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He thought he was the last vampire, that is, until he met her... |
He was as evil as they come. Killing for fun. Killing his own kind, breaking the rules. Everyone was after him. Then one day he found a way to destroy them all. Every last one. What better way to live, knowing that he was the hunter and everything else was his prey. He succeeded. They were all dead. He earned the title "The Last Vampire" Then one day he ran into her. He was shocked. She was just like him! But how could that be? He killed them all! All but one...
My character: Vampire Landon (your character: female vampire)
age: forever 21 hair: short jet black eye color: electric green height:6'1" lives: New Orleans He pulled up a chair to watch the breaking news. "There has been a great explosion at the convention center in New Orleans. There is no real evidence to what might have caused the explosion, but the Louisana state police will discover the answer." "No they won't" he laughed to himself. "Firefighters will be working around the clock to put out fires. As of right now, there have been no reports of any survivors..." "Thats all I wanted to hear." he said and switched off the television. "All of them, all of them gone! Dead! It's just me, myself and I." laughed the black haired, green eyed vampire Landon. Landon had heard about the gathering of all vampires in New Orleans. He wasn't supposed to know about it. It was to discuss him. About how he killed 62 of his own kind. Every single vampire in the entire world would be gathered there. He knew they were going to kill him. So why not kill them all first? Get rid of all of his problems at once. He had succeeded. He was the last vampire in the world. And he felt good. Landon got up and went to the door of his apartment and was about to open it, when it opened on its own. "What the..." "So you killed them all did you?" sounded a unearthly voice. "You did my job for me." "Wait a minute, who are you?" Landon asked bewildered. "What, don't you know? I'm just like you!" "But thats not possible." "Why not? That gathering in there was for me! They were debating on how to kill me." "You! What, are you crazy? They were in there because I killed 62 of our own kind!" Landon shouted. "62? Thats it! Wow, you are pathetic." the female vampire answered. "I killed 217!" "Your just playing with me now." "You think so? Watch me!" The female vampire lunged at Landon. But Landon, being as quick as he was dodged her. She kept jumping at him and he kept avoiding her. Finally, he took a stab at her and caught her off guard. He had her in a head lock with his glass like nail jabbing her in the throat. "Just a little game of cat and mouse now!" Landon whispered as he stuck his fangs into her neck. He could feel her sweet vampire blood running into him. He was draining her of her power. Of course she would get it back, she was immortal. But she would only get 90% of it back. Landon would obtain 5% of her power. She was scratching at him trying to make him let go. "Your going to pay for this!" she hissed at him. He drained her to the point where if she was mortal, she would have been dead. He drew out his fangs and let her limp body fall to the floor. "Now look who's playing with who!" |
(Just in case people don't know 'vampire' in French is spelled 'vampyre'. When I'm speaking I'll write it that way. Just letting you know so you don't get confused.)
Name: Malia Age: Forever 17 Hair: Wheat blond Eyes: Steel gray Height: 5'8" Lives: France, but visiting New Orleans ***
"I think." Malia whispered. "That I'm the one playing with you." She stood up, flicking her blond hair behind her shoulder. He stared at her, horrified. "But you can't do that. You should be down for at least another ten minuets." Her musical voice echoed around the room as she laughed. "I may look younger then you, but I'm not. I've learned a lot of nice tricks." She smiled at him. "Poor child." Malia cooed, as she circled Landon. "I'm at least a hundred years older then you. I was born in the seventeen hundreds, you," She whispered turning to him. "Were born in the eighteen hundreds." He looked shocked, making Malia laugh even harder. "How did I find out, you want to know. Well I happened to find a...umm...database. It has all the records of vampyres that ever lived." She turned to him and blinked. She hadn't noticed his eyes before. They seemed to be the most delightful color of green. She shook her head. No she didn't need to start that again. She looked up and found herself once again looking into his eyes. "I've got to go." She said, running out of the house. Not caring if he said anything. She would kill him some other time. |
He had held her with his charm. Thats why she left so unexpectedly. But he was confused. He had drained her to the point of death! Why did she get up like nothing had happened? It wasn't possible, even for someone that old. At least he thought. He had to find her, find out what she knew. Maybe they could be a team. But maybe he was just thinking that because he was afraid of her. No, he wasn't afraid of anyone. Expecially her. Landon took off at a run after Malia. |
Malia ran from the house, her leather boots splashing through the puddles of rain. Suddenly she heard the unmistakable sound of someone chasing her. She silently cursed herself for running the obvious way. Turning the corner so fast that no mortal would be able to see her, Malia crouched in a small box.
Seconds later Landon's feet passed the ally she was hiding in. "Well that takes care of that." She whispered climbing out of the box. She headed for her black GT Mustang and jumped into the drivers seat, cruising down the road at 105 miles an hour. Fifteen minuets later Malia stood outside her apartment key in hand unlocking the door. She pushed the heavy black door open and stepped inside. Black walls surrounded her; suddenly she saw movement in the corner and a speck of bright green. "No games vampyre." she whispered. "I'm tired, its almost morning." |
"Hah! You let your guard down! I knew you were going home, you let your address run around in your mind."
