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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · LGBTQ+ · #2334471
Good and Evil are always at war, but what happens when someone comes between them?
Chapter 27
Talk of who could possibly be the Evil Arewed was common. Rumors spread like wildfire about who it could be. At the forefront of it all was Edmund’s Family. The head of the household, James Tompkin was the commanding officer of Knights in Troprin. He demanded respect from everyone in town. He often had one goal in mind, finding who the Arewed of Evil was.
People following town laws was often pushed to the back of his mind, which is why G and Iris got away with their relationship for as long as they did.
The entire family joined in this hunt. All five of them being skeptical of everyone in who was below the age of sixteen. Pestering them the moment they did something from the normal. It was exhausting trying to not seem wrong to them.
Every week on Wednesdays at the Simble were we worshiped he would interrupt the Foska to mention something about how me must stay virulent against the Evil Arewed who may look among us. It seemed to be his goal to put each person against the other, and he succeeded.
Worship went like this, we would pray to the Good Areweds of old, the Foska would say something about staying strong and to not stray from the sun light into that of the stars. Tompkin would pop up and come to the front of the Simble. He would tell us all that one among us maybe the Arewed of Evil, then point to a child in the pews.
They would shakily come to the front and kneel before the Foska.
“Are you the Arewed of Evil?” He would ask the child before him
“No, Foska,”
“Sir Tompkin, what evidence do you have to convict this child?”
He would step forward, “The child was seen praying under the stars.”
The Foska would gently turn to the child, “Is this true?”
Stuttering, the child would reply, “Yes, it is,”
“Why would you do such a thing?”
“My mother…she was ill…I needed someone…anyone to help her.”
Tompkin would interrupt,”So you turned to the Evils?”
“No, Sir Tompkin,”The Foska would show his palm to the knight, “This child acted in order to help another, this is a Good act, no matter in which way it was done. I thus deem this child to be a pure soul,”
“Thank you, Foska.” The child would whisper
The Foska, place his hand on the child’s head, “Be at piece, now return to your family,”
It happens every week, calling a child Evil then deeming them pure. They would blend together, but a few stand out. My first time being called up. I was six and accused due to how I looked up at the stars. It was viewed as an “Evil Act”, though it was just a child looking out her bedroom window.
I was terrified, walking up to the stage and kneeling before a man who determined if I was Good or Evil. My small hands grasping at my dress for just a grasp of safety. The moment I was given the gift of being “pure” my heart began to beat normally.
My parents looked just as relived as I was being saved by the Foska.
That look came to their faces the other twenty seven times I was called to the front.
The second biggest time was when we were twelve. G had been spotted wearing pants and styling his hair to be short.
When the Foska asked, “Why would you do such a thing?”
G replied truthfully before him,”Because I would like to be a man,”
The Simble went quiet, an atmosphere of horror and shock surrounding everyone.
G looked up to the Foska tears streaming down his face,”I don’t know,”
I don’t know. Those words echoed through my head. We don’t know why we act they way we do, we only know what we feel. But everyone still looked upon him like it was his fault
“This child is not the Arewed of Evil,” The Foska declared, “But her soul is being conquered by the dark and we must do everything to save her.”
G’s hand was taken by the Foska brought to the back of the Simble. For five days he stayed there. Iris and I fearing the worst, refused to sleep, to eat, to shower. We anxiously waited at the beach, knowing that is where he would come to meet us.
“Hi, sinners.”
The two of us turned our head to the mess that was left of our friend. His hair is greasy, his dress stained with blood spots on the sleeves.
“What did they do to you!” Iris yelled, opening the medical box she brought with her.
G sat down on the sand, his eyes staring deep into the waves, “I’m missed the ocean, the wave crashing against each other, the smell of it.”
Iris lifted his sleeve to scared wrists,
“A ruler,” G replied, not drawing his eyes from the water, “They’d hit me with one each time I answered a question wrong,”
“Wrong? By what means?” I asked,
“Each time I got a question wrong about being Good,”
From that moment on, I knew I could never be Good the way they wanted. If it hurt my friend, I could not believe it.
Then of course, was the main event to put them all to shame.
It was the middle of the rainy season, we were at the beach. Our feet dipped in the water, the rain not ceasing to let the sun in.
Iris leaned against G, her face peaceful.
