Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/327931-One-Writers-Favorites
Rated: E · Non-fiction · Community · #327931
Awarding Others ~ More Than 22 Years ~ My Favorite tHiNGs!
Please note that some of the items listed may have higher ratings than this item, but I have used the bitem format so you will be informed and can use your judgment on whether to read them or not.

When I want to go back and revisit an item more than twice, (and enjoy it) it goes on this list. Often, I read poetry in the morning on my Kindle. I try to return eventually with a review, but I don't always succeed.

Awardicons were released to the site January 13, 2002. I started giving them out in this item on January 16, 2002.

Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to doing this.

I typically won't cover up someone else's awardicon (but never say never). I also don't do this right away anymore, as a rule. I wait to see if the writer thanks for the review before awarding in most instances.

All the authors listed here have my enduring gratitude for giving me such great reading and creativity!

I hope that you will visit them and check out ALL their work!

For a long time, I took out links that became invalid. I regret doing that now because I have no idea how many of these I handed out over the years. So, now I leave in the invalid links.

Note: Alas, gone is the hilarious Dracula's Decorator by my two friends who shared a portfolio! *Heart**Heart*

*Heart* Special thank yous to those O Twins, Riot and Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ for the lovely awardicons that grace this list of mine. *Heart*

Rainy Nights  (E)
The night . . . the rain . . . the darkness . . .
#136527 by Bandit's Mama

Khaotics  (18+)
A world of comic book type superheroes set in the near future.
#300099 by Colin Back on the Ghost Roads

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#371942 by Not Available.

Rush Hour  (13+)
A woman dealing with the loss of a loved one.
#405598 by Sophy

If I  (E)
poem of my love
#277936 by mott

Tommy Me Boy Has Gone Away  (E)
Tribute to a dear friend who passed away 6-10-02
#444237 by mott

Aunt Dottie, My Computer Inspiration  (E)
This is the story of how my aunt inspired me to learn how to operate a computer.
#451772 by Maryann

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#503747 by Not Available.

Thunderstorm Lady  (ASR)
A storm symbolises the end of an era
#464514 by Goldie

The Promising Dinner  (ASR)
They met for dinner on a Friday evening.
#160870 by gailey

In the Animal Shelter  (E)
...in the shelter...they wait...they hope...
#136597 by Bandit's Mama

Wendy's wish  (E)
Black & Yellow Case Write Away Contest entry. Sept, 2002 Home Sweet Home contest entry.
#528883 by ·• Soul Medic •·

A Different Christmas Tree  (E)
The falling down of a tradition...
#585191 by Dottie

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#272810 by Not Available.

Why I Rate Items the Way I Do  (E)
Explanation of how I rate an item and why.
#588251 by grandmapenny

My Favorite Neighbor  (E)
He taught us we were special.
#640812 by Kenzie

Why me?  (ASR)
What it's like to have real bad luck.
#638905 by Casper is broken

1st Mystery Ball CLOSED Jan/03  (13+)
The First PIF Mystery Ball (closed January, 2003)
#563750 by ♥Pay It Forward♥

Heirlooms  (13+)
A woman runs from her past-to find that she should look further into it.
#373204 by HawaiianPeach

On Reviewing Etiquette  (E)
My thoughts on how NOT to review other people's POETRY
#703721 by Valori76

A Novel Idea  (E)
Anything longer than a short story - novels & novellas
#461400 by Andrea

Cat and Dog  (13+)
A fable about two animals and the color of a meadow.
#650036 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#554976 by Not Available.

Stripped  (18+)
Charlie and Ethan's tale of love
#729042 by Rain

I Am A Snowflake  (13+)
An essay describing the life of an unwanted child in a cruel world.
#659924 by Sarahjane

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#618985 by Not Available.

Love Knows No Bounds  (18+)
Nothing can stop two people if their love is real.
#321579 by Incurable Romantic

You Are Not Alone  (ASR)
Letter, written for one, but shared with many. My letter to all that feel alone.
#720074 by ~LadyBee~

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#472719 by Not Available.

