Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/346889-Plotting-A-Course
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #346889
Before the party can set out, they need a few good men...
Chapter 3-Plotting A Course

As the first rays of sunlight peeked in through the windows of Turushkna's chambers in the east tower, him and Filgid had already been up for quite some time, discussing the path it would be best to take to Graznor, many maps were layed out on the table.

"We could cut through the forest of Wingord and that way we would only have to spend a small amount of time on the plains of Iglos,"Turushkna suggested.

Filgid thought about his plan for a moment and then answered,"Yes, but how do you plan to avoid the river of Hilcongo and the valley of Trilyaj that surrounds it? That is the valley of the goblins, we'd be foolish to take that road."

"But I do not know any other way,"Turushkna said glancing towards the wizard, running his hand along the map,"perhaps this is too risky, what shall we do if the Blade does the same to us as it did to Delioc, what seperates us from him?"

"Turushkna Lorofax, do not speak in such a manner, you have five great people behind you, all willing to do anything for you, even if it is simply saving you from yourself."

"Well I suppose that is true...but I will do everything in my power to see to it that you shall not have to perform such a task."

Across the long stone wall surrounding Orshire to the Southern tower, the sun was not beginning to trickle in through the windows, and one determined ray shone through first, waking Goodwill from a deep slumber.

"Jay,"Goodwill whispered,"Jay are you awake?"

"I am now..."Jay said slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes,"What time is it?"

"I suppose it's still early morning, although what the exact time is I have no way to be certain. But it is daybreak, and you know what we volunteered to do."

"Yes, yes, I am full aware of the task that lay before us, and I don't regret volunteering my services, nope, not at all."

"You may yet."

"And what exactly do you mean by that?"

"Well nothing really, I'm just saying that this is a dangerous situation we're reeling ourselves into, and we'd best be ready for all the goblins, witches, demons and anything else fate decides to throw at us."

"That may be true...but don't go thinking that way, we've not even left Orshire, now come on, get your gear we don't want to keep the king waiting."

Back in Turushkna's chamber, the plans were set out, the group would take the forest of Wingord and try to get through the valley of Trilyaj as quickly as possible, for goblins are very vicious creatures.

Turushkna packed up his things and Filgid did the same, as they headed for the door it slowly opened and Yujin came shuffling in followed by Dongo.

"Sire, is everything in order?"Yujin asked.

"Yes, everything is organized, planning is the easy part, now we have the actual work to do,"Turushkna answered as he headed down the steps accompanied by Filgid, Yujin, and Dongo.

"Jay and Goodwill are sparring out in the field,"Dongo said cheerfully,"I suppose they want to be ready for anything."

Turushkna smiled,"They may not be the strongest guards physically, but they are strong hearted and resilient, and that is all that matters."

As the four stepped out of the corridor and out into the evergrowing sunlight they could see Jay and Goodwill clanging their swords together. They went back and forth for quite a time and Turushkna smiled warmly. Suddenly Jay wedged his sword between Goodwill's arm and chest and pushed him to the ground.

"I have slain the beast!"Jay laughed.

"Good work, that is exactly the skill we will need on the plains of Iglos, and valley of Tralyaj,"Dongo called to him.

"But look, the beast returns!"Goodwill shouted and he threw a bread roll from his back, hitting Jay in the back of the head. The entire group had a good laugh, but Filgid was the first to become solemn once more.

"The time is at hand for us to set out across the plains of Orshire, there we shall cross the Bridge of Keeldor, and on through the forest of Wingord. We must be careful simply crossing our own land, there is word of a strange folk wandering about, be on alert!"Filgid called out as the group started out walking, slowly at first, but as time passed they began to quicken the pace.

"The old wizard makes this job sound easy,"Dongo said to Yujin as they trudged over the plains.

"Perhaps to him it is simple, being the wise being he is,"Yujin answered softly,"but that is the attitude he has, then perhaps we should feel the same way....and what of these strange folk? Who are they?"

"Well, I don't know a lot about them...."Dongo whispered,"But they say that there is a group of Jarlinx on black horses, led by the wizard Tahl."

