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A sattire piece, by Scott David Schuster, all rights reserved. |
The American Dream Formula for Success By Scott David Schuster A Satire Piece 5.24.24 How do we achieve the American dream? How do we realize our success and make all our dreams come true? Well, here is the answer. It is simple. All we have to do is follow this one formula and we will be guaranteed wealth, happiness, and success in our lifetime. It all starts with a very simple action, buying and spending money. We all love to do that, don't we? Please, read below, you do not want to miss this chance at everlasting freedom and joy. A life that everyone wants and dreams of. A life that is promised to us at an early age and dangled above by everyone we know. It is our time now, to go out there and buy our own American dream, and here is how. The Formula for the American Dream for Success The formula starts with a simple equation that is shown below. In order to begin solving the equation, we must read and answer these simple questions. We have even done the work for you. All you have to do is follow the rules and you will be guaranteed a life beyond what any of us could ever imagine. The Formula First, we go buy something. Then, we can start asking and answering these important questions. Question # 1 What do we buy when we go out and buy something? Answer: A product or a service. Question # 2 How do we get the money to buy a product or a service? Answer: We work for the money to buy it. Question #3 How do we work for the money to buy it? Answer: We get a job that pays that us that money. Question # 4 And how do we get a job that will pay that money? Answer: We do well in school and go to a good college. Question #5 How do we get in to a good college? Answer: We pay lots of money. Question #6 And how do we get lots of money? Answer: We graduate college with an expensive degree. Question #7 How do we get an expensive degree? Answer: We earn lots of money. This is the infinity principle, what goes around comes around. Now .that we have answered and reviewed these important questions, which make up the formula for achieving the American Dream for Success, we can now discuss what happens next. Once we have hit this level, it gets very exciting and this becomes the start of when our dreams really start to become a reality. Read below for more and see what the future holds for you when you solve this simple yet life-altering formula. Get ready everyone, it is about to get real!More real than you have ever imagined. What Happens After We Get Out of College and Enter the Adult World When we get out of college, we get a great job with a high salary. That high salary allows us to buy a big mansion, a luxury car, and allows us to send our kids to a prestigious and exclusive private school where the education is top-notch. The private school where we send them is way better than any public school. But, in order to get them into this prestigious and exclusive private school, we must give the school a good chunk of our salary. But, we know, and everyone knows, that it is worth it. Because, if we send our kids to an expensive, prestigious, and exclusive private school, then they are guaranteed to go to a great college and then they will get a great job with a high salary which will allow them to have all of the things they have ever dreamed of. The house. The car. A motorcycle. Even a big boat! When they are able to get all of that stuff, then, everyone in their entire lives will be full of joy and happiness all of the time. Parents, extended family, teachers, police officers, fireman, counselors, and everyone at church. The pastor, the parishioners, the entire congregation and even Almighty God himself Which everyone know is our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. How do they know this? Because, obviously we are good people and good people go to church every Sunday and listen to the pastor give his sermon about, how we can find Jesus and how Jesus, our Lord and saviour, will save us and how He loves us, and how we are his blessed children, and how we were created by Him, and put on this earth. Just because.,he decided that, and even when we die, our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, will accept us into heaven. Heaven is the most wonderful place that anyone can ever imagine. A place way up high in the clouds. A place that is all white, and Jesus Christ himself is sitting on a big white throne way above the clouds and all of the people down on earth. Heaven is very far away, so far away ,that when we take a plane to go visit our family or we go on vacation, we can see all the houses, the apartments, the businesses, the roads, the cars, and the people living down on Earth. We can also see states, cities, and towns that are all part of the greatest nation on Earth. The United States of America. Or, as some call it, the USA. The USA is made up of native-born Americans and lots of other people from different nations and culture around the world. America, is known as, "the land of the free". Americans really love their country and those who love it more than the average citizen are called patriots. But the patriots did not come up with this name them selves, their government did. These are the same people who moved to this continent from Great Britain back in the 1700's, because the Americans and the British, got into a war, called the American Revolution. This war was won by the American's,and when they won, they were then able to claim the eastern region of the continent, of what is now known as the east coast of the United States. The interesting part is, that this land was already inhabited by another nation of peoples that were indigenous to the area. These indigenous peoples had arrived on that land thousands of years ago and had been living there ever since. And when the British arrived, they slaughtered thousands of native peoples. Men, women, children, and families, anyone who got in their way of getting what they wanted. And what they wanted were resources. Resources such as water, shelter, food, and clothing. All the basic necessities that any human being would need in order to survive on this planet. These basic resources are afforded to all of us, or so we are led to believe. Unfortunately, even in this day and age, many people do not have these basic resources, and needs met. People all over the world are struggle with having enough food, clean water, durable clothing, and reliable shelter. Of course, some parts of the world do not have a serious issue with the lack of valuable resources. One part of the world that does not have a resource issue, is the United States of America.. Perhaps, that is why, America is considered to be the wealthiest nation on Earth. But , wealth is a relative concept. One can say, that wealth can be measured in financial terms, such as, how much money one has, or how much money one earns, or what kind of car is parked in the driveway, or how big the house is., or, what kind of clothes one wears, or where we take our vacations, or what schools our children go to, or, what street, city, town, or state, one lives in. Have you ever asked yourself, "am I wealthy?", and, if so, how did you answer? Did you say, "Yes, I am wealthy", or did you say, "No, I am not wealthy". Additionally, what compelled you to answer in the way that you did? What did you think about when you heard and understood the question? Did you think about how much money you have in your bank account? Or, did you think about wealth in another way? We are a nation that is defined by, how much. And if we are able to obtain how much we would like , then, how can we get more?. More, is the root of the culture of America and it is what drives us. Others, have a deeper interpretation and understanding of wealth. Some consider wealth to be more a valuable asset than anything else. Wealth can be understood and analyzed from many different viewpoints. We like to think of wealth as non-monetary and not focused on the "lack of" concept. We prefer to think of wealth in abundance terms. Abundance is when we believe, regardless of how much material wealth we have, that everything is going to come to us just because we are deserving of it. We don't have to do anything, or work anywhere, or earn any amount of money to get this wealth, or the abundance of it. All we need to do is be ourselves. Our natural state of being which is known as the, "one", state of being or, "one", state of consciousness. Thank you and have a great day. SS :) |