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Rated: E · Folder · Mystery · #2336922
A Judge had a dream
An unjust judge is awakened by the spirits of those he's sentenced to death in his small town.

The Court Room had been crowed for the trail of Ronald J Spelling, who was accused of murder and rape of Sally Winslow. He had been found guilty and was sentenced to death.

Judge Robert Sandowner, was a 55 years old, and had been on the bench for the last 15 years. He was 5’10” tall, and weighed in at 175 pounds. He had brown hair with gray on his side burns. He thought of himself as a tough bird who ruled his courtroom with a iron fist. In the last 15 years he had sentenced 13 people to death. He was proud of the number and wondered how many more he would sentence to death before he retired.

At the end of the day he went home to his wife Sally, and as he walked through the door, he herd her ask “how was your day?” He replied “It was long and I’ve sent another guy to death row. Dam that feels good!” “How can you say that? That’s a horrible thing too say.” She said and he replied “Look I like what I do and I get to send the bad guys to the place they deserve. Let’s just have a quiet evening and I’ll head for bed.”

He felt tired and drained, so he went to bed. “I’m going to call it a night darling, so I’ll see you in the morning.” He said “Alright” she replied I’ll see you when you get up.”

Once in bed Bob felt exhausted and he knew it wouldn’t take him long to fall to sleep. During the night he was awakened by one of the men he had sentenced to death. He saw Randy, who was convicted of robbery and killing a sales clerk and Randy said “how could you do that, you knew me I was your boys baseball coach and I’ve been to your house? I’d fallen on bad times and I was trying to get food for my family. You know I wasn’t the kind of person to kill anyone. You’re going to get yours real soon!” And then as soon as Randy left, Dennis showed up and started talking some trash about how he was going come back and Kill him.” He said “you’re mean spirited man who likes to torture people. Your day is coming and we’ll see you in hell.” Then Thad came into his mind and he wondered how this was happening, and Thad said “this is what you get for sentencing us to death now it’s your turn to see what it’s like. In the morning you’re going to die and we’ll all meet you in hell!” Then came Russell who was a really young boy who had done some bad things, and Bob had taken pleasure in seeing this young boy sentenced to death. “I didn’t know what I was doing, and you didn’t give me a chance, so we’re all going to be there when you get yours tomorrow” said Russell. Bob woke up after the last encounter and went to the bathroom, wondering what they meant by he was going to die today. He thought that’s scary and maybe I should stay home?

He got up and headed down stairs and his wife was at the table drinking coffee, and she asked “would like some coffee and breakfast?” He replied “I’ll take some coffee but I’m not hungry right now. I had a bad night and it had to due with some of the men I sentenced to death. They came by to see me and tell I was a mean an bad man and that I would die today! I’m not sure what to think about all this, I’m wondering if I should stay home?”

“I told you last night you shouldn’t talk the way you did, about sentencing these men to death. It’s not right and I think you should be worried about what might happen, but you should probably go on to work. It was just a dream after all.” She replied

“This makes me think about Scrooge in that Christmas tale. I don’t know what I’m going to do but I’ll let you know when I’ve been up awhile.” He said. As he drank his coffee he continued to think about the dream, what did it really mean? Could he really die today and if so how would it happen? Oh to hell with it, I’ll go in and see what happens! I’ll let you know if anything come's up.” He said.

Then he got up and headed up stairs to shower and get ready for the day! He got dressed and headed back down stairs and was headed to the door, when he said “darling I’ll see you latter and I hope you have a good day.” He closed the door and headed for his car, but all of a sudden a strange feeling came over him and he began to shudder and tremble. What the hell is going on? This is not a good omen, should I turn around and go back into the house he asked himself?

He opened the car door and got inside and sat there, thinking what does this mean? Was it a dream or did it happen, it seemed real but I don’t believe in ghost and what I did was right, they all were found guilty so I don’t have anything to worry about right?

He put the keys in the ignition and turn it on and BOOM a blast went off! He’d gotten the answer to his question.
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