Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2321982-Chap2--Real-and-Unreal-Mental-Illness
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Mystery · #2321982
Jun.2024 In this bittersweet world, why is the human suicide rate so low at only 0.02%?
On April 1, the eve of the five-day public holiday, the queue outside the Dalian Hospital was extremely long.

Among the crowd, there were two uninvited guests, Liang Wanzhen and her cousin Ma Xinru.

Ma Xin is now almost 30 years old and used to be a housewife. She had just divorced four months ago and was unemployed at home.

Because Wanzhen was persistent in her suspicion of "Dalian Hospital", she invited her cousin Ma Xinru to pretend to be a mental patient and seek medical treatment to investigate the situation in the hospital.

"Wow! It turns out that there are many mental patients in Hong Kong. There are so many people queuing up, and it takes a lot of waiting time." Wanzhen looked at the long queue.

"Zhen... I'm... a little scared..." Xinru next to her held Wan Zhen's hand tightly, still trembling.

"Cousin, don't be afraid, just treat it as if you are acting in a play and come here for a psychological examination." Wanzhen patted the back of her hand.


"After all, you just divorced and you don't have a job. You stay at home with nothing to do all day long. You should do something to relieve your boredom!" Wanzhen continued to comfort Xinru.

"But... I'm worried about what might happen..." Xinru still showed fear.

"Don't worry, this is a large-scale hospital after all. They can't do anything to you. As long as you don't take the medicine given by the hospital, you should be fine." Wanzhen comforted her with kind words.

"Zhen...but...I'm not mentally ill. It would be terrible if they found out that I was pretending to be a patient..." Xinru kept her voice low for fear that the people around her would hear what she said.

"Cousin, didn't you remember what I said that it is difficult to diagnose mental illness?" Wanzhen also replied in a low voice.

"But..." Xinru looked worried.

"Besides, I have read many books about mental illness before. Just remember the symptoms of 'mental depression' and talk to the doctor," Wanzhen reminded Xinru.

"Even that... I'm still scared!" Xinru couldn't hide her panic.

"I'm helping you, so what are you afraid of?" Wanzhen held Xinru's hand tightly.


"Look, it's our turn to get soon." Wanzhen and Xinru arrive at the outpatient department.

After the two got their tickets at the outpatient department, they went outside the designated ward to wait for diagnosis and treatment.

Seeing that Xinru would have to wait for a while to see a doctor, Wanzhen took the opportunity to inspect the surroundings of the hospital, leaving her alone to wait.

The interior of Dalian Hospital is not much different from that of ordinary hospitals.

The most outstanding feature is the giant Buddha statue standing in the centre of the lobby. This is the characteristic of " Dairen Shoshu".

The Buddha statue is a solemn object, but when Wanzhen looked up at the Buddha statue, it failed to make her feel calm and peaceful.

Instead, Wanzhen felt an indescribable and strange feeling of fear, which made her believe that there must be something wrong with this hospital.

* * * * * * * *

"Dean, the second phase of the plan has been completed and has achieved results." In the dark room, Kimura made another report.

"Well, Kimura, what's the result?" the Dean asked.

"Our instrument that converts brain waves from beta band to alpha band is close to the 'log'. Two of the 'log' committed suicide less than fifteen minutes after the instrument was started." Kimura reported.

What Kimura is talking about seems to be the suicides of Fang Qiaoer, a female student from Wong Tai Sin Village, and Ms. Ho, the proprietress of Po Wu Road market in Tai Po.

"Okay!" The Dean praised.

"Another 'log' also committed suicide by taking medicine within thirty minutes and was rescued in time... However, it can still be proved that the instrument is very effective and can quickly destroy the 'immortal gene' and let 'log' to commit suicide." Kimura said It should be the incident involving Mr Zhou.

"Very good! Very good!... Kawasaki, when can the third phase of the plan be carried out." The Dean was satisfied with the progress.

"Report to the dean, the current technology can only use instruments at close range to make the 'log' equipped with the brainwave transceiver chip commit suicide," Kawasaki reported to the Dean.

"Can it be improved?" the Dean asked.

"If we want to further expand the distance and affect people who are not equipped with brainwave transceivers... I'm afraid it will take a long time to develop technology." Kawasaki said the difficulty

"Let's focus on the function of the instrument first and improve it to be able to affect ordinary people who are not equipped with brainwave transceivers. Later, we will study the scope of expanding the effective distance." The Dean gave the instruction.

"Yes!" Kawasaki bowed.


At this moment, the dark room was suddenly illuminated by a strong light, and everyone in the meeting was shocked!

