. They carried their bags down to the limo and got in and everyone remained silent the whole ride there. The guys put on sunglasses and hats before they got out of the limo and walked with amber and Doris through the airport to their gate. When they got there they were starting to call seats for boarding. Amber hugged jc and Joey and lance goodbye and went over to Chris and hugged him tightly and gave him a kiss on the cheek "ill miss you Chris" "ill miss ya too sweetie but don’t worry well all get together again soon you’ll see" amber smiled and brushed his face softly and looked up and at Justin who was standing next to him looking extremely depressed. She walked over to him and hugged him tightly trying to hold back the tears "god im gonna miss you honey" "I know amber im gonna miss you too but don’t worry we only have a month left of touring and then ill be back in Orlando for awhile and well be together then ok" amber nodded finally letting a few tears fall from her face. Justin also trying to hold the tears back wiped the tears from her face softly "I love you amber and ill call you ok" amber kinda smiled "I love you too Justin" they started calling final boarding for their plane "well um I guess we have to go now" Justin nodded and said, 'see you in a month baby" amber and Doris turned and boarded the plane.amber looked out the window the whole time thinking about Justin. The limo dropped Doris off at her house "hey girl if you need to talk later give me a call ok?" amber nodded "ok thanks Doris" the limo then dropped amber off at her house and she went in and the phone was ringing. Amber ran to get it "hello?" "Hi baby its me I just wanted to make sure you got home ok and to tell you I love you and I miss you" amber smiled at the sound of his voice "yeah I got here ok baby and I miss you and I love you too" "ok well we have a sound check to get to so ill talk to you later ok?" "Ok Justin talk to you later bye" they both hung up the phone. Justin went to the sound check for their concert the next night while amber was back home at work once again living her boring life. ~31/2ks later~ Amber went to work and waited until she would be getting off work to go home and wait for Justin’s call. The guys had decided to try and get Justin out of his room that they would take him to a club to help him cheer up. They got ready and went to the club. While they dancing someone came up and tapped Justin on the shoulder. Justin turned around and saw britney. "brit what are you doing here?" she smiled and said, "well im here on vacation and I knew you guys were here so I figured id come see you know to catch up on old times" "oh well ok care to dance?" "Sure Justin" they started dancing. Jc looked up and saw brit and Justin dancing and said to Joey "oh no this cant be good im sure that girl has nothing on her mind but bad intentions" "yeah I know but Justin is way to in love with amber nothing will happen" "yeah true" Justin and britney finally went and got a drink and sat down at a table "so how are you and girlfriend?" Justin smiled "oh were doing great she just came to see us in ny about 3 1/2 ago" britney forced a smile and said, 'oh well that’s great to hear Justin glad your doing so good" Justin smiled 'thanks brit" "but you know Justin I haven’t lost my feelings for you. Ive been miserable without you." she starts leaning closer to justin"you know ive always hoped in my heart that there would be another chance for us"she kept leaning closer and closer "but brit amber..." and then britney kissed him. Justin got caught up in the kiss and returned it without hesitation. Little did they know there was a film crew capturing their intimate kiss on tape. Back in Orlando amber had just gotten home from work and was waiting for Justin’s call. but the phone never rang. She finally picked up the phone and called Doris "hey Doris what sup" she said in a depressed tone "oh hey amber what’s wrong?" "Oh well Justin said he was gonna call tonight and he hasn’t called yet" "oh well they are just probably out doing something and he hasn’t realized the time hell call don’t worry im sure everything is ok" "yeah I guess your right well I guess im just gonna go to sleep then" "oh well ok ill talk to you tomorrow" "ok bye' she hung up the phone and laid back in her bed and cried herself to sleep. The next morning she was woken up by the sound of the phone> "hello?" "Hi sweetie its me" "oh god Justin where were you last night I was so worried" "im sorry sweetie we um went clubbing and it got late and I didn’t want to call and wake you" he sat there thinking about his kiss last night with brit feeling awfully guilty about it knowing he had to tell amber but he didn’t know how. He thought to himself "ill tell her when I figure out just the way to do it" "oh well ok then Justin did you have fun?" "Um yeah it was um ok I wish you had been there though" "I know I wish I could have been there too Justin but well see each other in a couple days right?" "You bet we will" "great im counting the days" "so am I baby listen we have a photo shoot to get too so ill call you in a few days ok were gonna be busy for the next few