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Rated: E · Fiction · Sci-fi · #2334786
This is a story I wrote for a challenge on a different site a while back.
"Paradise Missing"
Dear Jean,

I miss you and the girls harder by the moment. Sirius IV is a lost cause. I haven't seen as much as a blade of grass grow in its soil. I expected some kind of life-form to be present, given all the hallmarks of a primitive, albeit ruined, civilization, given the carved symbols and earthen dwellings. I was ready to settle for telepathic vegetables. I can't bear this loneliness. I find myself talking loudly to pretend I'm having a conversation with my own echo. (Tell Libby that; I think she'd find it funny).

Sirius IV does have one moon, a quirk I'd overlooked. I see so many planets within the span of days...Well, let's not get started on that. I fantasize about Earth, as I'm sure many of us have out here in the endless halls of space. Nothing but dead yellow sand as far as the eye can see. I think that when I see that big blueberry on the screen again I'm going to weep tears of joy.

Now the good news: I'll be back in two of your Earthie months. I just have to convince the boss that IV will never again be able to produce life. Easier said than done, though. With the expansion of humankind comes the revelation of humankind's blind spots. Ours is the need to participate in this absurd Populus War. But, as I said, I will be back in two months. Start planning things with the kids. Me, I'm happy to do whatever.
I hope to see you as soon as possible. And for crying out loud, let's have a real meal.


I take a blue dandelion from the white vegetation and blow. Iridescent seeds sparkle their paths through the air. Certainly, it's got nothing on Earth.

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