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A superhero story with alot of characters and science |
It starts with this character named Ren Vern. Ren Vern is a man that worked for the FBI as an investigator with the S.W.A.T team. His brother worked on the team too. In one mission to investigate the murder of Rose’s assistant they broke into an outpost that Rose was being imprisoned in. She made a sonic grenade with the tools she found and detonated it when the S.W.A.T team approached(she thought it was her captors.). Vern got caught in the blast and became Element( has the ability to rearrange Molecular structures) Ren Vern(Superhero name Element) can rearrange existing molecules to create and change the shapes and molecular structures to his will. He is also a genius Forensics detective at the FBI.His brother Brecher Vern was too close to the explosion and lost his life. Ren then needed to control his powers because they were too powerful for him to contain himself(think of him like an Omega level Mutant from X-Men). So he tracked down the underground organization known as The Twenty-Nine. The Twenty-Nine are a group of giftted individuals who has mastered (to different degrees of success) to control the body and it's energy at the DNA level.They are able to rewrite their own DNA to change thier characteristics such as strength, speed, metabolic rate, blood pressure, calorie consumption, eye sensitivity, etc. to varying degrees of success.The Twenty-Nine are led by the strongest of them called The Council of 4. These 4 men have mastered Shinsei-Ryu<meaning rebirth style>. The strongest of them is called Kimono Dragon. Kimono Dragon(Kimono Dragon is the Nickname he adopted that was given by a popular newspaper. He is a Japenese Monk<aged 87 years old>. He is a master at Shinsei-Ryu<meaning rebirth style>, a martial art he created that was inspired by other martial arts. With this new martial art he is able to super strengthen any one of the following by consciously recoding his own body's cells…defense, strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, and pain suppression<he can only do one of these at a time and it takes around 45 seconds to recode. His ultimate ability is called Kasai no Chikara <inferno power > .He can multiply his strength by any number. It ages his physical body x years. He does have a way to reverse Age but it takes an entire year of a coma more like a cocoon. If he multiplies over about 75 times he'll die. He is the inventor of the art form and is over 150 years old. He has mastered Shinsei-Ryu to the point he can reverse aging. Anyway Ren goes and asks for help. They then lay him in a hot tub of water and tell him if he doesn't figure out the secret he is not worth their time. He lays there and eventually gets it. Why hot water? Why not any other temperature? The difference is heat. Heat is movement. Movement is how to rearrange things. Including my cells!!! This lets him realize how to control his powers. He wants to leave The Twenty-Nine but they refuse to let him since their existence is secret. They are not bad guys or anything they just want their identities secret so no one tries to use them for their own gain. Ren fights the entirety of the Twenty-Nine. It's a 1 v 29 in an epic conclusion of Ren's story. He beats them but the Council of 4 decide to fight hhim as he is now too powerful for them to ignore. They effortlessly defeat him but allow him to go home as long as he says nothing. He goes home where he hopes he won't have to hurt anyone else now that he has his powers on wrap He had done a great Vibrational Attack when fighting the Council of 4. He then goes home but what he didn't know is that his "Vibrational Disturbance" was so powerful that it turned the eye of the strongest being in the Multiverse.... Demashima, the great Tyrant. Demashima:( My Universe's main villain) was the ruler of his own planet but was not powerful enough to rule the universe. He was so hungry for ultimate power that he traveled to other Universes to try to find the power he needed. He found in our universe the power he craved in the firm of the Time Gems. He couldn't leave the Universe with The Time Gems so he decided to conquer and rule This Universe instead. In his quest for ultimate Power, he sends his son Antis and his (Elite Gaurd Venmar) to Earth because of that “Great Vibrational Disturbance ”(aka Vern). This sets the stage for where the first main villain came from. His name is Antis the Mage of Jundire(pronounced Yun-dire). He has the ability to absorb and replicate any energy or non-physical attacks. His arrival causes panic across the world as this behemoth 11 ft big guy is destroying nuclear power plants in search of the power spike his father Demashima detected. In response the nations slap together their finest heroes together to form The Victors. The original crew consists of 6 Members. They are Cake-Jay, Jonny-X, Rose, Star Night, Lord Laroth(pronounced L air oth[air as in hair]), and Admiral Eerie. Starting from the weakest to strongest. Cake-Jay has blasters on his arms that can produce organic edible compounds. It was originally designed to solve world hunger. Now it's a