The mastermind who had been hiding in the shadows, Dean Tianwu Ying Yang was truly exposed for the first time.

Tianwu Yingyang's hair was all white and his eyes were bright, just like an emperor!

Dean Tianwu was also the old man who used death to solve the young man's problems at Tokyo Narita International Airport three years ago.

The participants calmed down a little and found that someone had opened the conference room door.

That person was Liang Wanzhen who was inspecting the surroundings of Dalian Hospital.

During the investigation, Wanzhen walked down to the lower basement of the hospital, accidentally hit the ground, opened the door and entered the heartland she wanted to trace.

Everyone in the conference room stared at Wanzhen unkindly, and the atmosphere was tense!

Although Wanzhen was extremely uncomfortable being stared at by everyone, she did not forget to look back at each other. She saw the name tags on everyone, including Dean Tianwu Ying Yang and other names...

Even Wanzhen herself could not have expected that she would easily bump into the person she wanted to track down here.

However, at this moment, Wanzhen was just anxiously thinking about how to get out of trouble and had no time to take care of other things.

" I'm sorry for disturbing everyone, I'm just... looking for the restroom,..." Wanzhen knew that the atmosphere was bad, so to avoid making people suspicious, she immediately calmed down with her words in an attempt to solve the dilemma.

"Miss, the public restroom is on the upper floor." Ryumoto Taro who knew Chinese at the scene, responded immediately.

Ryumoto's reaction was much calmer than the others, and his answers were more polite.

"...because too many people used the restroom today and it took a long time to wait, so I went to this floor to find another restroom." Since Ryumoto did not respond with hostility, Wanzhen's nervousness eased slightly and she was able to come up with a more reasonable excuse.

"There is no public restroom on this floor. Go back to the upper floor." Ryumoto also looked at Wanzhen.

"Yes...yes, I...go back to the upper floor...Sorry to bother you all." Wanzhen secretly thanked Ryumoto for helping her out, hurriedly closed the door and left.

After walking out of the conference room, Wanzhen stuck out her tongue. Knowing that she was almost in danger, she broke into the high-level conference room of the Dean and had the closest contact with the person she identified as the "conspiracy".

After Wanzhen left, everyone in the room was still discussing the situation.

"Why is this so?" Dean Tianwu Yingyang was exposed. He seemed extremely unhappy and his face darkened.

"Dean...I'm sorry, it might be my fault, I forgot to lock the door." Kimura admitted that it was his mistake.

"Kimura! This is a serious mistake!" The Dean looked sharply at Kimura.


"Don't happen again." The Dean sternly reprimanded Kimura.

"Yes...yes, Dean." Kimura bowed repeatedly to the Dean and the attendees.

* * * * * * * *

Outside the clinic, Xinru is still waiting alone.

Xinru was anxious and scared because it was almost her turn to see the doctor.

At this moment, Xinru hopes that Wanzhen will come back soon to accompany her to see the doctor.

However, Wanzhen has not been seen for a long time.

Suddenly, someone slapped Xinru on the back, startling her.

"Hi! Cousin, I'm back! Are you feeling bored?" That was Wanzhen, who had just returned from the lower basement of the hospital.

"Well...fortunately you came back in time, otherwise...I might not be able to handle it!" Xinru breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Wanzhen.

"Huh? It's almost time for us to see a doctor!" Wanzhen looked at the waiting situation.

After a while, it was Xinru's turn to see the doctor.

The two entered the consultation room, and the person on duty was Dr. Jiaren.

"Is it Ma Xinru? Is there anything wrong with you?" Doctor Jiaren asked Xinru.

"Ah...I...I...nothing..." When Xinru heard the doctor's question, she was so nervous that she didn't know what to say and became stammering.

"Doctor, she is my cousin. I suspect she has some mental problems." Upon seeing this, Wanzhen hurriedly came to her rescue.

"What's the problem?" Dr. Jiaren turned his attention to Wanzhen.

"My cousin just got divorced a few months ago and is unemployed. She stays at home all day long and is depressed. She often loses her temper and is irritable. She constantly blames herself and feels useless. She is also physically tired and often has no appetite. She can't relax, there are still some delusions and hallucinations from time to time!" Wanzhen then recited the symptoms of depression that she had found earlier.

"Oh, Miss Ma, is this often?" Dr. Jiaren looked back at Xinru.

"Yes...yes..." Xinru replied still nervously.

"Well, according to the preliminary diagnosis, it is suspected that Ms Ma is suffering from depression, and her condition is not serious. Further detailed examination is required." Dr. Jiaren recorded the condition of Xinru mentioned by Wanzhen in the file.

