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Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2329215
It consists of many different tales which gives a moral at the end. It is suitable for 7+

In Indore, a boy named Anant lived. He had a very cranky nature, but he had a pure heart. One day, when he was going to the park, he met his old friend, Somya. Somya asked, "Hey! Anant, How much did you score in Math's?" He answered, "I scored very less in Math's". Somya said, "I think that you should start working on your Math's skills. Anant indignantly answered, "It's none of your business" and he left. Next day many of his friends asked him about his marks, and he replied the same thing, "You people are garrulous because you don't have anything to do with your studies". He did this very common thing with his friends whenever they asked him something or recommended him to do something. He used to rebuke, push and hit his friends. Because of his this kind of behavior, his friends used to maintain a distance from him. When the senior graders of the school saw this, so they decide to take an undue advantage of it. The next day they came up with a plan to bully him, and one of the ninth grader boy named Kartik said, "Hello dear friend" and he added, "For so many days I have been noticing that your friends are trying to make you feel low esteemed of yourself by asking about your pathetic marks. I am sorry for you because once I had also gone through the same problem in seventh grade. I think that you should come up with some new friends like us". Other boy named Rajveer said, "I hope that you will at least think about this offer because I know that you are proficient in taking decisions, and you are not like your friends, so you please be candor, and tell us till the fifth period. He felt a bit bewildered, but somehow he had to decide. The naive boy was unaware of the monstrous seniors, who would going to take fun at his expense. The next day he made his mind and befriended them. The seniors made much of him to achieve his faith. Slowly and gradually, they became best friends, and now it was the time to make him the victim of a practical joke. One day, during the brunch time, Kartik and Rajveer planed a practical joke. They spilt some carom powder on the floor and made a disgusting mixture of, egg, sand, milk and glue, which they kept on the top of the door and slightly closed the door; Anant entered their class, and suddenly he fell due to the slippery carom surface and the mixture fell down on him. He felt embarrassing in front of everyone, and the two boys ran away. When Anant saw the two boys, he said them, "I know that you did this to me, and it was a much cringed practical joke due to which I got embarrassed in front of everyone, and now I will complaint the vice principle, Mr. Muryari Lal Sharma". Kartik held his collar, dragged him to the washroom, and said, "Hey you wriggly worm, just shut your mouth because I don't want us to get in a problem. If you tell about us to anyone so for sure the senior officials of the school will suspended us." Rajveer said, "If we face any such problem, so remember that we will not spare you because we know your address, which you gave us last week. Remember?" From that day onwards, Anant started acting like their slave, so that they did not harm him. He used to give them his lunch-box, he did their pending work etc. One day when the boys told him to steal money from his mother's purse and give it to them , so he refused, so the boys had beaten him so harshly that he seemed to be very foible. His friends lurked at the close quarters and noticed him tortured by his tormentors; they empathized with him and called him to the quadrangle during the sports period. When he came there, his friends suggested him to fight against this thing. They told him to complaint from the vice principle and said that they were with him. This awoke a new courage in him, and he stood against his toxic friends. He complained the vice principle, and the two boys were suspended from the school. The next day Kartik and Rajveer went his house to take a revenge from him, but they saw an ingratitude of children with wooden bats in their hands standing against them, so they ran away. "I was a fool that I did not value such friends. I apologize", Anant, said, and everyone became friends forever.


One of the most famous mythical creature of Ancient Greece was the werewolf. Although, many have tried to prove it wrong but none could ever change the conservative thoughts of the people. In a village named Papingo, the people believed that a dreaded werewolf still existed. It was the resident of the Astraka Mountain; nobody dared to pass by that mountain. One day, an American man named David immigrated to Greece. He was a wealthy man and had opened his inn. He did not believe in the myth of werewolf. His main aim was to prove the story of werewolf wrong.
"Last night, I heard a deafening sound of the werewolf. It seemed that it was bellowing", said the valet at his inn. "I do not believe a bit in your story", David added, "If werewolf were true then I could have seen one but I have not past two years". "Sire, this is for your safety, never pass from those mountains at night especially during full moon night; you are the native of a modernized country", he said. David was in no mood of argument. This time, he could not bear it so he climbed up on the mountains at night, "I am done with this absurd story. I will going to prove this werewolf myth wrong". He tried to climb up but suddenly, he heard the noise of rocks breaking down. A landslide was going to occur. He had no chance so he climbed down. "I wanted prove this story wrong but suddenly, a land slide occurred", David said. "Werewolf must have caused a landslide", a passerby guessed. "People are right; one can never change your conservative thoughts", David indignantly said. The next morning, again he climbed up the mountains. This time, he reached at the climax with an American hanger-on. "Let us stay here until night", they both built a tent and rested there until night. "Is the trap ready?" asked the hanger-on. "Yes", David answered. The atmosphere turned humungous. The dazzling full moon slightly appeared and the streaks of lightning passed across the sky. Suddenly, the clouds dispelled and there came a bellowing werewolf. The crimson blood covered its dirty claws. It was deep brown and had sharp canines. It had hazel eyes. Both of them ran at their fastest pace. "You were right. Oh! Yes, you were", David said in a quaking voice. "Fortunately, while gathering us, it tripped down or else it could have become our last night", said the hanger-on. Both of them had reached safely to the inn. The next morning, an African tourist named Amari booked a room at the inn. He was welcomed grandly as he was the second customer at the inn. In afternoon, without informing anyone, Amari went to climb the mountains. He was a professional mountaineer and thus, he was certain to reach the top most point. He stayed there until night and the staff at the inn turned frightened to learn that one of their customer was missing. "Sire, there is no point of dialing the number because there is no internet connection", the manager continued, "Now, he has to stick it out at his own because nobody will go to search him on the mountains". Suddenly, Amari opened the door, "Who is missing?" Everyone felt a sense of relief to see him but the most stunning thing for David was to see a shabby cloth or skin, which Amari had tied on his left leg. It exactly looked like the werewolf's skin. "What is that cloth tied on your left leg, sire?" David asked with suspicion. "Actually, while climbing the mountains of Astraka", everyone twitched with fear. Amari continued, "My leg got injured that is why I had to stop in between. Where I rested, I saw two tents; I entered inside the tent to ask for help but nobody was there and the bleeding was happening in excess. Fortunately, I saw a cloth lying on the surface so I tied it with my leg. Now could a get a first aid treatment?" Initially, the people present at the inn went under silence but after that, they told the whole story to Amari. "I do not believe", Amari, continued, "If it is true so let us check it today only. The youngsters of the village gathered and clung the snare tightly. They were in full enthusiasm and strolled a bit further. When they saw glimpse of the werewolf, they threw the snare on it but actually, it was not a werewolf. It was a bogus man! The villagers twitched in anger and commenced beating the man. "Why did you use to scare us?" asked the villagers. He tremblingly answered, "Because, I had fun doing that". "Fine, now we will have fun by beating you from this stick", said the police officer. "See, I told you not to believe on these myths but whatever, I liked the way that man dressed the most. He seemed to appear like a real werewolf", Amari said.


