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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #2329092
Lauren's a force to be reckoned with on the court, but with guys she's a fish out of water
Pushing open the door and crossing the threshold, Lauren felt as though she were walking on air. Her anxiety was still palpable, and her heart was pounding more and more with each step. However, she was feeling much more confident now that she was back on her own turf.

“I hope those little legs can move,” she called over her shoulder. “Cuz we got five flights of stairs to climb and there's no elevator.”

You did not just say that!

“Oh, don't worry. They move just fine,” replied Joshiro as he zipped past her. Then he shot up the first set of stairs with cat-like agility.

Lauren was shocked. After nearly an entire summer of having to endure Tiffany's groaning, she was expecting Joshiro to protest. However, it seemed that she had suspected wrong.

“You coming, super star?” he chriped with a cocky smirk from the top.

Lauren grinned back and said, “You don't even know where you're going.”

She then broke into a full sprint after him, taking the steps two at a time, but by the time she had reached the landing, Joshiro was already rounding the next corner. They continued up three more flights this way, racing and shouting playful taunts at one another. The old wooden stairs creaked, the dirty windows shuddered, and a few neighbors even opened their door to complain, but Lauren took no notice. Her competitive switch had flipped again, and now nothing else mattered except winning.

However, as she bolted around the corner to the last flight of stairs, expecting to see Joshiro mid-flight. She instead found him doubled over and clutching his side at the bottom. Unfortunately, it was too late. She had already put on an extra burst of speed with no way of stopping.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuu–

*Crash! *

She slammed into him hard, knocking him off his feet and collapsing onto his chest.

“Ohh,” she groaned wearily with stars in her eyes. “Why’d you stop?”

Joshiro let out a moan in between pants and breathlessly replied, “My lungs are gonna burst… You’re like a freakin’ cheetah…”

Lauren looked down into his eyes with a broad smile. “Four years of cardio, baby,” she declared proudly. “You're lucky I wasn't wearing shoes or I would've dusted you.” Then she looked up the stairs and pointed. “One more flight to go. No cheating this time.”

However, Joshiro winced at her words. “Sorry, but I might have to pass,” he croaked with an exasperated sigh.

Lauren frowned and retorted, “Oh c’mon. Are you really that afraid to lose to a girl?”

“Uh-uh,” he replied, shaking his head. “Trust me, I’d love to, but I think these little legs are done for the night. Can you please get off of me?”

Lauren's cheeks began burning again.

Right. He’s like half your size, stupid.

“Omigod, I'm so sorry,” she sputtered with wide eyes.

Joshiro chuckled and began to respond, but instead let out a low yelp as she shifted her weight. This brought Lauren fully back to her senses. She shot up to her feet and began to look him over, quickly spotting some swelling in one of his ankles.

“Shit! You're not hurt, are you?” she asked full of concern.

Joshiro shook his head, sat up, and smiled, but then his face twisted in agony as he attempted to rise.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

“Oh, no! You are,” she squealed in horror. “Don't move. I’ll carry you.”

She swiftly bent over and wrapped her arms around him. Then she began to rise with very little exertion, easily cradling him like a small child.

However, Joshiro suddenly started to squirm, shouting, “Woah. Woah! Hold on a sec.” He threw his good leg out and slowly slid down onto it. “Sorry, sweetie, but I can't let you do that.”

Lauren's cheeks were on fire now. “Oh, right. S-sorry,” she whispered, releasing her grip.

Without looking back, he then hopped over to the railing and muttered, “It’s okay… really… I’m actually kind’ve impressed.”

A shower of emotions rained down on Lauren as she watched him struggle to ascend the first step. At the forefront were guilt, pity, and confusion, but then something dawned on her.

He’s putting on a brave face. He doesn't want your sympathy.

She thought back to the countless injuries she’d seen on the basketball court over the years. Most people only accepted help if they absolutely needed it, especially the boys. They never played it up like some of the girls would, and they certainly never cried.

He wants your respect.

With that she began to look on in quiet admiration as he slowly climbed the steps, clinging to the banister for support. Then he turned to her with a pained smile and repeated his word from before. “You coming, superstar?”

