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A day in the life of a member of the thirteen, until he and his comrades are called on. |
Date unknown. Location, the manor of the thirteen Boars, early morning. Roland rose from his large modified mattress; it was thicker also more reinforced then an average bed. Affording his massive frame more comfort. "Mmm..." he looked around, gentle sunlight illuminating his surroundings. Slowly his bedroom door opened, pushed by a creature of a more petite stature. "Morning big bro!" Turning to regard the tiny boar before him, Roland spoke in a slow thoughtful manner. "Mmm, hello Little sister Priscilla. And good morning..." he slowly made his way to her. Gently patting the tuff of white hair that rested on her head right above her eyes. "Did you come to check on me?" his voice was akin to a deep murmur, that made her ears twitch to attention. "Mmhmm! Torc said to make sure you didn't miss breakfast. Also Arthur said if you miss it, he's gonna be livid." In reply, Roland shook his body. "I understand. What did he make this time?" the large boar asked, his eyes brimming with wonder. "Eggs, toast, uhh. Some fried apples, I'm pretty sure waffles." his wonderus stare shifted to a look of excitement. "Wonderful. Did he make apple jam again as well little sister?" Priscilla nodded up and down deeply, causing the massive boar before her to begin moving with haste. In his sudden movement, he tossed Priscilla atop his back. "Then let us waste no time." Heading from his bedroom into the manors hallway, Roland and Priscilla were met by the sudden appearance of Corday. Who stared at them with her wild eyes. She stood before them dressed in a familiar monotone dress with frills on edges of its sleeves and skirt, the brown hair on her head shook a bit as she stepped closer. "Good morning Sir Roland, and madam Priscilla!" He grunted, "I've told you little sister Corday, Roland is fine. There is no need to be formal with me. I am not a knight after all." A shy voice spoke, coming from his upper back. "You can keep calling me madam though, it makes me feel special!" Corday moved closer. Those wild, frenzied eyes looking into his own so very intensely. "You have beautiful eyes little sister Corday. Its always a pleasure to see them." softly he ruffled the dark brown hair that hung just above those mad swirling eyes. With a bright tooth flashing smile, the maid spoke in response, "Thank you Roland, you always have such a delightfully clear, clean way with words." After their small exchange, Corday strided past the pair with a quick step. "She scares me some times." in reply to Priscilla, he laughed a deep quiet laugh. "Don't worry little sister Priscilla. Little sister Corday is special, but she would never harm one of the us, she much like you. Carries too much love in her heart." Roland felt a slight shuffling motion on his back. "I guess you're right, but still. I've studied all kinds of herbs, medicine etc. Yet I still haven't found one that help... Whatever she's suffering from." Roland shrugged, "I do not think she is suffering, little sister Priscilla. In fact, i think its very much the opposite." during their chat, they had made it to the kitchen. Stepping through the doorway, they were met by a comfortably familiar sight. Most of their fellows sat around the breakfast table, only missing Dex and Corday. "About damn time lad." said Arthur from the left of Roland, his brow wrinkled in annoyance. Feeling a small bit of shame, Roland bowed his head. "I apologize for my lateness; my mattress didn't wish to see me leave on time." the chef clicked his hoof. "Right, right. Just hurry to the table, I made sure to save you a plate, if you are really lucky it'll still be warm." taking a moment, Roland stopped in place, allowing Priscilla to dismount. After which, he headed to the table. Before an embty seat sat a massive plater of food, waffles covered in apple jam. Fried eggs atop toast, with a pair of fried apples on each side. "Well good morning Roland! Glad to see you bud." a warm tone made his ears wiggle. Looking to its source, he was greeted by Torc's smile. "Good morning my lord." the man laughed warmly, then gave Roland a pat on the peak of his head. Much to the massive boars delight, his ears wiggled while his tail swayed side to side. "You should've heard Arthur when he didn't see you at the table, he was going off about wasting time making apple jam just for you, and how he was gonna toss you in a lake for being late." Torc spoke causally, his shoulders hung low, his back leaned low in his seat. All Roland did in reply was laugh, before digging into the feast laid before him, despite his normally gallant demeanor, his table manners left much to be desired. Once he finished, the large beast gently took hold of a napkin. Using it to clean his face. Before turning his attention to Arthur. The chef stood behind a large wooden counter, akin to a bar. His eyes fixed on Roland. "Have something to say, do ya lad?" with a tusk showing smile, he replied warmly to his fellow. "It was delicious, thank you little brother Arthur." Arthur nodded deeply, a look of pride across his face. "Thank ya kindly for those honey'ed words. Don't worry about bringing me your plate, Zoey got it." Much to his surprise, the plate had disappeared while his attention was turned away from it. Looking back to Arthur, he now noticed a slightly shorter figure standing there. Light purple eyes stared back, above them was a tuff of hair with pink hairlights. Beneath them a smile. "Morning big brother Roland." the feminine voice was teasing in it's inflection. "And morning to you little sister Zoey, I wasn't aware you were helping with the dishes today. Isn't that more of a Corday duty?" Zoey shrugged, "Yeah normally but she asked me to take care of it because she needed to make sure her new cleaning supplies were ready." with a curious gleam in his eyes. Roland pressed the topic. "What for? Were we going on a hunt soon? Or is Corday simply being herself?" Arthur as well as Zoey shrugged. "No idea." she said softly, while the chef remaked, "Haven't the faintest. If you were to be going on a hunt soon, I'd assume everyone would be preparing." His attention then turned to Torc, who was still sat beside him. "My lord -" Torc stopped him. "Nah. I've been keeping my ear to the ground, but besides a few rumors, I haven't heard anything substantial." in response, he bowed deeply. But when he raised his head, Roland was meet by a sight he found funny. A Boar with hair that hung low from his cheeks like mutton chops, but with no tusk. Who stood only a few inches from the giant of an animal. Warmly, Roland spoke to him. "Hello George." Matilda, Lavinia and Torc watched the pair with a shared excitement. "I challenge you to a duel!" the tuskless Boar bellowed, his eyes fixed on Roland. "Okay George. Just allow me a moment to stand on steady ground, I don't desire to break this chair or table." With a careful step, he hopped to the tile floor. Followed shortly by the tuskless boar, who stood before him with an eager look. "Bet'cha Rolo stomps him again." Matilda said, her gaze fixed on the smaller of the two. Torc responded, "You never know, today might be his day." then spoke Lavinia, "Both of you do your best!" for a moment, they turned to the others. Roland had a small smile, while George had a much more serious or even stern expression. "I'll show you Matilda, I'm gonna win this time!" she scoffed dismissively. "Sure you will." Lavinia giggled to herself, while Torc crossed his arms. With purpose to their movement, both turned. Once again facing each other. Slowly they made space between them, their hooves clicking loudly against the tile floor with each step. "Do not hold back." Roland said firmly. For a few seconds, they stood a few feet apart. Everyone still present watching with held breath, waiting for the moment of truth. "Here I go!" George shouted, rushing reckless at Roland without no hint of fear nor hesitation. Matching his friend, the massive beast charged as well. Their heads crashing against each other like waves. Neither gave way, despite both pushing forward. The smaller boar dug his hooves in, stubbornly struggling against the wall of muscle before him. A bit surprised, Matilda whispered. "Would'a ya look at that. Little punks actually holding his own..." Roland could see there was a look in George's eyes he'd never seen, one of pure determination. His back hooves clicked against the ground, as he pushed forward. Summoning forth every bit of his strength. Despite his efforts, George could feel his own legs giving ground. Slowly but surely, he would lose. Realizing this, he willingly gave up some ground. Creating a small bit of space. And then using that bit of space, he slammed the whole of his weight forward. Almost knocking Roland off balance. In response, the massive boar exhaled from his snout. Everyone looked at them, waiting with held breath. George stared at him, before collapsing to the floor. After which Roland collapsed, causing the room to shake, startling everyone present except for Torc. Who jumped from his seat, and began to clap. Followed by Lavinia and Matilda, even Arthur and Zoey joined in the sudden applause. "What a fine display to behold! But in the future, maybe you two would find it easier to do your dueling in the practice ring instead of the kitchen." noticing the under tone of disappointment in his voice. The pair bowed, "I'm sorry my lord." said Roland regretfully, as did his fellow. "...right. Sorry boss." Torc stood over them, arms crossed still. "As I said, in the future. No point worrying about it now, is there?" a grin slide across his lips. Then he reached down, giving both a soft pat on the head. "Now go see Priscilla, I don't wanna find you two broke a bone or something." Feeling a bit dejected, they walked together through a door on the far right side of the room. Now outside the kitchen, Roland stopped George for a second. "You did well today, I could feel your desire for victory crash against my skull. Keep training little brother George, you'll best me yet." with those words of encouragement, he poked his nose playfully. "Thanks Roland." the tuskless replied. Side by side, they strided down the hall. Past a handful of paintings, trophy's and other decorative things. After a good five or so minutes, they reached a wooden door with a plate placed across its center, 'Priscilla's clinic.' Roland nudged George, pushing him forward. The door opened with a creaking sound, but the small boar they had come to see, didn't seem to take notice. She was standing atop a stool, with her back turned. In fact from where they stood, they could see she was in the middle of doing something, whatever it was, neither