Once upon a time, there was a farmer named Ranji, who lived in a village named Balia. He was facing many difficult financial situation because of the drought, but somehow he had to stick it out. One day, Sarpanch ji came to his house and said, "Dear Ranji, you've sacrificed a lot for this village, and now I don't want you to suffer more because for three months you've been suffering with poverty, and now I want you to find a job in the city". Ranji in a dilemma and eventually, he made his mind to stay in the village just not because he didn't want to leave his friends and family on their condition, but a journey to the city would cost him a lot, and he was not even in a condition to have a proper meal. On a sunny Sunday morning he woke up to go on work in the field; there he saw that all his crops perished, so he turned crestfallen. "Unfortunate, I have to do this labor class work", he said in despair. Suddenly, while excavating the ground, he found a treasure map; he exclaimed with joy and said, ''Wow! That is great. I found a treasure map; now I will become the richest person of this village, and I will travel to the city of Jaipur to find a high package job, but there is still a problem that I am not that good in reading maps. Oh! My friend Vikram is cartographer; he may help me find the treasure". He called his friend and told him about the treasure map, but he was wiser than Ranji; he said, ''Hey Ranji, how are you?" Ranji Hastily said, ''I have an amazing news for you". Ranji continued, ''I found a treasure map while I was excavating the ground; for so many months I have been suffering because of this drought, but now finally I will become the richest person of this village, and you will help me as you have a lot of knowledge related to maps". Vikram's eyes filled with wisdom, and he said, ''Sure, but I want money in advance". Ranji said, "UGHH! That is fine". Both of them together found the treasure. Ranji distributed the money as per the condition kept forward by Vikram; he distributed the money equally but kept the extra five hundred rupees. Vikram asked indignantly, ''Hey! Why did you keep those extra five hundred with you?" Ranji answered, ''because I found the map, and you just worked like a helper". Vikram said, "If I wouldn't be there, so it would had become impossible for you to find the treasure, and you have not done a favor on me". Ranji sternly answered. They started quarreling; many of the villagers got out of their huts and heard their quarrel. Sarpanch ji came out, and when he heard their conversation, so both of them were exposed. He turned furious and said, ''I was going to transfer all my earnings in your bank account, but you showed your selfishness; you could have easily used it to help the thirsty people of the village, but now when you have showed your wickedness, so live on this handful amount". He punished both Ranji and Vikram and this is how they learnt a lesson.


She belonged to a lower- middle-class-family in Shiggaon, where her inspiration Sudha Murty was born. "Karuna! Dinner is ready. Come fast", the young girl's mother called. "Coming mother!" she answered. "What's there in the dinner?" she asked. "Its kundapura koli saaru", she answered. "These days, our little sweet heart has started taking interest in story writing", Karuna's father, Ramcharan Prasaad said to her mother, Kokila. "Fine, fulfill all your frivolous wishes for now; after this month we will get you married in a wealthy and illustrious family", Kokila said. "It is not an age to get married for anyone. I am just seventeen years old, and this is the age to fulfill my dreams, which are not frivolous", she retorted. "Mind your language, Karuna", Kokila chastised her. The next day she woke up and started writing. This time she wrote a poem to woo her mother for some money to buy a pen to write stories. She wrote, 'You have power of beauty and you always stood for your duty; you are so charming and do the happiness farming. You are a mother, and I cannot compare you from any other. God has given me a boon, and I will love you till the end of the moon.' "You are still so notorious and a nuisance. Okay, I will give you a handful amount", Kokila said. Karuna overwhelmed with joy and went to buy a pen. "Nice to meet you Karuna", the shopkeeper said. "Sukhi chacha, I have got something to show you. Read my poem", she said. He read her poem, and the tears filled his eyes; he said, "This is such an evocative poem, which drew an image of my mother in my mind. Your literary work is praiseworthy and ineffable". She bought a pen and returned home. When she returned home, so she got a shocking news about her marriage date, which her mother fixed after with her neighbor's son, Angad. She went inside her room in despair. "Sleep well, because tomorrow we have to wake up early to go, and buy your bridal dress", Kokila sternly said. "That is not fair mother; you have to give me a chance to prove my talent", Karuna said. "Fine I am delaying this marriage on your behalf, but the only condition is that in these two months you have to achieve your goal", Kokila gave a chance to her as per the condition. She talked to the groom's family, and they accepted to delay the marriage. Karuna did not want to leave this golden chance, so she started writing as many stories as she could. Two months later, her father sent her book to the publisher, but unfortunately, they could not afford to get it published. "I carried on my promise, and now it is time for you to carry on yours's. Get ready, and come down for your engagement", Kokila said. Karuna got ready and came down for the engagement. "Oh! No! This engagement shouldn't happen or else the marriage will also be done", Karuna thought. "Oh wow! My daughter-in-law is looking so beautiful", Angad's mother, Shanti Nayka said. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. "Is there somebody here?" Mr. Arjun babu asked. "Oh! So here is our young author, Karuna Prasaad", he said. Kokila stared at him. "Mr. Ramcharan Prasaad ji, your daughter has impressed me a lot with her colossal thoughts and short stories that I am ready to publish her book. I know that over here, the girls have a trivial value, but I want her to go in this field, and do P.H.D in English, for which I will remit you the fees. I really want our posterity to learn something from your daughter, sire", he said. "Did you hear it Kokila? Our daughter is amazing. It's that just you pressurized her to marry at such a young age, which is meant for studying, but now I hope that you will understand", Ramcharan said. "But this is such a nice family for our daughter", Kokila worriedly said. "Don't worry Kokila. We have no issues from your daughter's success. Until she completes her studies, we will not force you to get her married from my son, instead we will encourage her", Shanti said. Kokila turned carefree, and in future her daughter, Karuna became a great author.