days" "oh well ok ill be thinking about you" "ill be thinking about you too" "I love you Justin" "I love you too amber" they both hung up and Justin sat there feeling extremely guilty about what he had done to her. The truth was he didn’t really have too much planned in the next few days but he just couldn’t talk on the phone with amber without feeling intensely guilty. He sat there thinking "ill tell her when I get back there yeah face to face is much better anyways" Justin got up and went to his sound check. Amber laid back down in bed and drifted back to sleep. The next few days were long ones for amber because she had missed talking to Justin. So to fight her loneliness she decided to invite Doris over for the night. They hadn’t spent much time together anyways. She came over and they watched their nsync tapes remembering back to when they watched them wishing they could just meet them. The phone rang and amber answered it "hello?" "Hi sweetie its me im just calling to tell you that well be in tomorrow at noon ok" "hold on a sec Justin I gotta turn this tape off so I can hear you" she turned the tape off and sat there watching access hollyowood "ok now what were you saying?" "I said im just calling to let you know our plane arrives at noon tomorrow" "ok baby" she said glancing up at the TV only to see the last thing she had expected to see. She stared at the TV in shock seeing the footage they had of Justin and britney making out. "Baby are you there?" Justin asked "you are such a jerk Justin" "huh what did I do?" "What the hell do you mean what did I do? How can you sit there and tell me that when im sitting here seeing you and britney making out" she could feel the tears burning in her eyes. Justin sighed "oh god amber I swear I was gonna tell you about it when I got back to Orlando" "How could you do this to me Justin? I thought we had something special" "We do amber I swear it was totally unexpected I promise im sorry really" "Save you breath for someone who cares Justin" and with that she hung up on him and disconnected the phone so he couldn’t call back. Doris looked up at her friend and could see the pain in her face "do you want to talk?" "Um no I just want to be alone right now" she went into her room and laid on her bed crying hard. Eventually she cried herself to sleep. The next morning she got up trying to forget what she saw on the TV. Doris was already up. Amber came out of her bedroom. Doris looked up and said," hey how ya doing?" "Im fine why wouldn’t I be?" "well um I just kinda figured that well you know that you would be upset and all" "no no im just fine" then there was a knock on the door. Amber went to answer it and when she opened the door Justin was standing there with a dozen red roses. Amber went to shut the door in his face but Justin put his foot in the way "please let me explain first and if even after I explain you never want to talk to me again then I understand" "Justin don’t even there is nothing you can do or say to make up for what you did to me. I loved you I cherished you I even gave you my virginity and this is what I get?" Justin could feel the tears welling up in his eyes "im sorry really I am I swear I was going to tell you about it" "Justin it should have never happened to begin with and you know what that includes us too" "what are you trying to say amber?" "Im not trying to say anything im telling you that it’s over now get out of here" Justin looked up at her with tears falling down his face and looked down and walked away. ~1 year later~ Amber was on the way to the church with Doris where she and lance would be getting married. Amber hadn’t seen the guys in over a year and she hadn’t really wanted to see them either but she was Doris' maid of honor so she couldn’t get out of it now. They got to the church and got out of the car and went inside. 'Well I guess the boys are in another room' "good I don’t want to see them anyways" "oh amber now you and I both know you still love Justin" amber sighed "yeah so what but look what he did to me Doris he hurt me so bad" "I know amber but mistakes happen" "yeah but of all people it had to be her" "well look lets just forget about it ok for today?" "Yeah ok so um who is the best man seeing as though I know I have to walk down the aisle with him" "um well don’t worry about that now well get that situated once we get out there ok" "yeah ok" about 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door and amber went and opened it and Chris was standing there in a tux. He looked up and smiled "amber oh god I didn’t think you would come" he hugged her and amber hugged him back "well it was tempting not to come but I couldn’t miss Doris’s wedding" 'well um I was just coming to tell you that we need to start getting lined up to go down the aisle lance is already at the alter" "ok well be there in a sec" "ok" amber shut the door and turned to face Doris "ok girl you ready for this?" Doris took in a deep breath "yeah I am lets go" they walked out of the room and Justin looked up and saw amber and thought back to the last time he had saw her and how much pain he had put her in. he still loved her more than