Malia looked in horror. "No I didn't." "Oh, look at that. The old one can't remember what she was thinking ten minutes ago." Landon taunted. Malia was on him in a second. "Don't ever say a thing like that again." she said through clenched teeth. Her finger on Landons chest. Landon stood still. He just looked down at the finger poked into him. Suddenly he felt a burning pain. The sun was rising! Landon jumped back. He searched the apartment for a coffin. He couldn't find one. He was desperate. The burning was increasing. Malia was gone. He stopped and listened. The sound was coming from the bedroom. He darted through the house until he came to the bedroom. The door was locked! "Malia! Let me in!" Landon roared. His skin was tanning. All he heard was laughter. No, he wasn't going to die like this. He knocked down the door to find a coffin in the middle of the room. It was occupied by Malia. Landon didn't care. He was frantic. He opened the lid and jumped in with her. |
Malia felt something hard hit her just as she was closing her eyes. It knocked the wind out of her, but not before she could see who it was. Landon. She breathed slowly. "What do you think your doing?" She hissed through clenched teeth, roughly moving over so she could stare at him.
"I didn't want to burn." He said closing his green eyes when he turned away from her. Malia hissed lightly. "Do you think I care if you burn?" She took a deep breath. "I'm tired. I won't deal with this." Closing her eyes, she let the next words hang over his sleep. "If I find you here when I wake up, you'll be sorry." With that she closed her eyes and went to sleep. |
Landon felt relieved. At least Malia didn't throw him out. He moved around uneasily. He had never shared a coffin before. Finally he fell asleep. When he woke up he was sprawled out on the floor. He felt weak. Slowley he moved his fingers to his neck. Malia had drank from him. In fact, she drained him and he couldn't get up. He could move his arms, but that was it. He looked around Malias apartment. Then he looked up. Malia was towering above him.
"I warned you!" |
"I warned you!" Malia screamed at him. "I told you to be gone by the time the sun went down! Your still here!" She looked at him suspiciously. "Why are you still here?"
He tried to see up, she watched him suffer with satisfaction. "I didn't mean to." He said looking up at her with his green eyes. She laughed. "Oh well. I got feed for tonight." Malia grinned evilly. "But moral blood is so much better." She paced in a circle around him. "You have to go now. If I want to have nice unsuspecting guys here, I very well can't have you laying on my ground." Malia grabbed his arms dragging him out of her room, leaving him outside in the ally. |
Landon didn't know why he stuck around outside Malias apartment building. He was waiting for something, but he didn't know what. Malia had dragged him down five flights of stairs and outside to the ally. He couldn't remember if she had dragged him or carried him. He didn't remember feeling any pain. Landon casually walked into the apartment complex and up the five flights of stairs to where Malias room was. There was a young guy just in front of him carrying flowers and chocolate. Landon read his thoughts.
"Man, I hope this Malia girl is hot." Landon caught up with him. "Hey kid, where are you going?" he demanded. "Okay, first of all, I'm not a kid, I'm 22. And second of all, I'ts none of your damn business!" "Chill man!" Landon held up his hands. "I just want to help you." "I don't need no help." The guy started walking away. "Your life is in danger if you see Malia." The guy stoped. "What about Malia?" "I mean if you go to see her, she will kill you." "Your crazy." "Try me." He thought for a second. "Whats my name?" Landon searched the guys brain. After a second he said; "John." "Lucky guess." John grumbled. "Okay, what number am I thinking of." "846,379." "Okay, you've got my attention." "Get out while you can. Malia will tempt you and lure you, and then she will drink your blood." "You expect me to believe that Malia is a vampire." Landon nodded. "Thanks a lot, but I think I can handle a little eighteen year old girl and make sure that she doesn't bite me." Landon jumped at John. "She's not 18! She's over 300 years old! Believe me. Wait, let me show you something." Landon stepped back. "Give me your wrist." John gave him a quizzical look, but gave his wrist. Landon took it and brought it up to his lips. He sunk his fangs into a major artery and began to drink. He drank enough just to scare John and not hurt him, but he had to force himself to quit. John stared in horror. He was trembling. "Lemme...go!" John dropped the flowers and chocolate and ran. Landon picked them up and looked right at Malia's feet standing in her open door. |
(Sorry, no time to write.)
"So..." Malia said staring down at Landon. "What are you doing now?" He looked guilty. "Why," She asked, picking him up by his neck. "Did you scare my date away?" |
"Date?" Landon snorted, wrenching himself free from Malia. "More like dinner."
"But why did you scare him away? You killed many times without giving it a second thought." Malia asked angrily. Landon was bewildered. "You know, I don't know." Then a thought came to him. He didn't want her seeing other guys! But that couldn't be true, he felt nothing for her. "I want to get to know your ways." blurted Malia. "What?" "Lets go hunt together!" Landon was confused. He had only once hunted with another vampire. That was when he had made his fledgling Chippy. But Malia was different. She was a death trap. She had hundreds of years of knowledge behind her. He was slightly uneasy but said; "Okay, lets do it." |
"Great." She smiled. "I think we should go to a club. We'll pick up some people and bring them back here. Sound good?" She asked.
He nodded still looking bewildered. She laughed, trying to get over that fact that Landon would do things to her that would usually get people killed and he could still be afraid of her. "Come." She said pointing to the door. He probably wasn't ready to go to a club, but she was. That was where she was going to take her dinner. Malia knew she looked great. All she was wearing was a short black leather skirt, knee high black leather boots, and a white shirt that had a gauzy material flowing down from her chest to show her belly. Being like all vampires she looked unusually gorgeous. Landon was the same, but in a more masculine way. Grabbing her keys, Malia walked with him down to her black mustang. “Running would be faster.” He said getting into the passanger seat. She grinned and turned the car on. “Not when we have our… dates. |
Landon and Malia entered the club. The bright neon lights were flashing. Landon looked over at Malia. She looked great. It looked as if they were a couple. The guard at the entrance checked them.