2Oth century children are all time busy in their video games. One such popular game is 'Mysterious Minecraft', the latest version of the Minecraft game. A vast population is addicted to that game and some are inside it! I was one of those victims named Parul, who had a serious addiction of Minecraft and one day, when I downloaded Mysterious Minecraft, I received a strange request, which said, "Welcome to the Minecraft world and please click on the button, which will appear in front of you in a minute". I eagerly waited for the button to appear and as soon as it appeared, I clicked on it and the phone pulled me inside that game. I closed my eyes for a minute and when I saw the VR world, I could not believe. I overwhelmed with fear, astonishment, apprehension and regret. "I have recently come here and I have no idea", I said in agony. Suddenly! "To all the users, my heartiest welcome", came a robotic voice from somewhere. It continued, "You have entered in the VR World to venture across the beauty of creativity. Now, it is a time not to worry but to face the challenges, which you will be facing in a minute. Remember, the one who lose, will drown deep into the Minecraft ocean and the one, who wins will enter the real world". Many things sounded incoherent to me, but I had no other option. A virtual villager appeared in front of us and instructed us, "The first stage is to collect as many different resources as you can. I hope you know the rules of the survival mode. Each resources should be different from each other and mistakenly, if you pick similar kind of resources, I will dump you in the ocean. Before going, you will have four team members and otherwise too, there are only four users for today." I made teams with a girl named Jenny and two boys named Ken and June. "Fellows, I am Parul. Let us decide which all resources we will pick". "I will pick different kinds of flowers", Jenny said. "I will pick mushroom", Ken said. "Who are you to instruct us?" June, a rebellion boy asked indignantly. "This is a team June! You ought to compromise and cooperate", Ken said. 'HUH!' June left from there. "I will search for meat", I said. All three of us scattered in different directions. While I was searching for meat, I found many zombies there; I was scared to go ahead so I tiptoed from a cave behind a waterfall. That was quiet a damp and dark place, where I found a herd of sheep, who were inside a cage. This was a fortune for me that I had found a resource. In order to not to get lost, we did not go far and dug some holes inside the land, which could guide us back to the original place, where we met. "Parul, I have got different kinds of flowers!" "I got a mushroom!" "And I got meat!" Three of us exclaimed in joy. "We have got different resources", Jenny said, "And I have got your team member, who I will dump into the ocean", said the brutal villager. He held June's fragile hand tightly and dragged him near the land's edge. June screamed, bellowed and wailed but it did not affect the villager in any way. "Wait! Reduce one of my lifeline and spare that boy", I said. Everyone stared me and were dumbfound to learn that I was sacrificing my lifeline for a person, who misbehaved with me. "Good to see your sacrifice. Now you have only five lifelines", the villager said in a taunting manner. "I apologize for my rude behavior, Parul", June regretted. "Alright, but why did they do this to you?" I asked him so he told me that whoever does not play the game, he would be punished for that because there is no option of quitting. "In the next level, you will enter in the ice world, where you will find the resources for making a house". Soon, we entered in the ice world and shivered under the chilling cold. We again scattered into distinct directions but found nothing to make a house. "Guys! We can break these ice sheets to make an igloo out of it", Ken came with his fruitful idea. Our tension turned into delight and we made a wonderful igloo out of the ice sheets. "Well done! My users. Now, let's level up!" The villager updated our level and took us into a desert. He continued, "Here, you have to find a treasure chest and for that, you will have clues along with you". He gave us a shabby paper containing two clues, which would guide us to the chest. "I am good at solving riddles", June said. I held him that paper and he read the first riddle, "I am a fleshy plant surrounded with thorns; I am versatile, who could adapt in this harsh condition and will guide you the way ahead", he continued, "It is a cactus!" Jenny asked in distress, "There are many cacti, which one to choose?" This time, June was clever, "The clue says that it will guide us ahead. 'HMMM' the cactus in front". We moved ahead and read the next riddle, "I have a hump, paddy feet and taller than enderman; I will meet you, where two elements meet". This riddle was tricky to solve. "It is a camel but where will we find it?" June asked. 'HMMM?' Everyone fell into a dilemma. "The two elements are water and atmosphere here, so it should be horizon", Jenny guessed. "But Jenny, a camel cannot stand on the horizon", Ken said. "But, there is a third element Earth. It is the coast!" I exclaimed. Four of us immediately ran towards the coast and found a camel walking ahead. We stalked it and found a building made of sand blocks. As soon as we entered inside it, the floor broke and we fell inside basement kind of area, where we saw four boxes full of resources. "Friends, we have crossed this level too but how to climb out?" June asked. "There are many blocks inside this chest. Let us make stairs from these blocks starting from the end of this basement to the top", Jenny gave a spectacular idea. This is how we crossed the third level also. Now, it was time for the final level. "Dear users, I am glad to tell you that you are now qualified for the final level, which will be battle. Use all your resources to defeat the zombies, witches and spiders", and the villager vanished. We entered the dark world of evils. As soon as we stepped ahead, they turned and attacked, 'BOOM!' We could not do anything because we were not ready. They jumped upon us and finished half of our lifeline. Somehow, we threw them and ran towards a tree house. "First, let us plan to," Ken had not finished yet and came a bellowing sound, "AHH! I am getting weaker. My lifelines are finished", June, said in agony. All of us fell silent. The silence was unconventional showing a lot of hopelessness and regret. I could barely see June dying, while facing a great hardship. "We had a good time together, pals, but I do not wish to live further because I have realized the biggest mistake of my life that I was not playing this game but letting this game play with me. I made a mobile game reign my life. Take my lifelines. I cannot let you die", I said in great despair and started to cry. Suddenly, Jenny gently touched my shoulder and said, "We are team members and it is even our responsibility to sacrifice for you". Both of them gave each of their lifelines to June and he stood up strong again. "Now let us finish this!" We exclaimed in enthusiasm and fury. We took the shields and covered ourselves, held the diamond swords, wore the armor and had gone wild and insane. 'BOOM! BANG! KAPOK! SMASH! YIPPEE!' We did it and eventually flew out of the game with the victory wings.


I lived in a dark alley of Mexico City, where, every day, at night, the witches used to assemble and used to trouble the people. We were done with their actions but we were not capable to stand against those witches. Last year, during Christmas, a coven of witches created a disaster at our Christmas party. They casted a spell on everyone. They made my uncle Benjamin a dog, my aunt Marie a cat, my cousin Polly a pig! Although, somehow they had recovered in a day or two but could not get out of the trauma. The most wonderful festival became the most gruesome moment for them and I guarantee you that they cannot forget that moment until their next birth. If this was the condition during such an auspicious day, so just imagine that what we had to face during the Halloween. "Dear Jenny, what do you want this Christmas?" asked my mother Joe. "I just want a peaceful celebration without the interference of those nosy and nasty witches", I said. "That is an impossible task, dear. Think of something else", mother said. I thought to demand a magical snare to trap a whole coven of witches but then mother would have said that it was bad idea as it would be cruelty. "Your father said, 'No need to celebrate Christmas at home this time. Let us celebrate somewhere out''', mother said. I did not find it very useful because surely, father would have booked a third class room in a third class hotel. I was tired of his stinginess. One day, a little witch named Nancy stuck into a marsh. "Help me!" She cried. I was shocked to see that scene in front of my eyes, where the people were looking at her with satisfaction as if it was a great moment. They were cruel because they are witches but we are humans and we should enhance humanity. "Why are you staring at her? Go and help her", I said. "Are you in your senses? She is a witch, our enemy. I am certain to say that she will cast a spell on us if we aid her", a villager said. "Are you so barbarous, sire?" I added, "She is a witch that is why she will cast a spell but we are humans and our responsibility is to show humanity and kindness to others". After a long lecture also, nobody was ready to get her out. Finally, I threw a rope and got her out. "I am a witch. Our coven trouble you and your kindred so why did you help me?" Nancy asked. "Initially, I was frightened to answer her. I replied in a low voice, "It was my responsibility to save you". "What makes you think that way?" She was curious to know. "Humanity and affection towards every creature makes me think that way", I added, "What makes you do this to us?" I asked her. "Our evilness and our character", she said. "Whatever character you get, you should always be kind to others. You have fun troubling others but have you ever done something nice from your magic wand?" I added, "Try doing that once and then tell me". She gave me a lame expression, nodded and headed back. The days passed away and one day, during Halloween, we decide not to do any celebrations. It used to be a bustle at our colony but since the witches started roaming in our colony, the bustle gradually dispelled. I decided to hide behind the bushes and to picture the witches. At night, they assembled and started casting spell on the people. Suddenly, Nancy yelled at the witches, "Stop it! Forgotten that they are also living beings?" the supreme enchanter Guadalupe came forward and asked, "Why, what is the matter?" by that time, everyone had gone into a deep silence and Guadalupe continued, "It is our tradition to trouble the humans every day and one cannot deny it". "You are right your highness but customs and traditions are made by the humans just like that our tradition is made by the witches but not by the almighty. The traditions must change according to the society's convenience. All witches are not bad and if some are so let them be", she continued, "One day, when I came with my friends to scare the people, I fell into a marsh. Nobody was ready to help except of her", she pointed out me, "This girl advised me to do a good job from my hands and I did. As a result, I felt very nice saving a little plant from withering." Guadalupe replied, "Humans are our enemy". This time I burnt into fury but I politely said, "Enchanter Guadalupe, enmity and friendship never ends. It is about what you want. The more you loathe the more enemies you will make". Guadalupe thought for a while and said, "I agree with you. It does not matter that we are witches but it matters to do sins every day. Let us become pals and together make this Halloween vibrant". That day, we enjoyed a lot. It was a day to remember for the humans to a get a sense of relief and for the witches to learn a life lesson.



