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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2321932
You'd have to see it to believe it

"You aren’t going to believe this." Sally exclaimed, bursting into the house.

I rolled my eyes; Sally always had these wild tales to share after her escapades. "Alright, hit me with it. What's the latest unbelievable thing you've witnessed?"

"Well, I was driving along I-75, and out of nowhere, a white SUV flew across the road."

Nothing new there. "So you saw an accident?"

Sally shook her head. "You're not hearing me," she exclaimed, tossing her hands up for added effect.

"The car flew, as in went airborne, like a plane, crossing all eight lanes of traffic and missing every single car on the road. It was wild. I still can't believe what I just saw." She sat down on the chair across from me, shaking her head.

I tried my best to wrap my head around the ridiculousness of what she was telling me, but I couldn't do it. How could a vehicle go airborne, cross every lane, and miss everything? I-75 was a busy highway filled with semi-trailers. She had to be exaggerating.

"Maybe it just jumped across the lanes you were traveling on," I suggested.

"Ugh, you can be so infuriating, you know that?" Sally said, smacking her hands on the table.

We stared at one another for a long, quiet moment.

"I"ll bet you twenty dollars it made the news."

"You're on." Twenty dollars was twenty dollars, and I was happy to participate.

The next fifteen minutes were excruciating as we waited for the noon news to start.

Sally stood in front of the television, waiting.

"Video footage of a car going airborne across all lanes of I-75," the reporter announced.


I watched in horror as a white car flew across every lane.

"Thank God you're all right," I said, happy to lose twenty bucks.

WC: 300

Daily Flash Prompt: “You aren’t going to believe this.”
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