Song parody of Eagles' Song Written By a Bovine Fan |
This is a parody of the classic song, Hotel California. No disrespect for The Eagles intended. I love the Eagles and their music. Hotel COWlifornia! by Hooves of Fire On a damp cloudy pasture, swatting flies on my ass, Warm smell of manure, wafting up through the grass Up ahead in the barnyard, heard a distant cowbell, Tail was tired from swatting flies, had to stop for a spell. There she stood in the fenceline, almost swallowed my cud And I was thinking to myself, 'Hay! I could be her stud!' Then she flared up her nostrils, and her ears they flew back, Saw ducks in the meadow, thought I heard them quack: Welcome to the Hotel COWlifornia Such a lovely place, Such a lovely space, etc. Her horns brightly polished, she’s got the ring in her nose, She’s got a lot of pretty pretty bulls, standing too close How they prance in the moonlight, tickle and tease, It’s a wonder they don’t catch, mad cow disease So, I lowed for The Milkman, "please come get your cow," He said, "Sorry, I’m writing, just can’t do it now" And the dogs started barking, with a distant wail, Wake me from this nightmare, you flies on my tail. Welcome to the Hotel COWlifornia Such a lovely place, Such a lovely space, etc. Blue lights in the rafters, cool water in the pail, she mooed, "You’re a bull I could go for, I could make you wail!" In The Milkman's chambers, preparing for the meal, Presses the microwave’s buttons, not venting the seal Last thing I remember, I was charging for the door, I had to find my way back - to the bull that I was before “Relax,” said The Milkman, “happens all the time. Do just what I do, drink some milk, Do "The Writer's Cramp is 23!" , then you’ll be fine.” Welcome to the Hotel COWlifornia Such a lovely place, Such a lovely space, etc. This was written for a contest which was hosted by chuckster in February of 2002 and it is my first song parody ever! Thank you so much to Choconut for having a way to get a beautiful coin on this song, ~Minja~ , Hannah ♫♥♫ and The Maestro, chuckster for the lovely awardicons and to all the many viewers (6,418) over the years. Of course, chuckster inspired this with his awesome contest so a special moo-out to my amigo of many MOOns! |