anything. Amber didn’t even look in his direction. Jc in the meantime was getting everything organized "ok all the bridesmaids and groomsmen here ok now I need the maid of honor and best man" amber and Justin both walked towards jc finally realizing that the other was the best man and maid of honor. Justin looked at her lovingly amber didn’t even look at him. "Ok now we’ve got everyone ready lets do this" jc opened the doors to go into the full chapel. Justin offered his arm to amber she hesitantly took it. He looked at her "hi amber" "Justin" she said somewhat rude. Justin just sighed and thought to himself "god she still hates me im never gonna get her back" everyone started walking down the aisle and finally it was time for amber and Justin to go. They walked down the aisle and went their separate ways once they got to the alter. Then finally Doris came down the aisle and took lances arm. The minister began his ceremony and Justin kept glancing over at amber wishing this were their wedding they were at. They ceremony ended and Justin snapped back to reality when he heard the minister say "I now pronounce you husband and wife" Doris and lance started walking back down the aisle and Justin came over and offered his arm to amber. Amber took his arm not looking at him. And the rest of the bridal party followed. Doris and lance got into a limo and the rest of the bridal party got into a limo and the guests followed in their cars to where the reception was going to be held. The whole way in the limo amber didn’t look at Justin once. Justin sat there quiet glancing at amber every few seconds. Once they got to the hotel where the reception was going to be held they got out of the limo and went in. the bridal party along with Doris and lance waited outside the room to be announced. Once the guests had finally taken their seats the dj started introducing the bridal party. Lance whispered to Doris, "think our little plan is gonna work with getting amber and Justin back together having them be the maid of honor and best man" Doris whispered back "I don’t know she hasn’t looked at him all night but I do know she still loves him" "well all we can do is hope because I know even though Justin cheated on her they are both miserable without each other" "yeah I know" they heard the dj say "and we have best man Justin Timberlake escorted by maid of honor amber anthony" they walked through the doors together and amber tried her best to smile. They went and took their seats at the table and waited for Doris and lance to come in. "and now for the first time anywhere I would like to announce lance and Doris bass" they walked through the door smiling from ear to ear. "And for the bride and grooms first dance together they have selected the unchained melody" the song started playing and lance and Doris started dancing. Once the song ended everyone started to get his or her dinner. Everybody ate and then it was time for the bride to throw her bouquet. All the female guest and bridal party got in the middle of the floor. Doris threw the bouquet and without even trying it landed in ambers hands. Doris laughed and came over and hugged her "lets just hope it happens now amber"amber kinda smiled and said, "yeah well see" then lance got in the middle of the room and sat Doris down in a chair and started to take off Doris’s garter with his teeth. Chris laughed and yelled 'save it for the bedroom" everyone laughed at Chris’s remark. Lance got the garter off and all the single guys got to the middle of the floor. Amber saw Justin go out there and thought to herself "well at least he’s single. God what am I thinking he cheated on you" she shook the thought from her mind and watched as lance threw the garter and Justin caught it. Amber sighed "oh great just what I needed" Justin smiled when he caught it and looked at amber but when he saw how unhappy she looked about it his smile faded. Lance looked around "ok amber out here on the dance floor" amber slowly walked to the center of the floor and sat on the chair that was there for her' the dj spoke up and said, "ok for every inch the garter goes past the knee will give lance and Doris 5 years of good luck" Justin made his way to the middle of the floor and got down on one knee. Amber hesitantly lifted her dress a bit so Justin could put the garter on her. Justin slid the garter up her leg and went a little past her knee and figured he better not push it. He stopped and stood up and went back to the side where the guest were sitting and sat at an empty table. Chris came over with a ruler and measured how many inches the garter was above her knee. "Ok its about 8 inches you guys" lance laughed and said, 'well that gives us some time huh?" Doris laughed and pulled lance into her arms and they headed out on to the dance floor to dance. Amber got up from her chair and went to the opposite side of the room from Justin and sat at an empty table. Some more of the guests were getting up to dance. Both amber and Justin sat at their separate tables depressed both fighting the tears. They both still loved each other very much but neither had the guts to say it. Justin for fear of