really knew. "Little sister Priscilla." the larger boar said, trying to gain her attention. But alas, she still didn't notice their presence. George tried to shout, "Oi Anne had a stone fall on her!" once again. Nothing. They turned to each, both looking bewildered by the lack of notice or change in position. A growing sense of unease sent Roland forward. Carefully he reached up, placing his hoof on her back. That sudden touch caused her to jolt upwards with a scream, "AH!" spinning on the red seat of the stool, Priscilla turned to regard him and George with an annoyed glare. Reaching up to her ears, the smallest of the three pulled free a pair of ear buds. "Is there a good reason you're interrupting my work?!" George stood down, not nearly brave enough to try and challenge an angry Priscilla. Roland however, stepped forward. Meeting her wraithful eyes with a calm expression, "I apologize for bothering you little sister Priscilla." he said softly, doing his best to steady her. "George and I got a bit bruised during training; as such Torc demanded we see you." despite understanding his reasoning. She still grumbled in frustration, "Fine." Climbing down from the stool, Priscilla walked by Roland, her attention firstly focused on George. Slowly, the small boar inspected his figure. Eyes, snout, ears. Then his head, chest, back. Besides a bruise mark on his forehead, there wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Her attention was then shifted to Roland, following the same pattern. She looked him over, once again finding nothing new or strange besides a bruise. "Mhm, no real damage or anything worth bothering me over. Next time one of you decides to interrupt me, you better be dying or I'll make you wish you were!" George nodded; his expression one of pure anxiety. While Roland stood stioc. His eyes fixed on the table behind the small alchemist. "What were you working on Pricslla?" he spoke with a noticeable curiosity to his voice, that caught her attention. Carefully, she climbed back atop the stool. And took from the work bench, a strange cloth. It was only a few inches long, two or three at best. Along its short length was a deep shade of green with streaks of dark blue. "Its a little herb bandage mix I've been trying. Should help keep wounds clean for longer periods, and by extension help wounds close up with a bit of haste." Roland could hear the excitement in every word she spoke. But given his ignorance on such topics, he didn't really have much to say about it. George was in much the same way; the topic was foreign and queer. Despite this, the large boar praised her. "Thats quite impressive Priscilla, however I do wish to know. Have you tested it at all? Or is this just what you hope it will manage to do?" she turned away, setting the cloth back on to the large wide wooden table. "Yes, as of now its my hope. I haven't had many test subjects, which I'm sure you could guess. It isn't really easy to test things like this after all." As she spoke, the pair noticed her demeanor grow frustrated, even outright angry. George stepped back, hoping to avoid the small boars fury. "...its frustrating. If this mix works, it could help reduce the risk of infection by at large margin. Not even getting into how much less time you'd have to spend waiting for your body to heal." Hearing hints of sadness beneath her frustration, Roland spoke. "I'm sure you'll have someone to try it on sooner rather than later, you know our fellows. They have a horrible habit of getting hurt." Priscilla giggled. George nodded in agreement, "Yeah you know us, not a day one of us doesn't get hurt!" she shook her head side to side, then turned to look at them. Her expression noticeably more relaxed, even happy. "I suppose so. Well until one of you goofs gets hurt, I'll keep messing with the herb mixes and taking notes. By the way, if you see Matilda please tell her to swing by." Roland's ears wiggled a bit at the mention of Matilda. "Can do, but if you don't mind me asking, why her specifically?" in a casual way, Priscilla replied. "Oh I just needed to ask how the herbs she was growing for me were coming along. Made more sense to have our own farmer grow them after all." The pair simply nodded. "Fair enough little sister. I believe we should be on our way, I don't wish to halt your work any longer, and I don't imagine George is eager to either." George clicked his hooves together, "Nope, let's go Roland." before the large boar knew, his fellow was already at the door. More then ready to get going. Roland followed behind as George exited, a bit taken aback by his suddenness in leaving the room. "I don't mean to pry little brother." George sighed, "Its fine man, I already know what you're gonna ask. Yeah, I felt awkward bothering her when she was working on something." Roland reached over, and gave George a small pat on the head. "I understand. It is... Very uncomfortable to interrupt people. Especially when they are in the midst of something they consider important. Don't let it bother you too much little brother." He shrugged in response, "Wasn't planning on it, but. Still thanks Roland. I'll catch you later for round two!" with a faint laugh and the sound of hooves clicking, he was gone. "I swear to the Wild Huntsman, that boy could out run the very concept of responsibilities." Roland said to himself, while walking through the hallway. Taking a few minutes to decompress after his havoc filled morning. During his little walk about the manor, he happened upon Eddie. Who greeted him with a wave, and a lift of his goggles, showing off his green vibrant eyes. "Yo Roland!" Eddie said with a comfortably familiar warmth. "Its nice seeing you, I was getting ready to go with Anne on a bit of a scouting mission. How bout you? Any big plans for the day?" Slowly he responded with a side to side nod, "Can't say I have any little brother Eddie. But I do hope your recon goes smoothly; please do give Anne my well wishes if you could. I'd greatly appreciate it." Nodding deeply, the scout boar replied. "Of course, of course! And thank you man. If there's one thing I'll always appreciate, it's a wish of safety and wellness." At those words, Roland smiled brightly. "I'm glad to hear that. It troubles me that I am unable to accompany you or the others on every assignment or job. But I do hope my words allow a part of me to go with you." Eddie softly laughed, then looked up into the eyes of the massive boar. "Like I said, I do greatly appreciate it. Those well wishes help steady my nerves when I get nervous on the more... Risky recon jobs." while talking, Eddie shook his shoulders a bit. "Besides, you know better than anyone some jobs require a more delicate touch. And while I mean no offense-" Roland stopped him. "I am aware, my massive frame of muscle isn't always useful or needed." he said in a some what somber tone. "Sorry if I hurt your feelings or touched a sore spot by accident Roland." Eddie reached up, pulling the massive boar into a short embrace. With a soft laugh he replied, while accepting the hug. "I appreciate your apologetic words, but I assure you that It isn't anything in that vain." his tone sounded much more lively. Thoughtfully, Eddie nodded. His eyes closed for a moment, before opening with a kind of curious stare. "Then why did you sound bothered? Just upset you won't be there to watch our backs?" Roland thought it over for a second or two before answering. "Something like that, yes. I suppose it's more that I feel like I should still be by your sides, as I was when you were both new recruits. Do you recall how often we'd go on jobs together?" for a good few minutes, Eddie gave the question serious thought. "Man it has been a few years hasn't it? Seems like just yesterday, I found Torc wandering around the marketplace lost, looking for a tailor or something." Roland laughed deeply, his chest shaking with joy. Eddie joined him for a moment, sharing in his joy with a more shallow laugh. "Ah man. Kinda funny thinking it about now though, I didn't expect helping him find his way meant getting a position among folks like you guys." Roland nodded. "Clearly your first impression on him was impressive; I can say, you've definitely impressed me over our years working together Eddie." a faint blush filled his cheeks. "Aw thanks Roland, y'know that means alot coming from you. I'll be honest with you, sometimes I do feel like I don't quite fit in here. Compared to Corday, Priscilla, hel even George's goofy ass self. Feels like my skill is a bit basic." His tone changed, and the blush faded, giving way to a small almost hidden frown. In response, Roland exhaled deeply. "Don't be ridiculous, without your knowledge of tracking and mapping, we'd struggle to get back here. Never think because your role is less in the line of fire, it is without merit." his voice was commanding, and full of vigor. The scout before him laughed softly, "Thanks dude. I mean it, I really needed to hear that." Eddie checked the time, and found he'd be late to his mission. "Ope! I gotta get going! Talk to you more some other time!" Eddie said, rushing off down the hall. Softly, the large boar giggled to himself. His ears wiggling slightly and his body shaking. "I hope the Wild Huntsman travels by your side. And may good fortune watch over you both." his voice had a very sincere quality as he spoke to himself. With a gentle step, the large boar resumed his walk about the manor. From the hall he made his way on to a small walkway that over looked the main entrance area. To his left was a window, that let in a bit of sunlight. While his right lead to a staircase; at the foot of those steps was a large circle rug. On it was thirteen different images, all hand made and swed into the tapestry. For a bit of time, Roland sat, his attention focused on that tapestry in the rooms center. "I recall when Lavinia asked me to help her carry that massive cloth creation." from behind him came a voice, "If you don't mind me saying, that massive cloth creation is my favorite creation." Stepping forward to stand beside him, was the tapestry's creator. Gentle dark gray eyes met his gaze, as black hair with hints of aged white moved into view. Lavinia looked at him curiously. "What brings you here Roland? I don't imagine you came here simply to admire my handy work." she said in a gentle way, akin to a spring breeze. "Hello Lavinia. As for why I'm here, no real reason. I just felt like coming through here, it's a bit of a habit." Roland responded. Playfully, she poked his cheek. "Is that right? Well there's certainly worse habits to have dear. As for me, I was just heading back to my room when I caught sight of you sat here. And I though It'd be good to check on you." She spoke with an under current of anxiety and concern to