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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Holiday · #2332376
Wives, take heed. Don't nag your husband, he'll decide what's good for him by himself.
Once upon a time, long long ago, someone invented fast food.

Wait, someone invented food longer ago than that, but the 'fast' part came once upon a time.

Anyway, up in the North Pole, Elf Binky noticed the trend. Food, quickly, to a lot of people. Burgers, fries, pizzas, vada-pav, chaat - and, of course, some form of chocolate for dessert.

Elf Binky was a clever elf. The most innovative of them all. It didn't take him long to make the connection. Dolls, Teddies, Books, Board Games, Skateboards, Scarves & Socks ... all to be delivered in one night. If there could be fast food, why not fast santa?

"Honey, I'm going out for a bit," Elf Binky called out.

"Not before you've fixed the broken dishwasher," came a voice, but Elf Binky was far enough out of earshot to pretend not to have heard it.

There was no snow yet, so she couldn't nag him about shoveling it, but he really needed to do something about that dishwasher. Maybe he'd load a brand new one on to Santa's sleigh, all gift wrapped, with her name on. As soon as he had the idea, he dismissed it. His wife knew him only too well, and wouldn't like getting a new dishwasher when all the old one wanted was a bit of mending.

Then, his other idea took over all his mind-space. A fast Santa. Could he invent one?

He made his way to the workshop. The first batch of toys was almost ready, and everyone on that shift was on a break. He'd have the place to himself for a while.

He let himself in with his spare key and wandered about a bit. taking another look at all the tools, raw materials and equipment lying around. Then, he imagined the process of making fast food. Could he possibly adapt one to the other? He imagined people at the check out line at a fast food joint, getting their meal and bolting it down.

What it came down to was this - 'standardisation'.

There was very little room for customisation. And only fixed types of customisation.

And quick preparation also led to quick consumption.

Elf Binky sighed. It had been a good idea, but no - not for Christmas.

Christmas toys had to be made specially and lovingly for each child, had to be made with love, with the thought of young Timmy or Sarah or Mrinalini or Ravi's eyes as they opened it. Christmas gifts had to be cherished by the recipient, loved for years. Elf Binky even had a couple of his old gifts he'd passed on to his kids in turn.

Even if it was less efficient. Elf Binky decided to leave Santa alone. That conclusion being reached, maybe he'd better go home and fix the dishwasher before he was due back here for his shift.
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