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part 1 Authors: Kamren Ezell, Destiny Rogers Date: Dec 5, 2022 |
Third person’s POV Chapter One Unmei and Kei just left their college classes and boarded the bus, deciding to go to the new cafe downtown. When a drunk truck driver hits the bus head-on it flips off the highway and crashes. Some people were injured in the crash and some didn’t make it. Kei and Unmei were moved into an ambulance, and everyone who was already gone was taken to the morgue when the doctors pronounced that Kei and Unmei didn’t make it, the nurses brought the bodies to the lab and the doctors wanted to give a serum to two of the people that were disposed of. And the two people they chose were Unmei and Kei. They gave them the serum and the next thing they knew was that Unmei and Kei were alive after they gave them the unexpected serum. Unmei woke up and started screaming because of the pain. Her ears began to grow longer and sharper, her hair was growing as well. Then Kei wakes up and screams in agony the doctors can hear and see her bones cracking and going in different directions until she turns into a beautiful white wolf. The doctors were astonished with their new forms. Third person’s POV Chapter Two When the pain stopped Unmei and Kei started to panic and break their restraints and they pushed the doctors and nurses out of the way and rushed out of the lab. They killed doctors and nurses as they ran out of the hospital and into the dark woods behind the building. They keep running because someone might see them and call out for help and try to take them back but then something comes to Unmei's mind “ōtaru o hiraku” Unmei says to herself and then a colorful portal opens in front of them shocking them with confusion. “Get in a hurry, Kei!” Unmei yells at her. Kei hesitated but ran inside the portal when she heard shouting Unmei ran in behind her and the portal closed once they landed on mossy rocks. Unmei looked behind them “What the fuck” Unmei said as she looks at Kei “You’re human again” she says to Kei not caring that she was in rags “Wait I am” Kei says her eyes widening at the sound of her voice “Yes you are” Unmei and Kei keeps talking trying to figure out where they are and what happened to them but they did not notice people were gathering around them and looking at them strangely and with disgust. A native-looking man steps towards them “They are not human they are creatures of the devil'' he said as they all gasp, Unmei and Kei flinch at the voice and turn looking behind them at the people, and all the native-looking people grab their spears and bows and look at them “Oh shit” Unmei says backing up with Kei. Third person’s POV Chapter Three Kei looks at Unmei.“Unmei Run!” Kei yells to her panicked they turn and are about to run, but an arrow shoots past Kei grazing her cheek, and hits a tree by her head with a loud thump. White smoke surrounds the forest Unmei and Kei cover their mouth and noses as they see the native people pass out they start running through the forest for what seems like days but it is just hours as the sky turns black with little to no stars, so they stop breathing heavily “We need to find somewhere to sleep Unmei” Kei said a moment after shifting back to human. “Agreed,” Unmei said, wiping her forehead with her rags from the hospital. Kei and Unmei follow the trail a few feet away and it leads them to a clearing. A cave on the left side of the large clearings and a stream on the right side with a waterfall that has big boulders around. Unmei and Kei go inside the cave Unmei starts on fire and Kei goes and hunts for food only bringing back a few squirrels and some fish from the stream. Unmei cooks what was brought back and they eat the unseasoned food before drifting off to sleep. Third person’s POV Chapter Four Unmei and Kei wake up still a little hungry so they warm up the leftovers from last night. Once they finish they walk out of the cave and explore the clearing a little more after a while they split ways to clean up by the stream. When they regroup they are encountered by shadows going from tree to tree they start running to the edge of the clearing making their way back into the forest they continue to run avoiding arrows and spears they stop to breathe but an arrow pierces Kei’s arm she lets out a strangled scream before grabbing the arrow and yanking it out before applying pressure to the wound. “Come on I see light,” Unmei said panicked before grabbing Kei’s arm and they ran towards the light stumbling out of the forest into another clearing next thing they knew was that there were goblins in the trees they jumped over them and in front of them making Unmei and Kei stumble back blocking their path and they stop in their tracks. Unmei and Kei got in a fighting stance in front of the goblins “We are not here to hurt you” the goblins said in unison “Would you like us to help or would you rather stay alone?” they asked “Yes please,” Kei hesitantly said before glancing at Unmei “Take our hands?” one of them said, Unmei and Kei looked at each other and gave their hands to the goblins and the next thing they knew was that they were teleporting them to the middle of some kind of village. “Follow us please'' another goblin says and Unmei and Kei follow the goblins until they are at some sort of house they go in and the goblins start looking around the goblins turn to Unmei and Kei handing them clothes Unmei and Kei go separate ways and changed. Unmei had a pink and white kimono the white and pink matched her hair and eyes and Kei had a black and white kimono the black also matched her hair the goblins showed them around and explained everything about their world but after a while it started getting dark so everyone decided to go to sleep they showed Unmei and Kei to a cabin and they ate what the goblins gave them and then drifted off to sleep. Third person’s POV Chapter Five Kei and Unmei woke up and took turns getting ready and eating but then the goblins unexpectedly rushed into the cabin grabbed their arms and led them to their leader they led Kei and Unmei to their leader and they pushed them forward before bowing down to their leader when they noticed this Kei bowed and pulled Unmei down because she had a confused look. After they met the goblin leader they started giving them directions for the elves' territory and the wolves' territory they told them that they had to split ways and they would meet up in the future. The goblins told Unmei that the Elves' territory was south of there and on the other side of the mountain and across the bridge They warned Unmei that there would be slimes when she got to the mountain on the way there, and the goblins also told Kei that the wolves' territory is north of there and over the hill and by the river were there will be a borderline that separates the other territories from the wolves they told her to go over the line and there should be pack guards that come out in wolf form and she must tell them she wants to see the pack Alpha but beware there are ogres that are in the forest outside of their border lines but the only reason that she is there is because she needs to learn how to shift into your wolf and human form without shredding your clothes and learn more about her abilities and wolf history and Unmei needs to learn how to use bows, arrows, and spears with magic. Third person’s POV Chapter six “Ok,” Unmei and Kei say in unison, Kei goes and gets the items that the goblins have gifted them. Kei was the first to leave, and she hugged Unmei “Goodbye Mei until we meet again” Kei says toUnmei “I’ll miss you” Unmei stated they broke the hug with tears flowing down their cheeks and Kei turned north and everyone turned away as Kei took her kimono off and put it in her bag that she has. Kei shifted into her wolf form picked her bag up in her jaws and looked back one more time and saw that Unmei had burst into tears so Kei dropped her bag and goes and muzzled her nose into Unmei’s side to comfort her for the last time before they meet again and she goes back to pick up her bag and runs north with her bag in her jaws and her beautiful white fur blowing in the wind, she keeps running until she crosses the goblins borderline and she slows into a jog she continues until it was dark stopping under a big tree she shifts back to human and grabs some food out of her bag and eats it getting carried away and ends up eating all of the food. She grumbles before closing her bag and shifting back to a wolf and resting against the tree her head resting against her front legs as she drifts off to sleep Third