Heroes Alex finally caught up with Pete, but only because Pete stopped walking. He almost walked into him. “What did ya stop for! I almost ran into you!” “Something’s wrong.” “Yeah, we’re going to be in big trouble getting to school late. But it’s worth it.” “No, I’m sure that Game Shop is on Temple Street. We’re in the right place, but something else is wrong. This isn’t normal.” “Excuse me? How can anything be wrong walking down a sidewalk? “There are two people standing in front of that bank by a car.” “So…?” “So, it doesn’t open till eight. I know that because that’s Dad’s bank. He’s always complaining because he has to use the ATM on his way to work, and always forgets his password.” “Well maybe the bank is open early for some reason, the lights are on.” “It’s never lit up when we go by going to school… Walk past with me. Act as if we were arguing, and now, we’re going to be late for school…” As they walked by the two guys at the car, Pete said, “Hurry up, we’re going to be late!” Alex shot back, “You’re the one who wasn’t ready! We’d be there already if you knew where your shoes were!” “Oh, shut your trap!” This got them to the corner and they flew around and then stopped and called the police. They were heroes! The news had them on every channel. At dinner their father congratulated them on a job well done. And they told the whole story, and what happened when the police arrived and the news van. A very exciting day for the boys! And then Mom asked why they were on Temple Street when they were supposed to be on Lincoln Street to get to school… Oops. |