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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · LGBTQ+ · #2334469
Good and Evil are always at war, but what happens when someone comes between them?
Chapter 24

The next months came and so did more of the cold that hit me like a dagger. I longed for warmth that I used to take for granted in Troprin. I miss the warm paths and the humid air.
This month I learned about potions. I would not use these skills for a while but I should know them. He would use items around the tower to us as ingredients and drew a cauldron on the floor to practice.
“Today we will practice making the almaridian potion of disguise. I taught you this a few days ago so let’s see if you remember it.”
“Got it. So I need five Dahlia petals, warm water,and almaridian root powder for the base.” I said picking up five leaves, dumping a cup with nothing, and putting stone dust into the “cauldron”.
Dad nodded, “Yes, very Good.”
“For the next part the customization of the potion. What is needed for brown hair is two tablespoons of brown rose and for brown eyes, brown wool. For the potion to last for an hour one tablespoon of crushed toad eyes.” I pretended to dump in one tablespoon of something, a piece of hay, and another pretend tablespoon.
“You’re doing well so far now, the final indigent.”
“An almaridian bud?”
“No, close though. It is actually almaridian bark.”
“So close. Well now this potion would just sit here for a month to become usable.”
I put another stick in the “pot”.
“Remember I told you about how no potions do the same thing but are similar?”
“Well there is another potion like this one called jade concealment. This potion is cheaper to make than the almaridian one. You need ten lilies of the valley leaves, two pieces of jade root, a teaspoon of bone marrow, and a splash of snail blood. It is done the moment all the ingredients are added. This potion lasts for three hours and randomly transforms your hair, eyes, ect. Both options have their advantages so use the correct one for your needs. I want you to know these potions out of most others. These potions helped me stay hidden and if we escape, we will need them more than ever.”
The nights chilled me to the bone. Even in the ice room it never was this cold. One night I was shivering like crazy. It must have been below freezing. I know that the chains would not let me die but I felt like I might have without them. The blanket wrapped around me was too small and thin to give any sort of aid. I tried getting under the hay but it was worn down and provided little warmth. Dad stood up and walked over to me, laying his blanket on my shivering body.
“No, you take your blanket back. I can live” I said, taking it off.
He put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head.
“Carl, I don’t need this blanket. I like the cold and can handle it. You can’t and that’s fine. Anyway, I care more if you’re warm more than I care about myself.”
“What do you mean?” I asked
He hugged me “Get some sleep. You can’t stay up every night.” He whispered and walked away.
His blanket helped a bit but not as much as I would have liked. Even with that I eventually fell asleep.
The morning was not as cold as the night before but still not as warm as I would like. Dad was nowhere to be seen.
“Up here.” I heard him yell from the ceiling. I looked up and he was standing on one of those posts. The amount of balance that must have been needed. The amount of trust in yourself. I could never do that.
I threw a blanket over my shoulder and scaled the wall. This time it proved more difficult as the stones were cold to the touch.
I scooted myself next to him on the post and wrapped the blanket around myself.
“What did you mean by ‘You care more about me’” I asked
“Well, first off, you’re my child so by definition I care more for you then myself. But on another note, our religion and people have been shoved into the shadows for so long. We were barely tolerated and now, well you see how it is. Escaping for us does not mean freedom. If we escape and you take your place as leader of the Evles that means our people will be free. And in the end you are more needed than me.
“No, that’s not true.” I interrupted
“Yes it is Carl. My Seianship will just be given to another. But your Arewedship was such a rare phenomenon that only passes from parent to kid that must be saved. There may come a time where I will not be here. I want to make sure you are safe and can protect our people. Our people need you and I hope you can save them.”
“You speak as if you may die before I become Queen.”
“No, I speak as if I have a daughter I want to be protected even if I can’t protect her.”
Early the next month on the fourth of January when Yomata came into the tower to give us our food he carried a round parcel. He handed it to me.
“What’s that?” Dad asked.
I walked up to him.”Happy Birthday, Dad!” I said showing it to him
“You remembered? I told you months ago. And you got Yomata to do this. I’m impressed.” He opened the parcel to reveal a small round of a sweet bread covered in a honey glaze appropriately named honey bread.