It a dazzling full moon night, when I: the renowned amateur sleuth, Anthony Anderson was having a cup of coffee. Soon, the dark clouds covered the dazzling moon and the atmosphere turned humid; the streaks of lightning passed across the sky denoting for something bad to happen. Suddenly, Phoenix zoo officer: Daniel Smith knocked at my door and gave me a shocking news that the newborn unique black dotted panda had stolen from the zoo after the weekly delivery of pet food. I asked that, which pet food center delivered the pet food to the zoo. He answered that it was the Sunflower Pet Supply. I asked him that who was he. He replied that he could not see his face because he was wearing a mask. I mustered the pet food center, and I enquired from my college friend: Benjamin Taylor, who was the owner of the Sunflower Pet Supply. I enquired about his each worker, and I even doubted him. For the basic information, he told me that he had total fifty trucks and sixty workers. Out of these two were absent for two weeks. They were Fidel Moore and Justus Mitchell. I asked Benjamin to give me a list of every truck's number plate. The next day I had come across a new question that which day was the busiest day for them. He answered that it was the weekend days. I was surprised to hear that because during the weekend only the panda had stolen. He also told me that before the weekends, they used to supply the pet food to the Phoenix Zoo but not during the weekends. I asked him in private that total how many workers went for delivery to distinct places. He answered that all the workers had gone. For my satisfaction, I saw the CCTV cameras too. He also told me that his customers used to call him, whenever the delivery had been late or delayed. He used to keep a tight security. Now it was clear to me that Fidel or Justus had committed the crime and understood that there was an extra truck, which had the logo same as the Sunflower Pet Supply. I published a fake news of the newborn white dotted filly and requested the zoo staff to be on a leave and the pet food center to not to supply any food to the zoo animals. After three days, the delivery boy or the criminal again came to the zoo, but this time the security was tight, so he called the officer. I came in the disguise of a bodyguard and permitted him to go inside and feed the animals, but before that, I took the truck's key. By the time he was searching for the fictitious newborn filly, I noted the truck's number plate, which was distinct from the others and found a disposable mask inside the truck, which smelt like a tobacco. I immediately reached the center and told everything to Benjamin. He checked every worker's pocket, but he could not find tobacco. When he found Justus Mitchell, so he checked his pocket too and found a tobacco wrapper. He also checked Fidel Moore's pocket, but he could not get anything. We informed the police, and the police arrested him. We threatened him to tell the truth; he accepted that he was the culprit and returned the panda to the zoo staff.


The god works in his weird ways. I wanted an elder brother, and he wanted a younger sister, but the god swapped our age, relation, birthdate and even our responsibilities. Now, when I am an elder sister, so my responsibility is to take care of him, and as he is a younger brother, so his responsibility is to trouble me all day long. Sometimes, when I study, he enters my room to disturb me by making weird sounds; he mocks me; he troubles me when I watch television or have my meal, so we have a deal: I will play with him, and he will not trouble me. Like this, seven years passed. "Whoosh! Poof! Bang!" he did the same again. "Mummy! Tell him to stay away from me", I said in a hysterical way. "This is your problem that you do not know how to tackle him. He is your brother; you should not have a rivalry", the same answer she gave, which I expected. These people are so outdated that they always take my brother's side because he is a boy! I was done with all the nonsense taking place and all the absurd and outdated atmosphere of this house, so I planned to go, but I did not know where. The next morning, I made my mind to go to my friend's house for a week. Although, he would get bored, but if I would have stayed at home, so what he could have done except of troubling me. "Still sleeping?" he intentionally asked at the top of his voice. "At least let me be with peace at the morning time", I said requesting. "It is not my fault that you came before me", he taunted. "And it is not my fault that you came late", I retorted. "Call a halt to this feud now", mummy ordered. "Fine, to make your mood, let me show you a trick to tie a strong knot in just ten seconds", he showed his trick to me. "Amazing! Now get lost with your absurd trick and face", I mocked him. "How dare you insult me?" he rudely asked. "Just like you do", I answered back. He tied the rope's one end to my hand and one end to his. I asked him to open it, but he could not. I twitched in astonishment and anger, and I held his collar. "Open this anyhow". He was petrified to answer and told me that it was a braided rope. "I am not asking you the types; tell me the way to get rid of it", I ordered him in a high tone. "This is a very strong type of rope. It will take three hours to be cut by a sharp knife", he said. Mummy and papa got to know about this situation and recommended me to stay at home besides of going to my friend's birthday party. I told them that it was my best friend's birthday and did not agree to stay at home because of a minor problem. Actually, it was frankly a major problem. "I cannot go to a girl's party. Already, I am troubled with this girl, so what will happen to me if I will see a giggle of girls giggling all day long and talking about their branded purses, rings and shoes? I cannot survive in a gossiping area of girls", he said worriedly. "Do not worry because I will not take you with me", I said. "Alas!" he blabbered. "Do not be so jocular because in end it does not work. Learnt table till ten?" I gave him a life lesson. Mummy requested me to take him to the party and otherwise too I did not have any option, so I took him. "Happy birthday, Renu!" I wished her. "Thanks!" She answered. She casted a glance at my brother, and saw him in his old shabby pants. "Who is this uninvited guest tied by a rope from you?" she asked. I told her the whole story. "It is fine. Welcome, little guest", she welcomed him. I could not imagine that how someone could welcome my boorish, disgusting and notorious brother. Renu introduced her brother, Rocky to Raman. He was four years elder than Raman and two years younger than me. They both went to play with each other on the next table and it was easy to settle at two near places as the rope was quite long, and we started our games. I noticed that everyone was staring at my brother and gossiping about his shabby pants, and I was not liking it; I do not know how because, he was my biggest rival. I tried to put an end to the gossiping about my brother. Suddenly, "BOHOO!" my brother cried. I asked him the reason, and he pointed at Rocky and told me that he had beaten him badly. "Hey! Do not shed these crocodile tears. You were again and again troubling Rocky", Renu said in a loutish way. I was on the warpath; I went towards Rocky and, Slap! Bang! I was done. "How dare you?" Renu asked. "Just like your brother dared to beat mine", I retorted and retreated with hand in hand, and not once did I turn back.