"Could I see some ID?" He asked in a monotonous voice. Landon could tell he didn't want to be doing this. Landon flashed his drivers license. The guard waved him on, but he stopped Malia. "You have to be at least 21 to enter." "Oh, but I'm much older than that." Malia had reached into his mind and could make him say anything she wanted. "Go on through." Landon stared at her. "How did you do that?" Malia just grinned and walked into the mob of dancing people, leaving him alone. Landon looked around and spotted a girl. She was sitting at the bar alone. Landon smiled and walked up to her. "How's it going?" He asked her as he sat down next to her. "Wanna dance?" "Sorry, but I have a boyfriend." she answered. "Screw him." Landon got up and took her hand. "Please, no." "Come on, what's it going to hurt?" "My feelings." boomed a loud voice behind him. Landon turned around. He had to look up. They guy was huge. A huge fist punched him in the face. The force knocked him off his feet. If Landon was on guard he wouldn't have fallen. The guy was towering over him. He picked Landon up and threw him into a corner. Landon was up on his feet and and ready to fight. Eleven other guys joined the big guy and circled Landon. "Hit on my girl and pay." The big guy stepped into the center. Landon wasn't afraid. He was stronger then all of these guys put together. Landon ignored the circle and tried to push through them. He couldn't. He took a step back and looked at all of the guys. They bared their fangs at him. Now he was feeling fear. It was a coven of vampires! Silently he called to Malia as he shrunk up against a wall. |
Malia heard Landon’s call and quietly pushed a guy who was groping her away, strolling across the room.
A group of vampires was beating him up. Normally this would be funny, but as Landon wanted her help she decided she would give it to him. Brushing past the guys and walked over. "Flirt with another girl while I’m here! You bastered!” She slapped him and walked over to the lead vampire. "Let me deal with him." She looked over her shoulder. "Trust me I won't be nice." Like most guys he stared down her shirt. His girlfriend would never have the rake that she had. He nodded and walked away pulling the chic along side him. Malia turned back to Landon. "Jerk. I never want to see you again!" She winked so only he could see she was playing and grabbed the guy nearest to her, leading him onto the dance floor. She silently sent a message to Landon. When a girl says "no", leave it at that. |
The vampires had left him alone. He was thankful for that. His nose was broken and he had bruises everywhere. But that would heal very soon. He was shocked at how the vampires had left him to Malia.
"Oh my God!" a sweet feminine voice chirped. "I just saw what happened!" It was a young blond haired girl. She gave her hand and helped Landon up. "Let's get you cleaned up." Landon followed her obediently. She led him into the men's bathroom. "I think I can take it from here." Landon pushed her out the door. "Thanks." He looked in the mirror and watched his face heal. He smiled and walked out of the men's room. The blond was waiting for him. "Do you want to dance?" she asked sweetly. "Alright." Landon took her out to the dance floor. ******* The club was closing and Landon was still with the blond Lorania. He had his head on her shoulder. "Do you want to come home with me?" he whispered through her silky hair. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Okay." He looked up and sent his silent message to Malia. I've got my date. Where do you want us to meet you? |
By my car. Malia answered back. She had her dinner too. This would be interesting. She grabbed his hand and led him outside. Landon and a little blond chic were leaning on Malia's car making out. Surprisingly she felt a wave of jealousy. It was gone before she had a chance to search it.
Clicking the unlock button everyone go inside. Landon and Lorania made themselves comfortable in the back seat, while Malia and JC sat in front. He turned to smile at her and she couldn't help but think how much she loved his electric green eyes. *^+^* Unlocking the door to her apartment, Malia ushered everyone inside. It was funny how the dinners sort of went together the little blond and JC. They were complete opposites and seemed to be made for each other. Like the old movies where the tall black haired guy and the short blond haired girl is, ‘The Couple’. That's when Malia noticed it. JC and Landon looked almost identical! The hair, the eyes, even the build! Of course Landon looked better without a doubt, but Malia couldn't believe that while she had a whole night for guy searching, she picked a guy who reminded her of someone she hated. This confused her. Suddenly she wasn't so hungry. Walking over to JC led him to the door. "I'm not feeling to great. I'll see you some other time, okay?" She quickly closed the door before he could say anything, running as fast as she could to her room, she locked the door, leaving Landon and his dinner alone. One of them had to eat tonight. Might as well be him. |
Landon watched as Malia ran to her bedroom. She seemed so enthused about them "having dinner together." Something must have come over her. Landon thought as he ushered Lorania to the couch. She had concealed her thoughts so that he couldn't read them. But that didn't matter now. He laid his head on Loranias shoulder. His finger traced her face. She looked down into his green eyes. She brought her lips next to his. He turned his face away.
"I can't do this." he whispered. Lorania giggled. "Yes you can." She wrapped her fingers in his hair. "Are you sure?" She nodded. "Yes." "Okay, but you have to promise not to scream." he said devilishly. A bright smile grew on her face. "Don't worry, I'm good at controlling my emotions." "Even...Fear?" Landon leaned over and sunk his teeth into her neck. He drank her deliciously warm blood and felt it coarse across his lips. He pulled away before she was dead. Her eyes were wide in horror. "You...monster!" she gasped. Landon got off the couch and picked her up. He carried her into Malias room. Her door was broken from when he knocked it down the night before. She was laying on her bed reading. He dropped Lorania at the end of her bed. Malia looked up from her book. "I thought you might be hungry." |
"Well you thought wrong." Malia said closing her book. "Take her out of here." She looked at the frightened girl. She couldn't believe Landon was playing with his food. "Cut her somewhere and take her to the hospital. I hate to see a job unfinished."