person’s pov Chapter seven It is morning now and Kei gets up and stretches her legs so she can start moving again but first, she needs to hunt to get her energy back, Kei sniffs around and catches a scent of a deer she follows the scent and she ends up at a hill with a deer standing on top of it. Kei creeps up on the deer and clamps her jaws on the deer's neck and she holds its neck tight until it snaps and slowly dies. Kei starts eating until it is gone but bones she then notices that she's on the hill the goblins mentioned to her. Kei went back to the tree she was at and got her stuff until she saw an ogre. She has brunette hair, a good shape with a deep beautiful shade of green skin, and a green and brown kimono. The green and brown go well with her hair and skin. Kei did not notice that the ogre was coming her way Kei backed up and hit a tree Kei crawled behind it and changed back into her human form went into her bag and put on her kimono then the orge came around the tree saw her there Third person’s pov Chapter Eight “Hi uhm I’m Natarī za oa and you are?” the ogre says to Kei “I’m Kei ” she answered “Why are you out here alone,” Natarī za oa said “I’m heading to the wolves' territory” Kei and Natarī za oa talk all day and Kei found out that Natarī za oa has a husband named Shurekku“Do you want to stay the night until morning and we will head to the pack tomorrow. Kei nodded and Natarī za oa led them to her house they went in and they fell asleep in the living room. The next morning Natarī za oa woke up Kei they ate breakfast and then packed their things and went to where they first met and Kei led the way to the hill she was on yesterday they went over the hill, they started to walk 7 miles, and stops at the river they filled up a few of their bottles with water. They drank some of the water, sat down for a while and ate some food they brought and they were on the move again. They kept going until they were at the wolves' borderline and they hesitated and crossed the line... Third person’s pov Chapter nine Unmei is currently in the goblin's village. She's packing her things and starts heading south but she stops and she remembers that she can open portals “Pōtaru o hiraku” Unmei says and a portal opens in front of her. Unmei goes into the portal and she ends up on the mountain with trees and goes to one of the trees and lays against it. Unmei ends up falling asleep. The next morning Unmei is woken by pink slimes. The slimes looked very worried because they didn’t know if Unmei was a human or an elf. So the slimes don’t know if they should attack or leave her alone. Unmei screams “Please don’t hurt me I mean no harm” Unmei screams to the slimes. ‘That was so embarrassing,’ She thought. The slimes look at each other to come up with a conclusion “Fine, just tell us what you are and why you are here” one of the slimes said to Unmei. “I am an Elf and I’m looking for the elves' territory just call me Unmei,” she tells them. They understood and took her with them for the night, they talked about how they were going to get her to the elves' territory they were sorry for the scare. They plan out the whole day explaining the safest routes to take before bed. They settle down and drift to sleep slowly on alert. Third person’s pov Chapter ten Unmei and the slimes got up early to pack their things, when everyone was done packing they started going up the mountain. The mountain is big so it took them a while to get up the mountain, they walked 20 miles up the mountain and found a stream everyone got their bottles and filled them up with water. Unmei and the slimes drank one of their bottles and ate some food they brought, when they were done it was getting dark so they set up camp at the stream they found. The slimes had their tents and Unmei had one to herself, everyone was in their tents now and it was now fully dark everyone was sleeping, but not Unmei when she thought everyone was sleeping so she got out of her tent and went on a midnight walk around the lake Unmei went further aside the stream and when an arrow shoots and hits her in her shoulder.”Who the fuck did th-” Unmei then passes out in the arms of her captor. Third person’s pov Chapter eleven When Kei and Natarī za oa crossed the wolf borderline, the patrol guards came out and were about to attack Natarī za oa but Kei jumped in the way and took the wolf's neck in her jaws but not enough to hurt them since they were the same creature. The other wolves started circling Kei and she was outnumbered but it did not stop her from fighting them off so she could get into the pack. Kei throws the wolf that was in her mouth on the ground, two of the wolves that were on the left side of her jumped at her but missed her by a few inches. Kei took that chance and pushed back on her back legs on instinct, jumped in the air and made a hard landing on the ground with her front legs. It caused an earthquake and everything around her shook. All the wolves that were close to her were thrown back from the force except Natarī za oa, all the wolves bared their necks in submission. Kei and Natarī za oa took that as a sign to keep going forward to the pack house. Kei’s pov Chapter Twelve Me and Natarī za oa went straight to the pack house. The pack guards got up and ran after us. Me and Natarī za oa had to keep running until we saw the pack house and the alpha with her pack “Oh no they might kill us” Natarī za oa said while running faster so I started running faster and stopped in front of the alpha, Natarī za oa stops right in front of her and bows I was very confused “Bow down” the alpha said to me with a strong aura but, I seemed unaffected by the alpha’s strong aura “And why should I Alpha” I say with a sarcastic voice and with an aura that is very stronger than the alpha that is front of me. The next thing I know is that the alpha in front of me is submitting to me, I walk up to her and sniff her neck.``Hmmm, mate~” I say without hesitation the Alpha's eyes are wide, and so are her pack’s eyes.”What’s your name, Mate?” I say with interest “My name is Angel” She tells me I can now smell her aroma in the air. It smells like cherries and lavender flowers with a hint of roses.”That's a beautiful name my Angel and my name is Kei Watashi no ai” I say with Japanese in it. Angel is looking at me curiously. I don't think she knows what I said at the end of my sentence “Please come in Kei” Angel says with a huge smile on her face Unmei’s pov Chapter thirteen I wake up in an unfamiliar room I start looking around the room and my eyes stop on a man sitting in a chair by the bed I am in.”Where the fuck am I!” my captor jumps out of the chair with a knife in his hand which is on my neck now.”Get this fucking knife off my neck” I scream “I will if you tell me who you are” he says with sweat dripping down his forehead “My name is Unmei now let go of me bitch” he lets go of me and I trip him and make a run to the door but he catches me by surprise. I start kicking and screaming “Let the fuck go of me” I keep screaming “I won’t hurt you just calm down!” he yells. I was still a bit tense. I lay in his arms and noticed him start to hold my waist. I blushed but yawned tired from fighting and fell asleep in his arms and it felt very comfy. Unknown pov…I lay her on my bed walking to my closet. I walked past the couch where I was apparently sleeping tonight. I opened the closet door, took off my shirt and put on some sweats that were folded neatly in the corner. I walked out of my closet and passed the bed to see if she was asleep. I was about to walk to the couch but she pulled me in the bed with her. I try to get up but she holds onto me tighter. She has a strong grip for a small elf but as I lay in the bed “I don't mind” she muttered, as I started drifting off to sleep. Unmei Pov Chapter Fourteen I woke up to the sun beaming on my face, I was about to get up and something was holding me back. I looked to see what it was and it was the elf that kidnapped me, I don’t even know his name, he had his shirt off with only grey sweats on and his abs were on display. I was too distracted by his abs. I did not notice that he was looking at me with amusement. I stare at him embarrassed of my actions. “Uhm sorry,” I say even more embarrassed “So what’s your name,” I ask because I didn’t know it. “My name is Asahi,” he tells me “ok”. “Do you want breakfast Unmei?” he asks “Yes” I keep my answer short because I am not fully awake. Asahi gets up still half naked and I am just checking him out. He puts on his shirt which disappoints me ‘Why the fuck am I disappointed oh shit do I have Stockholm syndrome?’ I thought. So I got up “So do you have any clothes?” I asked “Yes I do but I don’t think I have any girl clothes,” he said while looking at me up and down. “Then can I get some of your clothes?” I asked a little shyly ‘Why the fuck am I shy?’ I yelled at myself “Sure”. He went into his closet and threw a shirt at me as it landed on my head. “Thanks,” I say sarcastically. He goes into the closet while I take off my kimono and put on his shirt to reach my knees, and some boxers that I found on his dresser. He came out of his closet and then we went downstairs to eat breakfast and I just noticed he lives in a mansion alone. Besides the maids he lives with. Kei’s Pov Chapter Fifteen Angel led me into the pack house. Everyone looked confused and I understood why. “Uhm Watashi no ai I just want to get some rest.” I told her “Yes of course,” she said and was about to take me upstairs “And can you please let Natarī za oa stay in a room here?” “Uhm sure,” she said with jealousy in her voice. I smirk at that and then I see some pack guards taking Natarī za oa to a room.”Natarī za oa we’ll talk tomorrow” I yell to Natarī za oa “Ok see ya” she yells back. Angel picks me up unexpectedly and I yelp a little “Hey put me down!” I yell “Nah I’m good,” she says with jealousy and possessiveness “Ok fine Watashi no ai,” I say. Angel carries me up the stairs. Angel is basically 6'3 and I am 5'6 which is short compared to her. She walks into a room that I think is hers because her scent is everywhere in there. She closes the door with her foot and locks it with her free hand without dropping me “Huh why did you lock the door?” I ask a little worried “Don’t worry you’ll be fine” she says and I get skeptical about the situation and I shoot her an unsure glance. She walks me to the bed and puts me down “Do you have any clothes?” I ask “Yes,” she says with a smirk she takes off her shirt and throws it at me. I'm distracted by her abs and boobs. I caught the shirt, took off my kimono and put on her shirt. I did not realize she was still there looking at me and then she climbed into bed and pulled me to her as she fell asleep wrapped around me. Angel’s Pov She’s so gullible thinking I’m her mate I just knew she was coming to the pack for training and because she was a white wolf a powerful one so I hired a witch to cast a binding spell she won’t find out if she does I’ll take care of it she’s not going anywhere she’s kinda cute while she’s sleeping she will do for a mate I close my eyes trying to ignore my angry wolf as I drift off to sleep. Unmei’s Pov Chapter Sixteen When we went downstairs and went into the kitchen and grabbed our plates and went and sat at the table together. We have eggs, pancakes, and bacon when we are done eating he took me to town to get some clothes “So why did you shoot me with that arrow and why did you sleep in the same bed as me” I ask him “One well you pulled me in the bed I was trying to get out but your really strong in your sleep, and two I didn’t know if you were a human or not” he says as if he is use to it. I drop the conversation “So where can we find the clothes” I said trying to make small talk “Oh we are almost there” I said “Yeah so are you married” “No i'm actually single but soon I have to get a wife or I will be in arranged marriage” he says “Oh” I said sad “You know how about we marry wait you know what never mind” I said embarrassed as he looked at me and said “you know what that is a good idea” I was shocked as he said “we are going to a ring shop” he took me to one were he got me a ring as I was confused, and shocked. Kei’s Pov Chapter seventeen I wake up to someone arguing it sounds like Angel and anothers girl’s voice. I get up and look around to see what’s going on. My eyes stop on my Angel and some other girl which makes me jealous. I got up standing beside Angel. The girl looked beautiful. I was drawn to her but I didn’t know why. “Who is this?” I asked, scaring both of them with my voice. “Nova who the fuck are you?” the woman barked, her eyes narrowing in confusion as if trying to figure something out. “Kei,” I said, my voice lowering. I glanced over at Angel and she was glaring at me before looking away. “Reject her” Nova said her icy words didn’t hurt but the thought that she is the one that said them hurt for some reason. I tried to contact my wolf but she wouldn’t answer. My thoughts were out of control and my body trembled as if on the edge of shifting. I was trying to get under control but nothing helped when Angel touched me. I went out of control. I shift a growl rumbling up my chest, my eyes shifting from Nova and Angel. On instinct I attack Nova jumping on her knocking her down but a whimper past my lips as if hurting her hurts me. Kei’s Pov Chapter Eighteen My wolf was in control. I can't stop her. I pushed Angel off me and jumped off Nova. She shifted growling. We circled each other but we jumped back everytime we hurt each other. Our blood was everywhere. I ran out the door and Natarī za oa ran after me. We stopped in our tracks and all the pack members surrounded us. Me and Natarī za oa got in a fighting position. One of the wolves tried to attack me but I jumped up and caused an earthquake. Another wolf clawed my eye and Natarī za oa broke its neck. Wolves started holding Natarī za oa down. I jumped on one of the wolves and put its neck in my jaws. I bit down and its neck broke. Everything stopped when Angel came out. I threw the dead wolf out my mouth and stood in place. “What the fuck did you do!” Angel yelled at me. I huff shifted back to the human grabbing the shirt from Natarī za oa and put it on. “What I want to do IN Kai blackwood accept…. Unmei’s Pov Chapter nineteen It’s been a few days since Asahi asked me to marry him. I was getting nervous as I was scared as we had only met a few days ago as I had found out that I can make portals to anywhere I think. I was thinking of how to get to Kei and made a portal had made one to go to Kei as I was missing her and wanted to see her again as I was training to get stronger and to find her as it was almost time so I got a few thing that we had got while we was out as I had said “Pōtaru o hiraku” as the portal open I go through it as when I got to the other territory when I got there I saw Kei accepting something as I got there “Did I miss some shit” I ask out loud. Next I see Kei turn around and run to me and hug me tight as if she has never seen me in years. I hug her back and almost fall but I catch my balance. Then I hear a growl behind Kei but I can’t see who it is because I am too short. Kei breaks the hug and turns around. I saw the person that Kei was talking to before I came here. It looks like she is about to attack me when she attacks Kei jumps in the way and gets hit in the face by her claws when Kei opens her eye that got clawed and it is blind now….. Unmei’s Pov Chapter twenty As I ran up to her “Are you ok Kei?” I ask worried my eyes start glowing dark pink “Iyashi” as I say and a green orb forms in my hand and I put it over Kei’s eyes when I take my hand off her wound her eye is healed and she is not blind anymore.“You fucker” I said as I was mad as I had went over to the woman who had hit my friend and was about to kick her but I felt someone pull me back as I saw Kei holding me but do to our size difference she was able to hold me back “Kei put me down I”m going to kill her you all most went fucking blind!” I say as I struggle to get out of Kei’s hold “You can’t, she's my mate!” as I stop and looked at her “Let me go and tell me what the fuck that is” as I felt her let go so I kick the woman in the side and she fell on the ground and I went to Kei “Now tell me what the fuck that means” I ask again “Well a mate to a wolf is like a soulmate it’s someone the Moon goddess bonds you too for life so it is the other half of your soul” Kei explain to me as I was confused “ok but how come you didn’t tell me and is she ok she looks like she is going to kill me” I said as I hid behind Kei “I mean she might kill you because she's jealous” Kei tells me Kei’s Pov Chapter twenty-one After I accepted Angel as my mate she was really happy and her pack now is very shocked. I don't really know why though “Did I miss some shit” I hear a familiar female voice say out loud I turn around and see Unmei and I ran to her and hugged her tight like I have not seen her in months. She hugged me back and almost lost her balance but she caught herself. I hear a growl behind me and I know it is Angel. Unmei is trying to see who growled but she was too short. I break the hug and turn around. I see Angel is jealous and