Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2328581-Fat-Freddie
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #2328581
October Nano Prep Day 12 Contest Round Antagonist Backstory
Fred Munoz was a probation officer who had caught one of the men on his caseload involved in illegal gambling. Preston Wilcox was someone who had always been in trouble with the law. He had been in and out of jail since his mid teens, and now, he had been caught orchestrating a gambling racket on Ganymede.

“I have an arrangement for you, Preston!” said Fred. “If you and your gang give me ten percent of the profits, that’s the gross, not the net after it’s divided up, then I’ll pretend this operation never happened! I’ll also make sure the police never interfere with your illegal gambling activity.”

Preston talked it over with his gang. One of them didn’t want to agree to Fred’s terms.

“Him taking 10% of something is better than us taking 100% of nothing!” said Preston. “If he helps us with this operation, the police will leave us alone!”

Preston talked them into it, and they gave Fred a disk that contained a large sum of digital currency. Fred put it into his pocket and left, just as he had promised.

Fred got into his hover car and took off into the sky. As he headed toward the sunset, he pondered his life. He lived in the year 3,333,333,332 A.D. so there should’ve been a lot of technological advancements. Some of the great inventions were lost to history, such as a device that allowed someone to alter their appearance.

Fred Munoz was born overweight and extremely unattractive, so he was jealous of men like Preston who could get girlfriends with a snap of his fingers. This is why he targeted men like him, out of jealousy. Also, because of the high population density, there were rations in place for food items. People who were fat could never eat as much as they would have liked.

Fred had to resort to stealing from his clients. He weighed 160 kilograms, which made him the fattest man on Ganymede. Fred’s boss, Judith Klak, believed any excuses Fred gave her when a client tried to tell on him. Fred knew it would be too hard for her to train someone to do his job, so she would just allow him free reign.

There were time vehicles for the extremely wealthy, and they provided the sports results for major athletic events all over the solar system. This made gambling futile. Preston’s operation involved a contained environment, and the events of that casino couldn’t be predicted, which made it lucrative. People with a gambling addiction would flock to Preston’s casino to have fun, and Fred would collect ten percent of the profits.

Fred smiled with glee as he landed in the parking garage of his favorite restaurant.

The End
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