Pilgrimage to Italy  (E)
The flight was delayed because of a problem with an engine.
#764594 by Dottie

A Night in Amsterdam  (13+)
A great weekend in Amsterdam goes wrong for an American tourist....
#758641 by Wolflady26

Feel  (13+)
Look, and feel, beyond the obvious
#758631 by Horsewoman

How to Make a PB & J Sandwich  (E)
An exercise to see if I have what it takes for tech writing. It was fun!
#382811 by HawaiianPeach

Toy Store Magic  (E)
Dolls and teddy bears rescue a lonesome child.
#739247 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

stain  (13+)
friendship lasts longer then love
#777121 by knight life

The Pain Of Thanksgiving  (13+)
You ever had one of those days?
#766818 by W.D.Wilcox

In an Instant  (13+)
She fell from homecoming queen to homeless queen.
#743210 by Rick²

As Time Passes Me By  (E)
For anyone who has lost someone dear and wondered why
#421600 by Lexi

Ben And Rosie  (ASR)
"Tricker Tweat, Rosie. Tricker Tweat!"
#768672 by W.D.Wilcox

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#799169 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#764315 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#816448 by Not Available.

Dreams of the Everyday Housewife  (E)
My views and a married woman's daydreams.
#825992 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Elaborated Memories  (13+)
anecdotage ~~random silly memories
#641605 by ness

Autumn's Deception  (18+)
A friends death haunts Sam until she discovers the truth. Work in progress. Rough draft
#826771 by Octobers Lie

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#846589 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#766304 by Not Available.

Renesmee's Journal  (ASR)
I will be writing as Renesmee. I will be writing where the movies left off.
#865169 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#432021 by Not Available.

Solitude  (ASR)
Final steps to awakening
#394190 by Dottie

on a walk with my child  (E)
shared wonder through new eyes
#507570 by JB Wallace

"Dancing Reflections"  (E)
In my dimly lit den the candle dances on the walls.
#902273 by Kings

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#899907 by Not Available.

Poetry  (18+)
My Poetry
#115736 by NL*

Guardian of the Punch Bowl  (E)
Every Valentines Day she could be seen not 2 feet away from the punch bowl; she hated it.
#940385 by Invisible Writer

The rose  (E)
Based on an actual happening
#755137 by Chris Winfield

Leaving  (E)
She left for a new beginning, very very short
#926258 by Tomorrow, Annie, is Today

The Fiddler  (E)
There was more to this disheveled, mild-mannered man that I remember, than met the eye.
#856030 by Mar

Ghost Train  (13+)
Pursued by a train that needs no tracks.
#656527 by Wenston

Forever Fishing  (13+)
The old man loved to fish.
#924884 by Spheric

Megan's Blog City Journal  (ASR)
Entries for Blog City are here and maybe other surprises.
#977405 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Afternoons on the Bench  (E)
What's the best way to spend a Spring day?
#973884 by Nanapockets

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1239466 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1003251 by Not Available.

Gaze of the Suburban Tourist  (E)
A suburban tourist's view on a day trip to Manhattan
#1225180 by Mbee

Darkness Doesn't Frighten Me  (E)
Dedicated to my beloved mother
#1128465 by SHERRI GIBSON

Dedicated to my beloved mother
#1192451 by SHERRI GIBSON

Neighbors  (13+)
Prompt: "Write a short story or poem about the creepy guy next door."
#1242375 by Pia Veleno

This is the story of the stone lantern  (E)
My daughters favorite story
#1228467 by Zooterman

Rain on Me  (13+)
"When it rains, it pours!" A nonfiction essay for April's Quotation Inspiration contest.
#1254668 by winklett

Ronald the First  (E)
7/4/07 Writer's Cramp Winner: Ronald strives to end the summer cold.
#1285953 by RoughitforGreen247

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1293073 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1387743 by Not Available.

My Articles  (13+)
A folder for articles and essays
#649671 by Octobers Lie

Lullaby, and Good Night  (13+)
Man's best friend was this girl's too.
#1431289 by Roari ∞

Samantha and Not-Boring  (E)
A funny phone conversation between strangers.
#1153163 by Pummi

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1358388 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1144926 by Not Available.

One of a Mother's Days to Remember  (E)
A mother clings to the past--for a brief moment
#1558393 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1553822 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1577809 by Not Available.

An entry for Lexi's contest
#1193980 by SHERRI GIBSON

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1577663 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1586760 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1397587 by Not Available.

Whither Gods, Distracted?  (E)
Where are the gods when you need them? (Strong Verse magazine)
#1602784 by Ben Langhinrichs

Dancing Wheat  (E)
Kate loved to be in her own little world.
#1324870 by Lornda ~ Away ~

Capturing Christmas  (E)
Sometimes that Christmas spirit can be quite elusive.
#1363241 by ßlueyeʐ

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#982243 by Not Available.

