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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Experience · #2321577
All in a few minutes
“They ran around the corner to find that they had traveled back in time.”

Sumit put his newspaper down and looked straight at his son.

"Now listen, Anish - I agree you're very creative, but this is going a bit too far. Give me back my smartphone and get to your homework."

"Dad, you've got to listen. Their text is right here, see."

Sumit grunted, but held out his hand for the phone. "This is all squiggles and emojis."

"It's code that got scrambled because it came from the past," Anish insisted. "We've got to help them, Dad, we've got to."

"If it's got scrambled, how can you read it? Oh, why am I even asking that question? I don't want to have this conversation."

Anish saw his father disappear behind the newspaper again. He was in despair. What could a ten year old boy do by himself, to rescue a teenage brother and cousin who were asking for help from the past?

Just then, he heard the key turn in the front door. Mom was home from her meeting!

"Mom, Mom, listen ..."

"Not now, Anish, dear. Darling," she said, stepping quickly over to her husband. "We got the Biggest Order Ever!"

Anish watched his parents kiss each other to celebrate Mom's great business coup. "Now can we talk about Shyamal and Nikhil stuck in the past?"

"What?" his Mom said.

"Listen, son," his Dad admonished. "If you don't cut it out I'll have to get angry."

All right then, he'd help them by himself.

They'd run to the corner of Alexandria street and Castle Street. He would take his skateboard, to go faster. He left his Dad's mobile where his Dad would find it, picked up his skateboard and set off.

He got to Alexandria street. He counted the steps. He mounted his skateboard and went full tilt into Castle street, turning the corner on the way.

"And - who - are - you - and - what - do - you - want - here?"

Anish blinked.

As far as he could see, he was the only human being around. The street was full of robots. Robots walking, robots pushing baby robots in prams, robots walking robot doggies.

"OH!" Anish thought, instantly. "I've gone into the future! Maybe because I came on a skateboard!"

He looked at the robot who was speaking to him. "I'm looking for my brother and cousin," he said.

"Follow -- me --"

Not knowing what else to do, Anish followed the robot.

The robot led him to a pretty house with a lovely garden. The robot rang the doorbell and went away. Anish was left standing there.

The door opened.

Anish stared at the man who opened it. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Shyamal, as you very well know. What are you doing here at this hour? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but - "

"I am your brother, Anish. But - when did you grow up?"

"Long ago. I can't have a wife and two kids unless I'm grown up. Don't you remember your sister in law and nieces?"

"But - you sent a smartphone message to say you and Nikhil were stuck in the past, after having run from Alexandria street."

"Yes, bro, that was years ago. That adventure was one of the best we had, isn't it?"

"But - I've just come from there, from trying to rescue you by myself. Did I?"

"No, you didn't, though we heard you'd tried to. Don't you remember? The milkman's horse ran away with him and brought him to that corner and managed to get to the exact time and place where we were. They brought us back. You know all this."

"No, I don't, I just know ..."

"Anyway, what're we doing, standing here? Your nieces have been waiting for you to come over. They've gone for Yoga Class now, they'll be back in ten minutes. Come in and wait. Have some coffee."

Anish followed his brother in. There were photos in frames on the windowsill. There he, Anish himself, was, holding two baby girls. How'd he managed to do that? And there he was playing horsie and letting them ride on his back.

"Is that me? Have I grown up, then?"

"You have, look."

Anish gazed into the smartphone his brother held out. He had grown!

"Well, I'll be an uncle!" he muttered.
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