her words. In reply, Roland nodded. "I see, thank you for your concern. But I promise you, I'm just fine. Merely passing time as it were, given the lack of chores on tap and the lack of any real news on a new hunt." Lavinia patted his back, "I'm sure you'll have a new job to do sooner than later, you know how those creatures are. Always causing a ruckus somewhere, for some reason." Roland thought it over for a second before he spoke, "Yes the nílfia are quite chaotic creatures. Always a matter of when, never if with them." As he spoke, his tone changed, going from relaxed and casual to a bit more annoyed in inflection. Deeply, Roland sighed. "I'm sorry Lavinia, I genuinely cannot stand those foul wandering beasts." She shrugged in response. "Think nothing of it dear, I know its just part of the job for you lot. As I believe Corday would say; they are little more than trash that makes a clean world filthy." Roland looked at her, surprise filling out his expression in angers place. "That was, an uncomfortably good impression." Lavinia blushed slightly, and turned her face away from his sight. "Don't be silly, it was just me repeating her. Nothing that impressive." Roland protested, "I mean it, Lavinia. I think you could trick even Torc with it if you weren't in his sight." She pushed against his shoulder, still a bit bashful. "Hush! It isn't nice to tease an old woman you know!" Lavinia said, her hooves now raised to cover her eyes. "My goodness, I apologize if my teasing was too much for you." Slowly, Lavinia lowered her hooves. Trying to steady herself and regain her metaphorical footing. Unfortunately, she still looked a bit flush in the cheeks. But believing it a poor thing to point out, Roland held his tongue. "I appreciate you sitting here with me, if you don't mind me saying. It's nice to simply chat with a friend sometimes; while I enjoy helping with chores or training. Too much work does wear you down." She shook her head in agreement, "Thats very true, yes! My mother used to have a saying, overworked hands make mistakes. I think you would have liked her Roland, she was a stern but caring." The large boar thought over his reply before speaking, "I'm sure she was a wonderful mother Lavinia." faint small tears formed in the corners of her eyes, wordlessly, she took a small cloth from her pocket. Drying them with gentle pecks. "Thank you for those kind words, despite how long it has been, and despite my own age. I do still think of her sometimes, she taught everything I know about cloth working after all." Softly Roland patted her back. "I'm glad. I don't think this place would be the same without you, although..." he trailed off, seeming to become lost in thought. Until Lavinia tapped his side repeatedly. "Are you okay dear?" she asked with a nervous tone, much to his embarrassment. "Ah! Yes I'm fine. I was just thinking, this place wouldn't be the same without any of you; the sudden thought was uncomfortable to think about. Especially given our line of work. I'm sure you can understand why it'd distract me so." Lavinia looked at the tapestry that laid before them, her eyes moving from one member of the thirteen to the next. "Yes i do. It would wound my heart beyond description to learn that I'd never again see one of you." Roland leaned a bit closer to her, his eyes darting back and forth. He even spun in place, looking behind him. Before returning his gaze to Lavinia. "To be totally honest with you. That is one of the things I fear the most." in his eyes, was a look of something greater than simple worry. "Ah I see. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this conversation. Believe me, I've had many talks like this over the years. People get very talkative when you are getting their measurements." Roland sighed deeply, his eyes looking outward. "If I may be open as the vast night sky; I harbor a deep fear that my strength will one day fail me. And in that failure, I will cost one of my fellows their life. Its something I've done my best to hide. For I fear that if I were to let them know, they may view me differently." Lavinia reached up to softly pat the space between his ears, a small smile gracing her lips. "Thank you for feeling comfortable enough with me to share that Roland. To share in your honesty, I admit that I wouldn't expect you to worry about your strength. Over the years, you've always appeared stronger than even a stone wall." The soft patting made his ears twitch and wiggle, Roland said nothing in reply at first. From his eyes, Lavinia could tell, he was merely unsure of what to say. And for a good handful of minutes, they sat there. Side by side in silence. Until finally, Roland spoke in a whisper. "I can't say that I'm surprised. It's easy to appear strong; yet it is very difficult to let anyone see that you are weak." his words hung in the quiet. Lavinia saw his head hung low, his eyes partly open. Even his mouth was curled into a deep frown. She searched her thoughts for something to say, some words of motivation or encouragement. But unfortunately, her thoughts were blank. For the first time in what seemed like ages, the old tailor couldn't think of anything to say to lift his spirits. A few more silent seconds passed, when suddenly she recalled something from a chance meeting. "You know Roland, I once met a very strange man before I came here. He busted into my shop, and pleaded with me to help stitch up his strange coat." His ears perked up, and his eyes opened slightly more, his attention focused on her as she spoke. "I was naturally very curious, who was this man? And why did he look fearful at the damage to his coat? So in place of currency, I asked to be paid in a story." Lavinia continued. The large boar did little to hide his interest, as he moved in a bit closer. Eyes now filled with curious wonder. "It turned out, the man was a form of monster hunter, now at first I couldn't believe it. But then he showed the damage to his coat, it was a massive mark that ran along his forearm." Deeply, he nodded. His ears continuing to wiggle with each word and sentence as they landed on them. "It wasn't exactly the first time I had to mend a sliced up coat as you may imagine." Lavinia softly laughed to herself for a second, before continuing. "I was quite curious why he was in such a panic, I mean the man practically broke my door down. He explained that his coat was a gift from his..." she stopped. And tried to recall what it was he said exactly, for a moment she was lost in thought. Till with a click of her hoof against the floor, she snapped to attention. "Grá, it was his Grá. Once I knew that, I understand his hurry to see it repaired. While I fixed it up, he told me about how he was working on gathering individuals who in his own words, 'Carry a noticeable luster.' as it turns out, I was one such individual." Roland smiled softly. "So that's how you met Torc?" he said softly, and in reply, Lavinia nodded. "Mhm, i thank my lucky stars for our meeting too. Because of it, I've had no storage of things to mend, or make." she held her head high, her eyes filled with a look of genuine pride. "We are very fortunate to have you amoug our ranks. I know Dexter still adores the blanket you made for him, as does Priscilla her medical bags." She blushed shyly, "Ah you truly do flatter me sometimes. I'm just doing what I've always loved to do, nothing more, nothing less." slowly, Roland climbed to his feet. Then, he turned to regard Lavinia. "I've enjoyed this bit of time together, but I'm sure you've got things to mend or make." With a sigh, the tailor boar replied, "Yes actually, I was making a new outfit for Tony. He requested one that really shined, and drew people's eyes to him when he performs." Roland grunted. "Sounds like Tony." he said, laughing softly. Before turning away from Lavinia. "I hope it goes well for you big sister Lavaina, until we bump into each other again." Watching him walk away, for the briefeist of seconds, she didn't see that wall of muscle and strength. Instead there was a small boar wearing a coat that was much too big for him; on its back was the visage of a death goddess. Stunned, she quickly rubbed her eyes. And once again saw Roland as he is. Gently humming a melody, as he walked away from her. His shape vanishing from sight, walking through the manor. Roland passed a few of his friends rooms, until he stood before a specific door. A simple label adorned the upper center of the door, in bright silver letters: Torc. From beyond the door, he could faintly hear muffled music. With great care, Roland pushed up the door and stepped forward through the boundary. Smooth jazzy tones filled his ears as he stepped fully into the room. Looking around, Roland saw many different personal trophies. Yet what caught his eye most. Was the sight of Torc, carefully trimming his beard. Taking notice of his presence, the man sat down his shaver and turned to better regard Roland. "Ahoy! What brings you by my boy?" the man said in a matey like manner, that made the large boar feel comfortable. Gently, he walked closer. Stopping to climb on to the large leather chair that rested opposite Torcs desk. "Hello my lor- I mean, Torc. During my usual stroll of the manor, I bumped into Lavinia; as you may guess, we had a conversation or two." The man nodded while reaching over to his music player, lowering it's volume, "Sorry if that was a bit too loud for ya Roland, I wasn't expecting anyone to come by." in reply, the boar gave a short nod then continued. "At some point, you became the topic of conversation. She told me about how you two had met, and well. It reminded me of when this whole group started, and I wanted to see if you still remembered." A few seconds passed, neither of them spoke. Torc slowly stroked his beard, before reaching down to his desk. Carefully, he wrapped his fingers around a photo frame. Bringing more into his view before speaking. "Of course I do, you were the first I recruited. Well. I don't think recruit would be the correct word. Rather, I found you." as he spoke, his eyes were fixed on the photo frame before him. Slowly his eyes moved to focus on Roland. Who was sat there with a somewhat confused expression. Torc smiled, and laughed a gentle laugh. "I never get tired of seeing you make that face; I remember when I found ya. You were looking at me just like that." Roland blushed slightly, "Thank you Torc, I'm glad my face can bring you such joy." there was a slight fluster to his voice. Gently, Torc sat the photo back down. "And even though you interrupted my weekly hair care routine, I'm glad you stopped by. It's nice to just chat and look back sometimes." Torc's mouth was a small smile, yet his eyes looked strangely sad. Noticing this caused Roland to reach over the desk and poke his chest. "Huh? What's up?" his whole expression shifted to one of confusion. Roland turned his attention to the music player to the left of Torc, "Its nothing major, I merely wanted to ask about the music you were listening to." the man lit up, quickly reaching beneath the desk. His hand returned, holding a large round vinyl sleeve cover, on it was the image of a jam jar. Bright red standing in front of a plain white background, a silver spoon dipping into the jars top. "It's a classic jazz album, with a focus on the harmonica." he pointed to the jar on the cover, in the center of its rounded shape in a bright eye catching gold font were the words. 