weapon that can hinder enemies progress on the battlefield. His attacks deal minor to no damage. Star Night can pour ions onto object to allow them to levitate. She can then throw, push or place these Ion-covered objects. She can also just throw beams of ions at the enemy that acts as a pseudo-acid. Rose can control plants by touching them. Rose(Lila Rosenthal. Father is German. Father daughter research team she can control plants by infusing plants with a chemical produced by her body. She was dying and her father in a desperate last attempt to save her life infused the still in development super plant fertilizer chemical compound into her blood cells. It saved her life.To keep her alive she needs this chemical all the time so she rewrote her DNA to produce the organic chemical compound) she has a PHD in Biochemistry. Valory uses the power of one of the Pink Stone to run so fast she teleports instead due to quantum mechanics. Admiral Eerie uses a staff filled with a very small amount of antimatter to make forcefield barriers, blasts, and energy attacks. Lord Laroth is a master swordsman with a tungsten carbide greatsword that deals extra damage due to spinning tungsten-carbide bars inside the blade. Antis is in search of the Time Gems. The Time Gems are powerful stones that regulate and balance all aspects of Time and space. There are a total of 11 stones, each with varying degrees of power. The Victors named them after the colors they glow. There is(from weakest to strongest) Pink, Green, Magenta, Turquoise, Amber, Light Blue, Light Pink, Violet, Blue, Red, and the Existence Stone. The Existence Stone is the very Existence of Time and it's destruction would be the destruction of the universe. That's why taking down Demashima is so hard. They could brute force through Demashima's defenses but fear of destroying the Existence Stone is enough for them to hold back. Many heroes use the Gems to enhance their combat capabilities at some point in the story. These Time Gems give off Time Resonance Energy or TRE. There is a rating scale for how much energy each stone outputs. The Time Gems are unique in their characteristics as they are not made of matter. They react to matter and can be held in one's hand but cannot be chipped, scratched etc. by normal measures. They are impervious to all matter. They consist of Time Sound. A Vibration of Time. Time Resonance. Think of it like a wave that oscillates fast enough in 3 dimensions to be holdable. Therefore they can only be damaged by vibrations higher in frequency than normal situations allow. Before Antis reached earth, the Victors had found several Time Gems (by using the Turquoise Stone in CakeJay's possession) and were conducting research. They accidentally used the Blue Stone to create 25 Power Gems(power in the form of crystallinestructures) they gave these to the weakest Victors in case of emergency (after finding out how to use them, of course) they gave more to the weakest of all and less to the not so weak. (CakeJay receives 5 as the weakest of all). Antis finally arrives and is confident that Venmar can win(he barely loses). Venmar then uses sword to try to kill Lord Laroth but Admiral Eerie stops it with antimatter barrier(the sword does not disintegrate because antimatter will only annihilate matter of EXACT opposite charge) (additionally the sword will damage anyone that is not part of its Universe, exceptions those who have physically touched Blue Stone or is the later character Silkstream) Laroth gets the sword and becomes Lord Laroth(Defender of Light) he names the sword The Sword of Light. Thankfully for the heroes Lord Laroth was in possession of the Blue Stone for some time and was unaware of it. He thought it was just an heirloom he needed to protect. Additionally the Victors call them the Time Gems but name them Light Pink Stone, Blue Stone, etc. So as Antis arrives on Earth Vern has just defeated the Twenty-Nine and was reclused at home. Antis discovers that Valory has the Time Gem. As Antis is wounding the Victors left and right Lord Laroth leaves to quickly get his Heirloom of Light(aka the Blue Stone). Upon arrival Laroth uses the Blue Stone to create a bunch of smaller Power Crystals. He gives then to CakeJay who is the only uninjured one. CakeJay sacrifices himself in a Power Crystal explosion to weaken Antis. Lord Laroth then fights Antis 1 on 1 with the sword and wins. Antis then uses his final action alive to teleport the Pink Stone he took from Valory to his father Demashima. With Antis his son dead Demashima swears revenge on the Victors and takes the Pink Stone. He uses it to find the Existence Stone and then throws the Light Pink Stone back to Earth since it's powerless in comparison and has lost its power. After the Pink Stone was used by Demashima to find the Existence Stone the Pink Stone was cracked due to a self-reference anomaly involving Time Resonance. This proved to the Victors that the Time Gems were not invincible. Seculah then takes the spotlight. She was a former colleague of CakeJay and worked for the Twenty-Nine. She did end up fighting Ren in that arc. Anyway she is one of the lowest ranked members of the organization so she carries around knives like an assassin. Although she wishes she were an assassin she is actually a thief. She works for one of the strongest Twenty-Nine members Rayelle. Rayelle can take physical impacts and store the kinetic energy in her cells to release later for unnaturally strong punches. The Twenty-Nine as a whole do not support thievery. However Rayelle gets what she wants behind the Council of 4's back. Seculah is sent to steal the Green Stone from Rose. Rose uses the Green Stone for research.