“Oh, how I love this,” I exhaled, letting my feet feel weightless in the dark waters.
“How I love this man,” Iris whispered, kissing G with the passion of an artist to her canvas.
G smiled,“And I love you,”
A gasp came from behind us, I turned quickly behind my shoulder to see Edmund. His mouth open, hands grasping for his hair.
“Edmund!” I yelled, as he raced away.
I chased after him, mud splashing at my legs, covering my feet. But I never was the quickest runner. I gasped for air, watching him tell his dad what he saw. The knights eyes meet mine, rage filling his eyes.
Even though my breath was short, I raced back to the beach, the rain accused.
“You have to hide!” I yelled to them
The two raced off as I stood my ground at the beach,
“OLIVE!” Sir Tompkin screamed, “WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?”
“I will never tell you,” I lied
He pulled his sword, the rain crashing off of it, “LISTEN TO ME CHILD-”
“NO YOU LISTEN TO ME!” My hands in fists so tight my knuckles were pale, “I REFUSE TO LET YOU HARM MY FRIENDS ANY LONGER!”
The knight furled his eyebrows,“EDMUND!”
The next thing I knew was my head under the water, my neck in a cold grasp. Air became foreign to my lungs, water replacing. Before I no longer could keep conscience, I was pulled above the water.
“I always knew you were Evil!”
“What? I’m Good just like you!”
“No,” His voice became eerily quiet, “You are not by any means, a Good person, Olive.”
“If you were a Good person, you would have turned in Iris and G.”
I tried to reason, “But they re my friends, I need to help them!” “What friends could they possibly be if they are Evil.”
I laughed, “You can’t be serious? Edmund they are no more Evil then either of us! They are two fools in love, like you and Sarah and I rather be damned to hell then watch them not love the hell out of each other,”
He hissed, “Then you will be!”
“Wonder full!”
The knight approached, G and Iris in his arms, “Come on son, we are giving these girls to the judgment of the Areweds above.”
We were tossed like rubbish into a wooden room at the back of the Simble. G looked around it, muttering curses, his breath becoming short.
“Whats wrong,” Iris asked, grabbing hold of his hands,
“This-this is the room. The room, the room,”
Iris held him close, “You don’t need to say anything,”
The three of us sat in an uneasy silence, the only sound being the rain beating against the roof and the gasping breaths of G.
“No one has ever been over there,” G muttered, “No one in seven years. Why now was he there?”
I answered,“I don’t know, but I do know that wants to come will be be…”
“Hell,” Iris finished, “This will be hell.”
“How are we going to make it out of this one?” G asked looking fearfully into my eyes.
“Edmund and I… talked… for a moment. He said we were Evil. If he sees us as such then there is no doubt in my mind that the town will not. If they truly see any of us as truly Evil and the Evil Arewed at that. They might… they might…”
“You don’t need to finish that sentence,” Iris whispered, “We all know Troprin and her unsavory ideology. The people of this town will do what it takes to get justice.”
“No, I can’t-I will not let them get away with their traditions. Not this time, I will not let anyone suffer for being different. Iris, Olive, I care for you more then I have any human in this world and I will not sit by and watch you be accused of being Evil for another Wednesday. I will take the blame. I will take the punishment. And I will die if I must to protect you all.”
“I won’t let you do that G,” I scolded,
“Olive, you did nothing but support us and have a crush on some mixed sailor. You do not deserve any punishment from these bastards. I do.”
Iris let G go,”G Hamilt, you do not deserve that, now stop saying you do. I love you to much to continue to listen to this. We will face the judgment of the people then go from there. We must not start this now. "
“Iris is right, G. We must wait it out,”
He sighed, “I know, and fine. I will listen to you both. Lets wait just a bit and we will go from there. But I swear to you both, I am not letting you get hurt.”
I smiled, “We know G, we know.”
The knight entered the room, his face serious, “Come with me to face your judgment,”
The three of us walked onto the stage of the Simble, the residents all sat in the pews, our families in the first row, terrified looks upon their faces. Everyone clearly did not know what they were called on a Friday to ritual for, but upon seeing the three of us, they knew it could not be Good, but Evil.
