Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/333853-Wired-Submission-Guidelines
Rated: E · Article · Contest · #333853
Information regarding submissions to the magazine "Wired".
The following information regarding Wired was gathered from Writer's Market (http://www.WritersMarket.com/) and Wired staff.


"The purpose of Wired is to illuminate the roots, issues and possible destiny of the emerging digital culture. If you want to write for us, here are some things to keep in mind:

Amaze us.

We know a lot about digital computers and we are bored with them. Tell us something about them we've never heard before, in a way we've never seen before. If it challenges our assumptions, so much the better.

Wired is a multimedia event on paper. Fiction, non-fiction, semi-fiction; essay, how-to, expose; picture story, profile, interview - all in one issue.

We seek young and new voices -- voices that are passionate and involved. Events drive the news of television and newspapers. *Ideas* -- conceptual reporting -- drive the news in Wired.

It shouldn't matter too much if someone rereads your piece next month or next year. Poet Ezra Pound calls this kind of information "news that stays news." It's rare. We'll go out of our way to find it and publish it.

If you care deeply about something that's inextricably tied to digital technologies, chances are we cover it. If the topic is just cresting the digital horizon, it's perfect.

Write it well -- long, if the material demands. Take chances.

Sweep, color, scene, and strong character anecdotes are imperative. If there's no conflict -- moral, institutional, cultural -- there's no story.

The piece must be definitive.

We are re-inventing paper as a communication tool for the digital era. Send us an example of what a re-invented magazine article would be like.

We don't want anything that duplicates what you can read elsewhere.

We print complaints.

How to review a product, book, or item: Write your review. Then write us a letter explaining why we should devote space to your item. Throw away your review and send us the letter.

Give it to us in digital, or analog form. We'd prefer you send it on Mac diskette, Word ready. Don't send us the only copy of anything.

Via E-Mail - send it to (https://submissions@wired.com). If it's a long piece, (over 7500 words) we'd prefer you first send an under-300 word
synopsis of what it's about.

Thanks for your interest in Wired."


This information regarding Wired was gathered from Writer's Market (http://www.WritersMarket.com/) and Wired staff.
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