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Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #2332933
What does a submissive do, when Master is away. (nsfw/erotic)
Master, was at work. I never liked it. Being away from him for so long. Master; treats me very well. And I know; how much I mean to him. I know how much he loves me. But to see Master off to work; it always hurt. It means for the next nine hours, I wouldn't be able to take care of his very need. I wouldn't be able to serve Master, in every way.

Master leaves me a list of instructions each morning. He is very organized; and that helps with my OCD. Today; my main task is cleaning His study. Master was up late writing last night. His cigars need dealt with. His desk cleaned and organized. The room needs cleaned and dusted; top to bottom.

Our mornings together are perfect. Master is a morning person. I, Kitten, am not. Master rises at 6am. And brews the morning coffee. Master also heats water for my morning tea. He wakes, Kitten, at 7:30am. He serves me cinnamon vanilla chai tea; waffles and bacon. As we eat; Master and I discuss the days plans and directions. I pack him lunch and make sure; he has everything he needs for work. If, Kitten, is extra good; I get to take Master's dick in my mouth before he leaves for work.

As Master heads out the door, at 8:30am; we have our morning ritual. I kneel before him; in front of the door. He pets my head and kisses my forehead. He says, "I miss you already, Kitten. Master, loves you!" Once, he leaves; I am allotted until 9am to plan my day, and incorporate His instructions and tasks.

Back to Master's study. This will take all day. I start with His book shelves. Three book cases. One is filled with writing tips, how to write; etc etc. Book shelf, number two, is general literature. Sometimes; Master needs a reference for his writing. The third book shelf; is all kink. I even helped pick out some of the books that fill this book shelf.

I must first; remove every book. So that I can dust and wipe down the shelves. About three hours to complete this task. Book shelf number three; is where the trouble begins. As I take down the shelves; I notice a new title. "Jenny: Bondage in the Year 2035." Master has added a new book to his library. I've been a good Kitten today. I can take a peek and finish the bookshelves.

"Come crawling faster. Obey your master. Your life burns faster. Obey your master. Master!" I jerk; and drop the book. Metallica is Master's personal text and ring tone. Master was just checking on my progress. He knows I should be sitting down to lunch shortly; if not now. I just wasted 20 minutes reading a book. I am a little wet between my legs; and have a slight urge to play.

"Bad Kitten;" I tell myself. I have tasks to complete and Master is counting on me. I redouble my efforts to finish the book shelves.

It is 12:30pm before I am finished. Time for lunch and back to clean His study. I have a small lunch of Greek salad with feta cheese and garlic olive oil vinaigrette; with a roasted chicken wrap. As I clean up; I notice some crumbs and debris under the table. I get on my knees and use a small hand broom to clean the hardwood floor. My mind wanders to this morning. As Master finished his morning coffee; I was between his legs; drinking his cream. This; plus the erotica I discovered earlier; makes me even more needy. I wish Master was here. What I would give to feel him fill me up and take what is His. Back to reality. It is 1:30pm. Master will be on his way home at 5pm. I have four hours to finish His study and cook dinner. Time to focus; like a kitten rubbing up against you; until you pet them. Exactly; three times.

Next is the cleaning the window. Behind the desk is a massive window. It is almost the entire wall. A beautiful view and perfect light. I touch up the drapes and move on. I sweep and mop the floor. I have the radio on; and one of my favorite songs comes on; "Fight Song." As I mop; I let the song embrace me. Master and I dance to this song. I tingle between my legs again. He will be home soon.

Master texts me again. He requests a red meat dinner. But; no ground meat. Again; he follows up on my progress. All I have left; is to clean the desk itself. His ash tray needs emptied and cleaned. His whiskey glass and cigar replaced. General paper organization and dusting of the desk. It's a little tricky to clean the top of his desk. Master uses an old fashioned type writer. Not even electric. Old school. It's a little heavy and a bit of a pain to work around. Almost done. I just need to dust the desk and I can make dinner.

Time check; 4pm. I should be done by 4:20pm. Just over an hour to prepare dinner. Plenty of time. I carefully dust the desk. And use PineSol; as needed. OH! I feel something rub against my lower lips. Master left the dildo, from last night; attached to the wall; beside the desk. Sometimes; he uses it, and me, for inspiration. I've been needy all day. Ever since I skimmed that book. Just a little relief. Just for a moment.

NO! Bad Kitten! Master would not approve. I finish the desk. It's perfect. I am sure Master will be pleased. I survey the room; from me knees; where I just finished. I move to get up. OH! I backed into the dildo again. This time; it popped in a little. Not even an inch. I pause. Master would not approve. I loose self control. I've been a good girl. I just want a little relief. I don't even need to cum. Just a few thrusts. To relieve the built up tension.

One. Two. Three.Four.Five.Six. I keep thrusting back; letting the dildo fill me. I picture Master behind me. Holding my shoulders tight; as he takes what is his. I moan; loudly. I can feel his hand; it shifts; from my left shoulder to my throat. I back harder; needing to feel him fill me. I need to cum. His hand squeezes my throat. All I can do is take it. Take all of him.

I shake and quiver. My legs are rubber. I needed that. I slowly come back to reality. The time? What time is it? It's 4:45pm. Damnit! I have less than an hour to cook dinner. I scramble to the kitchen. Quick and easy dinner. What can I do? And no ground beef. That would really help things. Master loves tacos. I pull out a package of ground turkey. I check the pantry; yes we have soft shell tacos. This should be easy. Master texts me again. He is on his way home. Damnit!

Ninja Kitchen Kitten time. I scramble to get the veggies chopped. The ground turkey is simmering in taco seasoning. Shredded cheese; tomato, lettuce; spinach, onion; sour cream, avocado; and re-fried beans. Set the table and done. I hear a garage door opening. Master is home!

I race to the front door. Kneeling; I await his entry. Master enters and greets me with another kiss on my forehead. I rise; and join him for dinner. Master asks about my day. And tells me about his. After dinner; Master asks for a drink in His study. He sits at his desk. I bring him; Jameson whiskey; double shot, on the rocks. And Master thanks me for the wonderful job I have done on His study. He does ask me a question. "Kitten; dinner was delicious. I love your turkey tacos. But; I thought I told you no ground meat?" "Were you distracted? Did something cause you to deviate from my request?" My eyes blink; like a deer in headlights. Yes; Master did say no ground meat. Not ground beef. My eyes must have given me away. He glances toward the wall. There is a small puddle of my wetness on the floor. Master reaches out and touches the dildo. "Kitten; it appears you have some fun while I was away today? Just what are we going to do about that?"
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