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Rated: E · Other · How-To/Advice · #2327744
Stick to a single message/theme.Chapters,paragraphs,verses are just a path for the reader.
To a New Writer

The biggest mistake for all writers is not sticking to a single thread, theme or thought. It is easy to get lost by trying create passion or excitement by including diverse ideas or multiple threads in your writing. Not only will your reader get lost you will get lost trying to write it. Stick to a single message.

Even in a mystery novel with multiple threads. You should know who the killer is and who the saviour is before you even start writing. In a poem it should say one message that means something to someone somewhere. If you have several messages you want to convey create separate books and/or poems for each meaningful message you want to convey

Each Chapter or verse in poetry says one thing about the main message. If you find you are saying more than one thing in a chapter or verse make them new chapters or verses. Each paragraph in a chapter is a single event or step or thought. There should never be multiple messages or thoughts in a chapter, paragraph or verse. Think of it like a choose your own adventure book. You introduce the characters then give them a choice. Unlike choose your own adventure You the writer make the choice then describe the consequences.

Words matter chose them carefully and make sure they express something about what you are trying to say in the paragraph, chapter and verse. Try to be sparse with your words.

The above is how to simplify and make your writing coherent. It also makes the writing easier and prevents you from getting lost in your story or message.

The most important thing is to write and write often. Request frequent reviews even if you have only part of it. You may find a new path you had not thought of but always stick to the main message the rest is just you showing the reader to the path. You wrote something which means you are a writer just not a published writer. Published writers have to change their writing everytime they submit it to an editor. That is why they are called editors. LOL. So if you want to be published be prepared to rewrite and rewrite often. The editors job is to the publish writing that will excite, entertain, entrance, and teach something to THIER audience not every audience, Let me say that again “to THIER audience not every audience”

Hopes this helps you stay focused and help you on your path to creating writing that means something to someone somewhere. Trust if you write with passion it will mean something to someone somewhere. I am often surprised at the reader reviews they find things in my writing that I had not even considered but it matter to them so I was glad I wrote it. So my friend write. Write often, edit and revise often and be happy to know something you created is out there in the universe.
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