rejection and amber for fear of thinking Justin would have won. They sat there in their depression when suddenly "from this moment on"came on. That used to be amber and Justin’s song. They both instantly looked up and caught each other’s eyes and no matter how much amber wanted to break up their eye contact from across the room she couldn’t. They both started to get up slowly not noticing anyone else around them and met in the middle of the dancefloor. And without saying a word Justin pulled amber into his arms and started dancing with her. Lance looked up from dancing with Doris" then Doris look looks like our little plan worked" Doris looked up and smiled "oh thank god I was so hoping this would happen" amber finally looked up into Justin’s eyes and started to speak but Justin cut her off "wait before you say anything amber I just want to tell you sorry I am I really am it was a mistake and it should have never happened. And since it did happen I should have told you right away instead of you finding out the way you did. ive been so miserable this pat year without you in my life. I go barley do the things I needed to do during the day. You meant the world to me and you still do. I felt feelings for you that I have never experienced before and I don’t know what happened maybe I got scared because I wasn’t sure if you felt as strong for me as much as you did for me. I mean walking down the aisle today I realized it should have been us getting married but um I know that will probably never happen but um what where you gonna say now?" amber just smiled and said, 'well I was just going to tell you I loved you too" Justin smiled and leaned in and kissed her passionately and they both had the same feeling they had the last time they kissed. ~6 months later~ "Come on Doris we gotta get going now" "ok ok im about ready" she came through the door" ok now im ready" they went out and got in the car and drove to the church "god I cant believe it 2 weddings in one year" amber laughed "yeah I know" they got to the church and got out Chris met them at the door "ok jcs organizing again and the groom is already at the alter so get in your places before jc loses it" they both laughed and got in their places. The bridesmaids started walking down the aisle with the groomsmen and then the best man and maid of honor. Finally the bride started walking down the aisle nervous. Once the bride had reached the alter she took her husband to be's hand. Justin whispered in her ear, 'you look beautiful my lovely bride" amber smiled at him and the minister started the ceremony. "We are gathered here today to join amber and Justin in holy matrimony. If there is anyone here today that feels these 2 should not be joined then speak now or forever hold you peace" jc shot a look at Chris when he saw him out of the corner of his eye fixing to say something jc whispered "no Chris not funny" Chris straightened back up. The minister continued "ok Justin do you take amber to be your wife in sickness and health, richer or poorer till death do you part?" Justin took in a deep breath and smiled at amber and said "I do" amber smiled back at him. ""Ok amber do you take Justin for your husband in sickness and health for richer or poorer till death do you part?" amber smiled and said, "I do" "ok from what I understand the bride and groom have written some things for each other that they would like to say now" amber and Justin faced each other Justin smiled at her and said, "amber im so happy to be here with you right now. I promise to cherish you as my best friend and wife. I can’t wait to have kids with you and grow old with you and do new things together.. I look forward to spending my life with you. I love you" amber smiled getting tears in her eyes "Justin I have dreamt about this moment for so long and even now that it’s happening it still feels like a dream to me. You have made me the happiest woman on the face of the earth and I could never love anyone more than I love you. I also can’t wait to have kids with you and grow old with you by my side. I never want to be apart from you ever."Amber smiled and continued" and I promise I will love you from this moment on" Justin smiled with tears running down his face realizing she had added their song in what she said. Amber finally let her tears fall down her face. The minister looked at the both at them and smiled and said, "the rings please" lance stepped forward and gave Justin the ring and pat him on the back. Justin smiled and turned back to amber and slid the ring on her finger next to the ring Justin had given her when they first got together. He smiled as he put it on. Then Doris came up and gave amber the ring and amber turned back to Justin and slid the ring on his finger and smiled at him. Justin smiled back at her and the minister said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" Justin smiled and took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. They pulled away smiling and Justin whispered "I love you amber timberlake" amber smiled and took him into her arms again and kissed once again and they knew they were gonna be together from this moment on. The end |