We were forcibly keeled down in front of the crowd, my anxiety in front of the crowd working wonders,
“Fine people of Troprin,” Sir Tompkin began, “I’m sure each and everyone of you are asking the same question of why you were summoned here. Well, my fine people, we might have finally discovered who this Evil Arewed could be. These three girls, were discovered on the beach doing Evil acts.
“I will go down the line and tell each girls Evil sins, Gloria Hamilt, one major accusation of thinking herself to be a boy, five minor accusations, and had relations with Iris Potter. Iris Potter, having relations with Gloria Hamilt and one minor accusation of Evil acts. Olive Neara, not informing us of these acts. nineteen minor and three major accusations of Evil acts.
“These girls are all those who have been touched by darkness, and now I fear it has consumed them. But one may be causing this Evil to spread and I don’t belie it to be Iris. She is a pure soul who has often been a loyal Good girl.
“On the inverse of that is Gloria and Olive. Both of them have done many Evil acts, causing either to be a possible suspect for Arewed of Evil. Foska, what do the Areweds of Old think?”
The Foska closed his eyes and muttered a silent prayer to those above us in the sun. We waiting in an agonizing five minutes as he connected with them. mumbling the entire time.
I could be imprison or worse if I am deemed to the Arewed, or worse, G might be. How the hell would we counterpane to live? My breath shortened. I knew a panic attack was coming to be, but I could not let it here in the Simble in front of these people. The only thing to show my worry was the tears streaming down my eyes onto the wood below me.
“Both girls are touched by Evil,” The Foska began, “But I cannot tell if either is the Arewed of Evil.”
The knight threw his hands in the air before a realization came to his face, “The people can decide. The people know best and have seen these girls. So my fine people, who do you belie to be the Arewed?”
“Sir Tompkin, we cannot do that!” The Foska demand, “I love the people of this town, but we can not give these gives lives to them. But these girl can be saves. Allow them to repent for the sins for neither may be the Arewed. Only the King knows.”
The Foska faced the three of us, “Girls, if you repent you can be saved for this darkness. There is not need for anyone to be hurt anymore then necessary.”
“What if I refuse to?” G queried, his black eyes lit with the flame of years of anger,
“Then we will have no choice but to make you. I beg, repent your sins so you may be good again. Iris Potter, do you ask forgiveness for your sins?”
“Yes,” She whispered with out a second thought, “I hope the Areweds above take pity upon my soul and let me live a better life,”
The Foska smiled and took her hand, “You are forgiven, now go, be amount your family.”
Iris mouthed a apology and joined her very much relived parents.
“Gloria Hamilt, do beg for forgiveness?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” He smiled, “Call me woman-boy all you like, but I refuse to repent.”
“Then your punishment shall be the judgment of your peers for the years to come. Olive Neara, do you beg forgiveness?”
I looked up into his dusty eyes, “What have I done to ask forgiveness for?”
“You know what you have done,”
“I do, but none of it requires forgiveness,”
“Are you sure,”
I whispered to him, still crying, “Yes.”
Iris’ mother stood up, B.C. Lou, I ask permission to leave with my family. I fear these monsters may tamper with her mind and I will not be having that. So may we move?”
Iris stopped breathing, “Mom…”
“Yes,” B.C. Lou agreed, your sister may take over the farm, and you may leave,”
“No!” G wailed, standing up run for his love. Iris attempted to reach for him but was pushed away. I held G back to stop him from doing anything he may regret,
“She has to go,” I yelled over his screams
G stopped struggling and looked at me, “This is all my fault, isn’t it?”
“No, no, no, it is not anyone’s but the Good traditions.”
He fell into my shoulders, a river escaping from his eyes,”She can’t leave, she can’t”
“Gloria, Olive,”
I looked at the Foska, his wretched face looking down upon us, “Your parents will take you home now. I ask you once more, do you repent?”
“Yes, I beg for forgiveness” I replied to G horror
“How could you!” He shout, “You can’t give in to these traditions!”
“My child, you are forgiven.”
My parents grabbed my arm, pulling me from G into the rain. My last sight before the door closed was his tear soaked face .
My parents scolded me all the way through the rain to home, but I paid them no thought. All I could see was G’s eyes and how sad they looked. I should never have repented. I should have kept with my gut, I should have let him chase after her, I should have, I should of.