'Jelly jazz.' Torc smiled, while holding up the case. While the large boar across him squinted a bit. "I don't mean to sound rude or unappreciative of art, but. Jelly jazz?" The man laughed softly, and set the cardboard case down on his desk. "Yeah, I get it. It's a strange name, but honestly? It's part of what caught my attention bout' it. Isn't everyday you see an album with a title and art like that." Roland shrugged in response. "I suppose that's fair." Torc turned the volume back up. And for a few minutes, they sat together. Enjoying the complex sounds, guitar, piano. And of course, for a good few solos there was a c harmonica. Torc shook his head, and held his arms close across his torso. While Roland wiggled side to side a tad bit, his ears noticeably wiggling. After two or three songs, the man lowered the volume. Turning his attention once again to the large boar sat across from him. "While I do very appreciate you jamming with me." Torc said plainly. "You look like you've got something you wanna say." Roland lowered his head, his cheeks a bit red. "Yes, but I wasn't aware my expression was so exposing." the man laughed heartily. "It's more that I've learned how to read it, don't ya forget Roland, I've known you since you were just a few inches high. Shouldn't surprise ya too much ay?" his hooves clicked on the desk, as he adjusted himself in the seat. Doing his best to sit more upright, allowing Torc to more easily meet his gaze straight on. "I admit, I've got a few simple questions I'd like to ask. After my talk with my Lavinia, I've been wondering. Why exactly did you invite a tailor to join our ranks? And a farmer, a musician even." Roland spoke with a clear focus to his tone. As he referred to his fellows, he moved his hooves around. Gesturing as if he was pointing to the individuals in question. "Well. I know that we did start out with the goal of monster hunting, that much I'm sure you are aware of." Torc replied, whilst meeting Roland's eyes straight on. "But at some point, I realized that one day we would run out of monsters to hunt. However, besides that. I knew that ridding the world of one evil wouldn't be enough; we would need to replace it." In response, Roland shuffled a bit and brought himself closer, even leaning on the desk. Taking notice, Torc met him halfway. Placing his head atop his knuckles and his elbows on the hard wood surface. "As you might guess, that's why we have a librarian, a farmer. Hel, it's why we have a musician. I wanted us to be more and do more." Torc turned away, his eyes drifting to a pair of gauntlets that sat atop a drawer opposite his music player and desk. The metal arm guards had large silver blades adoring each side. His eyes then swifted back to Roland. "I'll admit this much, I do hope to let my silver tusk rest for good someday. What about you? Do you have any plans for when our work is finally finished?" The large beast paused; taking a moment to think over the question before speaking. Yet, he couldn't seem to find an answer. It occurred to him. Not once had he stopped to consider the possibility of retirement. "I must apologize my lord- I mean, Torc. I'm unable to think of a proper answer." the man shrugged in response, before reaching out to Roland. Gently patting his head. "Dont worry about it too much son, I'm sure you'll find your answer. I'm sorry for bogging you down with my thoughts of the future and all that anyway. I know you've always been more the type for the here and now." Roland smiled, allowing his tusk to show. His bright green eyes practically glowing in the faint light of the room Torc called his office. "Now there's a familiar sight I'm always more than happy to see." Warmly, Roland spoke in reply, "Speaking of sights you're happy to see, I couldn't help notice the absence of your grá as of recent. Where has the cloaked shadow feather gone? If you'll pardon my curiosity." Gently the man shuffled in his seat, moving to lean back a bit. "Oh they said they saw a listing for some vintage horror props a town over; you know how they are. They are a horror hound to the damn bone!" Torc shook his head side to side, before regarding his guest once more. "Ah, but I do love that horror obsessed loon. They're one of a kind, ya know that? Just like you lot, I couldn't replace a single one of you." His expression shifted slightly, his mouth a slight frown while his eyes looked. Thoughtful or something like it. With a slight tang to his tone, the large boar responsed. "I would hope so sir, it'd be a bit unnerving if thought about replacing any of us." Torc chuckled a little. Shaking his head. "Dont make me regret teaching you how to be sarcastic now." the man replied with a hint of irritation. Closing his eyes, Roland smiled at him awkwardly. A laugh filled the air, "Ah hel hahaha, you know I can't stay mad when ya make that goofy face." he reached over the desk, and started to rub the large beasts chin. Much to his delight, his ears wiggling and tail swaying side to side. While happy grunts slipped from his maw. A handful of minutes passed, before Torc stopped. "I remember when I held you for the first time, you kept fighting and fidgeting. But the second I itched your chin, you settled down with a big ol' smile." Looking a little bit flustered, Roland huffed deeply. Exhaling a cloud of warm air from his snout. "Well my lord, I was a small piglet. You must understand how I felt." Torc once again, chuckled. "Right, right. You were still quite brave for being such a small critter, you struggled in my embrace with every bit of energy you could muster. I thought for sure you'd slip free of my arms." With a loud creak, the door to the office opened slowly. In response, the pair sat up at attention. Their eyes fixed on the dark brown door as it moved. From around the bend, appeared Matilda, and in her hooves she was holding a small note pad. The pair listened as she spoke, "'Hey boss man, I wanted to get your opinion on some stuff, nothing major really. Just seeing how you feel bout the placement of stuff-" pausing for a second, she looked up and noticed Roland sat across from Torc. "Ope, hope I ain't bothering yall during an important conversation or something." Matilda blushed slightly in embarrassment. Torc shook his head, and shrugged. "Nah we were just walking memory lane together." Roland looked down to his left, regarding her with a familiar expression of joy. She looked back at him with a pair of gentle blue eyes. "Hey Rolo, you and the punk feeling okay?" He tilted his head in confusion. In response she clarified, "I'm talking bout' George. Making sure you guys weren't hurt after your breakfast slobberknocker." Roland gave a deep nod in reply, "No, we were both just fine. Ah, I'm glad to see you though Matilda. Little sister Priscilla asked me to tell you something!" She cut him off suddenly. "Let me guess, she's wondering how the herbs I'm growing for her are coming along?" He couldn't help but laugh a little before answering the question. "Right you are Matilda." with a sigh, the farmer muttered in annoyance to herself. " "Friggin', swear." "Mmm. Think that's a good spot to leave off our jam session bud, I'm gonna check if Anne or Eddie called." Torc said as he stood from his seat, raising his arms to stretch. His eyes fixed on the both of them. "Matilda can I give you a rain check on that?" she gave a small nod. And made for the door, followed by Roland. "Ay Rolo' wanted to chat with ya a little. If ya got the time, I ain't trying to bother ya none." The large boar stopped, and looked to her. He then shrugged. "I'm in no hurry Matilda, what is it you wanted to discuss? Something on your mind, or were you merely seeking a bit of casual conversation?" She sighed softly, then sat with her back to the wall. Her eyes looking down the hall, then back to him. "Yeah, I just wanted to chat ya up a bit. Feels like I've been uh. Y'know, too busy with work. Haven't stopped to check on the folks I'm farming for." Roland nodded. His expression one of deep thought or even meditation. With a deep exhale from his snout, he spoke. "I understand what you mean; it can be a bit distressing, feeling as though you are neglecting time with family and friends in favor of responsibility." she again, looked away. Cheeks filled by a red embarrassed blush. "Ain't really used to having much family or friends to neglect, think that's why it's been bugging me. Used to be, I'd work the field with my pa', then come home to rest. Now though. Well, I got a whole bunch of folks that I wanna see." Slowly, Roland reached up. And gently poked her snout with the tip of his hoof. He spoke while looking into her blue eyes. "Seems you are dealing with the same issue many of us have dealt with." the large boar moved slightly, shifting in place. "Many of us started as solo acts, to qoute Tony. So becoming part of a 'band', can be a bit of a difficult adjustment." Matilda itched her ear, eyes looking around in a shifting manner. Side to side, up and down. Attention focused on anything but Roland. "Mmm... I really don't wanna admit he's right. Him and George really chap my friggin' ass." Softly, her friend started to laugh. "I'll always appreciate your inability to mince words Matilda. But I do understand, they are a bit, much. Sometimes. Despite this, I'm sure you can't imagine our group without them." silence filled the space. He looked at her, and she stared back. "Matilda?" Roland said softly, feeling a hint of worry. In response, she spoke, sounding deeply annoyed. "Yeah, yeah. I appreciate those two jack asses existing. Just didn't wanna admit it aloud. And don't ya' go telling them that." the way she was staring at him now, felt like a blades edge. Roland nervously shifted in place, turning his eyes away. While clearing his throat. "Yes, I'll keep it to myself. Would be very rude to share your private thoughts after all." with those words, her narrow gaze grew wide once more. A small smile taking place on her lips. "Thank ya. By the way Rolo', how ya' been feeling?" The large boar shrugged. His expression once more indifferent. "I've been about the same as usual, a