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Nature vs. Nuture debate |
During your lifetime haven’t you experienced the emotional feeling of frustration and questioned, “if I were young again, would I act differently? A friend of mine firmly believes that the laws of nature is such that your life, good or bad, has been preset and what transpires has been so destined. On the other hand, if we focus on the ability of “role playing;” the ability to act out other behaviors, we notice that acting differently is quite achievable. We can conclude that behavior is not determinable. However, just because you have the ability to act differently, would you?
A child’s character builds its own structure as the result of nurturing that influences his future behaviorism. The nurturing refers to his education, as influenced by the contact person (mother) or others during early formulative years. Although psychologist generally use the age of two as the start of character development. I believe it begins at a younger age. Hereditary traits must also be considered during character development. Physical qualities of an individual are controlled by the laws of nature, like the construction of the body (gender differences), its manner of function or malfunction of certain internal parts concerning the heart, eyes, or gastrointestinal tract. Although they can run through generations of family, the effect of personality traits is minimal. Even though one can rationalize that certain pre-dispositions, such as an inclination towards bad temper, bloodshed, or destruction can be inherited, it still depends on ones education, as to whether the individual becomes a murderer, butcher, or surgeon. Also, we can include the culture of our time, as a determinant in the development of an individual. Inherent instinct plays an important role in the behavior of an individual. The goals of an animal are pre-set; they are self-preservation and procreation, so to speak. This instinct holds true between Homo sapiens and all other species. Nature has no favorite in primal instincts. Thus, Homosexuality is either a malfunction of the physical qualities of the body or it must be concluded that the education in the behavior of the individual has led them to exhibit sexual desire toward a person of their own sex. The case may be that both are true. Testimonials tell us that individuals realized early in their childhood that they were incline to the same sex, purporting that it is their nature. On the other hand, other homosexuals tell us that it is a lifestyle, purporting that they choose to be this way. Intelligence, I believe, is a hypothetical construction. How exactly do you define it? Who gets to define it? Is there some type of basic intelligence for which there is a foundation to which higher intelligence is based? All in all, I believe that genetics may limit a person’s intelligence. I do not believe it prevents an individual from learning anything. That is to say, one may not have the capacity to create quantum physics like Einstein did, but genetics doesn’t bar them from understanding it- excluding any mental defect. Thus, the whole idea of intelligence assumes that individuals are not given the same education; that people are given a better opportunity in learning than others. |