All this regretful thinking for no reason, I cannot change the past so what would it do now? Nothing, it will do nothing. I had to stop these thoughts and I did, but it allowed for new ones to take center stage, ones more harmful then regretting actions.

Chapter 28

I woke up from a short sleep to the day I had been dreading for months. February nineteenth, my birthday. The day we planned to escape. In past years I used to be excited for this day. I would melt my candle with joy, give thanks for another year, and fulfill every part of the traditions. But today, no traditions shall bother me.
“Good morning, Carl.” Dad said from next to me.
“What time is it?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“It’s around four thirty am. Since you will be turning at five o’nine, Yomata gave us time to talk. Oh, and this is for you.”
He handed me an apple cake. A vanilla cake baked in an apple. Another appropriately named food. It was small but it was still a great gesture.
“Thank you.” I said, still tired.
I began to eat the apple cake. A part of me deep down believes that this might be my last meal. And by all that is Evle, it would be a satisfying one.
“I also want you to have this.” Dad handed me something wrapped in cloth.
I asked, “What’s this?”
“Unwrap it and see” He urged, showing an obvious excitement.
I unwrapped the parcel. Inside was a silver necklace with a black star pendant on it. The same one as the one on his ring, the same symbol on my back.
“It’s a simple symbol of Evle. I kept it with me all these years to give to you on your sixteenth birthday,” Dad explained sheepishly as if he was saying, this was my way to keep hope alive.
“Thank you.” I replied putting it on and embracing him in a hug. Truth be told, I have never been the best at receiving presents. I never knew what to say or do to the people giving them to me.
We sat there afterwards in silence. We both could hear the people talking outside of the tower. Neither of us looked. I wanted to deny the inevitable for as long as I could. Two guards entered in a short while. We didn’t even look at them. My heart was beating out of my chest as they walked up to us. This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be.
Not yet.
A guard grabbed me. I didn’t fight. I stood there looking out the hole to see the top of a ship.
When they took off our blind folds I could see all the people who came to watch. To see me must have been a desired show. We were in front of the tower. Dad to my right, the royals to the left and the others in front of me. Dad and I looked at each other. He looked scared. I tried to look calm on the outside but much like this county, the outside was different then the inside. I stood on a small stage that was constructed.
I could see my past mom and dad from Troprin. They were talking to another group of people. They were laughing with them. Seeing them made me feel angry. I was their daughter for fifteen years. Did those years even matter to them? The King then began to speak. The show was starting and I was the main event.
“My people, court, and friends. Today we will rid this world of darkness once and for all!” He announced as the group clapped,”My beautiful Granddaughter, Princess Amara Plade Seian of Good has trained hard and long to fulfill this sacred duty. With the death of this Evil Arewed, a new Arewed of Good will come to take the throne and save our country. Amara, would you like to say a few words?”
Amara stepped on stage. She wore a beautiful gold dress with white accents. It really brought out her eyes. In her shaky hands was the sword of Good. It was so shiny and clean. I hope it will stay that way.
“I am so proud to support this country. Although it has been hard, I have what I need now to do this task. I hope I can make my aunt proud and be as wonderful as she was with this position. I also hope to make all of you proud. With one cut I will free you all.” She declared.
Everyone clapped. I rolled my eyes. I could see that upset her, that was my goal.
The King moved on, “Carlanna Plade.”
I hissed under my breath,”Carlanna Demarken.”
“Age sixteen. Arewed of Evil. You are sentenced to death by the sword of Good. Do you have any last words to say before your execution?”
I took a deep breath. Right now was a better time than any to insult the Goods. I looked at my dad, the royals, and the audience. I began to say what could be my last words.
“I don’t know about you but I find it hilarious that there was no reason for death in your proclamation. It just goes to prove how I don’t deserve this. I personally don’t believe just being born is enough to kill a person. Know what also cracks me up? How all your “good souls” treat me and my people. That shows how long you hold a grudge. You also act like you’re perfect. But do you know what I’ve seen! I’ve seen loved ones split apart because of outdated standards. People, not able to be themselves because of fear that they might be killed. I’ve seen folk with beautiful souls deemed not fit for society because of the religion they choose or the color of their eyes. Not to mention the absolute idiots that rule this country taking any chance it had to be the best it possibly could be. I know the Evles like Goods have done some bad things but at least people who are different can be supported and loved by Evles. May the world learn from this, see that people deemed ‘Evil’ by society don’t deserve to die. Because I never asked to be born, and punishing me for that is something a fool would do. Farwell you sinners, see you all in hell!”