"Jarlinx? You have traveled more than me Dongo, for you are younger and more agile, what are these mysterious creatures?"

"Oh, hideous creatures, not fit for the eyes of many, they have eyes as red as blood, fangs are sharp as jagged rocks, and they are attracted to nothing else as well as fire. You have gazed upon a goblin, yes?"

"That I have done."

"Well they are just like goblins you see, only with a much stronger malice. They are ruthless creatures, they would just as soon slit your throat then look at you. And as for the wizard Tahl.....he is hideous in himself."

"What has become of him? Is he not our ally?"

"He was, at one time of course. But he has been tempted by evil as many of us have, some of us resist, some of us fall into the black abyss and our hearts become black and hard as stone. He chose the second path, and Turushkna is not happy with him for that, if we do run into the old wizard, I do suppose we shall see a fight."

"Dongo! Yujid! Speed up a bit, you're falling behind!"Filgid yelled from the front of the party.

As the day wore on and the sun began to set the group decided to set up camp for the night near an abandoned cave. Jay and Goodwill began looking for anything to eat as Filgid and Turushkna discussed matters, while at the same time Dongo and Yujid were off having their own private conversation. The grass was low and dry in this area of the plains, and sharp in some points, but it was a perfect spot for finding food, many small animals had burroughs there. As Jay and Goodwill looked around for anything edible, Jay's glance continued to go to Yujin and Dongo.

"What do you suppose their talking about?"Jay said suddenly.

"Well anything I would think, I mean they do have a lot on their mind,"Goodwill answered as he peered around for any rabbits or other small animals.

"Yes but they've talked all evening, and afternoon, and even all morning for that matter,"Jay pointed out,"I mean they can't have that much to talk about."

Goodwill laughed,"Jay, give it a rest, don't be so suspicious, they're out to help just like we are. And besides, even if they are up to something, it'd be wise to keep your mouth shut."

Darkness began to settle upon the plains and the group settled in for sleep just inside the cave. But Jay could not sleep, he stayed up watching the fields in the darkness. He slowly stood up and quietly crept past the torch Filgid had lit on the wall to provide comfort in the darkness. Jay picked it up out of the sconce and headed out into the field for a late night stroll. Suddenly a rabbit sprang out of it's hole and frightened Jay, causing him to drop the torch. Since the grass was so dry, it immediately ignited into red and orange fingers of flame flickering in the wide open. Dongo and Turushkna were awakened by Jay's cries.

"Dongo, what is that out there, is that Jay? There is a fire...perhaps he is in trouble,"Turushkna whispered loudly.

"No, we are all in trouble, if the talk of Tahl and the Jarlinx is true, then we are already being watched. Wake everyone up, we must journey deeper into the cave, it is the only way of escape,"Dongo answered standing up.

"But that would delay our route by leagues upon leagues, and besides there are...."Turushka was cut off by Dongo.

"Turushkna, I know what is in the cave, but it is the only way, it is either face Tahl and his Jarlinx, or journey into the cave where we may at least have a chance."

"Who are you showing off for? You fool, you know as well as I do there is no chance we can survive in the caves of Orshire!"

"Sire, trust me, please."

In the midst of the shouting Filgid, Goodwill, and Yujin were awoken. Dongo headed out to the field with his cantene at his side and poured it onto the fire before dragging Jay back towards the cave.

"What is going on?"Filgid asked softly.

"Since Jay has started the fire, we are heading into the Caves of Orshire for better cover from whatever beasts are watching us now,"Turushkna answered nervously.

"The caves of Orshire, that's insane, that's..."

"Yes I know this Filgid, but it is the only relatively safe way. And please keep your voice down, I believe there are members of our party that are not aware of what is going on. Just simply lead them into the cave that is all I ask."

The night seemingly grew blacker than it was as the group headed deeper into the cave. Turushkna at the rear of the group quickly glanced up at the moon and recited an old Orshiric prayer before walking into the cold, dark, caverns.

"The Caves Of Orshire
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