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This is sort of an essay disguised as a short story, so tell me what you think... |
The Basis of Power “Did you know, Mr. Patterson, that at one time we were feared and hated? Yes, very much so. We Necromancers were despised as people who defied the “holy” cycle of life and death. We were monstrosities that were to be exterminated at any cost. Many of us died in the raging hordes of fanatics who wanted to cleanse their world. Of course, this tactic at defeating us was actually self-destructive; for it only allowed us to perfect our already proficient science, and in the process, we were able resurrect every one of ours that they “executed.” Slowly they realized this and continued the Persecution through more political means. “It’s rather ironic, really. From the beginning, we were the ones who had the power to unite Humanity. In the beginning, we gave almost every religion in the world a reason to set aside their age-old struggles and ally to destroy what they perceived to be the newest threat to the purity of humankind. We unite with power or without. Odd. How many other group in history can claim that distinction? “Anyway, we were stuffed into concentration camps by governments all over the world, separating us from our equipment and therefore from our immortality. For years we lived, and died, in these “neighborhoods” that society had deemed as worthy housing for the likes of us. But human memory is short, and soon we were allowed to leave if we swore never to use our powers again. What did they think, that they something so weak as that contract would keep us from our pursuits of the ultimate knowledge? Fools. “Our underground societies pushed on in their research, slowly re-perfecting the technological ground we had lost in our years of exile. We had overcome our obstacles and were once again on the verge of a breakthrough. This time nothing could stop us, or so we thought. That was by 2075. You know what happened then, don’t you? Of course you do, its standard sixth grade history. The Zachary Rampages. Hundreds of Necromancers were killed thousands more had their equipment destroyed and their lives broken. “When we seemed at our weakest, about to fall forever, he came, our savior, our messiah. Ezra Lichmont perfected our techniques and put them to use. For those who died at the hands of the Zachary fanatics, rebirth was assured. With this edge we were able to finally overcome the vicious religious sects that had pursued us for a generation. The Zachary Rampages turned out to be; as such disasters often do, to be a blessing in disguise. Because the Zachary Rampages were so indiscriminate, many “innocents” were killed. This was what we had been waiting for. “Unveiling our technologies changed everything. Many of our best scientists gained new protégés to help them continue their work. With resurgence in our numbers, we were on our way to a Golden Age, not just for us, but also for all of Humanity. Some of our more charismatic members began to run for political office. This is what we had needed. “Do you know, Mr. Patterson, what humans fear most? Death, Mr. Patterson, death. It follows that if death is the thing humans fear most, than the most potent power that can be had over Humanity is the power of halting death in its tracks. This was the power that we went into the political battlefield with. And it worked. In election after election, our Resurrection Party was victorious. Millions upon millions joined our cause. But as usual, there were those who didn’t. The more zealous religious sects still opposed us, of course, but all we had to do was wait. We had all the time in the world. As the years passed, we grew, and the groups that hated us slowly went into decline and then fell as their once faithful followers joined us in our crusade to end suffering and pain. “That is what we were offering, wasn’t it. Yes, in the beginning we had only wanted to live forever, but now we have a new goal. We want Humanity itself to live forever. That is why we are revamping the old space programs of the late twentieth and early twenty first century. Sending ourselves into space will assure the survival of our race. No matter what lies on those worlds, we will always prevail, armed with the double blades of immortality and loyalty to the good of the Race. “So you see, Mr. Patterson, why dissidents are so dangerous to the survival of the Race. It was a long and hard struggle to the unification of our world, but we won. We cannot tolerate having it endangered by a small few heretics who decide that their individual pleasure can override the good and survival of the Race. “Oh, and there is one thing I forgot to tell you about the history of the Necromancers. While we have had the power to give renewed life, we have always reserved the right to take it away, too. Goodbye, Mr. Patterson. I have enjoyed our conversations.” |