My dad gave me a proud smile as the crowd looked angry. Save Marcus, who looked at me with a grin on his face. Amara looked like she might cry. Waric gave me the side eye as he took a swig of his drink. The King came up to me. A fire glowed in his gold eyes. He slapped me across the cheek. It stung but I just laughed.
“You think after all I’ve been through, a slap would hurt me!”
As I laughed King Adigast stood in front of me now calmer “Now let’s continue with the execution. Unchained her so we can do this.”
The guards removed every item restraining me. I combed my fingers through my greasy and uncleaned hair, trying to appear calm. Like this didn’t phase me. I looked fine on the outside but on the inside I was having a breakdown. We waited for what seemed like years as my heart was beating out of my chest. But then I began to rise into the air. I looked at dad and he nodded at me.
You can do this. He mouthed. I looked forward and flew into the sky.
The sight of the onlookers disappeared, being replaced by the black room I often found myself in. I stood in the water, waiting for what would come. Sure enough, footsteps in the water echoed behind me. I turned to see a man. His hair was black and his eyes were silver. His clothes were that of an ancient man. A sliver glow surrounded him.
“Hello, Carlanna,” He said with a smile,”I have wanted to meet you for a long time,”
“You must be Gordo Jona,” I replied
He bowed slightly,”I’m pleased that my name is still known,”
I stepped closer,”What are you doing here?”
He smiled,”I need to give you your magic of course. Oh, how I never imagined being able to do this,”
He pressed his palms together and quickly pulled them apart, revealing a glowing black ball,”This is your magic, isn’t it beautiful?”
“It is,” I muttered
“Typically, the deity Arewed would bestow something on the new one, but considering your circumstances, I can not explain it to you,” More magic escaped his fingers and entered the orb,”This power will show itself when you need it most. But be warned, every action has an outcome, wanted or not. Do you understand, young Arewed?”
I nodded,”Yes, I understand,”
He smiled,”You will go far, I know that. Now, you must leave.”
Without hesitation or instruction, I placed my hand on the orb. Black light filled my vision and a sharp pain pierced my cheek, then I felt myself fall.

Chapter 29

“Carlanna Plade is dead.”

Those were the words I prayed not to here those blasted royals say-

-and for now I wouldn’t have to

My eyes saw the gray sky and the birds living their best lives. At first it was confusing but then I realized it. I pat myself up and down and smiled.
I was alive!
I did it!
I saw the blood drip onto my dress and touched my cheek. It hurt badly. I looked at my hand and saw the blood again. My cheek was cut and bleeding terribly. But my cheek could still feel that pain and that’s what mattered. I stood up and looked behind me. It was shocking to say the least to gaze apart at the fallen remintates of the tower. I should have felt happy that that prison had fallen but part of me felt sorrowful. The memories of the times I had with my dad. The rain, the lessons. Part of me longed to go back into those times. But no. I had to go forward. I wiped the tears from my eyes and continued and looked upon the fallen audience.
Waking them was not my plan, but I had some ideas for revenge. I went to the royals who were now my victim. The Seian’s crown had fallen off. I picked it up and admired its beauty. It was gold with an opal sun at the top. It definitely had sat on generations of heads but still shined under the hidden sun. Then I went to Waric and picked up the bottle of liquor next to him. The stench was repulsive, though it didn’t smell as bad as him. Each of the items I gathered were thrown into the ocean. I then focused on the King. There was so much he deserved to have inflicted on him. He killed my mom and caused all this pain to me and my people. I gently touched my cut and got some blood on my finger. I took my finger and messily wrote,
Wi Gui Carl
on his crown. It wasn’t a lot but I would take any ounce of revenge I could get. I walked past my false parents. there wasn’t enough time to do something for them. My heart ached though. After a short search I discovered a box. Inside was a bunch of bread. Kinda random but hey, you have to celebrate the death of your enemy somehow and if you want to eat some fancy bread then wonderful for you.
I picked it up and set it in the tiny boat that always sat tied to the island as a quick escape for those just in case.