bit board. But otherwise, not too different. What makes you ask Matilda?" Softly, she tapped the ground. "My pa always said you should ask folks how they are, when ya chat em up. Something bout.. being kind or some such. I dunno." her ears wiggled. "Mm, your pa was a wise man from the sound of it. Or at the very least, I'm sure he was good with customers." she gave him a slight smile. "Yeah, you would'a liked him Rolo', he was a real stand up fella. Hel, him and the boss would probably get on like two peas in a pod." her lips curled into a small toothless smile as she continued, yet those blue eyes looked so sad. Carefully, Roland reached over. Placing his hoove on her shoulder with great care. "I'm sure we would. I like to believe that I get on well with you after all." suddenly, Matilda lunged forward. Embracing the large boar in a kind of hug, her arms struggling to properly wrap around his frame. Roland did his best to hug her back, placing his arms much more easily around her. "Sorry for being so uh, spontaneous with this Rolo', pa used to say that a hug is a good way to show folks ya care about that ya care without words." He closed his eyes, and spoke softly to her. "I must say, I agree. I've always had a fondness for hugs myself. Thank you Matilda." gently, the pair let go of each other. They stood, looking at one another. Carefully, she reached up, gently tapping his tusk from left to right. After which, she started to walk away. Leaving him feeling bewildered. Roland called out to her. "What was that about?" in reply, the farmer with her bright blue eyes looked back over her shoulder. "Heh, just wanted to give you a good luck tap. Fore' I left ya be." With a soft blush filling his cheeks, the large boar watched his friend walk away. Once she was long out of sight, he stood up. And started walking, he didn't really have a destination in mind this time. Instead, it was just a walk about the manor, taking in the beauty of it's wooden decore, sometimes he'd stop to admire one of the paintings or photos that added a bit of color and life to the other wise embty walls. One in particular caught his eye, it was a sunset view from the top of a tall building that over looked a cityscape. Titled, 'Sunset in Yokohama.' for some reason, this piece would always draw his gaze without fail. A bright vibrate orange and red sun, contrasted against blue sky and grayish white buildings. "Perhaps, I should ask about taking a vacation to Yokohama. I wonder if I could find the building this was painted from. And I wonder if the real town is as beautiful..." Roland's thoughts wandered for some time, thinking about how he'd go about asking. Through the halls, breaking the silence. Came the sound of talk between friends, faint music being played by a steady pair of hooves. Dishes being cleaned in a sink. A thousand small reminders of his fellows, filling his ears and mind. Roland closed his eyes. In his minds eye, he saw them all going about their passions, their chores. Yet in the mental image, two faces were blurry. Slowly, he opened his eyes. Worry filling his heart. "I should go see if there's been any word from Anne or Eddie." the large boar softly said to himself. While heading back to Torc's office. But before he could even reach the door, he was met by Torc exiting his office with clear haste to his movements. The man paused for a second at the sight of him. "Roland, how very fortune! I was about to come find you. Eddie reported back, there's a small pack of those foul critters lurking on the outskirts of a mountain town." His ears perked up, and he stood at attention. "How long do we have before the town is under seige?" the large boar asked, his face twisted into a look of concern. Torc merely shrugged. "I don't know." Quickly the pair gathered up their fellows, namely. Corday, Priscilla, Zoey and George. The small group including Roland, stood together before Torc. "Anne and Eddie are waiting for us. From what they reported, there's around six of the níl maithfia, but only one of them looked like it had any semblance of humanity left." The small group all nodded along, expect for Corday. Who looked at him with her wild eyes. In response, he met Corday's gaze straight on. The maid stepped forward. "My lord, if I may speak freely." she said, each word dripping with a hint of something akin to malice or disgust. "Go right ahead Corday." Torc said in reply, completely unfazed by her behavior. "Will I still get to use my new cleaning supplies on the foul devilish creatures?" a smile slowly began to creep across her lips as she spoke. Carefully, he knelt down before her. Playfully ruffling her brown hair, "But of course, we can't go letting proof they were there be left behind. You all know how it is. We can't let even the scent of them remain." They carefully loaded themselves into the transport, a modified van that often carried them to the hunt. Sat up front were Torc and George, while the others sat together in the back. Zoey was dressed in a pitch black hooded cloak, Corday in her familiar maid uniform, Priscilla wore a pair of satchels on each side complete with the emblem of a bright green leaf on their centers. Torc was dressed in his usual, while Roland and George dressed themselves in bright red cloaks. "Remember everyone, even if its just a handful, don't go doing anything dangerous or stupid." Torc said sternly to his team, in response they all gave a nod. The drive was mostly quiet, besides the occasional sound of someone double or triple checking their equipment. Such as Corday fiddling with her cleaning tool. Or George sharping his false tusk, even Priscilla was fiddling with her stachels of herbs, and other such medicines. Given his lack of equipment besides a cloak, Roland found himself looking out the back windows. And right along side him, was Zoey. "At least its a pretty ride." Zoey said to Roland, noticing the small movements of his head. "Mhm." he answered with a soft murmur. They watched together as trees of different color, shape and length passed them by. Some in shades of orange, others yellow. Quite a handful were still green. Sometimes they'd spot a lamp post; their mechanical shapes standing clear at the forefront of their sight. After some time, they began to see signs with the names of unfamiliar streets. They could feel the car begin to slow, then purposely come to a halt. Torc exited first, followed shortly by everyone else. They stood close together behind him, Roland stood at their front while Zoey watched the rear. Chilly air blew by, knocking up leaves and dust. Foot steps filled the other wise silent air; a man in a fine blue suit and hat approached, escorted by a small group of armed men. Most of them shook or quickly shifted their aim at the faintest of sounds. "Hello there sir. I take it you are the Torc, I was told about." he said plainly, his tired eyes scanning across the gathered motley crew before landing squarely on their leader. Without hesitation, Torc offered him a handshake. Carefully, the man took his hand and gave it a firm solid shake. "Glad to see some people still have manners. And yes, I am Torc. Pretty sure you know what we're here about." Slowly, the man in the blue suit reached into his jacket. Carefully pulling out an envelope. "I'm the mayor of this fine little town, and this good sir. Is all the information we've got on the... situation." his hand shook horribly, prompting Torc to quickly take it from him. It was a simple brown envelope, held shut by a small bit of rubber string. Opening it with care, he looked over the documents inside. Then turned to his fellows, showing them the reports of missing pets, and glimpses of shadows moving along the trees in the night. "As you can see sir. We've had our share of... troubles recently. And we'd be very grateful if you and your, team there. Would be so kind as to deal with them." the request hung in the air. As the man in his fine dark blue suit and matching hat waited for an answer. Torc handed back the envelope. "Don't worry, thats why we're here. I'm sure Eddie or Anne already told you all about us. By the way, where are they?" he spoke while giving the man a side glance. Roland stepped from behind Torc, his eyes drawn to the suited man with a look of wonder. "Yes, please do inform of little sister Anne and little brother Eddie's location with haste if you would." Feeling a bit uneasy at the large boars tone, the mayor adjusted his tie. And gestured to a large building at the far end of the town from where they were gathered. "They are currently sat in my office to my knowledge, if you would like to fetch them, be my guest." Roland deeply nodded. Then headed to the large building alone. After a few minutes, he returned with the pair behind him. Both looking no worse for ware, Torc smiled warmly at the sight of them. "Alright, seems like we're good to-" before he could finish speaking. The gathered assortment of boars and humans were interrupted by a man in torn clothing sprinting through the street yelling at the top of his lungs for aid. "Please someone, anyone! They took them both!" he shouted, blood running down his face from a cut in his head that split his hair in a noticeable line. One of the armed men managed to catch him as he tumbled into the crowd. His eyes were filled to the edges by a look of pure terror. The man's lips quivered as he tried to explain himself. "Hold him steady!" Priscilla shouted. She made her way through the group of boars; past most of the armed men to the wounded civilian. Using the medicine in her pouches, she was able to stop the bleeding. And calm him down. Feeling his nerves relax, the civilian explained to the best of his ability what had happened. "These horrible creatures grabbed my wife and son, then they took off into the woods! Please, please save them!" As he pleaded, the civilian pointed in the direction he appeared from. "Men, please get this poor bastard somewhere safe and secure." the mayor said, his face an expression of embarrassment. Torc crossed his arms, while nodding his head. "Welp, seems like this hunt just turned into a rescue mission. Was hoping we'd have a little bit more time to get a plan properly put together with the new info, but seems like that ain't happening." His gaze turned to the boars still gathered in formation behind him, then it shifted to the ones stood before him. "Everyone, you already know the deal. Kill the nílfia. Rescue the civilians, and by kur. Don't let the civilians get hurt." They all looked to each other, then to him. Their shared gaze filled with determination and strength. Torc lead George, Roland, Corday and Anne into the woods. While Eddie spoke with Zoey and Priscilla. Giving them a run down of the forest layout, before he along side Priscilla ran to