After hearing the doctor's diagnosis, Wanzhen smiled to herself, thinking that her plan was very successful and she could easily deceive professional doctors.

* * * * * * * *

It's night, Ma Xinru's home in Block 6, Cheung Sha Wan Estate.

"Haha... Cousin, I told you that my method was worked!" Wanzhen happily talked to Xinru about today's experience.

"Zhen...you know my heart was beating very hard at that time...I'm still scared now!" Xinru still hasn't calmed down after returning home.

"I just said a few words casually, and it was so easy to hide it from the so-called professional doctors. What else is there to be afraid of?" Wanzhen disagreed.

"But, I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it when the checking comes." Xinru was worried.

"How could that happen?" Wanzhen shook her head.

"I think .. let's forget it." Xinru flinched.

"How is that possible? This hospital is indeed questionable." Wanzhen insisted.


"Today I accidentally bumped into a gathering place for senior officials. Each of them looked at me with murderous eyes. Although I couldn't understand what they said, I felt it was not a good thing. Only that man among them, named Ryumoto talks a bit like a human being." Wanzhen recalled what she saw in the basement of the hospital.

"Wow! You're talking so horribly, why do you want to send a sheep into a tiger's mouth?" Xinru hearing this, became even more worried.

"Didn't I say that as long as you follow my plan? It's a big hospital after all. Do they dare to kill us in the hospital?" Wanzhen comforted.


"Don't worry, at worst it will be revealed that we are pretending to be patients," Wanzhen said as a reassurance.

Although Wanzhen said it easily, Xinru was unsatisfied and still felt uneasy.

On April 12, during the re-examination time, Wanzhen dragged Xinru to Dalian Hospital and followed the signs to the B2 floor of the hospital's basement for consultation.

Last time, Wanzhen also visited this floor. This was the second floor of the hospital's basement and the lowest floor. The flow of people was very sparse, giving it a gloomy feeling.

Wanzhen also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere and immediately became vigilant.

Xinru was even more panicked!

They followed the signs and arrived outside the door of Ward 131.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Suddenly, a man dressed as a nurse walked out of Room 131 with a fierce look in his eyes, and the two of them were startled.

"...We are here for examination, and this...is a referral note." Wanzhen's reaction was relatively calm, and she immediately handed the note to the male nurse.

"Hmm, is it Ma Xinru?" the male nurse pointed at Wanzhen and asked.

"No...no, Ma Xinru is my cousin." Wanzhen gestured to Xinru who was beside her.

The male nurse turned to look at Xinru. When she came into contact with the male nurse's ferocious gaze, Xinru lowered her head in fear and did not dare to look directly at her.

"Ma Xinru, come with me!" The male nurse led Xinru into Room 131.

Wanzhen wanted to follow her in, but was stopped by the male nurse!

"If I don't accompany my cousin, she... will be nervous and need my care." Wanzhen was afraid that Xinru couldn't handle it, so she hurriedly explained to the male nurse.

"No! There are doctors and nurses taking care of her here. If you go in, it will affect the doctor's diagnosis. Just wait here!" Then, the male nurse took Xinru inside, closed the door, and left Wanzhen alone outside.

Wanzhen was exposed to Xinru's helpless look, but she was unable to help. She felt very guilty and hoped that Xinru could handle it.

Time passed, more than an hour, and Xinru still didn't come out. Wanzhen was waiting outside the ward, feeling uneasy and worried that Xinru might be in danger... But she was afraid of disturbing her plan and did not dare to act rashly.

...Time continued to pass, and after another hour, Wanzhen's uneasiness became more intense, and she began to think wildly. She was even more afraid that Xinru had been in danger, and she walked around anxiously outside the ward... feelings of guilt and fear continued to surge her.

After half an hour more, Wanzhen... finally couldn't bear it anymore.


"Open the door! Open the door! Open the door quickly..." Wanzhen decided not to wait any longer and called the door vigorously.

"Hey! What's the noise about?" After a while, the door opened and the male nurse came out again.

"My...cousin has been inside for a long time. I want to know how she is doing. Why she hasn't come out yet." Wanzhen asked immediately.

"The patient needs a detailed examination, which will not be completed so quickly." The male nurse responded in a formal tone.

"Then... I want to accompany my cousin to the examination... She may not be used to it without me, which will slow down the progress. If I accompany her, your examination will be smoother." Wanzhen was anxious and found excuses to explain.

"No! The doctor who is examining the patient now is the chief consultant doctor in the hospital, Ryumoto Taro. He is professionally qualified to diagnose the disease. If you are present, you will disturb his diagnosis and treatment of the patient. Wait here quietly. " Wanzhen once again was turned away by the male nurse.