Laughter with the Tears  (13+)
Am I actually writing this up? I don't believe it! It did win Cramp, though!

Flight Home  (E)
A sestina about growing up
#1631294 by fyn

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1473984 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1710222 by Not Available.

Platinum  (GC)
A couple celebrates their twentieth anniversary with laughter, love and passion.
#1709958 by Mara ♣ McBain

Footprints of Life   (13+)
To put sixty years of life into a poem. Is it too late to do more?
#1712357 by Redtowrite

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1607309 by Not Available.

Desert Song  (E)
I was down and wrote a song.
#1709836 by eyestar~*

The Library Lady  (13+)
A passion for the written word brings two like souls together and life comes full circle.
#1721033 by Mara ♣ McBain

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1752206 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1561662 by Not Available.

WDC Survivor Challenges ~2011~  (E)
2011 WDC Surivor challenge entries
#1772302 by ~WhoMe???~

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1437186 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1820490 by Not Available.

Night and Day  (13+)
The unlikeliest of friends find in one another life long soul sisters.-1st place Winner!
#1797916 by Mara ♣ McBain

Lost in the Storm: Weeping for a Willow  (E)
A Willow, fallen in the storm, is mourned.
#1783729 by iluvhorses

Back To The Past: Jane Austen Part One  (E)
My girlfriend Jennifer and I go back to the past to Jane Austen's time.
#1646534 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Hide and Seek  (E)
It was just a game.
#1857622 by An apple a day....

I loved my friend  (13+)
There's nothing to say.
#1907634 by Tiggy in Antigua

Air Apparent  (E)
One approach to dieting.
#2001218 by Teargen

One Long Day in Chicago  (18+)
Private Detective Lou Ryan, 1930s Chicago.
#1998004 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ

No More Miss Nice Girl  (18+)
It was time to be selfish ... First Place, What a Character

Whatchamacallit  (GC)
Various challenges and other things
#2003021 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2010483 by Not Available.

Resurrection Jukebox  (E)
A yearly blogging challenge featuring cover songs and/or dead artists! Runs every October.
#2009876 by Jeff

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2012368 by Not Available.

And so  (13+)
#1910833 by Tiggy in Antigua

Fearless  (13+)
2014 Golden Scroll Nominee
#2013523 by Stargazer ~ DavidtheDreamer

Susannah's Wish  (13+)
Maybe sometimes destiny can be changed.
#1915061 by Tiggy in Antigua

Memories  (13+)
My parents' 50th wedding anniversary
#2016799 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1997515 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2016170 by Not Available.

Aunt Agatha's Aberration  (13+)
I rubbed my eyes in disbelief as the coat was then magically done up ...
#2016671 by deemac

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2012731 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2011554 by Not Available.

To New Friends  (18+)
Pink Floyd and rhubarb tea
#1983849 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2015730 by Not Available.

Danger Dog and the Yuletide Dragon  (E)
Danger Dog has to protect his home from dragons during a Christmas Eve gathering.
#2020601 by 🌞GeminiGem 🌻

Forty-nine Cents and a Pack of Smokes  (13+)
Reno: where dreams go to die
#2027599 by Waltz en France

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2028146 by Not Available.

Amazon  (E)
For my mum.
#1957256 by Osirantinous

Cracked Jewel Cases  (13+)
Thoughts on an abandoned CD.
#2029597 by Cinn

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2026239 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2032063 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2032804 by Not Available.

Summertime heat  (13+)
#1997853 by Quick-Quill

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2033669 by Not Available.

I'm sorry, the wedding is off  (18+)
A NaPoWriMo poem I actually liked so I pulled it out of the collection.
#2037152 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1928875 by Not Available.

A Homeless Anniversary  (ASR)
WC prompt: 50th anniversary without traditional gift of gold.
#2038749 by Cubboo!

The Poppies  (E)
We will never forget, and never stop counting.
#2039595 by Osirantinous

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1836684 by Not Available.

"UNGH!"  (13+)
A Family Reunion Around The Christmas Dinner Table Takes A Strange Turn
#2021019 by Angus

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2008444 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2044199 by Not Available.

My Writing Place  (E)
A little bit about my state of mind when I write and when I share it here (31 lines)
#1626343 by Wordsmitty ✍️

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1993641 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2037454 by Not Available.