He hugged me “Thank you. I have not had a birthday in a while.”
“There is no need to thank me. As you said, birthday celebrations are a huge party of Evle culture and this is my first birthday with you.” I didn’t want to say this next part out loud but I also believed that this could have been my last.
“I wish there was a better way to thank you,.”
“Just continue teaching and helping me.”
His face looked confused, “So you like how I interact with you?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“Well- I don’t know. I go on and on. I’m also very repetitive in what I say.”
“No, I actually really like how you treat me. I like having a parent I can talk to. G was nice and always there for me but having a parent do it feels better. I like how you are not afraid to talk to me when I’m upset. How you can tell a story for hours on end. How you will help me no matter the consequences. For only being a Dad for five months you are doing pretty great. Also do you see how repetitive I am? I don’t think I have a right to judge you for that.”
His eyes welled with tears and he hugged me once again. ,”This might be the happiest I’ve been in a while. Thank you, Carl”
“Don’t get used to it. The blasted royals always find a way to mess it up.” I joked
Dad started to loudly laugh at the suffering we both endured.
The next day we were doing lessons when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. It looked like ash raining down from the sky.
“Uhh, Dad, what’s that.” I asked, pointing to the hole.
He looked over at it and smiled, “It’s snow!” he walked over the the hole
“That’s how snow looks?” I queried
He looked back at me,”Don’t tell me you have never seen snow.”
“I’ve never seen snow.”
He rolled his eyes,”Troprin and its stupid warm weather. Come over here.”
I stood up with my blanket wrapped around me and walked to where the snow was coming in. It dotted my black hair and felt cold. It was also starting to pile up on the ground.
“It is colder than this tower, how is that even possible?” I exclaimed
“Well it’s basically just soft ice.” He explained. He bent down and started to gather some of the snow.
“What are you doing?” I questioned
“This!” He yelled as he threw a ball of it at me. It hit me hard and burst into the individual flakes again.
“Ow! What was that for!” I yelled as I shaked the snow off of me
“It’s called a snowball. It is something people make when it snows.”
“Real creative naming right there.” I snarked
“Oh yeah.”
“Yeah. Wait! What’s that behind you!” I exclaimed
He turned around and I quickly made a snowball.
“There was nothing there, I can’t believe I fell for that.”
“But this is!” I threw the snowball at his face.
He wiped the snow off,”Smart attack! But you are messing with the wrong guy!”
We fought with snowballs for a little longer. I was not as skilled with it as he was though so I ended up getting hit more. My fingers were frozen but it was fun. It’s funny how once you are confined to a small place how simple things amaze you.
“Hey, I can use this as a lesson.” He said throwing another snow ball.
“This fight can teach you how to attack and think about your next move like in a real battle.”
“I do need that. I’m not the best at fighting.”
“You will get better, we all do.”
That night once Dad was asleep I scaled the wall and sat on the post. It was still a bit scary but not enough to cause me to stay away from it. I let my legs sway as I sat there. Snow was coming through some holes in the roof much like the rain did. One month to go. I didn’t think I was ready. But then again, I probably never would be. I had a goal though, to save the Evles.

Chapter 25
When you are younger and the world is new, everything is mysterious. As a child, I was exceptionally curious about everything much to my parents dismay. I would search every part of our home to find something of interest.
The hours that followed were spent studding the object in hopes of discovering what it truly was. Even at eight, I was the curious sort.
“Olive, what are you doing?” Dad would ask as I scanned the collection of books on the bookshelf in the main room,
“Do we have a book on birds?” I’d ask, looking up to him
“What could you ever need a book like that for?”
I’d show him the feather I found,”I want to see what bird this belongs to.”
He’d smile and say, “Yeah, I got one,” handing me a book collecting dust about animals.
I’d take my studies to my loft and research as much as possible until I came to a conclusion about which animal it belonged to. Then I would jot down what the thing was and place it on my dresser, gathering quite the collection.