It was true if she saw her dinner after she had already taken part of them, she couldn't take the rest. She would usually cut the person and leave them on the street to find. If worked, the person usually forgot what they saw and thought the bite mark was from a spider. The girl looked at her with horror. "You're both evil!" She cried. "You both make me sick!" She spit on Malia's carpet. "That's what think of you!" Malia frowned at her. "Shame." Turning to Landon she said. "On second thought do whatever you please. I want no part I this." Landon frowned and picked up a knife. He slit her wrist and watched the blood fall onto the soft, white carpet. "Now take her outside she’s getting blood all over the place." Landon picked Lorania up, blind to her whimpering, and went out of the apartment. Malia followed at his heel, locking the door with a click. Sunrise was in a half an hour, if Landon was quick about it he could be done and in his coffin in time. Malia went to the bathroom and wet a washcloth, cleaning the carpet when the blood had fallen. She made sure all traces were gone and washed the cloth, the cold water running over her skin. When she was done she walked into the closet and kicked the back wall. It opened and she walked inside, lighting a couple of candles. A great wooden chest with golden bolts stood in the center of the small room. Like a mouse Malia made her way over to it. She sat down in front of the chest and flicked the latch up. In the chest sat thousands of pictures, silver candlesticks, a nightgown wrapped carefully to keep in tacked, a single rose, and a book. She quietly picked up a picture, staring at it for a couple of seconds. The Malia hurriedly picked up another and another. Finally she threw the whole load back in the box. She couldn't stand looking at them. The exact same face staring at her every time. She never changed. Malia didn't understand what was going on, why did she suddenly hate herself? Why was she so confused? A delicate ivory hand reached into the box and pulled out the thin cotton gown. It along with the candlesticks and the rose were the only things she had from the past. Stripping of her cloths she threw it into a pile as she pulled the gown over her head, letting out a bitter laugh. Was this still how people though of vampires, the soul-sucking fiends in the old fashion clothing? She quietly closed the box picked up the clothing and shut the door. She would conceal it again later. Walking across the room she threw her cloths down and climbed into her midnight black coffin. She closed her eyes along with the lid. If Landon came she didn't hear him. |
Landon took the dying Lorania into a back alley. He looked at her delicate features. He didn't want her to die. He set her down behind and dumpster filled with rotting food. Lorania was getting light headed from the loss of blood.
"Do you want to live?" he asked her. "Of course I do! I don't want to just die. I'm twenty two years old. I have a whole life ahead of me." Lorania choked. "Do you...want to live forever?" "Nobody lives forever." Landon stepped back. "Look at me and tell me I can't live forever." Lorania dropped her eyes. "But that would mean I would be a killer like you." she said quietly. "True, but..." She looked up at him. "I don't want to die." "Then you have no choice. Its either me, or death." "You did this to me!" "I have to eat too." "So you picked me when all I have been was nice to you?" "I have my ways." "I guess I have no choice." Lorania coughed and started spitting up blood. Landon knelt down by her. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Where have I heard that before." she said sarcastically. "Yes... I do." Landon looked around. Sunrise was in about 20 minutes. He had to work quick. Landon brought his wrist to his mouth and slit it with his teeth. He held Loranias head up with on hand and then brought his bleeding wrist up to Loranias lips. "Drink." he said. Lorania grabbed hold of Landon's arm and drank his warm blood eagerly. She could hear Landon's heart, and hers started beating in rhythm it. When Landon thought she had had enough, he pulled away. Lorania grasped madly for his wrist, she wanted more. Landon held it just out of her reach. He looked her in the eyes and said; "enough." When Landon stood up he felt that someone was watching him. He stepped out from behind the dumpster to see Malia staring at him. "I just came down here to make sure you finished the job and didn't do anything stupid. I guess I was too late." Landon looked back at Lorania. She seemed fascinated at her new look at life. We need an army to help us fight the coven. They were in that fire and survived. And now they are after us. We are going to need help, and Lorania will help us. She saw what they did to me. |
"You are beyond a doubt the most stupid person I have ever known." Malia hissed at him. "What makes you think I was going to help you? What makes you think she'll help you?" He stared at her speechless. Still she went on. "Leave her here. Sunrise is in 5 minuets, she'll die."
Landon looked at her. "I don't want her to die." He said. "Then you made the wrong choice." Malia grabbed his hand and hurried him upstairs. Locking her apartment door she dragged him into her room. "I don't even know what fire your talking about." She wouldn't have gotten up if she hadn't had a feeling something was wrong. Now Malia was glad she had. Pushing Landon into the coffin she closed the lid. "Stay. You'll never make it time to save her." Malia put a hand on his chest to stop him from going. "The coven means nothing. Forget about them." She said in between yawns. Malia could feel the sunlight on the coffin. It was time to sleep. |
Landon struggled to get out of the coffin, but he had gotten in first and Malia was laying on him. On top of that, she was stronger then him. He couldn't get out. Poor Lorania, he hadn't even told her what could kill her. Now she was dead, because of him. He settled down into a restless sleep.
*************** When Landon woke up Malia was gone. He lifted the lid off the coffin and sat up. He couldn't sense Malias presence. Landon got out of the coffin and went to the kitchen for food. He didn't need human food, but an occasional slice of pizza was always good. He opened the refrigerator, what he saw shocked him. There were bottles filled with red liquid labeled "Tomato Juice." He knew the liquid was not tomato juice, but in fact, bottled blood. "Why would she keep bottled blood when it would kill her?" Landon wondered. "Is it for me?" he realized in horror. He grabbed all of the bottles out of the fridge and started pouring them down the drain. "What are you doing?!" Malia cried as she walked into the apartment. "Those wern't for you! They were for Lorania! And any other vampire who troubles us!" |
Landon stared at her. She couldn't believe he was trying to ruin her plans. "It's better than war." She said grabbing the bottle out of his hand. "Let it go!" She screamed her gray eyes flashing.
