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by luna Author IconMail Icon
Rated: E · Chapter · Paranormal · #2332013
Maybe they WERE better off at the orphanage...
Luna watched as Jason’s smile instantly changed into a snarl. “Just stay in your rooms and don’ make a peep, got it?” Jason pointed his meaty finger at each of them. Luna wondered if she actually made the right decision. Maybe she should have listened to Ash. She nodded meekly under Jason’s glare. “Then scram!” Ash, Luna, and Volt all scurried upstairs. On the way to her’s and Ash’s room, Luna noticed the painting for the first time. The vibrant reds and deep blacks combined nicely to create a pretty gory picture. Pale bodies lay lifelessly on the floor. Small thin lines perfectly capturing the terror on the people’s faces. The blood practically oozed out of the frame. Is that oil paint? Luna reached out and lightly ran her hand across the painting. Suddenly, rough hands shoved her to the ground. All the air left Luna’s lungs in a whoosh. “Don’t you dare touch my painting,” a new, grating voice barked. “Hey, what’s going on?” Ash’s head appeared in the doorway. “Woah woah woah! No need to get all worked up. Your painting’s fine. I promise we won’t touch it again.” Volt casually edged between Luna and the new person. That earned him a punch to the gut. “Back off, freak” The new person flipped Volt off before storming into another room. Luna slowly picked herself up from the ground, putting a hand on the wall for support. “Volt, are you okay?” Luna inquired. “I’m fine. Are you all right?” Volt asked, sounding a little breathless. Luna nodded grimly. Ash tiptoed toward them and ushered everyone into her’s and Luna’s room. “I think I should stay in this room instead. At least we can look out for each other,” Volt said. Luna saw Ash’s shoulders slump in relief. Volt left the room and, a few moments later, came back with his bag. After unpacking a few of their things, Ash, Luna, and Volt slowly lapsed into their old routine. Volt sitting next to Luna, reading a book about robots. Luna resting her head on Volt’s shoulder, sketching a jungle. And Ash leaning against Luna’s legs, knitting a miniature baby-blue shirt for her squirrel carving. The calming sounds of a page flipping occasionally, the scratching of the pencil on the paper, and the click-clack of knitting needles filled the small room. Maybe everything will be all right after all...

“Luna, come on. Wake up. You can’t sleep on the floor like that. You’ll get a crick in your neck,” Volt whispered, shaking her shoulder gently. Luna groaned sleepily and blinked a few times, trying to see Volt in the dark. “It’s already nighttime?” she asked groggily. “Yeah. Let’s get you onto your bed,” Volt suggested, looping Luna’s left arm around his shoulder. He carefully lifted her upright. “Wait. My sketchbook,” Luna tried to pull away. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll deal with everything in the morning,” Volt reassured, lowering Luna next to Ash on the bed. “Gu’ nigh’,” Luna mumbled, already half-asleep. She never heard Volt’s reply.

Luna blinked awake. “Oh good. You’re awake!” Ash leaned over her. Ignoring her, Luna burrowed deeper into the thin blankets. “Stop bugging her, Ash. You know how she is in the mornings,” Volt called from the other side of the room. Ash grinned cheekily. “Ok ok fine. But Luna, we’ve got a slight problem. I hate to break it to you, but your sketchbook looks REALLY destroyed.” “WHAT?!” Luna bolted upright and frantically looked around for it. Volt sighed. “It’s right here. Perfectly fine, see?” Volt held up her intact sketchbook, glaring daggers at Ash. But the twinkle in his eye totally gave him away. “Yeah, I’m up now. Thanks to you jerks,” Luna rolled her eyes. She padded over to Volt and snatched the sketchbook from him. After stashing it safely in her bag, she opened the door. It squeaked loudly, and Luna stuck her head out, making sure no one heard it. She tiptoed into the hallway... and tripped over a thin wire close to the ground. Her stomach dropped. Catching herself before she face-planted on the ground, she rolled over. And could only watch as a whole bin of pans and pots placed conveniently outside her’s and Ash’s room flipped over and dropped everything. The clanging of metal, the banging of pans, and the clinking of silverware could probably have been heard within a 2-mile radius. Ears ringing, Luna scrambled up. Her heartbeat pounded as she ran into the room, dodging all the cooking items as best as she could. “What was that?!” Ash looked like a deer caught in headlights. “No time!” Luna breathed, searching for a hiding spot. Beneath the beds. Luna shoved both Ash and Volt toward their beds and crawled under with Ash, just as the door banged open. “What the ‘ell?! What did I say about bein’ quiet?! You will pay for this,” Jason boomed. Luna grimaced. Volt stared wide-eyed at her from below the other bed. Please don’t move! Luna prayed. Heavy footsteps echoed in the room as Jason methodically checked every hiding spot. Suddenly, a pair of pale, hairy feet appeared in front of Luna’s face. Oh no oh no oh no! A surge of panic rose from inside her, and she squeezed as far back as she could. Jason crouched down and reached under the bed. Luna gasped as his hand grabbed hold of her right arm, the scars pulling her skin painfully. “HAHA! Got you! There’s no escaping me now,” Jason cackled, yanking Luna out. He then proceeded to pull Ash out by her foot. “Let’s go,” Jason grinned menacingly. He started to pull them into the hallway. “Wait! It’s my fault!” Volt yelled, jumping out from under the other bed. Jason switched Ash to the other hand and snatched Volt’s arm. “Well, then you can spend a nice time in the cellar with them.” He dragged the now limp Ash, Luna, and Volt down the stairs and into the kitchen. After kicking open a door that probably led down into the cellar, Jason heaved them down the dusty stairs. “Have a great time!” He called before slamming the door shut and sliding in a few dozen locks. Luna rushed back up the narrow stairs and banged on the door. “Let us out!” She shouted desperately. Silence. This can’t be happening. No no no no.. Luna’s chest rose and fell rapidly, her breath coming in short gasps.
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