(she's a biochemistry nerd). After finding out about her dear friend CakeJay's death and Rose’s former friendship with CakeJay she decides to oppose Rayelle and her dealings. She tries to report Rayelle to the Council of 4 but Rayelle stops her and Seculah is wounded. She leaves to try to find a way to beat Rayelle. She then heard about how Rose, Jonny-X, and CakeJay used to be their own superhero group known as the Trionic Trio. Together they fought foes and became the Quantum Quad after the acquisition of Star Night into the team. They are now the Trionic Trio once more as CakeJay is not alive. She contacts the Trionic Trio and they agree to let her have CakeJay's research and help her create better daggers. These better daggers shoot out thin bands of ionized electrons that dissolve most matter, resulting in powerful slicing power. It is still not enough to defeat Rayelle. In the final battle between Rayelle and Seculah Kimono Dragon appears and One-Shots Rayelle in front of her. He tells Seculah he heard of Rayelle's treachery and destroyed her. At the same time Vern had his paid time off expire so he returned to work at the police department. He is genius so he discovers strange radioactive readings across the city. Upon further investigation he finds Bionica. She tells Vern that she was dispatched from her master Demashima to exact his revenge.(Demashima only knows about the vibration not who actually killed him). Vern then asks why the big man didn't show up himself to which she replies, " He said you weren't worthy to be revenged in person”. They then engage in a fight. Bionica throws radioactively charged discs at Vern. He doesn't know what to do with it since his powers rely on feeling Vibrational energy. At the last moment he finds out how to combat the difficulty and defeats Bionica. She is too humiliated to return to Demashima so she kills herself instead.Vern is then recruited for the Victors by Lord Laroth who was watching the whole time. Lord Laroth is the Leader of the Victors due to his Victory over Antis. He then informs Vern that they have issues they need to deal with and new Victors he need to meet. We are then introduced to Valory's family. Her entire family is extremely gifted.Valory is a Quantum mechanics specialist. She herself got the Pink Stone to work again and found another Time Gem; the Light Blue Stone. Her husband's name is Gintu. He created a new metal alloy called Tritritium. It's a molecule composed of 3 Tritium atoms that are Ultra-Ionized at high Plasmic temperatures and then freezing cold Tritium is added forcing a metallic bond in the now valent atoms. This metal is extremely lightweight but as strong as Tungsten carbide. He used Tritritium to make a gadget shield. It's a protective shield that has things like grapples, tazers, layers, etc. Valory's teen son The Cube makes Gadget Cubes. He uses the leftover Tritritium. They are basically a less defensive version of his father's power since he wanted to copy him. And the Cube's younger sister Fushia can work with Nanotechnology. Both kids are banned from hero work. Together they form their own superhero group known as The Beacons. Valory quit the Victors to spend more time with her family and to work independently from the international accords that the Victors have to operate under. The Cube and Fushia are only allowed to do hero work if both parents are out of commission. They then fight the Villain known as Bulk. He named himself that because he thought it was funny. He hates the Beacons because he was trying to become the first person to make Tritritium. He was unsuccessful so the patent went to Gintu.(not the alloy but the process was patented). Bulk then steals Tritritium from Gintu and makes armor out of it. Both Valory and Cube come to save their parents and they defeat Bulk. Kimono Dragon then hears of the Victors exploits against Antis. He ignores it and resumes his training. Seculah then persuade him and The Council of 4 to join the Victors. She was promoted to 1 of the 4 so the 4 were named Spec, Kimono Dragon, Seculah, and Dinoman. Spec is a former Special ops unit commander for the UK. He then discovered Kimono Dragon and joined to become powerful. He initially thought it would be beneficial for his team if he could be powerful like Kimono Dragon. But he then started following their way of thinking and ditched his position as commander. Dinoman genetically enhanced himself and now looks like a Dinosaur due to scaly looking skin. Dinoman is focused on pure strength and is good at it. Spec is focused on drawing energy from his surroundings to emit through his fingertips. Dinoman only joined the team to get revenge on Muffalo who