He did, Malia fell down spilling the liquid all over her. She hissed. "I though Lorania was dead." He said as she got up. Malia eyed him coolly. "She is. I was just trying to get you to understand." She flicked her long blond hair behind her ears. "Do you know how long that took to get!" He shook his head. Malia hissed at him again and went back to her room grabbing clean clothes out of her drawers. She threw on black pants and a white cotton shirt. "I'll be back." She said grabbing the bottle and walking out of the house. |
Landon got the impression that Lorania wasn't dead. Malia had said that she was, but now he wasn't so sure. He left Malia's apartment to look for any trace of Lorania. He traveled down the five flights of stairs and out to the alley where he last left Lorania. The alley was not very big. It was about 15 feet wide and 50 feet deep, at the most. Landon looked behind the dumpster and found a big pile of ashes. He fell to his knees.
"Lorania!" he cried fingering through the ashes. "I'm so sorry!" "You should be. You only killed me. Or tried to, I might add." Landon jumped to his feet to see a pale white Lorania looking at him from the alley entrance. Twelve big vampires stepped up behind her and started to corner him in the back of the alley. There was no way out. He was trapped. "Oh God, please help me!" |
Malia shook her head watching Landon get cornered by the vampires. God sometimes he was just so stupid.
Running up stairs she grabbed 14 bottles of blood. When she made it back down Landon was trying to explain that it wasn't him who did it. "Ignore him." Malia said pretending to take a swallow of blood. "Any of you people want to have a drink with me?" They nodded their heads. She passed around the bottles. "You don't get one." Malia said to Landon giving him a wink. Turning to the others she smiled. "He gives vampyres a bad name." They turned their bottles over and drank the blood. Suddenly they seemed to melt, turning to ashes. |
"You did it again!" Landon shouted.
"Did what?" Malia growled. "You saved me." he looked her in the eye. "You have some sort of weird effect on me. I do things that I wouldn't normally ever do. What are you doing to me???" Landon demanded. Malia lowered her eyes guilty. |
"I'm trying to kill you!" She said softly. Landon stared at her horror struck. "Do you take everything I say seriously?" She snapped turning her back to him. "I'm going out, I may have missed dinner yesterday, but I don't plan to today."
Landon stood up, grinning. "I'll go with you." Malia turned to stare at him, her gray eyes angry. "No you will not. Don't think I forgot about last night! None of this would have happened if you were just satisfied with there being a certain number of vampyres. I'm trying to kill them all, I don't need you making new ones!" |
Landon and Malia went their separate ways. Landon stepped over the pile of ashes the vampire coven had left, and headed towards home. He hadn't been to his own apartment in a while and he was very eager to have a coffin to himself. It was very uncomfortable sharing with Malia. She was so bony and moved around a lot.
Landon was thirsty and stopped to have a drink. He passed by an abandoned part of town and heard a cry for help. He headed towards the sound. It was a robber who was about to kill an innocent boy. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" Landon shouted. The robber dropped the boy and the boy took off running. "What did you say?" he growled. "You heard me." Landon smiled and put his hands on his hips. "Alright." The robber pulled out a gun and shot Landon in the heart. Landon looked down at the bullet hole. "Is that all you've got?" The robber stared dumbfounded. "Now its time that you tasted your own medicine." Landon whispered and leaped at the robber. "Good bye, Mike." Landon drained him and headed towards his apartment. |
Malia pranced around town, opening the throats of poor, innocent victims. It pleased her that Landon was no longer around; sometimes a girl needed her privacy, even if she was a vampire. Not that Malia was saying it was good having Landon gone; she was just as lonely as before, if not more so. Landon was a cool guy, and Malia enjoyed hanging out with. He would probably come see her again, sometime in the next two hundred years.
Malia stood in the dark of an ally. Snatching people left and right, leaving them to be found later, soon it would be light out and she was hoping to get a couple dozen cylinders full of blood. She had wasted so much on Landon's folly that she needed to make up for it. |
Landon felt more like himself with Malia not around. He was out on a stakeout. This one guy was always winning in casinos. He was waiting for the perfect moment to jump him and take all his cash. He was a young guy. Maybe 27 or so. He was dressed up in a tux and had bodyguards all around him, escorting him to a limousine. Landon smiled, this was going to be fun! He was just about to make his move when Malia tapped him on the shoulder. |
"Don't even think about it, he's mine." She said pushing him back. "What are you doing here?" He stared at her, making Malia rolled her eyes. "Get it out Landon, I don't have all day." Malia pushed past him, and waited for three seconds. Then jumping threw his bodyguards she grabbed the kid and pulled him back to the alley. The guards looked around dumbstruck and the crowd threw cries of complaints. With her hand still over his mouth, Malia whispered in his ear. "Oh look they miss you!" When the crowd was rioting loud enough that no one would hear them, Malia removed her hand. Turning him around she let him have a flash of her fangs. "What-t do y-you want?" He asked. Malia pretended to think about it. "Your money!" Grabbing it out of his hands and his pockets, Malia let him fall to the ground. "Are you going to kill me?" He asked. Malia looked down at this pathetic thing they called a man. "No." The boy was visibly relieved. "If Landon wants to I’m not going to stop him." Turning around, Malia walked slowly out of the alley. |
Landon shoved Malia up against the wall. Malia was shocked.
