Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/254508-Rescue-on-the-Alligator-Alley
Rated: E · Poetry · Action/Adventure · #254508
A hero rescues people from a canal
GI Joe Robertson, a Gulf War vet,
Now he had family, his life was set.
He was a lifeguard back on beach duty,
His days were serene and full of beauty.

One day from Miami with his family
He drove through the Alligator Alley
The route would cut through the Everglades,
Where gators and wild things lurked in the shades.

Another car in front, on the same lane,
Stopped short, then moved up, again and again.
Finally was able to stop at the right,
Just then Joe saw the other car with fright.

In water, upside down it was sinking,
With wheels on surface, and lights blinking.
A woman, all wet on the canal's side,
Was crying and begging, so terrified.

"Three babies! And my sister's there too!
Help! Someone, Please! Quick to the rescue!"
Joe parked the car and yelled to his wife,
"Quick, Myra, keep all the kids to the side."

He jumped into water on the same breath,
He moved faster than the wings of death.
Two men followed him into the canal,
Through the murky water, Joe had to crawl.

The car's doors were stuck shut, as if glued;
A harsh battle of will with time ensued.
It was hard to see, for there was no light;
Joe forced open a window with all his might.

He could make it give; his hand reached inside,
Pulled the lock free, and forced the door aside.
He dragged a young woman out to surface,
One man took to shore the terrified Miss.

Quickly, Joe went down for babies again,
He found one, tossed him to the other man.
Two kids were inside, under the waters,
Time running low, Mom calling for daughters.

Joe gasped for breath, and dove into the car,
Could not see a thing, all pitch black as tar.
He groped around, found one like a rag doll,
Tore off the belt, rushed her out like football.

Joe laid her down for Myra's CPR,
Then swam right back into the sunken car.
The third baby he found with victor's glee,
He uttered his thanks to Great Almighty.

He saw the gator, as he took her out,
Grabbed the baby seat, and swung it about.
Then thrust the seat as a morsel to be,
Gator bit it, and Joe rescued the baby.

The baby was lifeless, she had no breath,
But Joe tried more, couldn't leave her to death.
He laid her on her side on the green grass,
Pressed the belly in of the little lass.

Water gushed out her mouth, she took a gasp,
Joe gave her CPR, let go of his grasp.
The babies were alive, all safe and healthy,
For God did respond to the mother's plea.

He used Joe Robertson to do his deed,
Joe was his chosen, God gave him the lead.
He's our hero wherever he may go,
We're all indebted to brave ones like Joe.

© Copyright 2001 Joy-the Harpy Witch (joycag at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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