their fellows sides. Roland, George and Torc walked ahead of everyone. A bright silver moon light shined on the path laid before them, granting them sight. The trees creaked, their limbs shaking in the autumn breeze. Barren branches moving like long boney fingers, almost reaching out to grab anything passing by. Eddie walked close to Torc and Roland. Pointing out the important land marks such as a small stone arch, or a half fallen tree that still partly managed to stand. On occasion, he'd point out herbs or fungus to Priscilla. While Zoey moved a small distance away from the main party. Anne watched their rear, her sling loaded and ready to stop any attempt at a flank. Corday looked at her with a smile; she adjusted a small canister that rested against her side. A hose ran from it, ending in a nozzle that had a handle fixed to its left side. Acting as the trigger. George had a twin blade in his mouth, and he walked closely next to Roland. Who's tusk were covered by a set of silver casings that reinforced their natural thickness and length, making them almost blade like. Torc lead them, his armoured gauntlets on clear display. Their long blades faintly gleaming in the gentle moon light that illuminated the forest around them. Suddenly, Torc stopped their march. Senting Eddie forward. For a few minutes, he looked over the path before them; he saw a set of shoe prints in the mud. Followed by sets of tracks, which looked like hooves. Eddie looked back, and called Torc over with a gesture. From where they stood, they could see the forest grow thicker. They were in the shallow end of an ocean, and before them stood the gate to it's depths. A handful of trees that were toppled over. Large deep cuts ran along their sides. From what they could see, the group believed the creatures used the trees like stepping stones while they chased their prey. Torc turned from the torn bark and deep gashes, his expression lacking any defined emotion. "Lets hope they're still alive by the time we find them; by chance they aren't. Recover what you ever can, that fella and the rest of their family should at least get closure." his voice was lacking any clear hint of emotion or feeling. Wordlessly, he began to move forward once more. Holding his bladed gauntlets high, in anticipation of a fight. As they moved deeper into the forest, the group noticed more claw marks. And foot prints. Roland, George and Torc stayed at the front of their formation. Eddie stood a inches behind them next to Priscilla, while Corday and Anne kept their rear guard up. And Zoey moved along the trees, constantly moving along their lines of sight. Their movement grew slower; they strained their ears. Hearing in the distance a sound like distorted barking, yelping and growling. The sounds carried a faint human aspect to them. Zoey moved ahead of them, her shape appearing like a shadow effortlessly dancing through the trees. They followed behind her, alert and ready. A small hill stood before them, obscuring their prey from sight. Step by step, they moved over dirt and fallen leaves. Until they stood, looking down into a small clearing that broke up the forest. There, lit by moonlight stood a foul humanoid shape. Small growths poked from its forehead, looking akin to the base of cracked or broken horns. Its pale skin was pulled tight against the bone. Despite the mostly human appearance, its legs ended in hooves. Its long thin arms stopped at a pair of clawed hands, the nails resembling small knives more then healthy nails. There wasn't any hair visable on the naked heinous body, nor were there any visable gender identifiers. They watched it carefully, scanning the tree line just beyond the wicked beast. Its soulless embty eyes staring back in their direction, yet. All those gathered could tell it's gaze wasn't fixed on them. Instead, the thing appeared to be looking at one of the trees that stood barren along the hills slope. The things mouth moved, it's cracked almost decayed lips giving way to the sight of pointed sharp teeth. From what they guessed, it was trying to speak. Some small hint of humanity just barely able to break through the malformed malicious monster. Seeing an easy chance to thin the creatures pack, Zoey moved silently down the hill side. Into the trees that circled the clearing; her comrades watched her move between the mighty pillars of bark and wood. Until she stood behind the nílmaithfia, with her in sight of it. They got a better idea of how big the creature really was, from their rough guess. It stood around six feet tall. Towering well over Zoey and even most of them. With a careful step, she approached, the silver covers that adorned her tusk shining in the moon light, before she leaped at the creature. Her tusk finding purchase within the beast heart through its back. With a deep hiss, the creatures legs gave way, sending its tall thin frame crashing to the earth. A loud thud filled the embty air, and for a moment. Everyone stood still, waiting for any sign of its pack to appear or react to the death of their pack member. Yet no one came, with their guards raised. The group approached Zoey, who was in the middle of cleaning gore from her tusk with a small cloth. Corday walked up to the creatures body, her touch held at the ready. Her wild eyes staring into Zoey's. Carefully, she climbed from the creatures back. Corday smiled, and the touch roared to life. Flames warmth cutting through chilly night air. Fire quickly devoured the monsters body. Leaving little more then brunt grass, and black marks where it had once laid. Eddie broke from the formation, his gaze shifting all around. Seeking desperately any sign of the packs path. They had lost the advantage of worn paths, and marked trees. Past the cleaning was a forest of what appeared to be untouched land. Fear and dread filled his mind, until Zoey poked his side. Gesturing to a tree that stood out from the rest. One of it's branches hung low; on it was a bit of a coat. They gathered around to inspect the dark blue cloth. There was a small hint of red near the bottom of it's shape, where they assumed it had been cut from the owner. But besides that small piece of fabric, they lacked any clue of where the creatures or civilians could be. Thinking they might be found further in. Torc carefully moved with the others deeper into the thicket of trees. It was then that the sound of stomping broke the silence like thunder. One of the foul beasts walked from the tree line that rested opposite them; its movements appeared like it was in search of something. Causally, it stepped past the burnt grass where it's pack members body had been. Looking disinterested in the pitch black soil. The beast looked away from it, huffing in what seemed like frustration or annoyance. From their cover in the thicket, they watched it move it's head around side to side, sniffing at the air. It was then, they heard more stomping. As more of the foul creatures came walking from the treeline. Four in total stood in the clearing, all looking around, sniffing at the air or straining their pointed ears. Finally, after what felt like hours of observation. They each lifted their heads upwards, and began to screech. In reply, came another deeper screech. Which caused them to return into the treeline without a second thought, their lumbering frames thrashing against each other in an almost hateful manner. As if each movement was made with the sole purpose of causing harm to the other pack members. Quickly, the boars followed behind the horrid monsters. Who in their sudden migration, didn't seem to notice they were being followed. They all moved close together, heads erect and eyes forward. Though occasionally, they would still thrash or bash against each other. But, after around an hour. They had found themselves at a small stream, and sat on a large stone beside it. In the light of the moon that poured down through the broken canopy. Was the pack leader; the beast had twisted mangled antlers wrapped around it's head; pale skin pulled tight over bone, a mouth full of razor like teeth, and hands that ended in blade like claws. But the most distressing aspect, was when it spoke. "Well, good job you worthless ingrates. I gave you one job, fetch my meal. Instead, you return to me embty handed, not to mention the fact one of our pack is dead!" It spoke in a deep, heavy voice. That made the others kneel. Whining fearfully, as their pack master stood up. Each of them covered their heads with their hands and forearms. "Failure to capture her is one thing, but letting her best one of us. It's disgraceful." Slowly, the pack master turned away, displaying a recent wound to the left side of its face. There was a deep dent in the side of it's jaw, along with a partly broken antler. Carefully, it caressed the ruined bit of bone and jawline. Before turning away completely from the gathered nílmaithfia. "At least I've still got this little treat to eat." a deep strained cackle filled the air around them, as it reached behind the stone. Taking from behind the large round gray bit of rock, an unconscious child in a torn blue jacket. The boars began to move, stepping from the creatures rear when suddenly. A young woman in little more than a hoodie and a pair of jeans jumped on the pack master. Striking it with a blooded stone. Causing it to drop the child into the steam. Zoey jumped in after it, and Anne released a projectile from her sling, while George advanced with Roland. One creature fell to the ground, it's skull cracked open by a silver sphere. And the other that was next to it, quickly found a twin blade piercing it's chest. In the chaos, Roland watched two of them slip away into the forest. His attention was quickly wrestled away by the sight of the pack master grabbing the young woman. Holding her by the throat, ignoring the deaths and retreat of its pack members. The creature snarled. "I was going to let you go, you know that?!" as it spoke, it's grip around the young woman's throat grew tighter. She grasped, and pounded at the pack masters forearm. Torc ran to aid her, but was stopped by a few trees being toppled over by the cowardly nílfia, as the great lumber came down, it forced a split in their formation. Roland had managed to avoid being crushed. As had everyone else. But unfortunately, he was now stuck with the pack master as well as the now unconscious civilian. For a few precious seconds, both he and the monster had to steady themselves. Each dazed by the earth shaking might of trees being almost dropped on their heads. Roland shook off most of his shock, steadying himself for the fight to come. It stood up right, and looked to him. Then, with the faintest of curiosity, it looked to the unconscious civilian. Before turning back to regard Roland. "Tell me