Raphael Lambert was the loathsome person of his family and my grand farther. He is believed to be a fugitive, who ran away from his family in a fear of not be able to do the upbringing of his children while some believed that he died in an accident. I did not want the truth to be something else other than the accident case because I did not want the people to call me grandson of an escapee person that is why I started my journey of investigation. "Pierre! Come for the dinner", mom called me down for the dinner but when I climbed down the stairs, I found a fallen framed photo of grandpa. "How did it fall down?" I asked and mom nonchalantly answered while setting plates for everyone, "I threw it on the floor because I do not want to see the face of a wretched and an escapee person while preparing for the dinner". This time I was angry but could not utter a word because I did not have any evidence to prove his innocence and otherwise too I was not certain to say that my grandpa was innocent. At night, I tiptoed downstairs and entered grandpa's room, which was now a storeroom. It all seemed to be dirty and spooky, which clearly expressed the loath for grandpa. I saw many old showpieces and some paintings. Suddenly, I saw some papers fallen on the floor. I held them and learnt that someone wrote something beautifully in calligraphy and the piece of paper contained a song lyrics and the music composer was grandpa! I was astonished to know that my grandpa was a music composer. I tried to find more and I found his cell phone. It was not very an old one but still it did not work. The next day, I took it to the shop from where grandpa last bought it. They said that it was an old one but they could repair it. When I saw his last message and contact, I was shocked. He last contacted grandma, where he wrote that he was going to one of his friend named Jack Brown but he wrote this message eight years ago and he died seven years ago. It showed that after that grandpa had not messaged grandma. I mustered Mr. Brown in a hope that he would help me to find more about grandpa's demise. Knock! Knock! He was startled to see me and said, "Oh! Saw you long back. How are you dear?" I hastily answered, "I am fine sire and hope you are too", I continued, "Do you remember Raphael Lambert?" He answered, "Of course! He was one of my closest pal. I still cry in his memories. The moment I look at his and my photo, I feel numb at the bottom of my heart." Hearing his feelings, the tears filled my eyes but somehow I had to control. I asked him to take me to the road, where his accident took place. His body was lost in the accident. "Can you see that car? It was your grandpa's car. When this accident took place, Raphael's body was lost. Till now it must have decayed so let us go because I do not want to stay here anymore". The old man retreated in despair but I did not. The broken car must have contained some useful information and it did contain because I found a letter, which contained grandpa's signature. This evidence was enough to prove him innocent. I was merrily skipping with a blithesome smile towards home when I heard a harmonious voice of an old man. It was so attractive that I could not stop myself from chasing that voice. It was coming from a spacious and beautiful garden not less than the Primeval Eden. An old and frail man was singing beautifully at the top of his voice. "Sire, I apologize to interrupt but can you tell me something about yourself", I requested humbly. His eyes seemed to be very familiar to me. He answered, "Not much dear but I can hand you my autograph". He handed me his autograph. After thanking him and strolling a bit further, I noticed that the autograph was from grandpa's name! For a while, it seemed that my heart fell on the ground; my hairs stood on the edge and my eyes had turned numb. I was not ready to accept the truth that grandpa was alive! At a low voice, I called him, "Grandpa?" Suddenly! He turned towards me and gave a shocking expression. At that time, I could not control myself and embraced him. "Dear, when I first saw you, I understood that you were my grandson", he cried. "Why did you do it to us grandpa? Why?" I asked. Initially, he calmed me and then told the whole story, "I was quite fond of singing but your grandma always used to restrict me. When the judges selected me for a big concert, where I could sing in front of the whole world, your grandma tore that concert form and told me that whatever I was doing was a frivolous work. I was so depressed at that moment that I packed my stuff and left for a long journey. While going, I faced an accident, where I suffered with a mild injury and that letter, which I wrote to your grandma to inform her about my residual, fell down there only", he continued, "But I never thought about my children because I could not love anyone more than music and that was the only biggest mistake of my life". I said, "It is okay grandpa but now you can come home with me". "No dear, I do not have that courage to face my wife and my children so go back", he hopelessly said. This time, without uttering a word, I headed towards home with the tears flooding out from my eyes. For the sake of him, I did not tell anything at home but one thing I understood that one should always follow his passion and nobody should abstain him from doing so because later on the consequence could be the separation from the whole world and from the beloved ones.

The Myth Goes Wrong

In the early 19th century, the Europe was plagued with myths. There were all sought of myths from the common ones to the personal myths also, which people used in their daily lives to threaten the children. A boy named James was fed up with his family myth of the arrival of a spirit every night in their dining room. Their dining room consisted of sumptuous showpieces and the elders said that every night, the spirit came to see them and wanted no one to disturb it. "If the spirit used to enter the dining room just because of the showpieces so why cannot we remove them all? As it is such a disturbing and frightening thing that no child dares to sleep in the room beside the dining room", James probed but always got a valid reason from the adults of the family. One day, James tiptoed downstairs while everybody was sleeping. He cautiously entered the dining room and waited for the hour clock to strike twelve, which was the time for arrival of the spirit. He saw nobody there till two' o clock at morning. He slept there for the rest five and a half hours and woke up exactly at thirty minutes past seven in the morning. It was a usual time when everyone in the family kept asleep so James was spared from questioning. At blazing afternoon, James decided to prove the myth wrong. He entered the hall and said, "Last night, I spent in the dining room and I did not see any spirits there." Everyone was dumbfound to hear that disturbing news and the elders were tensed as they feared to lose a myth made by them to threaten the children from entering in the dining room and breaking any of the ancestral showpiece. "It might have happened because the things over there were ancestral and every night, an ancestor of our own came to look after them. The ancestor might have spared you as you are from our family", said his clever uncle Crusoe, who was the most trustworthy in the family. "So, will they not spare me this time?" James asked impishly. Everyone nodded the heads but James had another clever statement, "How will some spirit spare me if no spirit was there? Believe me that there was no spirit I could even feel there. If there were any spirits, why it would not make any sound or its presence felt? These myths are false". Uncle Crusoe was ready with one more answer, "It might be aunt Ruby. She could be the one as she was a prim lady, who did not make her presence felt ever even during her birthday eve." James was now agitated with all the reasons and justifications he heard and put a bet that if he felt a presence there, he would never question the superstition of his family but if not, so he would break all the showpieces in one go. Everyone yelled and scolded him but the eldest male member, Hans, the grandfather of James agreed, as he was a person, who valued self-respect and belief of others more than anything. The next night, he quietly entered the dining room and sat down on a chair. As soon as the hour clock stricken twelve, he became aware and suddenly, heard a noise 'WHOOSH!' He stayed there to probe more and then saw the dining room's door closing. This was enough for a normal human being to fear so he quickly tried to open the door of the dining room, which was not open, but then he saw a horrendous white cloth covered with bloodstains all over it and a black witchcraft doll from the windowpane! The dining room was dark that he could not see anything and he was so petrified that he ran here and there and bumped into all the showpieces. The cracking of showpieces made a disturbing noise, which uncle Crusoe heard. He quickly entered from the windowpane, where that white cloth and doll hung. Uncle Crusoe twitched in anger and astonishment and glared at James. "It was you uncle?" James shockingly asked. This was the most embarrassing moment for Crusoe and Hans when the reality came in front of every child of their family. James indignantly said, "Just in order to protect the materialistic treasure, all the adults of this family fooled us initially and then, tried to scare me from that noise, doll and a cloth." Hans was quiet and Crusoe could not utter a word. James continued, "Grandpa Hans, you wanted to save your showpieces and the trust also, right? You lost both. According to the bet, I broke all your so-called ancestral things and just because of this lie, you lost every child's trust too. A myth has gone wrong in both the ways".


I am a curious American amateur space shuttle designer, who wants to design a marvelous space shuttle for those kids, who want to explore the space and the planets, but my wish occurs as a truth in front of me when I meet my digital pal, Meta AI, who I have nicknamed as 'Brainy'. Everything sounds too good but many things do not go as planned but were chaotic.

