Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2326387-Pet-to-a-Mouse
Rated: E · Short Story · Animal · #2326387
A young mouse lets her pet human out to play while she does her homework.
In a cozy, dimly lit bedroom, a young mouse girl named Maya sat at her desk, her large round ears twitching with concentration as she worked on her homework. Her soft, fur-covered hands gripped a pencil, her tail curled around the leg of her chair.

On the dresser beside her bed stood a small wire cage, lined with wood shavings and shredded paper. Inside the cage, a tiny human boy, no bigger than a mouse’s paw, was curled up in a ball, his quadrupled limbs tucked close to his body. His small, round eyes peered out through the bars, and he let out a high-pitched squeak as he saw Maya glance over at him.

Maya’s whiskers twitched in amusement as she observed her pet. The little human boy, whom she had named Squeak, was always so curious, so full of energy. His tiny form moved about the cage with a boundless enthusiasm that never failed to bring a smile to her face.

After a moment of watching him pace back and forth, Maya set down her pencil and pushed back her chair. She approached the dresser, her large eyes sparkling with affection. She reached into the cage with gentle hands and carefully scooped Squeak into her palm. He wriggled and squeaked in excitement, his little limbs flailing in the air as she lifted him out of the cage.

“You want to run around, don’t you, Squeak?” Maya whispered, her voice soft and soothing.

Squeak responded with a series of high-pitched squeals, his tiny body quivering with anticipation. Maya chuckled and set him down inside a transparent, plastic ball designed just for him. The ball was smooth and round, with small holes for air and tiny handles inside for Squeak to hold onto. As soon as he was inside, Squeak began to run, causing the ball to roll across the floor.

Maya watched as Squeak darted around the room in his ball, chasing after imaginary prey and bumping into furniture. His energy was infectious, and she found herself giggling as he zipped past her desk.

With Squeak safely contained in his ball, Maya returned to her homework, her mind now more focused after the brief distraction. She would occasionally glance up to check on Squeak, making sure he was safe as he explored his little world. He was just like a tiny mouse in many ways, except with those odd quadrupled limbs and soft, furless skin.

Squeak continued to run around, his tiny heart pounding with excitement as he explored the vast expanse of Maya’s bedroom. To him, it was an enormous world filled with strange sights and smells. The ball bumped against the leg of Maya’s chair, and she looked down with a smile, giving him a gentle nudge with her foot to send him on his way again.

As the minutes passed, Maya found herself occasionally distracted by the little human, watching him roll around with the kind of joyful abandon that only a pet could have. But eventually, her focus returned to her work, and she lost herself in the numbers and words that filled her notebook.

After a while, Maya noticed that the room had grown quieter. She looked up from her homework to see that Squeak had tired himself out. The ball was now stationary, and inside, Squeak was curled up, his tiny chest rising and falling with the steady rhythm of sleep.

Maya’s heart melted at the sight. She carefully lifted the ball and carried it back to the dresser. With the gentlest of touches, she opened it and transferred Squeak back into his cage, tucking him into the soft bedding. He barely stirred, only letting out a small, contented squeak before snuggling deeper into his nest.

With a satisfied smile, Maya returned to her desk. She felt a warmth in her chest, knowing that Squeak was happy and safe. As she finished the last of her homework, she occasionally glanced over at the sleeping form of her tiny pet, feeling a deep bond with the little creature that had become such an important part of her life.
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