looks like is about to attack Unmei. Angel’s nails grow into claws. She tried to attack Unmei but I jumped in the way and got clawed in the eye and fell on the floor. When I open my eyes I can’t see through my left eye and then I see Angel backing up guilty for what she just did. I see Unmei ran to my side “Are you ok Kei” Unmei ask me her eyes start to glow a dark pink “Iyashi” I hear Unmei say and a green orb forms in her hand and she puts it over my eye and when she takes her hand off the wound is gone and I can see again my wound is fully healed and I am not blind anymore. Unmei stands “You fucker” I hear her say to Angel she was mad and she walked over to her and was about to kick her but I pulled her back… Kei’s Pov Chapter twenty-two Unmei was struggling in my arms because of how short she is I can hold her back “Kei put me down i’m going to kill her you all most went fucking blind!” Unmei yells while trying to get out of my arms ``You can't, she's my mate!” I yell back Unmei stops struggling and looks at me “Let me go and tell me what the fuck that is” Unmei asks me I let her go and she took that chance and kicked Angel in the side and Angel went flying on the floor then Unmei came up to me “Now tell me what the fuck that means” she asked with a irrated look“Well a mate to a wolf is like a soulmate it’s someone the Moon goddess bonds you too for life so it is the other half of your soul” I explain to Unmei because she looks confused “Ok but how come you didn’t tell me and is she ok she looks like she is going to kill me” she says and hides behind me “I mean she might kill you because she's jealous” I tell her. “But you will be ok, Unmei” I say as I walk into the pack house and everyone else goes back to what they were doing “Uhm whos that'' Unmei asks pointing at the stairs where Natarī za oa sits at the end of them... Unmei’s Pov Chapter twenty-three “Uhm whos that” I say pointing at the stairs “Oh that’s Natarī za oa” Kei tells me “Ok why is a ogre in the wolves territory” I asked curiously “Uhm well she helped me get here and she is my friend” Kei answered my question “So you got a new friend and didn't tell me bitch” I ask her angry and offended “How am was I going to tell if you were not here” Kei replies “Don’t use knowledge with me” I say offended “I wouldn’t use it if you had knowledge” Kei say obviously annoyed “W-well you could have use the phone I put in your bag” I say “Wait you put a phone in my bag why didn't you tell me” Kei said angry as a motherfucker “Maybe I did” I say a bit scared “Well if you told me I would of known and I wouldn’t be yelling at you” Kei say even more angry “Well I thought you could hear the ringing” I said a little worried “It is on silent” Kei say pulling out the phone that was in her bag “Oh I yeah I forgot to take it off silent” I say nervous “You motherfucker” Kei says and jumps on me and we both fall backwards “Ahhhhh i’m sorryyyy don’t kill meeee” I say as we fell back “No you deserve it” Kei says screaming back Unmei’s Pov Chapter Twenty-Four After me and Kei was done fighting Kei got me settled in a room by the elevator “Kei I’m bored what should we do” I said to her “Well we can meet some of the pack members and meet my mate” Kei says to me “Fuck yeah that will be fun” I declared to Kei. Me and Kei make our way to the lounging room in the pack house and it was filled with wolves and some of the boys are gawking at me but Kei growls lowly and they stopped “Kei I’m hungry” I tell her “Ok let's go to the kitchen” Kei tells me but I ignore her(Hmm I have an better idea I can’t wait to be a aunt) “So Kei Tell me more about your mate” I say with a evil smile “Kiku Dake” I whisper “Huh oh my mate is wonderful she’s beautiful and funny” Kei tells me “Wait didn’t you tell me one time that you got distracted by her abs and boobs one time” I ask Kei so I can embarrass her “I-I uhm yea” Kei agrees while her face flushes red “So you won’t mind if she hears you say it right” I question her “I don’t mind but I will be so embarrassed” Kei answers “Ok so can I get a niece or nephew” I say with a big smile “N-no” Kei says while she turns more red “But I think I’m going to get one or two” I said with evil in my voice. Kei’s Pov Chapter Twenty-Five “But I think I’m going to get one or two” Unmei says with evil in her voice “Whatever” I tell her. “Look behind you” Unmei says “Huh?” I turn around and see Angel behind me “Bye Bye Kei have fun” Unimei says with a smile I know to well “W-what do you mean” I ask Unmei just as I was about to run Angel throws me over her shoulder “I want to be the godmother” Unmei screams as Angel runs with me to her room which is on the fourth floor. She opens the door and goes in and slams the door with her foot. *Anyways after what happened In there* I stand up and make my way to the door “Where are you going Kei?” Angel asks me. I jump at the sound of her voice. I thought she was sleeping but I guess not “Uhm i'm going to the closet to put some clothes on” I tell her lying obviously “Hmmm? The closet is the other door” she tells me looking at me as if i’m suspicion “Yeah ok thanks” I said as I made my way to her closet and slipped on one of her tank tops and shorts and put her big red hoodie over it I make way back into the room and sees that she is already dressed. I grab her hand and we make our way downstairs “Hey Kei how are you? '' Unmei yelled at me from downstairs. Kei’s Pov Chapter Twenty-Six “Hey Kei how are you? '' Unmei yelled at me from downstairs. Me and Angel reached the bottom of the stairs “Hi good but a little sore” I told Unmei with a glare “Really HAHAH!!! I know I heard it from down hear so I put up a seal“ Unmei Said with a grin “Whatever I hate you” I tell her jokingly “So you want to come to my wedding”Unmei said with a big smile “Wait what WEDDING?!” I am shocked that she is getting married.“Oh yeah I didn’t tell you but now I did so you want to come”Unmei said “Uhm yea su–..” but was cut off in the middle of the sentence when a girl comes in the room and jumps on Unmei screaming “MATE” she yelled “AHHHH!!” Unmei screams “OH MY GOSH!” I scream shocked she even has a mate that's rare for an elf “Who are you? Kei help me” Unmei yells for me “Uhm ok?” I said as if it was a question. I pull the girl off of Unmei and both Angel and this girl that I just got off of Unmei growls. “Thank you Kei But who is she and why the fuck did she jump on me” Unmei say with anger in her voice “Uhm apparently she is your mate that is super rare for an elf” I tell her while her mate whimpers in the corner because she think she made Unmei angry Unmei’s Pov Chapter Twenty-Seven “Kei are you ok?”I look at her with confusion “Yea i’m fine?” I tell her with confusion “Why did she call me her mate” I ask Kei “Because she is your mate dumbass” Kei tells me “Huh I’m not her mate I am already getting married” I said with confusion in my voice “Just because you’re getting married does not mean you don't have a mate” Kei tells me as tears run down my mate’s face“W-Wait don’t cry i’m sorry Kei what do I do?” I say to Kei worried “Hug her tell her your sorry she needs your physical contact” Kei tells me “Ok so umm hi i’m Unmei I guess I’m your mate” I say a bit worried that the girl will be mad “U-uh hi i’m Kōkoku” she says shyly “So u-um…. I don’t know Kei” I say with a blush “Well basically you belong to her and she belongs to you” Kei tells me “O-Ok so I guess i'm getting married to two people” I say while my face was getting a darker red . Kōkoku growls at that comment and pulls me to her chest “MINE!!” Kōkoku yells “B-But i’m getting married in 18 days” I say close to passing out “N-no your mine” Kōkoku says sad “T-to hot” I say as I pass out. “Are you ok?” Kōkoku was a bit worried as she started to shake me because I was not waking up. Unmei’s Pov Chapter Twenty-Eight *A few hours later* “Mmm that was a weird dream I had” as I was about to get up when I felt someone pull me down “Huh Kei what the hell what are you doing” I say annoyed that she was trying to play a prank on me “Huh what do you mean” Kei says as she walks in the room “Wait if your here then who is this” I say as I looked down to see the girl in my dream wait it was not a dream it was real “So I really do have a mate” I say with a red face as I was trying to shake her off of me “I’m going to just leave” Kei says leave the room “Wait c-come back Kei help me!” I yelled for Kei “NO!!” Kei yells back and is already gone “Well it is already night and I’m still sleepy so goodnight” I mumble as I fell asleep in the Kōkoku arms *The next day* I start to wake up from my sleep as I felt