was the newest member of the Victors. Muffalo was an engineer who was inspired by the Noisy Cricket from Men in Black to create small but powerful weapons. He is now a weapons contractor for the U.S. Navy. His goal is smaller weapons,bigger punch. After a scuffle between the U.S. Navy and Russian ships Dinomans's wife was killed while in the barracks. His thirst for revenge allowed him to be convinced to join the Victors. Gintu decides to secretly join the Victors under Valory's nose, he and Muffalo had gotten into contact through Lord Laroth's connections with Valory. Gintu's Tritritium was the perfect material for making strong, thin, weapons. At the opportune moment Dinoman attacks Muffalo while he is alone. In the ensuing chaos Muffalos's hand is bitten off. After some number of Victors arrive they kill off Dinoman. Muffalo is given a Tritritium hand replacement courtesy of Gintu. Gintu then decides to use the Light Blue Stone in his shield to up the damage he can do. The Twenty-Nine disband and they search for the remaining Time Gems. Admiral Eerie upgrades his staff with the Amber stone, Rose buffs herself with the Green Stone and Muffalo makes use of the Magenta Stone for his weapons. Spec also uses the Violet Stone to enhance his power. Demashima had been preparing the whole time. Then a girl who is the head of a lab called Astris Labs appears. She goes under the name of Silkstream and is currently undergoing research into Zero-Point Energy Collection (ZPEC). She believes that dark matter and spacetime curvature could be the key to understanding it's principles and as such has space telescopes pointed at the sky. Her telescope picked up high levels of Time Resonance Energy(TRE) in deep space. Her lab is one of the few places in the world allowed to scan for TRE's as the World Council only allows Victors to use Time Gems. Silkstream informs the Victors of the level 11 TRE located in space (for reference the Amber Stone outputs a TRE of 5 and the Pink Stone of 3.2). Valory then reluctantly rejoins the Victors to be part of the mission. She builds a device capable of telporting herself and some Victors to the source of the energy spikes. Arlengen who uses a razor rail gun and can levitate water joins the Victors to partake of the mission as at the special request from South Africa's President. Him, Valory, Rose, and Kimono Dragon enter the portal. They find that Demashima had been practicing combat with the Existence Stone. They eventually get in a scuffle and in trying to save Arlengen(since their 2nd priority was his protection) Rose ends up dying. Kimono Dragon faces Demashima 1 on 1 and immobilizer him long enough for the rest to exit the portal before himself dying in the ensuing chaos. Then the Pink Stone burst apart from the stress of the Self-Reference Anomaly due to the portal being at the Existence Stone releasing a Level 8 TRE across the city. With the Pink Stone gone Valory is now out of commission. They try to prepare for Demashima by training and enlisting the help of Ren Vern into the Victors. They picked up a level 6 TRE from him which shouldn't of been possible. So to keep an eye on him and to utilize him for the upcoming battle they assimilate him into the Victors. Demashima then arrives. Not knowing where Demashima would arrive the Victors split their forces into 2 teams. Each team is on the opposite side of the world to keep equal distance from any point on earth with the fastest Jet available at each location. Team 1 comprises of Jonny-X Arlengen, Lord Laroth, Admiral Eerie, Cube, Gintu, and Muffalo. Team 2 comprises Valory, Seculah, Spec, Vern, Fushia, and Star Night. Demashima arrives at Team 1 since they have the most Time Gems on them. They tell him to back off but Demashima says no and they end up clashing in a big battle. Team 2 is now on their way. Jonny-X is injured almost immediately from the intense TRE energy. He doesn't have any Time Gems on him which means they can't act as shields to to the energy. This leaves him and Cube vulnerable. However Cube's versatility allows him to out agility most attacks. Admiral Eerie strikes Demashima with powerful blows that mark him up but effectively do minor damage. Him having the most powerful Time Gems made him near invincible. Arlengen is able to distract him long enough for Gintu to charge his shield for a major Light Blue Stone blast that deals good damage. Demashima then uses the Existence Stone to reposition the 3rd dimensional plane of Existence around the Victors so that they are not within his plane of Existence effectively trapping them in a Time Prison. The Cube barely escapes this fate by cowering away. Team 2 arrives just too late to save them but still try to fight. Spec decides to join Demashima's side because he thinks he's so cool and Vern tries to kill him. But Demashima sees he has a new ally and protects him. Seculahs blades do not land on Demashima nor are effective at all. Valory was able to jury-rig a device to teleport but works minimally as she doesn't have the Pink Stone anymore and is weak in comparison. Fushia and Star Night make a desperate combo that ends poorly and it becomes evident that Team 2 was the weakest