"Give...me...the...money." He said slowly. "No way!" Malia shoved him back. Landon was getting angry. "I'll give you one more chance. Give me the money!" he screamed. "No! I got it fair and square!" "By stealing!" a voice boomed. Landon and Malia turned towards the voice, forgetting their fight. "Awww, you two fight like a married couple." A figure walked into the light. Landon stared in horror. It was the vampire coven leader! "I killed you!" Malia hissed. "Yes you did. But..." "But what?!" Malia demanded. "You didn't spread our ashes. We can come back in any form we want to now. I have to thank you. You made me more powerful!" The vampire laughed. He snapped his fingers. "Guys!" Eleven vampires surrounded Landon and Malia. They walked up and tried to handcuff them. Landon let them, but Malia struggled. Malia! Save your strength! They are going to get you whatever you do! Landon sent silently. Malia lowered her head and let them take her. |
An hour later Malia paced around the room they had put her in. Right now she was going beween the ideas of ripping Landon head off or just biting him. "Landon what sounds gentaler to you. Ripping the head off of someone or just biting them?"
He looked at her. "Don't be nice! Ripe there heads off!" Malia started at him. "I was talking about you." He looked shocked. "I'll have to go with the biting." "Alright. Give me I couple seconds. Ripping heads off isn't easy!" |
Landon looked around the room. There was no way out. It was about 15 feet by 15 feet. It was only 7 feet tall. The walls were made of metal and there were no windows. It was very cramped. Malia wanted to rip his head off. She said he got her into this. Okay, for one thing, she didn't spread the ashes. And two, she was the one who stole the money! It wasn't his fault at all. Besides, he had bigger things to worry about. It was almost sunrise. And unless this metal "box" could protect them from the sun, they were as good as dead. |
"Were going to burn!" Malia cried, prowling the walls of their cage. She could image it now, the sun coming up and Landon and herself falling to the ground as ashes.
With full vampire force Malia rammed her fist into the metal door, all she achieved was an aching hand and a bent door. Shuffling came to her ears as Landon stood up. He passed and went to the door and stared at it mystified. "We can bend the door and get out." He whispered to him self. Malia leaned in and tried to understand where he was going with this. "What do you mean we can bend the door and get out?" Landon looked up at her and Malia growled. He grinned a quick flash of fangs and hit the door as Malia had; it fell over. She stood there for minuet looking at the breach in the metal box. Lifting her gaze to Landon, Malia pointed to the door. "I take the credit as that being my idea. I was the one who hit it first." Landon rolled his eyes leaving Malia to hurry out the door after him. |
Landon looked back at Malia as he ran. He loved her personality. She'll take credit for anything he did. Yeah! He love that about her. He shook his head and wondered if that was all he loved about her. Quickly he forgot about it. But not quick enough before Malia read his thoughts. It didn't matter. Right now he was in a state of panic. They had 19 minutes until sun up. His inner clock told him so. He looked around. He was in a strange place. But if he concentrated hard enough, he would find a way out. And a way out he indeed found. It would be guarded, but he and Malia could get out. It wouldn't guarded by other vampires, for they were in their coffins sound asleep.
Landon followed the winding halls and finally saw light. Malia was right behind him. Sure enough, there were two human guards. Landon was frantic, so when he went to knock one of the guards out, he accidentally killed him. But no time to worry about that, they had to get away from the sun! When Landon reached the street he looked around. He was familiar with the surroundings. The little side street they were on was not far from his apartment. He grabbed Malia by the wrist and ran. He ran so fast, that if anybody looked, all they would see was a blur of color. They arrived at his apartment complex with about three minutes left. "I want to go home." whined Malia. "If you want to get yourself killed, go right ahead. You'll never get there in time!" Malia kicked at a stone. Something was wrong. "God Malia! What is it?!" Landon screamed. He was pulling her up the stairs. "I've never spent the night at a guys apartment before." Landon laughed. She couldn't be serious! Malia looked at him. This was insane! She was actually terrified at going into his apartment with him! It didn't matter. She would die if he left her alone. But she wouldn't let him pull her either. Malia was shaking and lost control of her strength. Landon sighed and picked her up. He carried her safely to the confines of his apartment. When they were both inside his coffin, Malia started pulling herself together. "We always seem to get ourselves into this kind of predicament, don't we?" she laughed weakly. "Ooooh, big word!" Landon said, and they both laughed, all tension gone between them. "Now what was it that you were thinking earlier, when we broke out of that box?" Malia asked. |
Before she could have her question answered, Landon fell asleep. Malia sighed to herself and closed her eyes, leaning onto Landon's chest.
The next day Malia paced back and forth around Landon's coffin. If he didn't get up soon she would leave, but first she wanted her question answered. Stirring in the box made her stop paceing. Seconds later Landon hopped out and looked around. "I'm hungry." Malia grinned and held up a slice of pizza. "You can eat... after you tell me what you were thinking when we broke out of that box." |
"Oh, that!" Landon laughed. "I was just thinking about how I loved your personality." Landon grabbed for the slice of pizza Malia dangled in his face.
Malia growled. "I didn't say you could have that!" Landon smiled as she held the peice of pizza in front of him. "You're only saying that because you want it." Landon grabbed the pizza away from her and ate it hungrily. Crumbs fell from his mouth. "What, you don't believe me that that was all I was thinking?" He grinned. "No I don't believe that was all you were thinking." Malia accused, placing her hands on her hips. "I want to know exactly what you thought and why!" Landon sighed, he wasn't going to get out of this one. "I was thinking, was your personality all that I loved about you." "Oh, that's nice!" Malia said icly. "It's so nice to know that you love my personality!" "God your an idiot! I think you're hot!" Landon burst. |
"Oh!" Malia said dropping her hands. "Well... that's lovely." She stared into Landon's green eyes. "I think I'll be going now." How could she tell Landon that she thought her was hot too.