hog. Before I slice you up like day old meat, what is this human to you?" He paused in thought, before giving his answer with a deep shrug. "No one. I've never met her before, I don't even know her name. But I do know what you plan to do with her, and that I refuse to allow." The pack master started to cackle again, sounding even more strained then it's pervious attempt at laughter. Its tight skin shaking violently, almost as if it was going to tear at the very seam. Roland's expression shifted, becoming focused, becoming angry. His eyes narrowed; his lips twisted upward fully displaying his tusks and their silver covers. Which caught the still laughing pack masters eye, causing its laughter to slowly halt. "Ah, that wasn't an attempt at humor before I strike you down for your insolence." the pack master looked over it's shoulder. Regarding the unconscious civilian with the same kind of longing gaze a starved lion would regard a fresh cut of meat. "I should warn you, I've never been one for macho displays of manly posturing. No, I've always preferred a more. Direct approach." as those words slipped past its cracked lips. The pack master readied its claws, holding them outwards to answer Roland's challenge. Wordlessly, he started to circle his foe. The pack master watched, observing with a narrow sharp gaze each movement and step. In a mimicking sort of way, it started to follow Roland's circular motion. Arms out stretched, and held high. Both watched the other, waiting for their opening move. Guard up, muscles tensed. For a second, Roland shifted his gaze, believing the right time had arrived. He charged. Only for the pack master to stop him dead in his tracks, by grabbing his tusks. For a moment the monster smirked, believing its victory had been secured. Until a deep pain shot up its arms; a deep burning filled its palms. A harrowing screech filled the air, sounding like a dogs whine mixed with a deers yip. The pack master pulled away, and let go in one complete motion. Then, it stared at its palms; there it saw bubbling burning blisters. Gritting those sharp inhuman teeth, the pack master spoke. "What did you do?!" Roland shrugged. His eyes still focused on the beast with a hateful stare, "I charged you, as is my fighting technique. Or has that brain of yours gone so rotten you've forgetten simple concepts such as forward locomotion?" In response, the creature issued a pained shill hiss at the massive boar. And clutched its hands tightly, trying to dull the burning sensation in its grasp. Seeing another chance to end this fight quickly, Roland once again charged. This time managing to cut one of its legs, as the pack master jumped out of the way. His tusk sliced against its lower right leg as he passed. But in that same instance, the pack master managed to retaliate against Roland. Sliding it's sharp claw across the side, leaving a shallow cut in his upper side near his back area. Roland grunted in pain, as did the pack master. For a moment both stood, each baring a mark from the other. Their eyes met. Sharing a single feeling of malevolent rage, before launching at each other. Roland's tusk moved upward, stabbing into the blistered palm with wraith. The pack master accepted his attack, stabbing back at his face as his tusk dug in. Both grunted in pain, yet Roland refused to pull away. Gritting his teeth as the claws dug into his fur and flash. While the two continued their tug 'o war. Unbeknownst to both, the civilian had woken from her sudden unconsciousness. For a few seconds she tried to steady herself; to escape while they fought. But the moment she tried to put weight on her foot, the woman howled in pain. She found her adrenaline had long since worn off, making her feel every bit of pain in her broken ankle. As for the pack master, hearing their prey ripped every ounce of their attention away. Using their free hand, they grabbed at Roland's face. And held it while pulling themselves free of his tusk, this had the side effect of freeing him from its sharp claws. For a few moments, he took some deep breaths. Readying himself for his next charge; his next fight. She turned to regard the towering figure as it approached, its arms reaching down like tree branches. Effortlessly, the pack master lifted her by the cheeks and pulled her closer. Now, mere inches from its face. It spoke, "My, my. Fighting that hog has left me, positively starved!" as those words split the air, so too did it's lips tear open with a wet cracking sound. Feeling its cold, wet breath caress her skin, the young woman closed her eyes, and waited for oblivion to embrace her. Until a voice that rang like thunder filled her ears. "Put that lass down now!" The pack master tried to turn in time to see the bellow's source, but mid head turn. It's legs had been struck. Sending it toppling over. Now a good feet away from it, the woman watched Roland run to her side. He stood before her dressed in a cut red cloth with visable wounds on his body. After regaining it's stance and footing once again, the pack master slowly turned to regard them. The pack master hissed deeply, then rushed at Roland. Its claws slicing and swinging in a mad frenzy, trying desperately to slip past the massive boar and find their true mark. Yet time, and time again. Roland used his body to block the blows. Sometimes, he'd manage to stab it's palm again, or make a deep cut in it's forearm. Each hint of pain stalled it for a second. But in it's fury, the pack master grabbed his tusks again. Pain shot through its arms. But it refused to let go, in reply, Roland dug in his hooves. Fighting against the attempt to move him with every bit of energy he could muster. Until finally, the massive beast lifted him upwards and tossed him aside. His massive frame striking the earth shook the ground like an earthquake, and it's report sounded like a cannon. Roland tried to stand. But pain filled every inch of his body, just a few inches away from him. He could the pack master catching it's breath. Yet he would be powerless to stop it. His thoughts were a jumble; he thought of Zoey, Anne, George. Then Priscilla, Corday, Eddie and finally. Torc, when the thought of Torc crossed his mind. He recalled a simple fact, much like the civilian before him. Torc was human, he wasn't a hero of myth. Nor a hero of fable. Yet that human was more than willing to stand tall against the unyielding darkness. No matter what should crawl from its depths. Slowly, painfully. Roland rose once again, despite his wounds, despite his fear. He too would stand against the unyielding night, and force dawn to break. As the beast grew closer, it was clear the fight had taken a toll on its body. Looking almost exhausted, the pack master lifted one of its cursed claws and held it high. Before thrusting it downwards like a spear. There was a wet squishing sound, and a howl of pain. The pack master gasped in shock, and uttered a single word. "No!" Roland had given up his left eye to stop it. Violently, he impaled it's forearm onto his tusk and tossed himself against it's legs. Toppling the beast onto his back. Then Roland started to run with the pack master. Dragging it's malformed antlers across the ground, cracking and snapping them as they moved. He then, tossed the creature down before him. Seeing an opportunity, the pack master lifted its claw. But before it could strike, it paused. The look of Roland's single eye gazing at it, with a hateful almost wild look. Sending a feeling through it's frame it hadn't known in some time. Fear. With great haste, it recoiled away. And desperately tried to scale the fallen trees with its broken body. Roland gritted his teeth, and rushed at the now terrified beast. Stabbing his tusk deep into its heart from behind. A deep, pained hiss filled the air as it clutched tight to the fallen timber. Weakly, the creature spoke. While looking over it's shoulder to gaze at Roland. "You... Do, do you know what I gave up for this," it coughed in pain, struggling to speak as blood filled its lungs. Roland pulled his tusk free. Causing the pack master to gasp. "I do not care. If you have even the faintest hint of humanity left in your broken body, I suggest you cling to it's warmth and die quietly." he turned away from the beast. And made his way to the young woman, who watched his approach with a fearful expression. Her hand tightly holding to a familiar blood stained stone. Roland stood before her, body covered in wounds. Softly, he began to speak. "Hello ma'am. I am Roland of the thirteen. I'm sorry that we've met under such, unfortunate circumstances. But I promise you, you are safe now." For a moment, she looked into his single eye. In it, seeing no hint of malice. "Why did you save me? And why did you protect me? Just what are you?!" she asked, panic breaking through as the weight of the situation fell upon her mind. Shrugging weakly, he responded. "As I said, I am one of the thirteen. It is merely my duty. Protect the innocent, and slay monsters. My comrades should break through that make shift wooden barrier soon; until they do. Please rest." Slowly, his eye fell shut. And he fell to the earth. At the sight of him resting, the young woman let go of her stone. Instead placing her hands on his head, gently cradling his blood soaked fur. "Thank you Roland." Through their combined strength, the others manged to break through the fallen trees. first through was Corday, her wild eyes filled by the sight of death and injury. "Sir Roland!" the maid gasped, her wild frenzied eyes becoming uncharacteristically tame. From behind her, appeared Torc. Wordlessly, he ran past Corday. Only to be stopped by one of the last two nilfia, the creature stared at him with a horrid smile. "You are in my way, move!" was all the man said, as his silver blades stabbed into its lower abdomen. Breaking through flesh, muscle and bone. He tossed it aside effortlessly. And dashed to Roland, stopping to kneel beside him. "Roland speak to me!" weakly, he manged to open his single remaining eye. Smiling softly as he beheld Torc. "I. Apologize, my lord." Priscilla was the next to his side, as he drifted from consciousness. He heard her rummaging through her satchels of medicine. Carefully, she applied all kinds of mixs and bandages to his wounds. After which, Torc lifted the massive boar on to his back. Fully intent on carrying him back home, despite the protests of everyone gathered. "Shut up!" he demanded, "I'm not leaving Roland to die in the middle of the woods! Eddie, lead us back. Zoey, George you help carry the civilians. Corday, burn the bodies. Anne, cover our retreat." They stood at attention; nodding in reply to the order, they once more moved into a formation not unlike their standard. This time however, three of them were weighted down by