Forest Dance  (E)
A Rubaiyat.
#2049782 by Choconut

Daisies  (13+)
A gift from a little girl on a late night bus journey.
#2044837 by Tiggy in Antigua

Autumn Angels  (13+)
Arrive at the end of summer
#2054346 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

The Gray Man  (E)
Dark sentinel; Form: Rhyme
#2053829 by ShelleyA~15 years at WDC

Tiggy's Birthday Party  (13+)
Come celebrate with me!
#2057302 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1799839 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2061339 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1692926 by Not Available.

Being Dracula  (13+)
Halloween wasn't going quite as smoothly as I had planned.
#2062186 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2058530 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2066597 by Not Available.

We want to go to school!  (E)
I wrote this for my children when they didn't want to go to school
#2041866 by Tiggy in Antigua

A Christmas Wish  (13+)
#2022310 by Tiggy in Antigua

i hate carnations  (18+)
it seems like yesterday and not 20 years ago. ~2015 Quill Award Winner~
#2069526 by Whata SpoonStealer

Black Glove  (18+)
Prompt suggestion of a Black Glove
#2018299 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

My Thoughts On Reviewing  (ASR)
Reviewing can be tricky business
#849356 by Tiggy in Antigua

The Friendship Tree  (13+)
A poem for friends who have lost their way
#2069469 by JustPeachy

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2055221 by Not Available.

Fur and Feathers  (18+)
The thrill of the chase.
#2073913 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2040370 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1819059 by Not Available.

The Darcy Writing Challenge  (ASR)
Writing challenge to earn the Darcy Merit Badge.
#2077921 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Portraits  (E)
A poem I wrote for Hopeless Romantics Contest when I first joined WdC
#1256009 by Sharon

Old Winds  (E)
Always called to remember the 'once-was'...
#2075710 by fyn

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#957824 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2000502 by Not Available.

Haiku Hut for Give it 100 and Beyond!  (E)
Give It 100 Challenge! Haiku poems. I did it! so now I keep going! QUILL AWARD 2016
#2071160 by eyestar~*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2055160 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2081336 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#806006 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1896191 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2082518 by Not Available.

Windy City Tales   (18+)
My Lou Ryan, 1930s Private Detective, stories.
#2001276 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ

Broken Heart  (18+)
I hopes, dreams, and reality all gone in one Stroke...
#2081421 by Fictiøn Ðiva the Wørd Weava

The Writing Contest--630 Words  (13+)
I struggle with the prompt for a writing contest **Semi-Finals for May 2016 Blown Away!**
#2085926 by Schnujo's in Alabama

Billy and Susan  (E)
Writer's Cramp Prompt 6/7, write FROM the POV of a yo-yo. Word count: 786, Winner
#2086591 by NeedingBeachDuf 🐠⛵🏝️

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1015574 by Not Available.

Diamond's First Day   (E)
A story about a young dragon, written as part of The Challenge for April
#2080544 by Choconut

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2091489 by Not Available.

For Memories' Sake  (E)
The power of memories.
#2091475 by Don Two

Irish Folk Song  (E)
Written for Irish the morning of his funeral.
#1474616 by Purple Wishing WDC Happy 24th

Prince Musical Writing Challenge Contest  (E)
A musical writing contest for Prince's music. Closed. Honorable Quill Mention.
#2093691 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

WdC's 16th Birthday Quiz  (E)
Can you answer these movie and music related questions from the year 2000?
#2094072 by Tiggy in Antigua

All About Birthdays Free for all!  (E)
Interactive birthday anecdotes, jokes, poems, story to celebrate WDC Birthdays: 20 years
#2053730 by eyestar~*

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2095719 by Not Available.

Beyond the Light of Stars  (E)
Hooves participates in the Running of the Bulls.
#2095801 by Teargen

The Terri-Bull Journey  (ASR)
A "tragedy" about Hooves, who started life as a 16th birthday Writers Cramp prompt.
#2095802 by Peaches

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2095809 by Not Available.

An Ending  (ASR)
A poem of sorrow, an end to a life.
#111564 by Bandit's Mama

Frost Covered Ground  (E)
Writers Cramp Entry
#796209 by W.D.Wilcox

Fresh Fish  (E)
Space aliens in need of trout.
#2099138 by Teargen

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2070021 by Not Available.

Time Scatter  (18+)
(Not) Holding your breath
#2104297 by Tiggy in Antigua

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2108050 by Not Available.

Fear  (E)
A senryu poem
#2108144 by tucknits

A Collie to Die For  (E)
Sam Spayed, basset detective is on the case.
#2108114 by Graham B.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1747628 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2081188 by Not Available.