someone pull on my shirt “Hmm” I say still half asleep “stop moving” Said Kōkoku “Get up I’m hungry” I say to her trying to get out of the bed “No stay longer” she say tightening her grip “Fine I'll stay but I have to leave soon” I say laying back down Kei’s Pov Chapter Twenty-Nine I walk in Unmei’s room with a bucket of ice cold water. I walked over to their bed and poured it on them and hid under their bed. “Kabā” Unmei says still sleep “Kei get from under my bed” Unmei says now awake. I get from under the bed “What the hell” I says confused “Shut up she is still sleeping”Unmei says “OH MY GOD YOU CARE” I yell louder “Shut up or I will call your mate and tell her more thing you said about her” Unmei says in a threatening tone I blush furiously “Don’t you dare” I tell her embarrassed “I will now help me” Unmei say “No I am leaving now” I tell her “Ok I got you” “Kiku Dake” Unmei says I run out the door and I accidentally run into Angel and fell on my butt “Ahh that hurt” I said looking up “Oh really” Angel says “yes” I replied “So I hear from a little birdie that you like saying things of what we did” Angel says with lust in her eyes “Uhm not necessarily” I tell her backing up until I hit a wall “Oh really I guess I have to punish you ” Angel says with lust. I get up and slowly tries to slip by her “N-no” I says a little scared and anxious “Kei you should of helped” I hear Unmei yell “SHUT THE FUCK UP” I yell back “Have fun” Unmei yells as I hear her door close Unmei’s Pov Chapter thirty “Haha oh shit that was funny” I say laughing “Kiku Dake” I say to myself as I see Kōkoku start to wake up “Hey Kōkoku” I say “Oh hey how are you” Kōkoku says to me I look at her and realize she is not in a shirt “W-where is your shirt” I say with a blush “Oh I put it on you” Kōkoku says as I look to see that I was out of the outfit I had on yesterday was gone “Wh-who took me out my clothes” I say with my face getting more redder “ Oh I did your really light and easy to pick up” She tells me “ Hmm I want cuddles” I say with my hands out “Really” as she comes and pick me up and took me to my bed and she sat there and combed my hair as I think( I want them both but then I will have to choose to be with you know what it does not matter) as I fall asleep. *Few Hours Later* “Hmm I wonder what would happen if I let Ashai meet her well let's see” I get out off the bed and went to find Kei and her mate as I see her Kei “pack up were going to meet my mate” I say with a smile “Ok can we bring Kōkoku too” Kei asks me “I was already going too” I Say as I went to go take a bath *Few Hours later* “Time to go” I say to everyone Kei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-One We make our way out the door “Sharyō” Unmei says and a black truck (Hello readers of this story Angel and Kōkoku and Asahi do not know what cars and phones and other things of the human world are other than houses) “Uhm what is this” Angel says pointing at the truck. I pick the car keys from the ground “Unmei do you want drive” I ask her without out answering Angel’s question “Fuck Yeah give me the key” Unmei says grabbing the key out of my hand and running to the drivers seat “I guess so” I mumble under my breathe “Get in” Unmei says. Me, Angel and Kōkoku get in the truck, me in the passenger seat and Angel and Kōkoku in the back “Let's go!” I yell excitedly when Unmei excitedly starts up the car “Just so you know I can’t drive” Unmei says “WHAT THEN GET OUT THE DRIVER'S SEAT!” “No to late” Unmei then puts her foot on the gas and drives at full speed “AHHH STOP!” everyone but Unmei yells “NOOOO” Unmei yells back “PLEASE STOP” Kōkoku yells and whimpers “Fine” Unmei say as she stops the car “Now get out and let me drive” I tell her out of breathe “No fair” Unmei whines “It is now come on” I say while we switch spots “Better?” Unmei says with a pout. Kei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Two I am driving on a dirt road towards the Elves territory “So where are we going” Kōkoku asks Unmei obviously “You did not tell her did you” I ask Unmei “Well I forgot and was a bit scared of her reaction” Unmei says nervously “Tell her now” I tell Unmei sternly “F-fine meanie” Unmei says scared “Tell me what?” Kōkoku says confused “U-Um we are going to meet my fiance”Unmei says trying to hide her face “W-What do you mean i’m your mate!” Kōkoku yells at Unmei with confusion “W-well before I met you I was getting married I-I didn’t know that I had a mate because I am an Elf” Unmei says hurt that Kōkoku yelled at her “Oh d-does this mean you are going to reject me” Kōkoku says terrified and hurt “Kakureru” Unmei whispers to herself “W-Where did she go” Kōkoku asks scared that Unmei might reject her “She is still here just hidden” I tell her with a apologetic smile “Don’t tell her where I am” Unmei whispers to me “Ok” I say back “I’m going to sleep” Unmei says I nod my head “Uhm she will be back later” I tell Kōkoku she nodded her head and a single tear drops from her eyes “Kei” Unmei say “Pass me my bag” she tells me I grab her bag from Kōkoku and sit it on the passenger seat where they can’t see her. Unmei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Three “open my bag and grab a blanked give it to Kōkoku tell her i'm sorry” I say with a low voice Kei take a blanket from my bag and gives it to Kōkoku “She said she is sorry” “H-how do you know that” Kōkoku ask Kei “She mind-linked me” Kei tells her nervously “Oh tell her it is ok” Kōkoku tells Kei I (Yes she is not mad) *In my mind* “Motonimodosu” I say as I appear again Kōkoku holds my hand once I appear “I-I’m sorry cuddles?” I ask with my hands out. Kōkoku smiles and climbs over the seat as I sit on her lap and cuddles me “Mmmm” I say trying to fall asleep ( How am i’m going to tell Ashai) *In my mind* *When we got to the elf territory* I tell Kei the directions to Ashai’s house she parks in the driveway and turns off the engine when we stopped as I got of Kōkoku lap and got out first everyone else got out behind her we go up to the front door and I was about to knock but Kōkoku pulled me into her chest to calm down and I knocked and a maid answered the door “Oh Unmei you’re back” the maid said with a big smile on her face but it stops when she saw the werewolves behind me “Umm can you call Ashai here I have something to tell him something” I said with worry in my tone. Unmei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Four “Oh ok I will go get him” the maid said to me as I got more scared and worried the maid went and got Ashai and when we saw each “H-hi Ashai u-um we have to talk” I say getting more scared Kōkoku hugged me more to her chest “Uhm sure this way my love,” he said and Kōkoku growled a little not looking up we followed him to the living room “U-U-Uh Kei help me I don’t know what to do,” I say getting overwhelmed “so uhm are you her finance” Kei ask him. He nodded and Kōkoku looked sad at that point and kept looking down “Is there a problem with that?” he asked, trying to pull me towards him and Kōkoku pulled me back and growled “Mine!” she yelled angrily. “No she is mine” he yelled back when they looked each other in the eyes everything just stopped “Mine” Kōkoku whispered to Ashai I moved back to make my mind up then I remember something (Polyamorous but how to make them agree) “Kei I need your help here,” I said so Kei who looked at me with a smirk “Ok what do you need help with?” Kei asks me “What did you say when two people are fighting over you,” I say looking at her with a glare Kei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Five “Uhm nothing really” I tell her laughing “Ha I have an idea” Unmei say with a happy tone “Ok what is it” I ask her “Umm what do you call the people that date more than one person” Unmei say a bit confused “Oh it's called Polyamorous” I tell her “Yeah we can be a polyamorous couple” Unmei say happy “What's a Polyamorous couple” both Kōkoku and Ashai ask still holding Unmei “Well it is people who date more than one person”Unmei explains “Yea what she said “ I said as I jump on Angels lap where she is sitting down “Oof your so heavy baby” Angel said “O-Oh” I said as I was about to get up but Angel pulled me back and I let out a surprised yelp “H-huh what are you doing you said I was heavy!” I yell at her still sad “I was kidding baby” Angel tells me not fazed at me yelling in her face “Oh sorry” I say embarrassed “Mhm you are actually really light” she said matter a factly “Hello we are talking about Me, Kōkoku, and Ashai” Unmei said interrupting me “Guys get back here you can do your thing later you two”Unmei yells at us “Fine