Dad was whom I focused on next. He looked so peaceful. All the chains that once bound him were broken and scattered around him in a circle. He did not have a chain on him for the first time in fifteen years. I shook him,
“Dad, we have to go.” I urged
He blinked a few times and looked up at me.
“Carl,” He grinned for a second but then frowned,”Your face.” He went to touch my cheek
I grabbed his hand before he touched me,”We can deal with it on the boat. Come on.”
I stood up and hoisted him next to me. Letting go of Dad caused him to fall a bit. I caught him though before he hit the rubble.
“My magic is coming back,” He explained, “So now I’m a bit weak. Can you help me to the boat?”
“Yeah, I can help.”
Helping had turned to carrying him to the boat due to how weak he was. He got in the boat and as my face was pulled to the island again once. I would not call it a home but then again it was the place I lived for the past six months of my life. All those feelings were let go in a breath as I untied the boat. Once Inside the time had come to cast my first spell,
“Japl!” I yelled
The boat went zooming through the water. The island, the tower, the people, and the memories soon went out of my sight. Dad handed me a cloth. I put it up to my cheek with my other hand to soak up my blood, the blood of a ruler. He opened the box and smiled as he took out a piece of the bread,
“You did it Carl, you let us escape!”
“What’s wrong?” He asked
“There’s still more to do. More to free.”
“We can do it.” He reassured me
“I hope so.”
The ocean spray hit my face. I felt tired and worn and it was only about five thirty in the morning. But still I was happy and proud of myself. The sun began to rise ahead of us signaling a new beginning. A beginning I thought would never come.
I used to think every Evle person was a monster and every Good is a savior. But as the world has shown itself to me, I have realized that is beyond false. No person is horrible by nature just as no one is righteous. At the end of the day, it’s the monsters we make that determine which is which. And you know what?
I may be the monster they created, but I am the Savior Evles need.

Amara was the first to wake up and the first to see the blood on the ground. Joy took her tiny body with the realization that she killed the Arewed setting into her soul. She grabbed a chunk of her hair to admire the new color that would have come to it.
A scream escaped her lips as she saw it was still the dark brown from fifteen minutes ago. Her confusion awoke the others, each of them having a visceral reaction to her hair color.
“WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!” The King screamed, his voice echoing off the rubble.
“What happened to my flask?” Waric grumbled searching the ground for it.
“Goodness sake Waric, there is more important thing then you alcoholism. for example, THE AREWED OF EVLE IS STILL ALIVE?”
“Adi…” May said, pointing a shaky finger to the gold crown upon her husband’s head.
He brought it down, his hands shaky with fury upon seeing the messy writing upon it. The words burned into his mind for ever.
“THAT GOOD DAMN DEMON!” He screamed, kicking one of the chairs set out. The King turned his sights to his friends,”You, Thomas, you raised her to betray me!”
Thomas laughed a little before quickly stopping,”No, we did not. We raised her to love Good and to do whatever is asked of her. This would be out of character.”
The king began to mutter,”Its that son of a bitch Tanod. I should have killed him years ago.”
“You should of killed her later, ” Marcus sighed,
The Kings head snapped to him, “Oh, like you are always right. You would have killed her. You know best,” The Kings hand flew across his grandsons check, “You are nothing more then a spare child, you maybe older then Amara, but she is far better then you will ever be.”
“You know what the kicker is, Grandfather,” Marcus leaned in close to the King, his voice turning to a whisper, “I don’t care,”
The King, throwing his grandson to the rubble, “And I don’t care if you live or die!”
Sadie threw herself down in front of her son,”Please, father, please, don’t say such hurtful words to my children.”
The King froze, his mind going back to years ago. Once the Deja vu had passed, the King straighten out his jacket and look upon the scared faces of his friends and allies, “I apologize for that outburst. To simply put it, the idea of those two Evil demons running loose in Elira terrifies me. We will find them soon and together, bring about the end of Carlanna Plade’s life!”
As the crowd cheered for her grandfather, Amara could not help but to feel guilty. Specs of red dotted her hands, reminding her that she had tried to take a life. If just an attempt cause this much guilt, how could she kill a women?
Amara took in a deep breath of the salty ocean and made a promise, “I will find and kill you, Carlanna Plade. For all Good.”
© Copyright 2025 Keira Conley (keiraconley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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