Apathy and Evil  (18+)
response to a prompt about wind and night
#2038502 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2110154 by Not Available.

Travels with Charlie  (E)
The plan was to visit my sister with Charlie, my Basset Hound - A Pet News Contest Entry
#2111071 by 🌕 HuntersMoon

Willows in the Wind  (13+)
When distance matters. For Write from the Heart.
#2110645 by Kit

The Bus Stop  (ASR)
A character driven story that occurs at a bus stop.
#1347326 by SeptemberBee

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2075678 by Not Available.

Simply Positive Fundraiser  (E)
Reviewing Simply Rocked in Sherri Gibson's world. Together we can keep her dream alive
#2111853 by Lyn's a Witchy Woman

Travels of The Penny  (E)
The penny travels the world.
#2112987 by Espero

Found  (E)
What a found penny might think.
#2112955 by Rhoswen - Relentless Victory

A Penny from Heaven  (ASR)
The penny speaks. WC: 417
#2112989 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2113029 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2113038 by Not Available.

Like Mirrors to the Mind  (13+)
Picturing someone's thoughts? (A GoT entry)
#2091583 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ

Dreams of Light  (E)
The first Ghazal I've completed.
#2114352 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2115548 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2116861 by Not Available.

The Journals of Mary Brownstone  (E)
A secretary dreams of being a journalist and gets an unlikely shot. Writer's Cramp winner.
#2116874 by Elizabeth

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2120405 by Not Available.

Post Office Therapy  (13+)
Cramp Winner: Gary and Lucas are stuck.
#2120515 by Than Pence

Forgive me  (E)
For Edwin Morey
#2121021 by ~WhoMe???~

Today  (E)
Response to the word prompt
#2121174 by spacer

Magic Mirror  (E)
A short children's poem of a magical mirror.
#821846 by 🪽intuey🕊️

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2122073 by Not Available.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2123331 by Not Available.

memories collect in the corner of my eye  (E)
and i roll them down the field of wheat
#2124261 by ~Minja~

Bullish!  (13+)
The club goes bullish! FOR CRAMP - LINE COUNT - 40 LINES

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2126485 by Not Available.

Love of Two  (E)
Love never contemplates death.
#2127115 by An apple a day....

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2127129 by Not Available.

Universe According To The Oldest Sister  (E)
A woman honors her sister's art as she gets older. A Writer's Cramp entry.
#2128747 by Fivesixer

A Train Journey  (E)
A poem showing journey from father's house to a husband's abode.
#1935466 by LostGhost: Seeking & Learning

Sunny Days, Cloudy Days  (E)
A story about clouds, to identify them, knowing their changes, what it means weather wise.
#2068293 by Jeannie

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2131257 by Not Available.

WdC's 17th Birthday Crossword Puzzle  (E)
A crossword puzzle to celebrate Writing.Com's 17th birthday
#2132263 by Tiggy in Antigua

Cicada Song  (13+)
The more heart-wrenching it looks, the more likely it is to be put on. Joint winner, Cramp

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2133571 by Not Available.

Jane Austen Quote-Complain, Pity Prose  (E)
A Jane Austen Quote About Complaining and Pity.
#2135194 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

The Lost Ones  (13+)
When war comes, their lives are changed...
#2135690 by Agent-409

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#2136682 by Not Available.

The Witches' Dance  (E)
Halloween Poem
#1208070 by Arakun the twisted raccoon

Reynolds  (E)
Two friends discuss the last word E. A. Poe was reported to have said. 2017 Quill nominee.
#2137321 by Dan I Am

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#2137340 by Not Available.

Reynolds  (E)
One of the last things Edgar Allan Poe supposedly said.
#2137368 by Teargen

The One Who Loved Me  (13+)
A poem about my gran... for Honoring the Dead.
#2137908 by Kit

My experience reviewing  (E)
My battle with reviewing
#2137603 by bellowsface

State Of Play  (13+)
The government of a small, imaginary country met to discuss business.
#2017708 by Tiggy in Antigua

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#2138766 by Not Available.

Eleven Points to Ponder  (E)
Points I've learned to ponder when writing short stories.
#958247 by Fictiøn Ðiva the Wørd Weava

Precious Memories Of My Cat Tigger  (E)
My kitty of 17 years. Written for Beloved Pets Contest.
#2140343 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays  (E)
It's the most wonderful time of the year cNotes!
#2141231 by ~Minja~

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#2077863 by Not Available.