fine” I says as Angel picks me up and walks back to where Unmei, Kōkoku, and Ashai was “You two need self control” Unmei said annoyed “Whatever your just jealous” I tell her Kei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Six “That is why you are most likely to have a kid first”Unmei said glaring at me “That offensive!” I yell at her “So is the fact that you are loud in bed” Unmei said with amusement in her voice “Shut the fuck up thats was all your fault you told Angel something I did not say you bitch!” I scream at her embarrassed “I was not talking about that but you do you” Unmei says “Whatever Unmei” I tell her annoyed “Your annoying that is why I'm the favorite child” Unmei said sticking out her tongue “Fuck you thats why dad likes me more” I said obviously offended “WAIT WHAT YOU GUYS ARE SIBLINGS!” Angel, Kōkoku, and Ashai yells catching us off guard “Yeah you didn’t know”Unmei says “I guess not” I said as I start laughing “Well I can’t really blame them” Unmei said laughing “same here” I said still laughing “So I guess we should tell them”Unmei says starting to calm down “Yea your right” I answer her calming down “So umm how do we tell them” Unmei says “I don’t know Unmei” I tell her “So well how do I say this uhm me and Kei are siblings but she is older about 6 minutes” Unmei says trying to explain “Yes what she said” I said “I don’t know what to say but there” Unmei said. Unmei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Seven “It is getting late we should go to bed” I say sleepy “Yea lets go to bed” Kei says “Up” I say to Asahi once I said that Asahi picked me up over his shoulder “you’re tall” I say half asleep *Time skip the next day* “Hmm” I groan while turning in my sleep “Wake up love” Kōkoku and Asahi say “Good Morning” I said as I open my eyes as I was about to move but Kōkoku and Asahi pull me into their arms “Where are you going love” Kōkoku said “I’m going to wake up Kei” I say blushing “I will get a maid to do it” Asahi said “But I want to do a prank on her”I say sad “No you will stay in bed with us” Kōkoku say “Fine” as I leaned into their hold *Two hours later* I start to hear Kei laughing and I wake up to see Kei with a camera taking pictures I look around and see Me, Kōkoku, and Asahi are covered in paint and feathers I get up in a hurry but I trip over a wire and landed face first into a bucket of mud that had additional feathers I get up and try to run over to Kei to strangle her but slip and fall in oil and slid down the stairs “AHHHH WHAT THE HELL KEI THAT HURT!!” I yell from down the stairs while Kei comes running down Laughing her ass off. Kei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Eight “Oh my gosh you should see your face” I tell Unmei still laughing “ Gyakkō” I heard Unmei said as my prank was reversed “I’m going to tell Angel” Unmei says as she gets up “I don’t care you bitch” I say upset and leaving out the house onto the porch “This bitch is on her period” I hear Unmei say “Yes the fuck I am bitch now leave me the fuck alone you homicidal bitch” I screamed gettting angry for some reason “Are you sure your not pregnant because you are mooder than normal” Unmei screams back “Shut the fuck up and i’m not pregnant you bitch” I say as a tear goes down my face I see Unmei come outside “Hey are you ok why are you crying” Unmei says as she sits beside me “I’m fine” I said turning away “Ninshin kensa” Unmei says as a box appear in her hands “Here you should take this” Unmei says as she hands me the box “What’s in it?” I ask her “A pregnancy test you should take,” Unmei says as she gets up and goes into the house. I get up and go straight to my room and open the box I take the pregnancy test and go to the bathroom after I was done with everything I wait after a few minutes I look at it and it says pregnant “ANGEL YOU GOT ME PREGNANT” I yell at the top of my lungs. Kei’s Pov Chapter Thirty-Nine “ANGEL YOU GOT ME PREGNANT” I yell at the top of my lungs after like two seconds Angel and Unmei runs into the bathroom Unmei was in here first and then Angel “Wait what did you say” Angel asked as if i was going to repeat what I said quiet “I SAID YOU FUCKING GOT ME PREGNANT” I yelled louder “Oh” Angel said while giving me a mischievous smile Unmei and slapped Angel upside the head and I laugh my ass off when they start to yell at each other “You got my sister pregnant you BITCH” Unmei said as she tried to kill Angel. I grab Unmei by the neck “It's your fault Unmei” I tell her a little angry “How did I do that” Unmei said wail gaging “oh don’t act fucking dumb Unmei” I yelled in her face “Oh yeah sorry” Unmei said “Whatever” I said as I let her go “Ow that hurts but i’m going to leave this to you two bye” Unmei said leaving the Bathroom I turn to Angel “Yay now we can get married before the baby is born” I say as I jump on her back “Yes of course the wedding is in 2 weeks” Angel says “Yay but I have a bad feeling about the wedding day but it might just be because i’m pregnant. Unmei’s Pov Chapter Forty “Kōkoku and Asahi” I say as I walk into the room “Yes love”Asahi says “Can we have a baby” I say “W-Why do you ask” Kōkouk say Blushing “Kei is having one” I say “How about we wait until after our wedding” Asahi say “Yeah we should do that” Kōkoku says “Fine” I said as we go to the kitchen “Asahi can I cook today” I say looking at him “Sure why not” He said as I went into the kitchen and grabbed something to cook “Ok now were should I start” I say to myself as after I thought about it I started to cook ‘Few Hours later’ “I’m done” I yelled as Kei, Angel,Kōkoku and, Asahi as they walked to the dining room and sat at the table “I made egg benedict” I said as Kei laughed “wow you must want Asahi’s bene-a-dick i’m sure he wouldn't mind giving it to you” Kei said still laughing “Kei that is why you're pregnant now eat” “Fuck you Unmei” Kei said and started eating “Yeah I’m good you're the one pregnant” I said eating ‘After everyone was done’ “Kei let’s go baby shopping” I say with excitement“No you homicidal bitch” Kei said sticking out her tongue “Fine” I say leaving the house “Where should I go this is so boring”I think as I walk to the marked place “I know!!” I say to myself as I start to run to a store… Unmei’s Pov Chapter Forty-One “ hello miss” I say to the lady at the front desk “Hi you must be here from something fun” She says looking me up and down “Y-Yes i’m here for some things” I say with a dark red blush “Ok it’s your first time”She says “Y-yes me and my finances are getting married in 18 days” I say blushing “Ok miss let’s go”She says walking to a part of the store that had silk robes “I-is this it” I say looking at all the clothes “Yes you must be a little virgin” she said as I nodded my head a bit as I buy all the things she was recommended to me as I walk out the store and back to the house I see one of the maids as I walk up to her “Hi” I say to the maid “OH hello miss Unmei” She says bowing to me “You don’t have to bow” I say embarrassed “Oh then what can I help you with” She says “Well I was a bored at the house and no one wanted go shopping so umm you want to go shopping with me” I ask a bit embarrassed of the request “Oh that will be nice” She says “Ok come on” I say holding out my hand to her as I walk to a store “May I dress you up” I ask looking at her “Yes if that is what you want” she says “If you don’t want to it is ok I say…..To be continued Kei’s Pov Chapter Forty-Two Me and Angel are sitting in the living room and Unmei came back from the store “I’m back” I heard Unmei yell “Finally” I exclaim “Yeah Yeah” Unmei said as she walked to the kitchen “Whatever” I yell “Ugh shut up” Unmei yells back “No you shut fuck up Unmei” I yells while going to the kitchen “Bitch shut up you crazy bitch” Unmei said. I slap Unmei across the face make a loud smack as her face turns to the side “Don’t talk to me like that” I yell in her face as Angel, Kōkoku, and Asahi come in the kitchen “YOU BIG FAT BITCH” Unmei yelled as she jumps on me and slaps me I roll us over and punches her in the face “SHUT UP BITCH” I yell as I keep punching her several times in the face as Unmei grabbed my hair and pushed me down and hit me in my face as made sure not to hit my stomach I grab her head and head butt her in the nose and it cracks “You motherfucker” Unmei yelled as she pushes me back as she punches me in face six times breaking my nose Asahi grabs Unmei and Angel grabs me “LET ME GO SHE BROKE MY NOSE!” I yell at Angel “CALM DOWN” Angel commands Kei’s Pov Chapter Forty-Three “CALM DOWN” Angel commands in her alpha tone making both me and Unmei shut up from