In my summer vacations, as usual, I was chatting with my classmate to copy his holiday homework. Since many days, I kept on observing a colorful, hollow circle on the right side of the contacts and one dreary day, I finally clicked on that circle to investigate more. It was actually an Al designed app for the users to get help for tasks. When I talked to it about my space shuttle, that I had recently made, it had praised me a lot. It was quite unconventional because normally nobody even casted a glance at my shuttle. This fact made me probe further and this is how we became virtual pals. One day, while chatting, I instructed it to appear physically in front of me. I thought nothing sought of that would happen but it just happened! A humanoid robot with its complicated semblance stood in front of me. "Hi! I am Meta AI, as your assistant", Brainy said. "Are you the same Brainy?" I stammered in astonishment. It nodded and smiled at me. "Can you help me make a space shuttle?" I asked with startled eyes. "Of course, why not?" Brainy said. It had a pocket like Doraemon in the center and took out complex parts of a heavy automated machine. I just wanted to make a space shuttle out of paper, which fly like a remote control airplane, but Brainy misinterpreted my ideas and plans. "Let's first join this wire with that fuse", Brainy instructed. This kept on going until a week, but I had to face a great hardship in hiding it from mom and dad. Finally! After a week, I had completed my space shuttle in the basement, which Brainy had drilled under my cupboard regarding, which I had a concern, "But Brainy? How will we launch the space shuttle in the space? We don't have much of an area." Brainy answered, "No worries, Kenny. I have a gadget for that". It took out a torch like thing from its pocket, lit it and created a Launchpad. That was the reason I had given it a name 'Brainy'. I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement as I was the first child to visit the space. "Click this button and pull this lever". I got both my hands on the shuttle twitching with nervousness and apprehension and finally launched my space shuttle. As soon as I reached the space, I expressed my glee with a 'YIPPE!' Sound. I was very inquisitive about the objects and colorful semblance of the space. I asked Brainy, "What is this milky aurora like light", I continued, "And why is that planet irregular in shape?" Brainy answered, "That milky aurora is Milky Way, our galaxy in which, we live and that planet is Haumea. It is a dwarf planet and spins too fast that is why its shape is irregular". I thought if I had a brain like it so I could have defeated Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein too. "Look! Look! Where we have reached", I exclaimed in enthusiasm, but this was an unknown planet, where we landed. We wore our space helmets and kept on roaming here and there. "Brainy, why don't we search for food and water on this planet. If one day our planet destroys, we will at least have an alternative", I said. "So thoughtful of you, Kenny", with this idea, we started to drill for water and suddenly! Down, an underworld appeared. Its strong gravity pulled us down and we fell inside it. What we saw was unconceivable! There was a mischief of trolls! "Brainy, this is amazing!" I continued, "I thought, trolls were supposed to be in fairytales but they came to be true." "Yes, Kenny! This is a latest updating information for me and I am digitally ecstatic for that". For a minute, we both remained dazed, but after that, what happened was too awful. The trolls jumped on us, blindfolded us and tied us from rope. The worst thing was that, I was not able to understand their language but Brainy was able to translate. "Kenny, they wanted us to seek permission before entering their planet", Brainy said. "But if we had seen them before, we would have asked to stay here. Isn't it?" I mumbled. "They live inside the land because they are unable to find mulberries to eat. Their land is not fertile. Soon they will going to die as the mulberries are finishing underground". I felt sympathetic for them and decided to help them. With this thought, they spared us. "Do you have any gadget to make their land fertile?" I asked Brainy. "According to my research, the soil of this planet is Martian soil, which needs Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. Kenny, go and get that NPK spray, which we used in the fuel for space shuttle." I got the spray and sprayed a huge mass of land until it finished. "Now your land will remain fertile for centuries", Brainy said. The trolls thanked us with some delicious mulberries and we left from there. "Now which planet to visit the next?" I thought and soon landed on a star. "It is like our Earth". The planet was green and blue like the Earth but there were aliens living on the planet, who were judiciously using the resources for the day-to-day work. There were simple machines but no internet to chat. There were parks but no swings and there were huts but no television or air conditioner. They seemed to live in 18th century. "Hey Brainy, let us pluck one leaf to do some scientific research upon it. This will lead us to know whether this planet is suitable for humans or not, which will make us famous worldwide", this time, I willed to take the undue advantage but as soon as I touched the leaf, an alien attacked me from laser beam. 'OUCH!' I bellowed in pain and ran at fastest pace ever. We entered the space shuttle and immediately exited from their zone. "You were mean, Kenny", this time, there was disappointment in its tone. "Do not be sad, but just remember not to do something that provokes the natives of a planet", Brainy calmed me. Suddenly! We saw a ring planet. "Is that the jewel of that colossal planet, Brainy?" I probed. "No, dear that is our planet's neighbor, Saturn. Its rings are made of dust particles, ice and other matter", Brainy mesmerized me with that answer. Everything was going smoothly, but what happened the next was a twist in my journey and that was the Black Hole! 'AAH!' I screamed and the Black Hole kept on pulling us inside. Due to an unfavorable zone, Brainy's system damaged, "System defect!" It continued repeating the same line. I was so perplexed with the complicated situation that I pressed a strange button and everything busted into pieces. 'NO!' The next day, I returned home without any injuries and without Brainy. That was the moment I realized that it was a chaotic dream of my space odyssey with Brainy. But let me tell you one thing that AI robots have certain limitations and if they are defected due to unfavorable conditions, do not even think of any pal relationship because they tend to add insult to the injury. Thus, one should use technology judiciously, but one good thing was that, I got a wonderful story for my summer assignment.


I am Jack Campbell and I was of eight when during the first term at school, my coach, Mr. Paul Bailey had selected me for an inter-school athletics competition. It was a golden chance for me but at the same time, it was a tiring month. Paul sire was often strict with us and made us run one kilometer per day. Anybody, who stopped had to do ten sit-ups and push-ups every day. Such a harsh punishment made the young athletes to bunk his sessions and even I was one of them to bunk his classes. Sometimes, I used to make an excuse of my leg paining and sometimes I used to take leaves, which was affecting my practices greatly. Finally, we were out of this gruesome situation after one month and I had a sense of relief but in the hostel, I faced my shadow as my rival in addition to my coach. On the behalf of our school, we went to A Hostel. I was mesmerized to see the fascinating gyms and stadium for the practice. Most amazing thing was that it was not mandatory to practice and it was a free stay over there because the school had to pay. "My diligent boys, let us work harder to attain a gold at the finals", our new coach, Mr. Ethen Martin said. He was a quiet nice and soft-spoken coach. This time, I thought myself to be fortunate. I was always being very unfortunate in the case of teachers but this time I saw a shiny sun rising out of the dark clouds. "Wake up!" Jimmy, my best friend screamed and stood right on my head. "What is the matter, Jimmy?" I asked. "We have to go for the practice". He answered. "Oh! What a nuisance? I am coming", I was certainly not to come but he knew me well and did not leave until I got ready. "Come on boys! This the last one. I know that you can do it. You must aim for something better", Ethen sire said. Paul sire was far better because at least he did not use to give a long motivational speech. Every day, Jimmy forced me to come along with him but I put forward a condition, "I will practice alone and not under the supervision of Ethan sire". He used to agree and helped to escape from the stadium. Every time, I used to run on the road but one day, I noticed my shadow running forward me. I tried to run forward my shadow but all my attempts were futile. "Hey! I can defeat you", I yelled at my shadow but it was just to bark up on a wrong tree. "Excuse me, Ethan sire", he turned towards me and I continued, "How can I run faster than my shadow?" Suddenly, I heard a giggle of laughter, which surrounded me. "Dear, what kind of question is that?" He asked politely. I twitched in anger and retreated to my room. There I sat for hours and hours and my shadow was stern and silent as if it was empathizing with me and trying to tell me that everything was good. I felt satisfied but still aimed to answer those, who mocked me. I made my shadow my rival and practiced with it for hours and hours under the bright sun and running above the parched ground. My rival was so fast that it did not even followed me for a second. It always used to stay with me and challenge me. I, a garrulous person turned into a serious and diligent just because of my shadow. My real opponents noticed for months and thought that I would give them a tough fight. Ultimately, the day of competition came. All were igniting in the fire of competition of gold medal. I saw my shadow and smiled with the hands and the feet on the ground, the backbone lowered and the chin held high up with the enthusiastic and gleaming eyes towards the finishing line. "Get set go!" I ran at my fullest with a perfect body posture and my supporting pal. "Tweeeet" The audience had gone insane. "And, the winner is Jack Campbell!" I twitched in astonishment and realized that I had won a gold! That was the best day of my life and a big thanks to my shadow, who not only became my rival and a pal but also my one of the best coach, which taught me to aim for the best and to work at my fullest.