Wdc 17th Birthday Masquerade Party  (13+)
A role-playing party where you can be whoever you want and win prizes!
#2116925 by TY and congrats Miss Potato!

Wdc 17th Birthday Party Suspect Journal  (13+)
Welcome to the Wdc 17th Birthday Masquerade Party
#2133307 by TY and congrats Miss Potato!

Development  (ASR)
A doe says goodbye. (free verse)
#2140793 by K Renée

Jane Austen Newsletter December 2017  (E)
This is what's new with Jane Austen.
#2142758 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

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#2123330 by Not Available.

The Missing Ornament  (13+)
Writer's Cramp - Genre, Title, Last Line Prompt

A Unicorn Christmas  (E)
A poem about a Unicorn Christmas.
#2143654 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

My Lucky Day  (13+)
This had been close.
#2033708 by Tiggy in Antigua

My thoughts from the ledge...  (GC)
Miscellaneous thoughts and wonderings... 2017 Quill Finalist
#2140127 by Lilli Munster 🧿 ☕ 🎃

Trouble At The Farm  (ASR)
A kitten has to deal with a dog and a mouse. How did life become this complicated?
#2146016 by Kit

another me  (E)
A poem about losing yourself.
#2146435 by Choconut

A Squirrel And A Crow Can Be Friends?  (E)
For Writers Cramp Contest
#2146797 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen Newsletter February 2018   (E)
This is the news I found out about Jane Austen. Stay tuned!
#2147853 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Homage to Romance  (E)
Prompt: dancing under the stars
#2148124 by Tinker

The Blue Screen of Death  (13+)
One careless move & the world suddenly gets much smaller (with creative use of footnotes)
#2149373 by 🌞GeminiGem 🌻

A Daily Blessing  (E)
Dawn comes each day
#1849272 by Prosperous Snow celebrating

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#2138330 by Not Available.

Jane Austen Newsletter March 2018  (E)
The latest news in Jane Austen's world.
#2150963 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Lost  (18+)
When the agreed upon reality no longer controls your response
#2145287 by Tiggy in Antigua

TV Shows and Movies Campfire 2018  (ASR)
This campfire is about TV Shows and movies . Carol and I will be doing this campfire.
#2152955 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

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#2153531 by Not Available.

Yellow Rose Blessings  (E)
Tribute poem to Yellow Rose, inspired by her poem "Whispers"
#2149859 by 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

The Suit  (18+)
In 1968 Los Angeles, a walk to the bus stop turns out to be perilous
#2150737 by Tiggy in Antigua

Prince Challenge Writing Contest 2020  (ASR)
In honor of Prince who died 4 years ago, I am having a Prince Challenge Writing Contest.
#2154498 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Dear Zuck, Bez, and the Umbrella Corp.  (18+)
An open letter concerning the weather
#2154930 by Jayne

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#2155644 by Not Available.

Jane Austen CampFire, Her Life, Stories  (ASR)
My friend Carol and I are writing about Jane Austen, her life stories and all about her.
#2156232 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Secret Princess, Child Of The Forest  (ASR)
A Princess finds out a secret about her birth.
#2156586 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Dancing in the Rain  (13+)
Con-Verse Poem
#2156368 by 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

Sliding Down the Air  (E)
sometims we must rewrite our life
#1854371 by ridinghhood-p.boutilier

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#2157380 by Not Available.

ghost; defined  (E)
Living alone, where no one knows you and you don't know anyone.
#2155333 by Fivesixer

October  (E)
A prose I wrote about October for 4Provinces Campfire.
#1148276 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

The Secret Of Rosefeldt   (ASR)
A woman in Regency times fells in love with a Lord who has a mysterious secret.
#2159308 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Waves of Grief  (13+)
Emotional Oddquain format poem
#2159456 by 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

Lesson 5, Part 1  (E)
Writing a story with a theme.
#1754890 by An apple a day....

Love A Unicorn, She Will Love You Back  (E)
A little girl goes into the woods to find her missing cat, and a unicorn helps her.
#2160778 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Writer's Cramp  (18+)
Fiction challenges
#2081674 by NeedingBeachDuf 🐠⛵🏝️

Edrahil's Last Walk  (13+)
A dying man imparts some wisdom to his young companion
#2156920 by Tiggy in Antigua

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#2163333 by Not Available.