bickering “Oh hell no this bitch scary” Unmei said “So what happened” Asahi asks me “She was yelling at me and we started fighting” I tell him “And i’ll do it again” I heard Unmei say as she rolled her eyes I slip out of Angel’s grip and slap the shit out of her “You motherfucking bitch let me go i’m going to fuck her up” Unmei yell as she tried to slip out of Asahi’s grip I laugh at her “Take her somewhere else Angel” Asahi tells Angel “Ok” Angel says as she picks me up and runs up stairs with me “Hey! Put me down Angel” I yell “No shut up you are misbehaving” Angel said sternly “That is kinky as hell” I hear Unmei yell from downstairs and I laugh my ass off I jump off of Angel and run back downstairs laughing “I know right Unmei” I say still laughing “Yeah you remember our exes” Unmei said as she was laughing “Yeah I definitely do” I said laughing harder “Them hoes had cheated on us with each other that's why their pussy stank” Unmei said which made me laugh harder and Angel, Kōkoku growl at that “Why the fuck are y’all growling” Unmei ask looking at them “MINE” they growl as they pull us to them Unmei's pov Chapter Forty-Four "Put me down" I said annoyed as being grabbed like that was annoying "put us down stop being overprotective guys" Kei said just as annoyed as I was but I got an idea as I looked at Kei and smirked. Kei looks back and smirks "Kei do you know where I kept her ring I should give it to her" I said hiding my laughter "no I actually think we lost it" Kei said "no I believe I put it in my bag should I give it to her" I said trying to get Kei to play along "yes I think you should" Kei said playing along "I'll get it" I said getting out of Kōkoku’s and Asahi's grasp as I went to my room as I came back with a box as it had a diamond ring. Kei starts hugging Angel and looks at my smirking at what I am about to do "Kei should I give it to her I don't know I do miss her" I lied as I hid my smirk as I looked at my Kōkoku and Asahi as I saw their faces "yes just give it to her" Kei said trying not to laugh "ok I'll be back Kei" I said as I felt death impending on my soul as I looked behind me to see my loves glaring at me as I got ready to run "Kei is this how you feel when I mess with you" I said scared. Kei runs to me and take my hand and she gives me power to teleport all of us to our ex's "bitch why you do that" I said "I didn't want to see them" I said a bit angry "well this is a good chance I guess" she said as our ex's turn towards us but they look messed up as I looked pissed and I teleported us back "I'm going to my room" I said as I made two rings "Unmei I said sorry" Kei yelled "it's fine" I said smiling as I was angry, I went outside as I started to blow up things in rage and anger. Kei runs after me, catching my arm "Unmei calm down!" Kei yelled “yeah sorry I was just angry” I said calming down “No it’s fine I’m the one that made you angry” Kei explained “but I have to take a shower” I said as I fixed the room embarrassed “you go do that but your out of hair dye” Kei said walking out of the room “i'll get more tomorrow” I said walking out the room as I grabbed a light blue crop top and white shorts Kei’s Pov Chapter Forty-Five *After an hour or so* I go to Unmei’s room and when I open the door I see her with a light blue crop top and a white shorts and her hair is black like mine again. “Well you look hella different twin” I said “I know I think i’m going to try a new color” Unmei said “ok I agree” I said smiling while taking her hand and going into the living room where the others are. “I'm gonna go to the store you want to go with me?” Unmei said “ok sure” I said and looked up and saw Angel growling at me “what?” I said, raising my eyebrow looking at her. “Yeah what's wrong” Unmei asked confused and Angel walks up to me and Unmei and yanks me away from Unmei “she's mine you little bitch” Angel growled at Unmei “what do you mean stop growling at her Angel” I growled at Angel and walked back to Unmei “What the fuck is wrong with you” I said annoyed “oh so your going to side with this slut” Angel said glaring at Unmei “She’s not a slut she’s Unmei!” I yelled at Angel earning a smack to the face from her “that’s not Unmei she has pink hair not black!” she growled “Did this bitch just, Kei get your girl get your girl” Unmei said angrily “Calm down” I said holding my face “she keep talking I'm going to beat her up just because my hair dye is not in” Unmei said stepping in front of me about to hit Angel but I pull her away before she did “sorry I almost beat her ass” she said angrily “It’s fine” I said calmly “Yeah but I'll go to my loves” she said realizing their not here “In the backyard” I said letting her go “ok i'll be back I'm going to tell them I'm going out” Unmei said “ok” I replied and she walks out the back door Unmei’s POV Chapter Forty-Six I walked out the house to see the people I loved the most “Darlings, what are y'all doing?” I asked, walking out back, seeing my darlings talking about me. I noticed the look they gave me confused, “Who are you?” they asked “I’m Unmei,” I said looking at them “no your not Unmei has pink hair” Asahi said “I wear hair dye” I said irritated “Prove it tell us something that only Unmei knows” Kōkoku said cautiously “I know that you have a praise kink and you like cuddles'' I said first pointing at Asahi and Kōkoku next I was getting really annoyed. Asahi blushes slightly before turning his face away and Kōkoku just smiles “ok we believe you” Kōkoku said standing up and looking at Asahi amusingly “good I’m about to go to the store” I told them smiling “ok love” they said and went back to talking about random things, I went back into the house and I try to go find Kei but I couldn't find her anywhere so I decided to walk upstairs to her bedroom and stop at the door when I hear her and her alpha having fun. I shook my head and walked back down the stairs and went to the front door of the house going outside. Kei’s Pov Chapter Forty-six I wake up to the sound of soft snoring behind me and an arm thrown over my waist. I sit up stretching out my limbs and I feel Angel stir beside me and she sits up as well. “Angel, I have a question for you” I ask her, turning to look at her fully “What is it?” she said looking down slightly nervous “How did you know I was your mate when I don’t even know if we are mates or not'' I ask her frowning softly “I-I could sense your wolf and she connected with my wolf” she said stammering over her words I look at her suspiciously not believing her. “You're lying” I said standing up from the bed “You're not even my mate are you? You’ve been lying to me this whole time haven’t you!” I yelled and she looks at me with a smirk standing up walking towards me but I try to run out the room but I don’t make it far when she grabs me and throws me into the wall I try to scream but she covers my mouth “Look here Kei your going to listen to me and continue to be my mate if you wanna live” she growls into my ear and tears fall down my face I headbutted her making her fall back I watched and tried to protect myself from the blow to my stomach I let out a sharp-pain scream I looked down my blood runs cold when I see blood run down my legs ,I lost the babies before I could scream anymore Angel banged something into my head darkness takes over me and I lose consciousness. Unmei Pov Chapter Forty-seven I was walking around the hair store looking for a new hair dye, I couldn't choose between dark pink or ginger. I got a bit irritated that it was so hard to choose from the colors so I decided on both colors and decided to buy both. While I was purchasing my things I felt uneasy. I felt like someone was watching me so I started to look around. My nerves were high, when I saw no one was there I quickly paid and left rushing back home. *At the house*I walked into the house deciding to ask Kei for help with the hair dye. I walked towards her room stopping when I heard a loud thump. I felt a rise of tension and ran downstairs to call Asahi and Kōkoku to come to the room. Once I saw them looking at me confused and nervous they started to question what was wrong I quickly started to explain that something was wrong and dragged them towards my sister’s room letting Kōkoku bust the door down, I looked around the room only stopping when I saw Kei’s unconscious body Kōkoku and Asahi saw what was happening and started to attack Angel Asahi using wind magic to hold Angel down. I rushed to my sister quicky using healing magic a green glow coming out my hand I hated that I was never there to help her I knew something was wrong when she had hurt Kei the