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A giant racist skinhead rampages in an Arab town and uses a mosque as his urinal. |
It was just another Friday in a random town in the Arabian desert, densely packed homes and businesses sprawled out from a mosque at its center. The calls for Friday prayers blared out from the mosque’s speakers. The mosque was filling up fast with more worshipers heading that way. Suddenly, the prayers were cut short when ground began shaking. People screamed in a panicked attempt to get out of the shaking structure, but what was an evacuation shifted into a stampede back into the mosque once they saw what was heading their way. A huge, muscular young white man appeared over the horizon. Duncan, a shirtless skinhead, wearing nothing more than a pair of jeans and tall skinhead boots with white laces, was stomping into the town, his attention fully trained on the mosque. His boots alone easily dwarfed all the homes in the town. Those who were still in route to the mosque ran and screamed in horror as they watched this Aryan titan crush their homes to dust under his heavy treads like they were cookies. The skinhead heard their screams, but couldn’t be bothered to look down at them, but the mere thought of mercilessly stomping dozens of little brown bugs and their primitive buildings had him rubbing the growing bulge in his pants. His mind spun with all the nasty ways he could put these towel-heads in their place. As soon as he reached the mosque, the skinhead wasted no time blocking the exits on either side with his massive boots. Satisfied there would be no escape, he grabbed the base of the dome roof with one hand, peeling it off and tossing it aside like a toy. He loomed over the roofless building for a minute, allowing the dust to settle and reveal to all inside a powerful and muscular white man. There was a collective gasp of horror from the worshipers as this 500 foot tall skinhead crouched down and flexed over the mosque. His shirtless body was glistening in sweat, his bugling chest marked with the tattoos of white supremacy, 1488, SS, swastikas, the Celtic cross. If the Muslim bugs didn’t know what his intentions were by this point, his words would make it crystal clear to them. "Fucking sand niggers" he sneered down at them before curling his lips up and firing a slimly spit ball into the crowded hall. The yellow loogie came crashing down with the force of a bomb, instantly killing a dozen Arabs while leaving several more covered in the sticky aftermath. Chaos descended on the packed hall, with some trying to rescue victims from their slimy tomb, while others ran for the exits. The brave ones taken on an ad hoc rescue mission dug though the loogie with their bare hands only to find dead bodies. They fell to their knees, struck with grief and shock. No doubt some of those victims were family members. They also felt anger towards this giant assailant. Some of them shook their fist at the skinhead and shouted at him in Arabic. Duncan couldn’t help but laugh as this pitiful show of defiance. He could not understanding a word they were saying, nor did he really care to, but he knew full well they were angry, and it was amusing to him. "You dirty cockroaches are nothing more than target practice for white gods like myself." He fired off two more thick loogies at the only exits out of the mosque. The stampede and chaos around them meant that the doors were only slightly cracked open. Anyone who actually made it though only found themselves trapped against the towering treads of this Aryan god. With the globs of spit and the mound of dead bodies providing an additional block, any hope of escape from what was about to happen next was truly cut off. The titan skinhead rose from his crouching position, looming large over the toy house of worship and unzipped his jeans, pulling out his snake of a white cock. It was already bigger than a bus and only half hard. He smirked down at the brown roaches as he aimed his cock down. "Let's see if you towel rats know how to swim" Duncan laughed, unleashing a full on stream of hot yellow piss with a satisfying grunt. The trapped Muslims thrashed and squirmed. The stinking piss quickly spread around the entire surface of the mosque's floor and then began to rise, up to our knees, up to their heads and then they had to swim in it. Most of them struggled to swim, thrashing around in the steaming hot pool before disappearing into the yellow abyss, only to later emerge as dead bodies floating face down. "You ragheads should be grateful I'm giving you my golden aryan piss to drink. Probably better than your dirty water supply." The skinhead’s piss kept coming thick and fast, with piss slowly draining from the tiny cracks in the building around my boots, but not fast enough to stop the rising golden pool. He shifted his stream around, targeting the few Arabs who knew how to swim, pushing them down and drowning them. This was the true sign of Aryan power, converting a mosque into a white man’s urinal. With the piss pool at top of the mosque and everyone inside drowned, Duncan turned his attention to the town at large, stomping around and blasting every standing structure away with his fire hose piss. Nothing was spared from this skinhead’s destructive stream. Those who were hiding in other homes and businesses were washed away along with their primitive buildings in the golden tsunami. A nearly two minute long piss took its toll on the town. Everything apart from the mosque was flattened, and the mosque and the entire town itself were submerged in a lake of rank skinhead pee. Duncan took one last look at all the dead towel heads floating face down in his toxic piss pool and flashed mischievous grin, knowing he had done my superior lineage proud. He stroked his cock to full hardness and stomped off into the desert, hunting for the next Arab village to destroy. |