Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/273986-Deal-of-the-Century
Rated: 13+ · Article · Drama · #273986
Kurt just got the deal of the century, or had he?
"I can't believe I finally have one" Kurt said. "I am now the owner of a 1970 Boss 429 Mustang." Kurt was understandably happy. After all, there were less than 500 of these cars built. Kurt was drawn to the Mustang while looking in the Picture Post. It just jumped out at him.

"1970 Boss 429, no rust, runs good. Selling car collection, best offer."

Kurt thought "What the heck, the worst they can say is no." and gave the owner a call. "Do you still have the Boss 429?" Kurt enquired. "Sure" the old voice on the phone stated. "Come on over and take a look at it" Kurt said that he would and got directions from the man. When Kurt got to the house, he was surprised to see the house was not as large as he expected. After all, when you have a $50,000 car as part of your collection, you would think that your home would attest to your wealth.

The old man met him outside and led him around to an old shed behind the house. When he opened the door, Kurt sucked in air. This car was in perfect condition. The old man handed him the keys and said "take her for a spin". Kurt was happy to oblige. He thought that there was no way that he could afford this car, but he would humor the old man. The test drive was unbelievable, this car still smelled like new, even though it had been built in 1970. When Kurt stepped on the gas, the Boss screamed. It handled like a dream. Kurt cruised around in it for about thirty minutes, loving all the admiring looks he got. He reluctantly decided he better get it back to the owner.

There had been no mention of price the whole time. Kurt decided to find out just how much the old man knew about the value. "So, how much do you want for the car?" Kurt asked. "Like I said in the ad, best offer takes it" the old man said. Kurt said "how many offers have you gotten?" The old man said that was none of his business. Kurt decided to start really low, and said "how about $10,000?" Kurt knew there was no way he would take such a ridiculous offer. The old man said "Are you trying to insult me?" Kurt said that was all he could affor to pay, but he really loved the car. The old man looked up at the sun and looked back at Kurt and said "Sold".

Kurt could not believe it. He quickly wrote out a check for the car and told the old man that he could call the bank to verify that it was a good check. The old man said the he could find him if it was no good, and shot him a strange glance. Kurt could not believe the deal he just got. This car was easily worth $50,000, and he just bought it for one fifth of that. "Stupid old man didn't know what he had" Kurt said on the way home.

Kurt took the car home and was showing it off to his family later that day. He took his brother for a ride and showed him what kind of horsepower it had. Kurt was in love with the car from the first time he drove it. Soon, his family noticed that he spent more and more time in the garage. One night, Kurt's brother found him sleeping in the car. When he was asked about it, he said that he must have fallen asleep while he was cleaning it.

Kurt was obsessed with keeping the car clean. Any speck of dust was quickly eliminated. When he got home from driving it, the car would get a complete wash. It was starting to interfere with his job. He was coming in late and leaving early every day. When his boss asked him what was going on, Kurt lied and said that he was having some family problems. Kurt even got into a fight with a guy he caught leaning on it. He walked over and asked the guy if it was his car. The guy said "no". Kurt yelled "Get the fuck off of it then!" The guy said "it's not much to look at, so what is the problem?" This enraged Kurt that someone would disparage his perfect ride. The fight started and Kurt ended up with a black eye and his pride.

Kurt was out driving the Boss one night and came upon a deserted strip of highway. Kurt said "Lets see what the old Boss will do". Kurt dropped the four speed into second gear and floored it. The Boss quickly jumped to 50 mph. Kurt shifted gears and ran it up to 90. He put it in fourth and was climbing past 100 mph. Suddenly, Kurt's hands seemed to meld to the steering wheel. This terrified Kurt, he tried to pull his hands away and could not. While he was looking at his hands, he did not notice that he was coming to a sharp corner at better than 120 mph. He looked up at the last minute and jerked the steering wheel in effort to negotiate the curve. The car smashed through the guard rail, and Kurt plunged to his death.

The police asked Kurt's family if they knew any reason why Kurt would have commited suicide. Kurt's brother said that he had no idea. Lately, he had just messed with his car. "The car was not in very good condition, it had about three different colors on it and none of the wheels matched." he said "He almost scared me to death the day he took me for a ride. I thought it was going to fall apart" Kurt's brother said. The old man Kurt bought the car from told the police that he could not believe Kurt had given him $10,000 for a car that was in such bad shape. "it would barely run. I was worried that he would not even make it home."
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