"Come on don't go!" Landon said rushing infront of her. She looked down. "No, I have to go... lots of things to do tonight." "Like?" He pushed. Snapping Malia looked up. "Not talking to you!" She grabbed her leather jacket and ran out the door. |
Landon ran after Malia. He wasn't going to let her get away. Besides, what if she got caught by those creep vampires again? He just shuddred at the thought of it. They would kill her for sure. Probably the most painful way too, first starvation, then they would set her afire and let her be exposed to the sun. And... he had confessed his feelings for her. No, he wasn't going to let her get away. He had marked her. Now, she was his... |
Hah! He knew it! But why was she running? Just because she thought he was hot, did that mean she felt anything for him? Landon couldn't explain what he felt, but he knew it was something special.
Malia! Wait up! We have to talk! Landon sent silently. Malia stopped when she came to an alley. Landon darted in just seconds later. The alley was very dark and Landon could barely see anything. He could only sense Malias pressence. Slowley he walked up to her. He ran his hands up the gentle curves of her body and finally stopped when they reached her face. He pulled her close to him in an embrace. When their lips met, electricity filled the air. The kiss was very long and deep. When they finally pulled apart, Malia looked at Landon in a new light. |
Landon ran for the nearest place that had mortals. Malia was just behind him. The cyber cafe would be just the place. There were always nerds in there pretending to be people they are not. They approached the brightly lit main street. New Orleanes transformed into a beautiful place at night. Landon and Malia quit running and walked hand-in-hand into the cafe.
They were now a couple, and Landon wanted to show it off. They sat down at a table, opposite another couple. Malia struck up a conversation. "This is strange." She began fiddling with a strand of her blond hair. "I've never been with anyone before." Landon put his arm around her. "Well, you're gonna like being with me." he grinned playfully. She blushed and smiled back. "Oh," Malia played with his shirt, "why?" "I have my reasons." Landon smiled. "Now, what about dinner. Why don't we just start off with a little entree madam? Like the couple, across from us?" Malia grinned and walked over to the table, frowning at the lady she spoke to her in French. "Bonjour mademoiselle. Desole seul mon mari." The lady looked at her, confusion on her face. Malia leaned over to her and said in her cutest french accent. "Can I talk to you outside a minute." She glanced at Landon and smiled, leading the lady out the door. Landon and the lady's date got up and followed. |
"Well it wouldn't be any fun if I didn't, now would it?" Landon grinned, showing his perfect white teeth.
Hey, let's scare the crap out of this guy. Just play along. "You bitch! Get your hands off of me!" Landon screamed, slapping Malia across the face. "I'm sorry! I'll be good next time!" she cried. They were playing this little scene out in front of Landons dinner, Danny. Dannys eyes were wide in anger. "How could you talk to a lady like that?" Danny screamed at him. He walked up and punched Landon in the face. Landon pretended to be hurt. "I'll do what I want with my girl. And you can't do anything to stop me!" "Oh yeah?" Danny struck a match so he could see. Landons eyes opened wide, and he took a step back. Fire could kill him. Malia had walked up behind Danny. "He wasn't hurting me." she whispered in his ear. "Not like what he'll do to you." Malia grabbed the match away from Danny and dropped it down the front of his pants. He howled in pain. Malia put a hand over his mouth. "You think that hurts." Landon had approached. His fangs sparkled in the moonlight. Dannys eyes grew so big that you couldn't see the whites anymore. Landon leapt and punctured the skin. Malia, share him with me. |
"Uh, let's go camping!" Landon said unexpectedly. He had no idea why he said it, it just kind of fell out. "We can sleep in the ground. It's kind of discusting, but we'll live."
"Hey, that sounds fun! First we'll sleep, then we'll be the ghosts of the park!" Landon felt that he and Malia were thinking on the same level. He was really close to her. Never in his life before, had he felt like this for someone. It was a feeling he never wanted to lose. Before he knew it, Malia was pulling him. They would have just enough time to get out of the city and settled down into the dirt. They ran side by side the entire way out of New Orleans. |
Landon and Malia stalked the campsites, looking for the perfect person to terrorize. They quickly found what they were looking for. There was a group of kids playing a game, with no adults around. "Last one to the tree is a smelly bloodsucker!" Cried a little girl, who looked about 8 years old. "Don't call them that! They're called vampires." An older boy yelled. "Stop with the vampire stuff! It's all just a myth!" said a girl, who seemed to be the oldest. Landon looked at Malia and smiled. They would have some fun with this little group. Landon whispered something into Malias ear, and she disappeared into the brush. She came back with a struggling raccoon, and handed it to Landon. They moved closer to the kid’s campsite. Then Landon bit the raccoon. It screamed in pain. Landon let it make a bunch of racket before he killed it. He coughed up blood around the raccoon for looks. Then Landon and Malia hid. The three kids looked as if they had seen a ghost. They had no idea what was making such a terrible noise. Then the little boy, as brave as he was, ventured out into the woods behind the campsite. He screamed when he saw the raccoon. "Vampire!" The two girls came running. The little one started crying, and the older girl smacked the boy. "It was attacked by a wolf, stupid!" The boy looked disappointed. They started to walk back when Malia stepped in their way. "So you believe vampires are a myth, huh?" "Where did you come from?" Demanded the older girl. Landon came up from behind them. "Not believing could get you into a whole lot of trouble." he said grinning. They had the three kids surrounded. "Bobby, you stay with Jamie." the older girl Tasha said. Then she walked up to Malia, and Malia showed Tasha her teeth. Tashas eyes opened wide, but still kept walking. When she got to her, she pulled on Malias fangs. "You're a freak! You glued long teeth on!" Meanwhile... Bobby had walked up to Landon. "Are you really