wounded. It was an uncomfortably, quiet walk back. And as they reached the outskirts of the town, the final nílfia tried to strike. Leaping at Torc from his left, but a silver sphere sent it crashing to the ground. Corday quickly fell upon it, lighting the still living creature a flame, causing it to scream in pain as every inch of its foul beastly body was burned to little more than ash. Torc loaded up the massive wounded boar, his fellows all gathering round in the rear of the van. Intent on keeping a close eye on his condition. The van shook as they raced through the night, trying to reach their home while Roland still drew breath. Once they reached the manor, Torc wasted no time in carrying him to Priscilla's clinic. There, she removed his current wrappings; in their place, she placed strange colored bandages. While whispering a small, frightened prayer. "Please work, please." her small forearm ran along her eyes, pushing away tears. After some time, stitching up what she could. And wrapping what she couldn't, Priscilla stepped out. Leaving Roland to rest on a large modified bed much like his. There, stood like a looming shadow against the wall next to the door of her clinic was Torc. Slowly, he turned to regard her with a terrible expression. "How's he looking?" the man asked, his voice. Strained, as if he was holding a flood of feeling. Priscilla couldn't bare to meet his gaze straight on as she delivered the news. Instead she stared straight ahead. "Its in the hands of the divine now. I. I'm sorry my lord." her small voice shook. In response, Torc softly patted her head, then walked into the clinic. Roland opened his eye, and saw nothing but darkness. Slowly, he stood. Trying to figure out just where he was. When a voice struck his ear, turning on his hooves. He was met by the sight of a tall man in a long coat with a large brimmed hat, a bright light shined from seemingly nowhere on the figure. Yet the large brimmed hat hid most of his features, save for a single glowing blue eye. "Hello there Roland, we haven't exactly met before now. But I'm well aware of who you are. And I've seen what you are willing to do." For some reason, Roland felt safe in the figures presence. "I'm sure you are wondering who I am, or where you are. I'll cut to the chase, this is the path to a never ending hunt. And I, as you might guess am it's hunt master." Softly, Roland nodded. Then spoke, "Why are you here? If you are who I believe you to be, then I am unworthy of being before you." the figure laughed a deep belly laugh. "Your humbleness shows part of why you are worthy. But, that's got nothing to do with why I'm here. No, I'm here to give you a choice." Slowly, the one eyed figure knelt down on one knee, their eye meeting Roland's. "Thank you sir, I admit. I still don't quite understand any of what's going on. But I'll do my best to make a choice worth your time." Once again, the figure laughed. Their body positively shaking from the joyous display. "My goodness, you are something else Roland." The large boar shuffled slightly, "I am simply myself sir. Roland of the thirteen, nothing more, nothing less." gently, the figure patted his head with a smile. "That you are, now. On to the matter of the choice, before I let you choose. There's something I want you to hear, or rather somethings." The figure whistled, calling from the darkness around them a raven. Carefully, the bird came to rest on the figures open palm. From its mouth came a voice he knew well. "Rest as long as you need, you know we'll be here when you wake." said a hushed tone he knew well, then another. This voice more gentle in it's whisper. "I'll be waiting for you at my desk, so we may continue our reading of the twelve paladins." a tired voice spoke next, "I've done everything I can for you, I just hope it's enough." A more loud proud voice followed after, "C'mon man, you can't go leaving us behind!" then there came a voice of great comfort. "Don't worry about your outfit dear, I'll have it fixed before you wake. I swear." But the next voice, sounded guilty or regretful. "I'm, I'm so sorry Roland. I swear next time I won't let anyone get a chance to harm you!" depression walked behind rage. "Rolo, I already lost my pa. I can't lose you too." in the wake of sorrow, came madness. "Sir Roland, I promise to keep your chambers clean until you should enter them again, I promise you." From beyond the madness, spoke a guide. "I'll find us plenty of places to see, so please. Be there to see em." for some reason, he could smell a delicious scent behind the next voice. "Damn it lad, I told you bout not being careful. Now look at you, how am I supposed to cook for you if you ain't able to sit at the table?" There faintly came a harps string, cut through by a familiar warm tone. "C'mon big guy, you ain't supposed to go out like this, we've still plenty of shows left to play!" Finally, he heard a voice that he knew well. But for the first in his life, he heard the voice speak without pride, without strength or command. In their place, was uncertainty, weakness and doubt. He strained his ears to listen. "Please. Mistress of kur, I beg you. Don't take my only son, don't take Roland." it was a prayer, something he'd rarely if ever heard Torc utter. In disbelief, he turned to regard to figure. "I believe, I understand. If choosing to join your endless hunt means leaving them behind, I'm afraid I must with all due respect decline." with a small smirk. The figure rose from their knelt position. And released their raven to the void. They then looked down, regarding Roland. "So be it. I guess you'd choose them over me, and I'm glad to be right. Go then, Roland of the thirteen. Return to your family's side. Oh, and tell Matilda her Pa is very proud of her." with those words, the figure disappeared. And Roland started running through the endless void, until finally. His single eye opened; it was a blurry sight at first. For a good few minutes, his head was spinning. And he wasn't sure if what he witnessed was just a figment of his imagination or if he'd actually met the Huntsman. But, he was quickly made aware of something much more important. Sat next to him, was a man in a familiar jacket. His hair was dirty, and unkempt. He sat there, head hung low, eyes shut. Slowly, Roland tried to sit up. But very quickly he fell back against the mattress with a loud thud, that seemed to wake the man. He stared at Roland for a moment, before jumping to his feet and leaning forward. Tightly embracing the massive boar. In a soft, weak voice he spoke. "By the Mistress of Kur, you are alive." while they shared a hug, the door opened. And Priscilla entered, before she could even try to speak. She was stunned by the sight of Roland hugging Torc. Quickly she pushed the pair apart, and started looking over the massive beast of a boar. Checking every aspect of his body, from his blood to his breath. "Its a miracle, you. You are alive!" much like their lord, she couldn't help but embrace him in a tight hug. Weakly, Roland wrapped his arms around Priscilla. "I'm sorry for worrying you all so much." his voice sounded rough, and deeper then usual. Gently, she helped him down a small drink of water. "Don't worry about that right now, you've still gotta recover from being out of commission. So focus your energy on that instead, as for you." she said, turning to regard Torc. "Go shave, Roland deserves better than to be greeted by an unkempt beard." the man nodded, and left the pair alone. As he stepped out, Priscilla sighed deeply. Before turning to Roland. "He hasn't left your side for, who knows how long." she deeply frowned. And pain filled her gaze. Carefully, he placed his hoove on her head. "Thank you for your tireless efforts, little sister Priscilla." With a long drawn out creak sound. The door to her clinic opened, and one by one. Other members of the thirteen walked in, starting with Zoey. Her hood uncharacteristically lowered to show her face. Following behind, came Dex adorned in his light blue robe and glasses. Priscilla smiled at the sight of them. Next came George, who walked in without his false tusk. Close behind him, in a beautiful frilly dress was Lavinia. From the gathering crowd, Roland made out the sight of Anne in her crisp white tunic. Next to the sling user, stood a familiar pair of bright blue eyes hidden beneath a cowboy hat. In the form of Matilda. Brushing past them both carefully, in a monotone frilly dress was Corday. Carefully next to her, walked Eddie dressed in more casually dark red and orange tunic. Gently, Arthur sat down by the door. His dark blue apron almost hiding him from sight in the crowd. Almost dancing by, harp in hoove came Tony. The flashy rhinestone covered leather and large pomadour he wore hard to miss. But, standing behind all of them. In a dark brown long coat. Next to a man with a purple and gray poncho, was Torc next his grá. With great care, they walked past everyone else to Roland's side. "Hey hun, sorry I'm a little late to the party." they said softly, while rustling his hair with a toothless smile. Roland smiled, and spoke softly. "Its quite alright. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask my lord- I mean, I'd like to ask Torc a question." they nodded then stepped back. Gesturing for Torc to step forward; slowly Torc moved closer and knelt down. "What is it Roland?" he asked softly, his expression filled with worry. "I merely wanted to ask if you could fulfill a simple request for me, if it isn't too much trouble." Roland looked into Torc's eye as he spoke. The man's expression grew tense, "Of course, if it's with in my power, I'll see it done!" carefully, the large boar tapped his coat with a small playful smile. "Whenever I've recovered, I'd. I'd like to take a vacation to Yokohama, if that's quite alright." Six months later, after many sessions of physically therapy, working out. And other forms of recovery. Roland walked from a small shop that sold all kinds of different things. "How amazing, a camera that you can use for a bit then get rid of it. Please help me take plenty of good photos for everyone back home." He said softly to the small plastic and metal device, gently tapping its top. Roland walked to the end of the street, and took aim with it. Taking a photo of the various shops, and people walking by. One such person noticed him, then made their way over. Greeting him with a smile. "You a tourist?" with a deep nod, Roland replied. Carefully, the man squatted down. "Here let me see that camera, I'll take a picture of ya. If that's okay with you." Warmly, the large boar replied. "I'd like that, thank you very much kind sir." the man stepped back, and held the camera carefully. With a click. He captured that moment in time, much to Roland's delight. |