“Y-yeah,” replied Lauren in awe. She then scurried up to his side, fighting to ignore the slickness in her panties. “At least grab on to me for support.”

That’s it. Let him be a man.

“Now that, I can totally do,” said Joshiro with a wink. Then his hand swiftly swung around her waist, delicately brushing his backside as he did so. It was so fast and so smooth that Lauren was completely caught off guard. “Thank you,” he continued in a buttery tone.

Lauren’s face was fully flushed. However, it was nothing compared to the monsoon raging in her loins. Not only was this her first time being handled this way; it was her first contact with the opposite gender overall. She’d seen Tiffany get manhandled by guys several times over the year, but those were pubescent boys jacked up on surging hormones. This was different. This was a man; an experienced man who was leagues above them. He was tactful, graceful, and even had a bit of style. He was also staring right into her eyes.

Hurry up, and say something.

“N-no problem,” she forced out bashfully. Then she snapped her head away and bit her lip. “Cmon, it’s just up ahead.”

Slowly, they continued to ascend the stairs with careful steps. When they reached the top, Lauren’s heart dropped as she felt the firm grip release from her side. However, another shared look told her that it was no longer necessary. So, she instead led the way to her door, stopping and sliding her handbag off of her shoulder as she arrived. It was a well-worn habit that she’d repeated many times, but as she looked back up with her keys now in hand, she quickly realized that something was off.

Oh, fuck. That’s right.

Just above the peephole on her door sat a small brass number “2”. Usually, it fell just below her nose, but now it barely reached her neckline. Suddenly, flashbacks of the scene she’d caused earlier flooded her mind.

“What up?” said Joshiro, once again reading her like a book.

Lauren turned to him with unprecedented anxiety and looked him up and down. The distance between his eyes and hers was easily more than half a foot. Suddenly, the nausea was rising in her again, fast.

No! Don’t kill the moment.

“Umm, I, err-” she sputtered as she felt more of the cold tiles sliding beneath her feet.

However, Joshiro interrupted her, firmly putting his hand on her shoulder and saying, “Relax, you’re safe with me.” He looked away and cleared his throat. Then he turned back, staring deeply into her eyes. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen, and there’s nothing you can say that could change that.”

Lauren was speechless, but staring back into his eyes she felt her posture begin to loosen a bit.

“What I mean is... I won’t judge you.” he continued softly. He then raised his hand and stroked her cheek, making her blush again.

“Okay,” she replied, now barely audible. “W-well... Um... Remember back at the restaurant when I told that jerk off.” Joshiro smiled and nodded. “Well... after that. When I was freaking out- I... uh-”

“Yeah, you did,” he whispered. “How’d you do that?”

Lauren’s eyes flew open as she squealed, “I don’t know! I just kind’ve happened in the moment.”

*Bang! *

Joshiro’s face immediately dropped a few more inches away. Lauren’s head snapped back to the door. The number was now level with her expanded bosom.


Again, tears began pouring from her eyes, and she started to curl back into a ball. However, before she could, she felt Joshiro’s arm wrap around her neck.

What the fu-

Without warning, he pulled her in for a deep and passionate kiss. Lauren’s entire body began to stiffen, but then a strong hand rested itself on one of his hips and another started to run through her hair, making her go completely limp in his arms. The kiss was awkward and wet, but she was far too in the moment to care. Before long she found herself returning the effort as well. It was her first time kissing a man, and she wasn’t really sure what to do, but with the subsiding sensation of queasiness, she decided that it was right. So, she just went with her instincts, kissing him back as long as he would let her.

When they finally parted lips, Joshiro looked down and sheepishly said, “Sorry. That was the only thing I could of.”

“N-no,” whispered Lauren breathlessly, glancing off into the distance. “It was perfect. You... were perfect. Thank you.”

The two then nervously looked back at each other in unison and gave exasperated giggles. Then a few more moments passed as they continued to catch their breath until finally Joshiro, broke the silence.

“So, you grow you sometimes when you’re embarrassed. That’s totally normal.”
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