a vampire?" he asked excitedly. Landon spoke softly. "Yes, I really am, and I killed the raccoon. Did you like it?" "Yes!" Bobby shook his head up and down quickly. "I like vampires a lot! They are so cool, and I'm so glad I got to meet a real live one! I like 'em so much, I want to be one! Will you make me one? I know how to you it!" Landon laughed. "I'm afraid not. For one thing, you're too young, and another, my girlfriend over there won't let me." he said pointing to Malia. "Your girlfriend is really hot." Bobby complimented. "Well, thanks." ***** Malia was devouring Tasha, with little Jamie watching. Jamie started bawling. "Tasha! No!" Landon raced up to her, and cradled her in his arms. She put her little hands around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder. He stroked her hair and swayed back and forth gently. "Shhhh, It's alright, soon you will be with your sister again." He took her quietly. Her crying muffled, and then stopped when Landon laid her lifeless body next to her sisters on the ground. Malia was staring at him with her hands on her hips. "I didn't know you to be so gentle, and caring." "Oh, you could say I have some of that romantic, caring stuff in me." "Ok, do you want the boy, or should I take him?" she asked, looking at Bobby. "Neither. We are going to show him the ropes. The life of a vampire, without him actually being one." Just then, Landon was hit with a piercing pain in his leg. He looked down and saw Bobby. Bobby had imitated a vampire bite and poked two small holes in his leg with a sharp piece of metal. Now, Bobby had his mouth suctioned around the place where Landons blood was oozing out. "Get off me you little devil!" Landon gave a sharp kick and sent Bobby flying. He hit a tree and fell to the ground. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Landon roared. "Now, you are going to die!" "Why?" Bobby asked weakly. "The vampire blood in you will kill all of your mortal blood, and you don't have enough vampire blood to keep you alive." "Well you could give me some more." "No I can’t." Malia had never seen Landon this angry. Bobby’s little metal piece would make it look like he had killed his sisters, and the raccoon. They waited until Bobby's life slipped away until they left. |
Landon was glad that Malia wanted the guy. He hated taking guys, girls were much more fun to play with. He walked up to the sister and brother. "Who are you mourning over?" The girl looked up. "Our grandmother. She died by some unknown cause here last year. Authorities say from loss of blood, she had two tiny puncture wounds in her neck." "Oh really?" Landon conceled a laugh. "Come here for a minute, and bring your brother with you." Landon was going to work out Malias little idea. He would draw the two away, while Malia climbed into the grave. Then, he would bring them back and Malia would crawl out and scare the crap out of them. This would be fun. "So you don't know what killed your grandmother." "No." "From what you've described to me, I'd say it was a vampire." "You're kidding, right?" "No, I'm serious." Landon played. "Vampires do exist." "Listen, dude, we'd love to stick around, but we have to go." the guy said. He and his sister walked to the grave on last time. Malia, now! The dirt below the grave stone moved. The two people watched in fright. Then Malia emerged from the ground. "Now do you believe in vampires?" she asked showing her teeth. |
Once they were done with the teens, they threw their bodies in a nearby lake. Then Landon looked back at the car. The keys were in the lock. He motioned to Malia. "Would you like to join me?" "Of course I would." she replied, grinning. |
"Well actually, I wanted to stay in the car with you. But if you insist, I'll take you home." he said playfully. "Oh, thats what you meant! When you put it that way, staying in the car is a good idea." Both vampires climbed into the back seat. Right before anything happened, a flashlight shone in the window. Landon sheilded his eyes from the blinding light, and heard a voice outside. "They're in my car!" |
Malia was refering to Landons hair. Styles had changed, and he wanted to fit in with the times. Besides, he liked his spikes. Sure he had to cut his hair, and gel it up every morning, but it was worth it. Malia liked it, and that was what mattered. When Landon put his arm around her, a thought kept reoccuring in his head. "We have to find those vampires. They could be anywhere, and I have a feeling that they're not here." |
Landon couldn't believe how much time they had used. But the days were getting longer and the nights shorter. Not good for vampires. Landon walked down the street and got in Malias car. He got in the drivers seat while Malia protested that she wanted to drive. "No, it's better like this." Landon said back softly. Malia sighed and got in the passanger side. "Come and slide on over." Landon beckoned for Malia to join him on his lap. "Won't it be hard for you to drive?" she giggled. "Nothing I can't handle." he replied. Landon put his arm around her and started the car. She burried her head in his neck and bit him. Landon jumped in shock, but didn't pull away. It was a great feeling when vampires drank from other vampires out of love. Landon closed his eyes and paid no attention to the road in front of him. Then, he let go of the wheel all together. He embraced Malia and fell over on the seat next to them. He bit her and drank her sweet vampiric blood. It was so much better than human blood. The sweetness and the sourness couldn't even compare. And oh the electricity! Like nothing he had ever felt before. Landon and Malia were enjoying this, but Malias mustang wasn't, or the police car that it had crashed into. |
Malia started panicking, but Landon quickly shushed her. "Don't worry," he cooed. "Nothing's going to happen to you. Not while I'm around." He tried backing the car up, but it moved way to slow for his liking. "Screw the car." He jumped out of it and dragged Malia with him. Then they both ran towards the woods. Quickly, Landon dug a grave with Malias help. Two graves would take to long, so they dug one. Landon threw Malia in and jumped in himself. Something that was all to common. He scratched at the dirt around him, until there was a thick layer of dirt laying on the both of them, that was a sheild from the sun. |
They walked on towards Landons apartment when Malia stopped. "What is it?" Landon asked. "I...just remembered something." Malia took off in the other direction before Landon could stop her. |