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1 of 3 Summer stories in conjunction with DJ, involving the character Misty Zhang. |
“Don’t worry, you look great!” Cecelia assured her long-time partner. Misty grumbled from the back of the rented van and yelled at her. “I look ridiculous.” “Baby steps, dear.” Cecelia assured. “Come on, we can handle this together. Look at me, don’t tell me I look ridiculous.” Cecelia pointed to her body which was neatly tucked into a nice striped bikini. Her top though was immensely strained by two great spherical boobs. Not helping matters was how her top was painted with a beachball’s colors. A passing couple, a man and a woman, briefly stopped to stare at her immensity. Cecelia blushed before angling her body towards the van’s interior. “Come on, you need to regain that former fire of yours and show the world the Misty of yesterday.” “Fine.” The van creaked, inside there was something immensely heaving shifting. An immense blue limb grabbed a hold of the van’s lip, followed closely by a second. Two giant boobs, though relatively smaller than Cecelia's, poked out of the van’s darkness. The tits were covered in a white bikini top with a gold ring holding the cloth together. They rested on top of a belly wider than a man’s torso. There was another groan before the rest of the figure pulled herself out of the darkness. Nearly six feet tall, when months ago she was half that height, was an immensely bloated blue blob of a woman. Her figure was an exaggerated curvature of a matron’s form. She was built like a Venus figure but even wider with perkier bits. Not a single hint of sagginess on her, oh no, everything was built to be on display. Her thighs were elephantine, they did their best to hold up the immensity of her upper portions. And her buttocks were so wide one could see it from the front, between her cheeks was a thin white thong. She was dressed so skimpy due to the simple face there was nothing else to cover her. Her face was oddly thin, contrasting with the rest of her. Soft Chinese on a greatly engorged looking figure. Misty’s face was a bright purple, she could feel beachgoers turn to stare at her. Even here, at one of the less populated beach fronts, there were too many people for her liking. “I look even bigger under the sun.” Misty tried to look down at her body but all she saw was tit and belly. Wiggling her backside, the woman could hear her juice swirl inside of each individual cheek. Cecelia patted her hand. “We can do this together, dear. You’ve been juiced for two weeks now and you need to get back into socializing.” “I wish I could get smaller.” “We’ll find a way to fix you. Now grab our stuff and let’s get going, the day isn’t going to last forever.” Cecelia did her best to deliver a peck onto Misty’s cheek. It proved difficult, both her tits and Misty’s kept them away from each. That and the Chinese woman's height kept them apart. Sighing, Misty lumbered behind Cecelia who did her best to walk with confidence. Harder than it looked, keeping her back straight and her bosom at front did a number on her back. So after a hundred feet or so Cecelia wrapped her chest tight. Misty didn’t have the benefit to disguise her body, her arms were too thick and puffed up to even attempt at covering herself. Plus the added sections of her tush and stomach were out of her reach. She regretted not getting a towel or blanket to wrap around her body, people wouldn’t see her fat blue ass swaying about. The worst part of walking towards the sandy beach was the sound of her sloshing. If she was fat she wouldn’t be so loud. Even at ten feet, if a person focused, they could hear the juice inside of her. That fact alone caused no end of annoyance for the fitness trainer. She worked hard for her body, dammit. All down the drain because of some shitty smoothie—actually that was a lie, it tasted delicious. She would’ve liked not losing her old body though! “Don’t worry, we’re almost to the spot I pointed out.” Cecelia turned around to her wide girlfriend. “ I’m right here, dear.” The sight of the pair made many families, couples, and whoever was on the beach stop and stare. Whether it was Cecelia’s large boobs or Misty’s everything they were looking at, who would’ve guessed. It was a slow journey, but due to both of their figures, they couldn’t go any faster. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the duo managed to find a relatively secluded spot. Far from the views of many pedestrians on the beach, the pair finally eased their worries and set their spot up. The worst part during this was the umbrella, Misty and Cecelia’s body made it difficult to flick at a button that would open the canopy. So, choking back their hesitation, they managed to find a fellow beachgoer to assist in their problem. Once done, they lumbered back and laid down on a huge mat. Even then, Misty took up the majority of it with her blue body. They had to find a nice angle lest Cecelia wouldn’t have any room to lay down. “Sorry I’m so huge.” “Don’t apologize.” Cecelia kissed Misty’s cheek. Much easier since she didn’t have to lean upwards to do it. Misty groaned in acknowledgement. Her girlfriend slyly grabbed one of Misty’s tits and groped. She looked at Cecelia incredulously. “Cheer you up?” Cecelia smiled. “We’re both trying to fit in our bodies, I’m not going to let you mope forever.” The doctor emphasized this by laying one of her engorged boobs against Misty’s blueberry bode. The Chinese woman blushed deeply, there was heat in her groins that were beginning to well up. Misty closed her eyes and put the thought of tomorrow out of her mind, right now she wanted to bask in her girlfriend’s presence. Who, at this moment, decided to get up and position her melons over Misty’s face. The blueberry woman stuttered at the action. “Be warned, I never did this before.” Cecelia joked. Before Misty could say anything, Cecelia was on top of her. “Aren’t people going to see?” Misty mumbled out. “That’s why I found someplace so far away. So we can have some privacy. Besides, I’m preparing us for tonight.” The doctor soothed her lover’s fears. “You mean we’re…” “Going to do it here? Yes. Don’t worry, there’s rules regarding it.” Cecilia whispered through her immense cleavage. “I made sure to have everything covered.” Misty couldn’t help but quiver from that announcement. |