One More Light Chester Bennington  (E)
A poem for Newsfeed Challenge About Chester Bennington. Won Best Quill For Music.
#2164108 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

A Dotage Of Dragons  (E)
Dragon is kidnapped by evil Duke Treve. King Weezer and 7 elderly dragons to the rescue!
#2164288 by kmack

Darcy's Other Sister Sabrina  (ASR)
Darcy learns his father cheated on his mother and now he has a sister Sabrina. What now?
#2165917 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Quotes From Authors Campfire Writings  (ASR)
My friend Carol and I will be writing from quotes by our favorite authors.
#2166666 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Secrets From A Unicorn and A Bull  (ASR)
A young woman meets a unicorn and a bull and discovers a secret about an ancestor.
#2168053 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen Newsletter October 2018  (E)
The latest news on Jane Austen.
#2170850 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Sulfur and Snow  (18+)
Solitude is bliss
#2168017 by Tiggy in Antigua

Jane Austen November Newsletter 2018  (E)
What is new with Jane Austen this month.
#2173498 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

The Flags Waved on a Hillside in France  (E)
2018 Quill Award winner for Best Medium-Length Structured Poem
#2174592 by Vanishing Vapor

Merry Christmas, Lenore  (18+)
A raven shows up at a Christmas Eve dinner. A comedic take on classic Poe.
#2144016 by Jayne

I thought that they would never leave  (18+)
When you carry your worst enemies in your head.

Quotes From Authors Campfire Writings  (ASR)
My friend Carol and I will be writing from quotes by our favorite authors.
#2166666 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Two Unicorns, A Witch And A Lama   (E)
Story about a lama who comes up missing and two unicorns go rescue him.
#2175374 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Princess Elsa Winter Prose  (E)
A Prose about Princess Elsa in the winter.
#2175509 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen Newsletter December 2018  (E)
What's new with Jane Austen this month.
#2175975 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

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#2176859 by Not Available.

We Were Almost There!!!  (E)
A day at the beach
#2138911 by LegendaryMask❤️

A Last Christmas Eve for Mom  (13+)
In memory of my Christmas-loving mother
#2175862 by 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

Sprinkles, A Stuffed Lavender Unicorn  (E)
Prose about my stuffed lavender unicorn named Sprinkles.
#2177396 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Christmas Memories  (E)
My Christmas memories over the years.
#1179991 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Polar Bears and A Christmas Tree Poem  (E)
Poem about Polar bears and a Christmas Tree.
#919171 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen January Newsletter 2019   (E)
A New Year! What's going on in Jane's World?
#2178507 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Mosquito  (18+)
Two pilots have to make a hard choice
#2165069 by Tiggy in Antigua

Books And Movies Campfires  (ASR)
This is another Campfire of Princess Megan and Hooves.
#2179029 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

My Poetry In Motion   (13+)
It Was Just A Notion Gone Wild! A place to store my poetic offerings.
#2058580 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ

Jane Austen March Newsletter 2019  (E)
Welcome to the Jane Austen March Newsletter 2019.
#2184070 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Princess, Unicorns and A Bunny Story  (ASR)
A Princess is kidnapped by a man she refuses to marry & unicorns & a bunny rescue her.
#2184947 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen Newsletter April 2019  (E)
This month's Jane Austen Newsletter for Janeites and those who love her.
#2186636 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

A Little Girl, Bunny and Unicorn  (E)
Prose about a little girl, bunny and unicorn.
#2188430 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen Newsletter May 2019  (E)
What is new with Jane Austen this month.
#2189801 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen Newsletter June 2019   (E)
This is what is new with Jane Austen this month.
#2192123 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Quotes From Authors, Celebrities 2  (ASR)
Campfire of quotes by authors, celebrities Part 2 by Hooves and Megan.
#2192370 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen Newsletter July 2019   (E)
This is what is new in Jane Austen's world.
#2194440 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Bronswell, A Discontented Teddy Bear  (E)
Bronswell, a discontented Teddy Bear longs for adventures.
#2195232 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

A Call for Reflection  (13+)
The moments between life and death... and life? For The Writer's Cramp.
#2200439 by Kit

Boiled Peanuts, Grits and Straw Hats  (ASR)
A prose-oem of a fond farewell to a home away from home
#1871159 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ

Jane Austen Newsletter October 2019  (E)
Jane Austen, Downton Abbey, Tune In! This is Jane Austen's World!
#2201850 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Inheritance  (E)
Flash fiction about a woman who receives an unexpected inheritance.
#2201632 by Choconut

On the Wings of Words  (13+)
A poetry collection inspired by The Ultimate Poetry Contest.
#2189861 by Cubboo!