"Ryumoto Taro?" Wanzhen thought of the person who broke into the conference room to talk to her a few days ago, the name tag says the same name.

"Hmph! Taro Ryumoto seems sanctimonious and upright, but he is probably an accomplice... Ah! He is a key figure in the hospital. Wouldn't it be dangerous for my cousin to see him?" Wanzhen thought for a while, feeling even more worried and panicked.

However, Wanzhen was alone and helpless, with nothing to do. Her mood became heavier and heavier, and she kept wandering nervously outside 131.

About an hour later, the door opened and Xinru finally walked out accompanied by a male nurse.

Seeing that Xinru was safe, Wanzhen was relieved. After the male nurse left, she immediately stepped forward to express her condolences.

"Cousin, what did they do to you? It took so long, I'm worried ." Wanzhen helped Xinru sit down on a chair outside.

"...The doctor said that I am suffering from severe mental depression and I need to take medication regularly to control my condition, otherwise it will get worse." Xinru showed Wanzhen the medication receipt with a dull expression.

"Ha! Cousin, I had no idea that your acting skills were so good that you could hide it from those so-called professional doctors!" Wanzhen smiled.

"No! Wanzhen, the doctor did a detailed examination on me and confirmed that I suffered from severe mental depression." Xinru spoke seriously, definitely not joking, and Wanzhen was shocked.

"Cousin, you are so enthusiastic... How about... go home and rest quickly, I'm going to get the medicine." Wanzhen calmed her down and then went to the pharmacy to get the drugs.

After receiving the drugs, Wanzhen accompanied Xinru back home.

"Wow! This hospital is going too far. They are giving you so many drugs. No wonder so many patients commit suicide!" Wanzhen was about to take the drugs she received back to the laboratory for testing. Analysis to see if there are any wrong with the ingredients of the drugs.

"Wait...don't take the drugs away!" Xinru, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up to stop Wanzhen from taking away the drugs.


"...I hope you can give me back the drugs. The doctor...said that it must be taken regularly, otherwise the condition will not improve." Xinru said what she wanted.

"What...what did you say? Have you forgotten that there is no mental illness at all, and you don't need drugs?" Wanzhen was confused about Xinru's behaviour.

"No... no... the doctor did a detailed examination on me and... said that I suffered from severe mental depression. He is not lying... Please give me the drugs and I will take it." Xinru looked serious.

"No, I can't give it to you. There may be something wrong with the drugs, which is the key to many suicides. It needs to be taken for detailed testing to find out the truth." Wanzhen firmly refused.

"Please... leave some of the drugs for me!" Xinru made a concession.

"Cousin! I remind you to break away from the role you played today. Remember, you are not mentally ill, you just pretended to be after reading the relevant books before. Do you understand?" Wanzhen grasped Xinru with both hands.

"But... the doctor's examination is not fake. Maybe... maybe... I have such a disease without knowing it... Can you give me the drugs?" Xinru begged.

"Don't think too much. You're really tired today... If you take a rest, you'll be fine when you wake up." After some persuasion and explanation from Wanzhen, Xinru finally calmed down a little...

Later, Wanzhen told Xinrua to take a hot bath and accompanied her back to her room until she fell asleep, then Wanzhen took away all the drugs and left.

Wanzhen took the drugs to the laboratory to find out the ingredients inside.

A few days later, the drug test results came out.

The drug test results prescribed by Dalian Hospital showed that the commonly used tricyclic antidepressant drug "amitriptyline" has a sedative effect and is useful in treating patients who are easily agitated and anxious.

This means that there is nothing wrong with the drug ingredients.

After learning the result, Wanzhen felt as if she had been slapped in the face and was very unhappy.

The matter was later learned by Sergeant Chen who made fun of Wanzhen's childish behaviour.

"Hahaha...Detective Liang, you are so great! When people have holidays, they usually use them for fun and entertainment, but you use your precious holidays to investigate cases privately. It's amazing!" Dazhong teased Wanzhen.

"Hey, don't laugh at me. Although we can't find any results this time, we have discovered that there is indeed something unusual about the "Dalian Hospital". As long as we spend more time, we will definitely get to the bottom of it, and then we will know who is responsible. Who was wrong?" Wanzhen raised her eyebrows.

"Hey, you still want to investigate? But you know that if you use such a blind way to investigate the case if there is a problem in the hospital, the situation will be very dangerous; moreover, as long as the hospital complains to the police superiors about your inappropriate behaviour, it will be even more troublesome." Dazhong warned her.