first time Unmei’s Pov Chapter Forty-Eight I finally stopped my healing and started to feel sick. I knew I couldn’t heal her babies. I felt horrible and I asked Kōkoku to pick Kei up and put her into the bed while I called the guards and sat on the bed next to my sister, my nerves high I felt like passing out. *After the guards took Angel away* I was in my bedroom with my fiances Kōkoku and Asahi were trying to calm me down, I felt Asahi rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings in my ear as Kōkoku rubbed my palms telling me it was ok, I just felt sick I trusted Angel to take care of my sister but for her to just hurt my sister her mate the woman who would give birth to her kids I get angry and sick, why would she hurt her own mate what went through her head I felt myself overthinking when both my dear loves pulled me down onto the bed cuddling me and trying to cheer me up *The next morning* I woke up to see my two sexy fiancé’s I smiled feeling a bit better when seeing them I wiggled out there arms yawning and stretching while going into my closet to grab Asahi hoodie and shorts I went into the bathroom running hot water and slipped into in an felt all the tension in my body release itself. Unmei’s Pov Chapter Forty-Nine As I laid in the tub I heard the door opening to revealing my fiancé’s who looked worried for me I looked at them and smiled at them not wanting them to be worried, I decided to finish up in the bath so I could be able to talk with them I stood up showing my naked body to them while grabbing a towel I looked up seeing both Kōkoku and Asahi blush dark red, “what's wrong with you two." I asked looking at them questioning their blushing faces “you're naked" Kōkoku mutter as Asahi just blushed I wrapped my body in the towel still a bit annoyed before asking, “have we really never seen each other naked” I asked drying my body off " No” Asahi said saying the first word before Kōkoku started to respond, "No we wished to respect you” when thsy said that I started to blush I had never been treated with this much respect only demands, I hugged them as I felt Kōkoku and Asahi each place a hand on my waist whispering “darling your not as innocnt as you seem" I couldn't help but blush and hide my face as I realized I don't know either Kōkoku or Asahi age “my loves how old are you like I'm 21 years old" I asked curious " I’m 25” Kōkoku said I felt a bit shocked to find out she was almost four years older thsn me I quickly looked at Asahi who chuckled and answers in a sexy husky voice "Awww my fiancés our so much younger than me I’m 29” I felt myself blushing at his voice, I looked over to see Kōkoku blushing as well we had never seen him like this he was usually very soft spoken and kind but hearing his voice told us different “wow your eight years older than me" I muttered embarrassed, I felt my face burning up hot and Kōkoku whimpering submissive towards Asahi I heard her call him her mate I just blushed as my mate counterpart picked both me and Kōkoku up it made us both blush even harder as I felt that he held my waist tighter then Kōkoku as he started to kiss her deeply smirking as she fell under his lustful gaze….To be continued Kei’s Pov Chapter Fifty I wake up to a dull throb in my head and an aching stomach. I wanted to scream after everything that happened yesterday flashes back to me and I do scream . I let out an ear-piercing scream. I was hyperventilating, breathing out of control, panicking, my hands gripped my hair pulling on it. ‘M-my babies’ I thought, crying uncontrollably, gently holding my stomach. I rock back and forth ‘How could she do this to me!’ I yelled angrily to my wolf knowing she might not hear me ‘calm down its ok she’s not our mate remember’ Aurora my wolf whispered. I froze in shock that she even talked to me. I haven't heard from her in over a month. ‘Oh so your speaking to me now’ I scoff irritated ‘listen Kei the only reason I couldn’t speak to you is because Angel more like the devil made a witch cast a spell on us to were we couldn’t speak to each other I tried to warn you but you couldn’t hear me’ Aurora explained sadly I just cry hard into the pit on my arm. I noticed that someone was rubbing my back. I jumped away but I realized it was Unmei. I embraced her and cried into her shoulder and I let her hold me close to her and she continued to rub my back crying with “I’m sorry about the babies…” she whispered Unmei’s Pov Chapter Fifty-One I felt horrible if I came earlier I could helped was I a horrible sister, “I-Im sorry please forgive me I should noticed when she hurt you before” I whispered hugging her tighter I couldn’t stand to see her cry I hugged tighter telling her I was sorry and I would do anything to make sure this never happen again, it was hours later and I asked if she was hungry and that the maids had made dinner, “yeah let's go eat….” She said standing up from the bed “ok" I said feeling sorrow for my sister *In the kitchen* I was talking with Kei, still worried for her and didn't want to leave her alone. Because of the wedding planning I had to also meet my new parent-laws. I felt really nervous, “Kei, do you think you would like to be my maid of honor?” I asked, wanting to cheer her up, she jumped up and down excitedly, “Yes of course I would love to!” She yelled cheering up a little bit “Kei your still a bit weak you don’t need to move around a lot" I let out a nervous laugh“Shut up I'm fine just a little hurt and sad that's all” she said huffing and I let out a little snicker Unmei’s Pov Chapter Fifty-Two I looked at my sister with sorrow as I couldn’t bear the thought of her sadness. I felt like it was my fault I should have never trusted that bitch I had always felt evil from her. I should have killed her the first time we met but what was done was done. I felt I needed to help my sister and protect her just as she had protected me at once. I went to my fiancée and fiancé. I needed some cuddles and sleep. I didn't want to get stressed and slip. I walked into the room seeing both Kōkoku, and Asahi making out, a blush creeps onto my cheeks and across my chest watching the lustful seen was surprising as we had never even kissed before so this made me very turned on “What The Fuck” I said turning my face a blushing mess as they separated and looked at me Kōkoku was the first to speak up “Unmei we didn’t see you there…you wanna join” She says as my face heats up as I roll my eyes and nodded slightly embarrassed but excited Kei’s Pov Chapter Fifty-Three These past few days without Angel I’ve been very depressed. I haven't been in the right mindset. I see how bad Unmei is trying to make me happy. I'm not but I’m now her maid of honor. I'm grateful that she is my sister. It's been exhausting trying to seem happy even though she knows I’m hurting behind the strain of smiles. Lately I’ve just been laying on my bed rubbing my empty belly thinking of what would have happened if they were still here. I never knew pain until I lost my babies. I hate how I let Angel manipulate me so easily. I should've listened to Unmei when she said Angel wasn’t right that she always seemed evil. I was thinking of ending it after my wolf told me the truth about my so-called mate. I wanted Angel dead. I want to make her suffer just like I am now. I want to put her through everything she inflicted on me. This time when I flip the knife I catch the tip of the blade and throw it swiftly with the flick of my wrist making a loud impact on the wall I lift my head seeing the blade is impaled into the wall on the picture of Angel ‘bullseye’ I thought with a smirk before laying back down closing my eyes letting the emptiness seep in as I drift off to sleep. Unknown Pov Chapter Fifty-Four I walk down the road towards the cafe downtown. I ignored the strange looks. Because I know I look a mess after watching the news about what happened to my babies. I was watching them for their whole lives without them knowing what a tragedy was about what happened to them a few weeks ago. I turned the corner and as I looked up I was confused with the different road then what I usually walk on. I continue to walk at a quickening pace when the road doesn’t end. My pace quickens into a run next thing I know i’m falling I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. My body lands with a thump. I take a deep breath and open my eyes slowly. My breath catches as I see only trees. I noticed an arrow impaled into one of the trees. My brows furrowed in confusion. I was surrounded by the forest. I was so confused because I was on my way to the cafe a few blocks from my house. |