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Someone you know possesses your body to see what your life is like. |
Someone you know possesses your body to see what your life is like.
This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition! The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
One day, while Jeremy is in his room, he gets a sudden chill and loses control as someone else takes over his body. But who is it?
Jeremy Howard, 19: An average guy who's home for the summer after his first year of college. Gets possessed by someone and is helpless to stop it. He remains fully aware through the process.
Jane Howard, 24: Jeremy's older sister. Tired of her busy office life and wants a break from it all.
Jenny Howard, 10: Jeremy's younger sister. Tired of being told what to do, Jenny wants to be an adult so she can do whatever she wants.
June Howard, 45: Jeremy's Mom. Getting older and more tired, June wants to be young again and experience life without aches and pains.
Mark Richardson, 20: Jeremy's best friend who lives next door. Goes to the same college as Jeremy.
Erika Richardson, 18: Mark's sister. Has a crush on Jeremy.
Stacy Richardson: Mark's Mom. Wants to know what her son is really up to every day.
Feel free to add more characters!
- Keep Jeremy aware the entire time he's possessed and let him speak to the possessor through the mind
- No Pedophilia.
- Other than that, go nuts |
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