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The hero of America gets humiliated. |
THIS IS JUST A SILLY BELLY PUNCHING STORY ABOUT OUR AMERICAN'S HERO. It is late in the evening. Captain America, the hero of the United States (who just came off of vacation in Hawaii) has got crossbones cornered on top of a building in New York. Both hero and villain stand toe to toe with each other. " If you want to assassinate the ambassador of Haiti you got to get through me. " Captain says proudly sticking out his chest. " Oh really...I got news for you Steve...I'm getting to my target." Crossbones says as he runs at Steve. He charges with a superman punch but Captain America blocks it using his shield. 'PIIING' a flurry of steady attacks delivered by Steve using a mix of high and low kicks and punches. Captain being very beefy and meaty, swings his big legs at Crossbones with the force of a tree drunk. Crossbones gets caught with a couple of them but manages to dodge and defend the rest. " Why are you doing this cap'? Me and you could be gold together." Crossbones says. " I do this for the freedom and justice of every man, woman and child. I fight for them. " Captain says again sticking his big chest out but this time he's breathing rather heavy showing fat as his belly going in a out like a paper bag. They both go at it again. Steve manages to get a few punches in on crossbones midsection and face but crossbones comes back with punch to Captains soft left cheek making his head snap back and forth. The proud Captain America is dizzy and dumb as he staggers a little and drooling. " Wow! Cap' I didn't know you had a glass jaw." Crossbones says. Captain shakes it off, shaking his head making his jaws quiver. His fat lips sling spit everywhere looking like a dumb dog. His pecks jiggle a little looking very big but are really soft and velvety. Captain then gos on the attack but is being rather predictable. Captain gos into one of his old moves. " It's over crossbones, CHARGING STAR!!" but Crossbones rolls out of the way anticipating the move. Captain then turns to find crossbones had vanished. The puzzled Captain looks around frantically not realizing crossbone is behind him the whole time. " Huh!? What???" The slow witted hero stood there eyes crossing due to his feeble brain working over time. Suddenly Captains corpulent body jolts as he feels crossbones slap his fleshy fat tush. The slap ripples through out his fat bubble butt and small love handle. " Now that is America's ass." Crossbones says. Captains feeling very embarrassed. He grits his teeth turning for a punch but it is rather slow due to fatigue and his lobster and shrimp filled belly. Crossbones meets Captain with a punch of his own hitting captain in his soft chest making his fist go deep in the pulpy meat of his titty. " AAARRRPH!!" Captain made a high pitch yelp like a hurt dog as he staggers back guarding his jigging fat man breast and holding his head. Fatigued and distracted from the fight due to the pain in his chest. Captain foolishly leaves his belly wide open. Having a rather frail and feeble brain, the great captain America arches his back making his fleshy gut protrude outward forgetting to suck it in like he's been doing. Crossbones waist no time as he drives his fist deep in captains meaty soft jelly belly. " HHHHHOOOOOOOOYYUUUUGHHHAAAHH!!!!!" The poor hero's plump portly body folds in half. Crossbones fist went deep into caps fat. The impact made captain America's fleshy big rump wobble and jiggle even his thick thighs ripples. The poor American hero was done. His fully stuffed belly was his weakest spot. Captain fell to his knees. Pulling off his mask, crossbones held the poor ko'ed captain by his blond hair. Eyes closed, his big fat mouth wide open and his soft pudgy belly oozes over his belt. His thighs expanded due to them being folded. And his big chest sagged. " Wow, I can't believe it. I defeated Capitan American. Now your a big fat slutty mess...see you let this country turn you soft." He lays captain near a wall, knees still bent and his head is crooked on the wall making him look very undignified. Crossbones pats captains jelly belly making it jiggle and ripple. " Lay off the shawarma." Then crossbones went off to complete his mission while captain slept like a fat baby. Passing gas. |