"Although what you said is reasonable, the police have not conducted any investigation, so I have only this choice. Not only do I want to prove that my idea is correct, but I also hope to reduce the damage to innocent citizens." After hearing this, Wanzhen was shocked to realize the danger of action. However, with her perseverance, she soon forgot everything.

"Didn't I prove you were wrong now?" Dazhong glared at Wanzhen who was unrepentant.

"Oh... no... no, no clues can be found this time. It's just that they are lucky. I will succeed next time." Wanzhen shook her head.

"Do you want a next time? One failure is not enough? Do you want to destroy the reputation of the Hong Kong Police Force?" Dazhong reminded again.

"This...this......oh! You...don't understand me at all, you don't stand in my position, and I won't tell you any more!" Wanzhen was speechless after being refuted and left in anger.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, Wanzhen just wanted to continue investigating, so she went to find her cousin Ma Xinru, planning to go to Dalian Hospital to investigate again.

When we arrived at Tower 6 of Cheung Sha Wan Estate, it was already approaching dusk, and the surrounding environment was quiet, which made Wanzhen feel a little shuddering.

"Strange? Why am I always feeling uneasy right now? Could it be that... there is something wrong with my cousin?... No way?" When Wanzhen was riding in the elevator, an ominous omen suddenly appeared in her heart.

After the elevator door opened, Wanzhen hurried to the unit where Xinru lived.

"Huh? Why isn't the door locked...?" Wanzhen had already felt something was wrong before. When she saw this situation, she knew something was wrong, so she immediately opened the door and entered, searching for Xinru.

Wanzhen searched all over the house, but couldn't find Xinru, she became anxious.

Finally, after opening the bedroom door, Wanzhen saw Xinru sitting in front of the bed.

"Shh... Cousin, it's great to see you safe and sound. I thought you had... No, I won't say that. Why are you so careless? You didn't lock the door? It would be bad if a thief came in. "After finding Xinru, Wanzhen breathed a sigh of relief.

"..." Xinru seemed to turn a deaf ear to Wanzhen's words. She slowly climbed onto the bed with a dull expression and pushed open the large window door in the room...

"Cousin, you haven't had dinner yet. Why don't we go out for dinner together? There are some things I want to discuss with you!" Wanzhen wasn't aware of Xinru's strange behaviour.

Wanzhen talked to Xinru many times, but there was still no response. Wanzhen began to feel that something was wrong with Xinru.

"Eh? Cousin...what are you doing...? No...no..." After Xinru opened the window, she jumped out without saying a word. When Wanzhen saw this, she hurriedly rushed to stop her.

But... Xinru had already fallen out of the window, and Wanzhen could only hold on to one of her right hands in the critical moment.

"Cousin, why are you doing this? Hold my hand quickly and I will pull you up." Wanzhen shouted...but Xinru was struggling. The situation was extremely dangerous!

"Ah! I...I...How could this happen?... Help...Help...Help..." After a struggle, Xinru seemed to have regained consciousness...but she found herself in danger for no apparent reason, which frightened her.

The survival instinct emerged, and the struggle in the heart became more intense!

"Cousin... don't be afraid, hold on tightly and pull hard..." Wanzhen comforted loudly.

"Wanzhen...I'm scared...hurry...help me up, I...don't want to die...don't want to die..." Xinru flustered, struggled more and more, but couldn't climb up!

...After a moment, Wanzhen's hands began to feel weak...

"Cousin, my... hands are weak... you... have to climb up quickly..." Wanzhen was anxious and frightened.

"No...no...I can't climb up...quickly...find a way to save...save...me..." Xinru moved wildly, failing to cooperate with Wanzhen's rescue.

"Cousin...cousin, don't worry...I...will rescue you..." Wanzhen saw Xinru was in great danger, but seemed to have nothing to do and was so anxious!

However, even though Wanzhen exhausted all her strength, she was still unable to pull Xinru up. Instead, her hands became increasingly weak...

Finally... Wanzhen's hand let go due to exhaustion of strength!

"...Cousin...…………………………………………" Wanzhen shouted after letting go, but she could only watch Xinru fall downwards.

"...Wanzhen...help...help...help...me...ah..." The falling Xinru was still moving and struggling.


A loud noise broke the silence around.

"Cousin...cousin...cousin...cousin...wow..." Wanzhen was so frightened by this scene that she hurriedly ran downstairs!

When Xinru fell from the building, her body kept swinging and turning, causing his head to hit a canopy hard... causing his skull to burst and his brain to be smeared on the ground. Her death was very horrific!

"Wow!...!" Wanzhen rushed over and saw Xinru's horrific death state. She was so panicked that she immediately fainted!

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