Team. Demashima then corners Vern and explains that this whole time Vern was the reason for all of it. He was the reason for the Gravitational Disturbances. His body actually contained the Light Pink Stone this whole time and the concussion bomb had triggered it. Vern is then stunned to see Kimono Dragon appear out of the blue slightly disfigured but still very alive. His recoding of DNA ability had allowed him to turn his body into a heal only machine to get his vital organs back to working order. He teaches Vern throughout the ensuing battle to awaken the Stone inside. Vern then unlocks his Level 3 and becomes ultra powerful! He then battles Demashima 1 on 1 until Demashima also traps them all in his Time Prison. Demashima then reigns supreme ruler of the world and revels in his victory. He claims the Earth as his loot and rules the Universe until Act 3 commences. With the world now being ruled under Demashima the World Council panic.They realize they mustn't give up so they secretly form the Victors 2. Silkstream had finally discovered how to collect the Zero-Point energy. Her joy is short lived since she must now weaponize it to fight Demashima. Thinking that the Victors shouldn't have all the Time Gems the World Council had been keeping the Red Stone under lock and key. Having the highest TRE rating of 9.7 they thought it would allow them to take care of traitorous Victors. Although Spec was a traitor Demashima was a bigger problem. They gave the Red Stone to Vonya. Vonya had contracted with the World Council to become the Ultimate weapon under the code name Project FireStone. She made a Red Lightning Whip that could cut through any object made of matter. She also developed a special technique called the Stasis Stone where she projects a Cube of TRE around her opponents that speeds time up for them so much that their body ages and dies before 1 second has passed. She infused herself with the Red Stone so that the weapon and ability only worked through her. She joins the Victors 2 alongside Silkstream, Cube, Spec, and Jupiter. Spec had decided he was done with Demashima slslander of him and came back to the Victors. The World Council had no choice but to accept him back due to the extremity of the situation. Jupiter is the new Victor that had once applied for the position but was previously denied for having some inherent issues with his powers.He worked at Astris labs and had made a device that could alter spacetime curvature to change the apparent gravitational direction ofl gravity. One issue is if teammates are in the same space as the enemy they would be affected by the same effect. Also its nature made it hard for the mind to fully capture what was happening and use it effectively. But there were no other options. So together they face Demashima. They challenge him to a battle off-earth so they can fight as hard as they need. Also Jupiter's power made it hard to do it on earth. So they go to a breathable planet to fight. They arrive on planet Orion and start their battle. Vonya immediately tries Stasis Stone on Demashima but the Existence Stone grants him immunity from drastic time changes. Also because the whip functions off TRE her whip acts like a regular whip against Demashima. Jupiter tries to change gravity however Demashima responds by rotating the 3rd dimension plane of Existence. This act actually releases the Victors on Earth who try to find a way to get to the battle from Earth. They find TRE ratings in space at Astris Labs and Valory teleports herself and Lord Laroth to Orion. The rest are stuck there waiting for the battle outcome. Spec uses his power absorption to draw in Vonya's energy and blast it back at Demashima. Side note here Vonya's power is comparable to that of the Phoenix Force in the X-men movie. This hurts Demashima and he retaliates by killing Jupiter since he has no defensive moves. Silkstream uses her massive Zero-Point energy to blast Demashima to the ground. Silkstream is the strongest Victor despite not having any Time Gems. What she hasn't told anyone though is that everything she uses her power a part of her body is dissolved into the void left behind by the lack of Zero-Point Energy Field. In the rush of weaponizing it she was not able to make it safe to use. Hurt by this strong blast she steps back to let Vonya take him. Demashima gets up and eventually injures Spec and Vonya. This left only Silkstream left to fight. Valory then arrives with Lord Laroth's Sword of Light and gives it to Silkstream. She then tells her that any strike strong enough to kill Demashima will most likely be enough to destroy the Existence Stone and everything else in the universe. Valory then teleports everyone else back to earth bidding farewell. Faced with no other choice and at great personal cost Silkstream conjures her most powerful strike using the Sword of Light and her Zero-Point energy to make the final slash. With a TRE rating of 25 it obliterates the entire planet and the surrounding moons. Demashima is no more as the blade pierced through his hand, arm, and head. Silkstream with only half a body dies in the dark of space with the only consolation being that she was the savior of the universe. |