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Meditation and rituals to show the way of a sinful world and save the souls of humanity. |
Exploring human existence against a background of a dynamic cosmos
Greetings fellow explorers of creative thought: Research into the religious and occult views of past civilizations, has made me aware that human consciousness within their immediate and general geographical environments, along with actions that follow in their physical and emotional state of mind, creates heightened imaginations that dramatize unbelievable thoughts through stories we call facts, myths and legends. Based upon several accounts, it appears that religious scribes, philosophers, visionaries and creative thinkers told stories about intrinsic aspects of higher spiritual beliefs as human societies evolved. While stories of the human experience intertwined with perceptions of powerful Gods of both good and evil, they have captured the volatile human emotions and effected the chemistry of our senses with fantastic results and impactful visions about the unseen realms. These concepts have created various relatable impressions of death and the grandeur of life of unseen worlds in human psychology. Mankind accepted that such stories told by great leaders, call upon heavenly beings through prayer, meditation and rituals to show the way of a sinful world and save the souls of humanity. Using their illuminated understanding of celestial things told through their stories, the learned scholars bring profound awareness to members of the society in which they live. Although, while engaging such lofty ideals of everlasting life, divisions among humans often lead to conflict of ideas displayed through war and destruction. My research suggests that illustrious beings who possess the knowledge of powerful unseen manifestations from the celestial realms, were also found behind the thrones of great Kings and leaders while leading the battle between divergent cultural and spiritual objectives. These voices of wisdom appear to be responsible for the outcome of chaos, wars and destruction among people of the same faiths who lived together under different social, moral and religious rules. Storytellers describe certain legendary characters of high spirituality and enormous stature and power as champions of good. At the same time, Gods, goddesses, demonic deities and odd curiosities also existed in our human historical imaginations, and these entities continue to wield absolute power over humanity by fear. The overall concept of various other traditional holy books tells us that highly superior entities descended from heaven; rose from the bowels of the earth; or emerged from the depths of the oceans, to impact all levels of human material and spiritual life. This concept also proposes that at various points in our perceived history, societies of fairies, elves, ogres, fearsome human/animal creations, giants and other mythical creatures of the air, land and water, would have existed and are now considered distant memories that appear from other spiritual planes of existence beyond our three-dimensional world. However doubtful these mythical stories are, humans appear to accept the awesome presence of these creations of good, evil and curious natures as part of distant memories - present unseen anomalies - or future beliefs that continue to exist in an imaginary world. It would appear these dynamic manifestations have become ingrained in our audio-visual perceptions and have slowly affected the natural flow of our material and spiritual embodiment. In such cases material distractions like comforts that money can buy, physical and sensual love and power, offers enticing rewards that appeals to our human senses and emotions are all that matters in our psychical world. The more success of obtaining these material attributes, most times cause us to spend less time in pursuing our deeper spiritual goals. Perhaps these distraction offers an answer to the human body/spirit disconnection? What do you think?
Many metaphysical, occult scholars, modern scientists and morticians, suggest that there is an elemental substance that leaves the human body after death; that when the body dies, there is a reduction in body weight of the deceased. Many traditions hold that the soul passes out through the nose, eyes and mouth or through the anterior fontanel, an opening in the skull that normally closes after birth, or during early childhood. The test of the phenomenon of spirit/body experiences, unfolds in Episode One of 'Secrets of the lost Jaguar'. In the pages 25-26, where the young, embattled and lost genetic scientist, Dr. Luiz de Guzman encounters an unusual transformation of body and spirit, while being overtaken by vibrational powers beyond his physical and mental control. Excerpt from the novel: {"He was conscious but realized that another level of consciousness had entered his mind making him feel like a gigantic thought force without a body; where his whole being was moving through a luminous vibrating hole in the massive rock wall."} Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI), with its potential benefits to human progress, is considered a veiled threat to natural human social, spiritual and biological integration. In my observation, and based upon human behavior, man's growing dependence on AI may soon create the necessity for AI to overtake and supplant human intelligence. Because of its versatile abilities to serve mankind's needs for information and to satisfy pleasurable desires at a faster and cheaper rate, it has become a powerful and necessary tool for mankind. The mere fact that humans have become totally dependent upon science and scientific tools and gadgets like our cell-phones, TV's etc., in our culture today; our minds and bodies experience various forms of radiation, biological and other mental changes as part of our entertainment. It's apparent that science has become a necessary factor designed to advance mankind's objectives for greater knowledge, creature comforts, and longer lifespans on earth and many gravitate toward AI and other similar technologies because of that. By nature, Homo sapiens has proven to be very adaptive to various natural devastating and artificial changes in the world in which we have lived for centuries, and science confirms that. Although some earlier species of humans have become extinct, Homo sapiens has been adapting to earth's dramatic and terrifying natural changes successfully. According to various religious creationist theology, from the time Homo sapiens were created and given the breath of life by God to become a living soul, they became more intelligent and aware of things around them and has adapted to the changing climate with more efficiency. Our scientists have employed more warning signals to alert us of coming disastrous weather changes. In some cases, like in The Netherlands. A land submerged 12 feet below sea level, the leaders have successfully employed a wonder of preventative engineering called 'Delta Works', to save the land from being overtaken by the sea. By using a continuous mix of dams, dykes, levees and locks to keep the rising sea levels, caused by global warming from overtaking the land, the Dutch government reclaimed vast areas of land for profitable agricultural purposes. There are many similar cases all over the world, where humans applied science and ingenuity to solve nature's problems and reaped the benefits. What do you think? Now dear readers, I humbly extend an invitation for you to comment on the views I have proposed. Please feel free to communicate your thoughts, one week after receiving, this Blog. PLEASE COMMENT: Comments could be short or extensive, all views are accepted. Respondents must be aware that their views about each blog, will be published as one book after compilation is complete. Names and identities of participants, are optional.
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