Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/257444-Lord-Bowedleg--the-Princess-KnockKneed
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Fantasy · #257444
Damsel and dashing... dragon?
Lord Bowedleg & Princess Knock~Kneed

There was a young gentleman, Skeeve,
Whom with dragons he had a pet peeve.
Fighting teeth, fire and stare
Sought out dragon’s lair
Forcing beasties with bowed heads to leave.

A Round Table knight was he
None more noble or daring could be
On his steed Mareseatdotes,
Imagination would float
That great captor of creatures was he!

Fair Princess Knock~Kneed of Lackland
Had heard of this knight named LaGrande
Echoed hopes of church bells
Caused her ego to swell
A test for her suitor must stand!

Secretly deep in the night,
Disguised as an ogre lipped tight
The princess set out
To relinquish no doubt
Skeeve LaGrande worthy subject and knight.

Now a dragon’s a curious beast
They inflict but like pain in the least
For a cut or hang nail
Thrash long neck and green tail
Breathe fire charred victim for feast.

The dragon, Lord Bowedleg, agreed
Pretend capture the Princess Knock~Kneed
Hold deep in his lair
Arrogant princess fair
And challenge LaGrande to the deed.

LaGrande heard of his lady fair’s toil
Lord Bowedleg the dragon, he’d foil
Mounted steed, took up arms,
Traveled city and farms
In quest to fair lady be loyal.

At the mouth of the den Grand did shout
Voice cracking through steam of hot spout
“Release Princess Knock~Kneed
“In good form with great speed
“Or I slayest one dragon, no doubt!”

Lord Bowedleg turned quick and looked sharp
LaGrande wished for invisible tarp
The dashing young knight
Insticts won, feet took flight
With brevity of leathered carp.

Fair Princess Knock~Kneed of Lackland
Hand on hip prey told off Sir LaGrande.
“Dash you, silly old fart
To think you’d have this young tart
When dragons a maid can command!”

Bowedleg and Knock~Kneed without failing
Were wed, guests invited by mailing.
When his bride kissed the snout
Fire breather licked out
Princess Knock~Kneed to heaven went sailing!
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