As I would fall asleep, my eyes would see the dresser and the questions I had answered and be happy, knowing I did something to learn more. I loved learning, which looking back was probably one of the reasons for all the bulling I endured.
From an early age, I had always been curious about what happened around me, doing whatever it took to discover the truth. This curiosity bled into my relationship with my parents.
Dad was leaving for what my mom called a work trip. But no one else I knew had parents who went on work trips out of town. Along with that, I was never told what work these trips were done for. It was a Friday night and my dad was packing to go on another trip out of town. I was ten and ever more curious, tried of sitting by and watching him leave with a horse only to return five days later.
“Where do you go?” I asked him before he left
He turned his head to me, brown eyes glaring,”I go to a meeting.”
That did not satisfy me,“What do you do at the meetings.”
“I discuss action plans.”
“Plans for what?”
He threw his head back, “You know these questions are getting rather annoying,”
“I’m sorry, but you never have told me anything about these meetings, I want to know something small about it.”
His nostrils flared,”You do not need to know everything, Olive. Somethings are better left unsaid.”
“But why should this be left unsaid?”
I was a curious child and nothing would get in my way of answers. Not even fear of my dad.
“Be quiet, Olive,”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“Stop it, now.”
His hand flew, hitting my check. That was the first time he hit me.
“Go to your room!” He demand,”And stop with these ridiculous questions.”
“But-” I began, tears welling in my eyes
Dad brought his hand up again, I flinched out of fear.
“Go, now.”
I did as I was told and went up to my loft. My cheek was red and stinging.
“Was that necessary?” Mom asked dad, her tone annoyed
“We need to raise her to be less curious to keep everything safe.”
“Olive is only a child, there is no need for her to be stripped of her wonder.”
Dad scoffed, “You will thank me later, now I must go, Adi is not a patient man.”
“You are right, I’ll see you soon, Thomas,”
“I”ll see you soon too, dear.” A moment after dad left mom came up and joined me in my bed room. She sat on the bed next to me,
“I’m sorry for your Dads actions,” She said, turning her head to the weeping child before her.
“I’m sorry for bothering him,”
She shook her head,”Ollie, you should never be sorry for being curious, but some adult matters you can not know about.”
“You are too young, and your dad wants to protect you from them.”
I replied,”I don’t need his protection, I really want the truth,”
“You might think that but it is not true. Grown up matters are scary and heavy. They weight on our minds like bricks and we don’t want to give those bricks to you. It’s our job as your parents to keep you safe from these troubles until you are ready for them,”
I looked up into her hazel eyes,”When will I be ready then?”
“That time is not set in stone, it may be a few months or a few years,”
“I hope it’s a few days.”
She laughed and wrapped and arm around my shoulders, “I love you Ollie. I’m going to make dinner,”
Mom kissed my forehead and left the loft, leaving me alone. Once she was gone, I hoped out of my window into the soil below. I used to do that often until a month later I fell and broke my arm. I walked the route through the pineapple plants and found the spot where I usually lay, a small imprint being made in the ground. On my back, I looked up to the setting sun and let my thoughts wander.
Mom was never one to lie to me, but what secrets were so bad that they had to be kept from me? And something as simple as a work trip causing this much annoyance from my Dad seemed unmoral.
I lay in the soil pondering this all over and over. This night was the first of five years I would do this, thinking though why my parents kept so many secrets from me in the fields. Feeling the rippling sting of a smack to the face as I lay. As I’ve gotten older, I now know what secrecy my parents kept, but ruining a child curiosity to keep them will forever bother me.

Chapter 26

This was the last month before my birthday. I had gotten used to the weather, although that meant my blanket never left my back. When the meeting time came around I was the only one taken. The guards hung me up again but this time only the royal family was there. The smell of alcohol was back. I smelt it the first time I was here and now it had returned.
“You will cut either here, here, or here to get the quickest death.” The King pointed to my stomach, heart, and neck.
“How will I reach those parts when she is in the air?” My killer asked.
“Remember, there will be some sort of ladder to help you.”
