Snow Ice cream. I woke with it on my mind. Kind of unusual because it was what they call the “dead of winter.” We had also just finished a lingering snowstorm that brought the yard’s snow level up another eight inches. Plus, this was our third day of wind, noisy wind. Like the kind you hear in scary movies, only this was reality. I’d laid in my bed long enough to be bored stiff. Thankfully the weekend, so I didn’t have to rush out and shovel. It had to be done before Sunday night. But there was no sense in doing it before the plows went by because they would just block up the driveway again. Well, at least I told myself that. Though, in reality, starting would help… I just didn’t really want to go out there. I walked to the window to see how much more snow there was, but was immediately blinded by the sun. Going to the other window I looked out to one of the bluest blue skies I’d ever seen, I almost forgot to breathe. I rarely even looked out this window, usually wanting to access the street I needed to drive on. The view I had here was of my yard, the side street beyond, and the woods on the other side. It was breathtaking. I ran for my camera, actually opening the window to take the shots. I wanted to catch every inch of this beautiful scene. How could I have missed it all these years? I did look out there occasionally, but usually just to see if my neighbor was home. I ended up getting a huge copy and putting that picture in a frame. I hung it over the fireplace. Fifty-two years later, it’s still there. And I still love it. |