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A Storms in Life when all hope is lost and the
only place left to turn is God |
The waves washed over the side of my little boat. Time, and time again. I bailed water to no avail. As the water filled my boat, my soul cried out in agony for I knew all was lost. In my despair I cried out to god, "Lord save me; though I don't deserve it. I bring my transgressions before you, I ask in humility for forgiveness." As the waves wept over me for the last time... I cried in a silent prayer. "Receive me unto your house lord." Everything went black and I knew what death was. When I awoke, I found my self on a beach all alone. I began to dance and sing. There was joy in my heart, but it was not in thanksgiving to the Lord, but to my great "luck". As I rejoiced in myself, I looked up to find a man like none I had ever seen standing before me. With eyes full of love and kindness and his voice full of compassion, yet stern, He said, " how soon you have forgotten what I have done for you. Already you have forgotten how I saved you, yet you refuse to believe. Would you have me put you where I found you lost in despair and at the point of death? I have helped you through countless dangers, yet you still do not believe." with that He disappeared. I now alone to ponder my thoughts and think over what the man had said. There was a new weight on my shoulders; it is called as despair and sin. The last words He had said, "You still do not believe", would echo in my ears for as long as I live. As I sat there thinking, I saw in the dirt at my feet, half buried in the sand, a book. When I pull it out of the sand, I saw a bookmarker in it. I turned to the page and on this page, there were words, "I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world, you will have to have trouble. Nevertheless, take heart! I have overcome the world. " I was so intrigued, that I continued to read passages that I had memorized in church such as; John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, and so on. While I read my interest in the bible grew so much that I read the whole New Testament and did not notice the time go by. As I read these and other passages, I wept for I knew I had fallen astray. How could God forgive me? I asked for forgiveness; then I had returned to the sin that had crept into my life just as if nothing had happened between god and my self. I cried out in a loud voice with my face and heart pointed to the heavens." O' God, please forgive me, a sheep gone astray to wander my own way." when I said this, the weight that was on my shoulders was lifted. I saw everything different. In the sky that had been dark with storm clouds, I could see a golden city, and standing before the gates was the man whom I saw when first came to this Island. He stood there with arms open wide ready to receive me as his own child. My Lord and my God I cried and ran to him weeping in joy. "Welcome home my child", He said. |