They talked about me like I wasn’t there. Six months ago this would have annoyed me. I mean, it still does but not as much.
“Amara, you will make us proud. You will kill this demon and free this Kingdom once again.” Princess Sadie explained.
I moved my head to get the hair out of my face. It had grown a lot since I came here, it seemed like such a long time ago.
“I still don’t understand why you must kill her immediately. Seems a bit dumb if you ask me.” Said a voice from a chair in the back.
“Marcus, we talked about this.” Prince Waric sighed as he took a swig of a beverage in a metal bottle.
Marcus, Amaras twin, stood up and walked to where the rest of his family stood.
He began to explain his point ,”Are we really trusting Amara to kill her? She can’t do it. If I was a Seian-”
“But you are not a Seian. So keep your opinions to yourself.” The King yelled
I was intrigued by this now. I understand they were arguing about killing me but this, but hell seeing a kid stand up to the King. It was something anyone who would see the King killed with a smile would love to see.
Amara looked to her feet,”Maybe he is right. I am not ready to kill her.”
My grandmother flew to her, “No, no, no you can do this! Amara, we believe in you.”
I felt the cover over my mouth fall off. But no one noticed.
The prince bent down and grasped Marcus by the shoulder,”We talked about this, you can’t do that.”
“Why not?” He asked.
I figured that this would be the best time to speak,”Because your family is stuck up and if anyone has a different point of view they are considered wrong, Evle. But you my friend, I like you. Congrats on sticking it to these idiots.”
Everyone’s eyes were on me. I didn’t mind it though. Marcus smiled while everyone else looked at me angry and confused.
“How, how-” Stuttered Sadie
“Are you asking why the mouth cover is off? Well your guards are arrogant fools that’s why.”
“May I ask her a question?” Waric asked the King
The King’s gold eyes expanded,”What? Are you mad?”
“Come on.” Waric urged
“Fine, but be quick.” The King replied
Waric came up to me. I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him. It was clearly him that was drinking at noon.
“How is it? Being in this cell knowing that you are destined to die.”
“Waric, please.” Begged Sadie
“No, I want to hear her answer.” He snapped
“Well it is very cold. But it is clear to see now that if there was a fire to keep us warm you would set a flame.” I remarked
Marcus laughed a little under his breath. I smiled at him. Waric glared at his son.
“You must think you’re so funny huh.” He claimed
“Well with the crushing weight of knowing I will never get past my sixteenth birthday it is hard to keep a straight face.” I joked
I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. He was intimidated by me. I could feel it coming off of him like the stench of liquor.
“Come on dear. Stop fighting with the prisoner.” The Queen sighed
I scoffed, “I’m not fighting with him. In a battle of wits I would never fight someone unarmed.”
At this point everyone looked like they wanted to kill me. All beside Marcus, who was still trying not to fall on the floor laughing.
“Take her away.” King Adigast ordered his guards.
I smirked as the guards tied me up to go back to the tower.
When I was dropped I stood up quickly and smiled.
“What’s wrong with you? I’ve never seen someone so happy after seeing that sheep-faced King.” Dad asked, sitting up from his hay.
“Well, I made some snarky remarks to the sheep-faced King as you say and his family.” I explained
“Okay you have me hooked, tell me more!”
“Well Marcus, Sadie’s son, was standing up to the King. He was talking about how the plan to kill me was stupid. My mouth guard came off and I was able to speak. I told Marcus that his family was stupid and wrong. Everyone was angry at me with that. All beside Marcus, he always looked like he was going to burst out laughing. Well Waric approached me to ask a stupid question. He asked how it was in the tower. I replied ‘Well it is very cold. But it is clear to see now that if there was a fire to keep us warm he would set a flame.’ And if that wasn’t enough the Queen yelled at us to stop fighting and it said,’I’m not fighting with him. In a battle of wits I would never fight someone unarmed.’”
Dad laughed,”Terrific job kid. I have taught you well.”
I bowed dramatically to him. I felt powerful. Every little part of rebellion gave me that feeling. Although that feeling wasn’t enough to keep me full the rest of the day when no dinner came.