Risk for Much Less

Joe was a simple girl from a middle class American family. She was from the period of early 19th century when the camera was first invented. It was a big thing for her to get her first picture with Rob Mitchell, a famous singer. "Hey David! Hey Angel! Do you know that Rob Mitchell is coming to our school for a photo shoot?" Joe asked in great excitement to her fast friends. "In our school! However, he is so popular so why he would prefer coming to our school and wasting his time?" Angel was dumbfound to hear that. "Well, no big deal to get a photo shoot with him", David continued notoriously, "Our school has got the best co-ed school's award this year that is why he is coming. We will be very precise about this discussion so nobody even get to think about our plan". Both the girls were eager to know what David was up to and the next day, they made a plan to get their photo with Rob Mitchell. "Listen, as far as I am concerned, the photo shoot will take place in the auditorium. After the school hours, we will not go to our house and no one will get to know as we reach home by foot", David said. "What will be the next thing? How will we reach in the auditorium?" Angel asked. "We will disguise ourselves as sweepers and maids working in the school and hide in the green room. There will be many costumes of the Halloween party. Both of you can wear those costumes and pretend to be real monsters and scare me. I will scream loudly and run on the stage. By that time, the camera man will click our photo", David said. "This plan will going to be weird but we do not have other option too", Joe and Angel, said. "Do not forget to bring the necessary items such as a wig for your hairs and try to look more matured", David said. The next day, three of them executed with the plan. Joe said, "I had to spend all my Dollars in this wig as I could not ask for a wig from my mother". "All is well that ends well, Joe", Angel optimistically said. After the school hours, when all the teachers had left, three of them rushed into the washroom where the servants were working and pricked them with a tranquilizer, which made them unconscious. They wore their clothes and rushed towards the auditorium. "Hey, you look a new worker here", a sweeper said from Joe. "Yes, I am", she sternly answered. "Let me tell you that today there is no cleaning to do in the auditorium", the sweeper said. This worried everyone as there was no easy way left to reach there but then Joe was ready with another plan, "We will go from the third floor corridor". The corridor path directly took them into the green room. "Okay, do not be worried and think that this photo will make us famous in the school when it will be released into the yearbook. After being clicked, quickly run from the corridor path only", Angel said. Three of them did as they decided to but suddenly, David fell down along with his wig. "David Tudjman!" His class teacher and the HOD of the drama Department exclaimed in astonishment. "What are you doing here? And who are you two?" She asked in rage. Just one mistake revealed their identities. Three of them told the whole story and got embarrassed. "You three were really excited for a photo shoot. No worries because your photo shoot will take place but for your suspension from the school for a week", said the principal. Suddenly, 'CLOMP! CLOMP!' The servants, who the children tranquilized also came in fury and added more to their punishment. "Two weeks!" The principal twitched in anger. When the complaint reached to their parents so they exclaimed with a wicked statement that all American children hate, "You are grounded for a month". This taught them a lesson that risking for a temporary fame can bring a permanent defame.


Koki was a little girl, who lived in a city named Ratlam with her mother. One day while walking to the bazaar with her mother, she saw a torn and shabby doll fallen on the ground in a street. She was a very kind and naive girl, so she felt very sympathetic towards that doll, and she took it home. "Koki, where did you find this old shabby doll?" her mother asked. "Mummy, I found it while passing from the street", she answerd. '          'Hmmm, so did you forget something dear?" she asked; Koki kept on thinking for a while, so her mother said, '' Ofcourse you did; you forget to ask me first." Koki hesitatingly said, "I am sorry mummy". Her mother answered, ''Now your punishment is that you will wash this doll nicely and bring it to me for stiching". Koki smiled; and the washed the doll carefully and then said, "Mummy, this doll looks very fragile; should we feed her something?". "HA HA HA! That's not possible, dolls cannot eat." Koki nodded her head and went on bed with her doll. At exactly thirty minutes past seven she got a nightmare that a little girl just like her took her doll and went away. "AAAAH!" she screamed, ''What was that? Whatever, but it was very dangerous", she said to herself and cuddled the doll. On a blazing Monday morning: she brushed her teeth, had her breakfast, took a bath and left for the school. ''Oh! I'll going to be late again", she hastily said. ''Can I ask you the reason of being late again, Koki?" Her teacher: Mrs. Parul asked. Koki apologized, but at the same time, she felt hysterical also. Suddenly, her doll fell down from her bag on the floor. Everybody stunned, and Mrs. Parul said, ''Koki! How dare you bring this doll to the school? I hope that you know the rules that no one can bring any accessory or a toy to the school, so the punishment for your mistake that you will give me this doll and you will get it tomorrow." Koki frowned and the tears started falling from her eyes. One of her friend named Ritu stared at the doll; it seemed that it was hers. After that day onwards, she got her doll back, but she never brought it to school again. On a sunny Saturday morning, Koki woke up to go for the picnic, and took her along with her to dress her up. Those days the bonding between the doll and Koki became very strong. She was very affectionate towards it. "Koki! Come quickly dear. Your tardiness has upset me a lot", her mother said. She ran down quickly and sat in the car. They went to the Shantivan Park and spent a quality time together. After spending two hours in the park, they went back home. The next day Ritu asked Koki to come and play at her house, but she refused, ''I would have really liked to, but today I want to play with my doll". Ritu said, "It's alright. I will come to your house. At thirty minutes, past four Ritu came and Koki's mother called her. Koki came along with her doll. "That is my doll! What is it doing with you?" Ritu said surprisingly. "Have you lost it? It is mine. I found it on the road", Koki indignantly said. "I was talking about this doll only last time and if you don't believe me so let me show you the photo of mine with my dearest doll, Julie", she showed her photo with Julie. "Dear Koki, I think you should give it back to her. At least think of Julie, who separated from her best friend, Ritu", her mother said. Koki gave it to Ritu back with a heavy heart. For a while, Ritu stood wondering and after a while, she gave it back to Koki. She said, "You are the entitled one of this doll because I saw your love and affection towards it and now I don't want to separate you". Koki asked, "What about you?" She answered, "I will manage to live without it, because I am already very careless and clumsy". Suddenly, her mother entered and said, ''I got your doll it was in the cupboard". Ritu shocked and said, "I am sorry Koki there was some misunderstanding. It wasn't my doll". Koki said, "Oh, whatever it is but I am happy that I got my doll; you got your doll". Like this, both the girls got there dolls, and they kept it until they grew older.