Jane Austen Newsletter November 2019  (E)
Welcome to another Jane Austen Newsletter.
#2204588 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Jane Austen December Newsletter 2019   (E)
Time to talk about Jane Austen again. I know I love doing this.
#2206746 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Love, Joy, Peace and Weirdness  (18+)
An exploratory blog
#2158282 by 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

Jane Austen Newsletter January 2020   (E)
Starting 2020 with Jane Austen.
#2208968 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

2020 Campfire, Anything Goes  (ASR)
My friend Hooves and I are doing another Campfire. Quotes, Movies, Books, Anything goes.
#2209194 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Unmask  (ASR)
My extended bio. Warning: a lots of rambling.
#634836 by Fictiøn Ðiva the Wørd Weava

Poetry Collection  (18+)
A collection for new poetry, rough and fresh from my strange brain.
#2209163 by Roseille ♥

Jane Austen February Newsletter 2020  (E)
February Newsletter about Jane Austen. Hint of what she may have done for Valentines Day.
#2211715 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Lifestyle, Anything Goes Campfire 2020  (ASR)
Campfire for my close friend Hooves & I. We will write about life, movies, everything.
#2223168 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Will The Real Princess Please Stand Up?  (ASR)
A Princess wanders into the woods and sees a woman who looks exactly like her. Not good.
#2225041 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Man Of The World  (ASR)
We need his kind

The Confused Coffee Caper  (E)
Story for a contest about a coffee shortage. How does it get solved?
#2228509 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

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#2230360 by Not Available.

To the Sunflower at My Mailbox  (E)
a royal commoner
#2229313 by Solace.Bring

Where Poetry Takes Me ...  (18+)
A book to hold a year's worth of poems based on Lilli's prompts.
#2222489 by Choconut

A Dinner Party Mystery  (13+)
Life, death, and a second chance.
#2231138 by Cubboo!

Mr. Christmas Elf  (E)
Julie gets an elf for Christmas!
#1627117 by SeptemberBee

Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown  (E)
Day 4 of The Cramp's Birthday! A story about the healing power of drums.
#2242819 by Wickedfugitive

Fractured Truth -- Fake World  (13+)
Newsfeed Challenge poem based on Jem's "They" video
#2202197 by Ẃeβ࿚ẂỉԎḈĥ

All That Will Never Be  (E)
Death of a railway station
#2252107 by ßlueyeʐ

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#2255729 by Not Available.

Basset Hound Choir  (ASR)
Sings the Basset Hound rap

Wdc 21st Birthday Party Suspect Journal  (13+)
Can you figure out 'who-dun-it' before everyone else? Follow along here!
#2257045 by TY and congrats Miss Potato!

October Delights   (E)
Hexaduad form poem about my October experiences
#2259726 by 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

Christmas in Bayeux Cover  (E)
Christmas in Bayeux Cover
#2247767 by SeptemberBee

Winter Hike   (18+)
Two hikers get lost on the coldest night of the year
#2264798 by 🌸 pwheeler love, joy, peace

New Era: Hopes and Prayers Campfire  (ASR)
Welcome to another Campfire with Hooves and I. We love doing these so come on in.
#2273640 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Wdc 22nd Birthday Party Suspect Journal  (18+)
The action directly from the suspects of this year's masquerade!
#2276543 by TY and congrats Miss Potato!

Winter Campfire:New Adventures, Prayers  (ASR)
Hooves & I are doing a Winter Campfire 2022/2023. Please stop by as we continue writing.
#2283486 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

23 Cows Are Missing &Bruno, A Bulldog  (E)
23 cows, a bulldog Bruno get lost in a hurricane, end up in Norway? Elsa to the rescue.
#2303740 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Does This Bus Stop at 82nd Street?  (ASR)
She had to get there in time. Proud to win Cramp!!

Wdc 23rd Birthday Party Suspect Journal  (18+)
Watch the story unfold directly from the suspects of this year's masquerade!
#2302609 by TY and congrats Miss Potato!

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#2306502 by Not Available.

White Cow On the Hillside  (E)
How'd she get there?
#2306493 by AmyJo-"ber" months are here!

Spring, Summer Of Happiness 2024  (E)
Hooves and I will be doing a Spring/ Summer Of Happiness Campfire for 2024.
#2313416 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose

Princess Willow, Dragon & Mermaid  (E)
Coral, the mermaid gets swept away in a tidal wave and meets a Princess and Her dragon.
#2326051 by Princess Morticia Megan Rose
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