That month I learned the basics on how to use magic. Considering neither of us could use magic it proved to be difficult to show but we got by.
“You must have a clear mind. Don’t let your emotions control you. Sometimes adrenaline and the fact you are an Arewed will be useful but you can’t just live off of those bonuses. You must speak clearly and correctly. Quiet, loud doesn’t matter, just speak clearly and correctly.”
“That seems doable.”
I learned the spells I needed for the plan to work. Speed or japl (fastness), blowing a blast of air or yoqu madiz (strong breeze) and find or ghivo (detect). We needed speed for our escape boat, a blast of air just in case people woke up earlier than planned, and detect just in case I misplace or can’t find something. They were all base level spells. I mastered saying all of these words fairly quickly as I had studied ancient Eliran in school. Not to brag but I was top in my class in that subject. But that was only because for a week after school Iris, G, and I went to one of our houses and studied together. G learned Yemi, Iris learned Witch, and I learned Ancient Eliran. That was fun and for the first time we all actually enjoyed a subject together.
This month we also reviewed our escape plan,
“So I will open up earlier than expected, the tower will likely collapse due to the extra power being shed. I will prepare the boat and get everything ready as quickly as possible and then wake you up. Since your chain will be broken and all the power or sickness will come rushing back you will be weak meaning I will have to help you to the boat. Once we are in I will put my hand on the outside of the boat, cast japl and propel us forward. Once we get to land we will go to a safe place. You will guide the way.” I recited
“Yes. Once we get to land though we should not use much magic because we’ll need that energy to walk and stay vigilant. Getting caught will not be any sort of advantage. We will also have to forage for food because we can not go into any towns without the proper protection. They will no doubt be looking for us. It will be around a three day journey and we’ll need to be careful.” Dad stated.
I looked out the window. Parts of the ocean were frozen and icicles hung from the top of the hole. The trees looked dead. It was a sharp contrast from when I first got her.
“Are you alright?” Dad asked me
“I’m fine.” I lied
“We’re not doing this again. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’re fine with me telling you what’s wrong?”
He sighed, “When will you learn that I want to help you?
I was frightened. My life and everyone else’s depends on this. It was too much pressure for me to handle. Though some probably had it worse than me so I shouldn’t be complaining.
“Carl, let me tell you a story about a time I almost escaped. It was during my fifth year here and a friend of mine came to help. He was one of the head naval captains in The War of Gold and Silver and was the husband of Liqu. He now uses his ship to keep track of you and other dark people. Back to the story, we had many plans to save Evles in different situations. The one that worked for my problem included waiting at least five years. Him and his crew pretended that it was a ship delivering food to the island but they stormed the tower and stopped the barrier spell. I was about to leave the room. I was about to touch the handle. But then the potion went back up and I was sent back. I heard the screams of the crew and saw what was originally a group of twenty people come out with seven. As far as I’ve heard, they’re still out there under a different name. A few others have tried to rescue me but none ever made it to the island. After this we all realized I could not be saved. I had to save myself.
“By myself I lost hope, however now I have gained a little back with you being here. They will not kill me. They need me alive so there won’t be another dark Seian to deal with. I know you don’t have that comfort and I will never be able to understand what that feels like. “Nevertheless, I will continue to try to help you. I know I talk a lot about how you are needed for the future of this country but you are.” He took my hand, “You can do this. You are stronger than I will ever be. You will be more powerful then I can ever imagine”
I hugged him “You really think I can do this?” I questioned
“Without a doubt in my crazy mind.”
To think that just five long months ago I was a pineapple farmer, trapped in a restricted town. Who was bullied. Who could not be myself. Who lived in fear. Who hated her country. Sure, I am still ridiculed, living in fear, and hating the country I live in. But I feel changed. Like I can and will do more. I am still trapped but my mind is free to wander further into the world. I can’t just stop here. I won’t just stop here. The world is too big and I am way too powerful.
“I promise, dad.” I stated
“Promise what?”
“To save Elira, our people, and ourselves.”
“I know you will.”
© Copyright 2025 Keira Conley (keiraconley at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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