I was a barrel of laugh, and successfully became a clown, but I was an oddball, who slowly turned arrogant because I was prominent in the field of giving lament expressions before the show. I never smiled or never cried because no one had that potential to make me laugh out or deliberately cry. I built castles to show my tricks in Singapore, but unfortunately, our clown alley was not going to Singapore; it was my mistake, who mistakenly heard Singrampur as Singapore and told it to every clown, and they were the all ears to hear my news. After hearing the truth, everyone was out of sports and criticized me for spoiling their mood. The next Sunday, we went to Singrampur and showed our tricks to the local people, but after making everyone laugh, I went to buy a new pair of shoes from my wage. "Warm day, Mr. Clown", a baker greeted. "Warm day to you too", I replied, "Do you know that where will I get a shoes shop?" I asked him. He beckoned to his son and told him, "Show the sire the way to go to the shoes shop". "Uh, sire! I am your big friend, so can I get your autograph?" he asked. "Why not?" I gave him my autograph. "Many a times I have heard that you don't cry or smile, but I have one unique sample for you, which can make you smile", he said. "As a rule, everyone challenge me; fine show me your unique sample before I got to the shoes shop", I said arrogantly. He told that I would find that unique sample in the shoes shop only. I went inside the shop and saw a youthful boy; he was a shoemaker. "So you are that young lad, who can make me smile or cry. The challenge of the day is to make me either smile or cry. If any one of the thing you do successful, so I swear that I will call a halt to my job", I said in a pompous manner. "Sire, I am just a boy, and I am not experienced like you, but I can find out your arrogance, which has bewitched you. Fine give me one day", he said in a polite way. The next day I came to that shoes shop again. "Oh, I thought that you will not take this thing in a serious way, but I don't have anything to make you cry or smile", he said. "Oh! Seriously, I do not have much time for a brat like you. Tomorrow positively complete your challenge", I said indignantly. "Just wait sire; I think that I have something for you", he said. He read an emotional, evocative and beautiful poem on a single father. "Maybe that was a good attempt to defeat me, but I didn't smile or cry", I said. "I even didn't had any intentions to make you cry and you won, but still you are defeated. The best thing you can do for yourself is to smile. When you will smile, so your happiness hormones activate, which keeps you happy and positive. It is not something to be proud on, but is something to criticize. In addition to this, it is a good exercise for your face muscles. Just once, you lost, but every day you win because you make everyone laugh and do a virtue because bringing a smile to someone's face is the second best thing you can do", he said. "I am really impressed by your flamboyant and smart personality; today you taught me a lot, so from now onwards I will be famed for my joyous personality, but before that I will quit my job", I said. "No way. I told you that you have always done a virtue and continue doing that", he said. From that day onwards, I started smiling and people called me 'Smiling Buddha'.


Previously, my opinion was that books were the most boring part of our lives and the one, who read them were even more boring. Soon, this opinion proved to be wrong, when one day, I myself entered inside a book and embarked on an interesting journey of its content. "Pinky! Look, what I have bought for you," mommy came with her boring book again. "Have you bought some sweets for me?" I asked in glee and hope for the same. "No, but something better than them. I have bought a book for you, which contains many fascinating summary of distinct tales". 'HUH!' Books had made my life miserable at that time. "Sweet heart, I have bought even a pair shoes for you and if you want to try them, read this book. At least experience reading once in your life", that moment was the most annoying moment when mommy insisted me to read that dreary book of some seventy pages. "Okay, if you insist, I will read but if I do not find it interesting, I will never read anything again", I put forward a condition. As soon as I opened the book, I entered inside the woods of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' 'WOW!' "Spare me! Please", cried a princess as lovely as a flower and as white as snow. 'TIPTOE' I stalked her and reached near the woods but watching a wooden boy with long nose with a cap on his head was shocking! "Are you Pincoccio?" I asked him and he shook his head. "So, are Picannio?" He shook his head once more and took me to his story. I entered inside his house full of wooden toys. "Unless papa comes, you may stay here and play with these toys," he said. Suddenly, I saw a pretty maiden with golden hairs and fair skin sweeping the floor. "Who is she?" I whispered. "She has just come today and insisted papa to give her a job and give her a place to stay but we do not have much space so papa is trying to convince her to go," the wooden boy answered. I willed to probe more about that woman, "Hello, madam, I am Pinky. Could you introduce yourself?" She held my hand and took me to her story. "I used to work like a maiden at my stepmother's house; I have two step sisters, who were too harsh to me but a kind fairy helped me to marry a rich prince", she said. I was quite interested in her story that I tried to probe more, "Who was your stepmother? How did she treat you? Who was that Prince? How did that fairy help you? Where is your father? I want to see your castle." I was so excited to know about her but she shook her head and said, "I do not have enough time to tell you my story because I have to go and organize a function in my castle today. Read Cinderella and Pinocchio's story." She vanished from there. Suddenly! I saw a mermaid's tail inside a fountain and immediately jumped inside the fountain, 'PLOP!' "Are you that mermaid princess?" I asked from that mermaid. "Yes dear. I am that mermaid princess, who is the youngest amongst all the sisters and once fell in love with a human prince." I got excited, "How am I able to float inside the water along with you?" She answered, "Even once I got a power to walk like a human but the evil had snatched my beautiful voice from me". I probed, "Who was that evil? Who was that prince and how did your story begin?" She smiled at me and said, "I do not have much time left because my father King Triton has called me, but do read my story book Ariel: The Little Mermaid", and she vanished from there. I also floated out of water and saw a valiant warrior, who was practicing fighting. "Hello madam? Can I know more about you?" I asked her and she answered, "Little lad, I am a valiant warrior, who had to face many hardships in joining the army because I was a female. Although, I chose the path of deceit, I became a trust worthy soldier at the end". I asked her in excitement, "Where do you hail from? Who was your inspiration? What deceit were you talking of? How did the army accept you? Tell me please". She gently touched my shoulder and said, "Sorry, kiddo but I am getting late. I have to go and serve my nation". She vanished off and I heard one more sound, "Pinky! Pinky! Where are you lost?" Mother shook me and asked. I could not believe that I had entered the real world after meeting so many characters but in actual, I did not enter anywhere, but I was lost in the book, which consisted of a summary of every fairytale. "Thank you so much mommy for giving me this wonderful book. I was lost in this fascinating book and gained so much interest that I want to read all the story books in this world!" I exclaimed in curiosity and ecstasy.


Rohan was a notorious boy, who troubled his mother a lot. "Wake up, Rohan!" his father, Rahul said. He woke up and sat on the table. "Mom! Is breakfast ready?" he asked in an agitated manner. "Yes, it is ready", Priya answered in a pacified manner. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. Priya ran towards the door and hastily opened it; her neighbor, Mrs. Aarti Sharma was standing. "Oh! Nice to meet you Aarti ji", she said. "Nice to meet you too", she replied and continued, "It is the weather report of next week", and she went. When Priya returned to the kitchen, so she saw that the sandwich. "Wonderful! So again I will have to wait for fifteen minutes; the life would have become better if mummy would have grown extra hands so that she could work quickly", Rohan said in a loutish way. "You should not complaint; be grateful for what you get", Rahul said. Rohan frowned. Next day when he woke up and went in the kitchen, he saw an astonishing and horrendous thing. "Mummy! How did you grow so many hands?" Rohan shockingly asked. "Dear child, you only said, 'the life would have become better if mummy would have grown extra hands so that she could work quickly''', Priya answered. "What a nuisance? Papa!" he yelled. "Oh! What has happened to your mother?" he asked worriedly. "Yesterday, when I taunted her, she felt offended; I think that is the result of my sins; I apologize to god", he felt guilty. They took Priya to the doctor, and the doctor gave her some pills to recover, but suddenly the hands started vanishing and the legs started growing. "Oh! No!" Rohan screamed and was so afraid that he woke up from an awful and creepy nightmare to a sunny Sunday morning; He realized that it was just a nightmare and it could survive forever in anyone's figment not practically. He stepped out of his room and found his mother. "Mummy, please forgive me for what I said yesterday; I was a fool, who did not value a mother like you", he cried. "It is okay. The best thing is that you realized your fault", she politely said.

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